127 research outputs found

    Kontaktformer: hvem blir jeg som veileder nÄr motet svikter

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    Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i gestaltterapi, og Hostrups idé om at gestaltterapeuten skal bidra til at individet fÄr en positiv utvikling ved Ä bli oppmerksom pÄ den sammenheng som det er mellom klientens tanker og fÞlelser, og da skape innsikt hos klienten

    Helt fucking killercrazy. Integrerad sprÄkvÀxling i tre ungdomsromaner

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    Huvudsyftet med min avhandling Ă€r att undersöka i vilken mĂ„n och pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt författaren Jenny JĂ€gerfeld anvĂ€nt sig av integrerad sprĂ„kvĂ€xling för att ge sken av ett autentiskt ungdomssprĂ„k i sina tre ungdomsromaner. SprĂ„kvĂ€xling innebĂ€r att inslag pĂ„ andra sprĂ„k Ă€n huvudsprĂ„ket förekommer i romanerna, och de integrerade sprĂ„k-vĂ€xlingarna innehĂ„ller interaktion mellan tvĂ„ eller flera sprĂ„k. Av sĂ€rskilt intresse har integreringen pĂ„ ordnivĂ„ varit, eftersom romankaraktĂ€rerna anvĂ€nder sig av kreativa ordformer som old school-rullstol. Denna undersökning skiljer sig frĂ„n tidigare forskning om skönlitterĂ€r sprĂ„kvĂ€xling eftersom den inte berör minoritetslitteratur eller sprĂ„kliga minoriteter, utan fokuserar pĂ„ hur ungdomssprĂ„ket Ă„terges i ungdoms-litteraturen. Romanernas 837 sidor innehĂ„ller 339 integrerade sprĂ„kvĂ€xlingssekvenser pĂ„ sju olika sprĂ„k. Som stöd för min analys har jag anvĂ€nt mig av Eriksson och HaapamĂ€kis modell, i vilken man diskuterar form, funktion och kommunikativ kontext. För att identifiera sprĂ„kvĂ€xling har jag anvĂ€nt mig av Svenska Akademiens ordlista – de ord som denna ordlista inte tar upp Ă€r inte etablerade i svenskan och kan sĂ„ledes anses vara sprĂ„kvĂ€xlingar. Enligt denna princip har ord som popcorn och catwalk inte excerperats. SprĂ„kvĂ€xlingssekvenserna i romanerna har markerats genom förklaringar och typologiska markeringar och mer sĂ€llsynta översĂ€ttningar. Min undersökning visar dock att om en typologisk markör förekommer beror det oftare pĂ„ romanernas uppbyggnad Ă€n pĂ„ att det förekommer sprĂ„kvĂ€xling. Resultaten kan dock inte anses vara generaliserbara med tanke pĂ„ att materialet endast omfattar romaner av en och samma författare. DĂ€remot speglar de ett flersprĂ„kigt ungdomssprĂ„k, och ger en inblick i hur flersprĂ„kighet kan Ă„terges i litteratur.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Effekten av prÞvetreutvalg og beregningsmetoder pÄ nÞyaktighet og presisjon til volum, middelhÞyde og overhÞyde pÄ prÞveflatenivÄ

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    Rasjonell forvaltning av skogressursene bygger pĂ„ at vi har god og oppdatert informasjon om skogen. PĂ„ eiendomsnivĂ„ blir slik informasjon anskaffet gjennom skogbruksplantakster. Skogbruksplantakster blir i dag basert pĂ„ den arealbaserte metoden som kombinerer fjernmĂ„lte data og feltdata for Ă„ lage prediksjonsmodeller som beskriver de ulike biofysiske egenskapene til skogen. Feil i feltobserverte verdier for ulike skoglige parametere pĂ„ prĂžveflatenivĂ„ vil vĂŠre bestemmende for kvaliteten til prediksjonsmodellene som utvikles og anvendes i taksten. Det kan vĂŠre vanskelig Ă„ avgjĂžre hvilke feltprosedyrer og beregningsmetoder som vil gi best resultat uten at man utfĂžrer tester pĂ„ et materiale hvor fasiten er kjent. En unik kilde til slike data er hogstmaskindata sammen med enkelttreposisjoner, da slike data Ă„pner for analyser der man kan simulere ulike prĂžveflateutvalg, felt- og seleksjonsprosedyrer. FormĂ„let med denne studien var med utgangspunkt i hogstmaskindata med presise enkelttreposisjoner Ă„ simulere ulike strategier for prĂžvetreutvalg og antall prĂžvetrĂŠr for sĂ„ Ă„ etablere en metodikk som gir mest nĂžyaktig og presise estimater for overhĂžyde, middelhĂžyde og volum pĂ„ prĂžveflatenivĂ„. Predikering av hĂžyder pĂ„ trĂŠr uten hĂžydemĂ„linger ble basert pĂ„ tariffkubering og hĂžyder fra volumfunksjon og utvikling av lokale hĂžyde-diameter modeller (H-D) basert pĂ„ NĂ€slund funksjonen. Datamaterialet ble samlet inn i Hurdal og Etnedal kommune og besto av 183 701 trĂŠr, hovedsakelig gran med innslag av furu og lauvtreslag. PrĂžvetreutvalg med relaskop var etter resultatene fra denne studien den seleksjonsprosedyren som ga mest presise og nĂžyaktige prediksjoner. For middelhĂžyde ble det oppnĂ„dd en nĂžyaktighet og presisjon pĂ„ 3.7 cm (MD) og 2.2 cm (SE). For overhĂžyde ble det tilsvarende oppnĂ„dd en nĂžyaktighet pĂ„ 19.2 cm (MD) og presisjon pĂ„ 6.0 cm (SE). For volum ble det oppnĂ„dd en nĂžyaktighet og presisjon pĂ„ 0.004 m3 og 0.012 m3 . Tilfeldige og systematiske feil ble i stor grad pĂ„virket av antall prĂžvetrĂŠr, hvor effekten av Ăžkt antall prĂžvetrĂŠr var mest tydelig for hĂžydeprediksjoner fra H-D modellene. For tariffkubering og bruk av sĂ„kalte «baklengshĂžyder» fra volumfunksjon var det mindre effekt av Ăžkt antall prĂžvetrĂŠr.In forest management, we require reliable and updated information that describes the forest resources to make rational management decisions. Operational forest inventories are carried out to make such information available, whereastoday these are usually conducted according to an area-based approach that utilizes remotely sensed data combined with field data. Prediction models derived from the relationship between the remotely sensed data and field data are then used to predict various biophysical properties of the forest. Errors in fieldobserved values for various forest parameters will therefore determine the quality of the prediction models used in the inventory. It can be difficult to determine which field procedure and calculation methods yields the best results without performing tests on a material where the results are known. Harvester data with accurate single-tree positions is a unique source of such data, as it makes analyses where one can simulate different field procedures possible. The purpose of this study was by using harvester data with accurate singletree positions to simulate different selection strategies and number of sample trees, and then to establish which methodology provides the most precise and accurate estimates for dominant height, Lorey’s mean height, and volume at the sample plot level. Prediction of heights for trees without height measurements was based on tariffkubering and heights derived from reversing the volume function and development of local height-diameter models (H-D) based on the NĂ€slund function. The data used in this study consisted of 183 701 trees collected in Hurdal and Etnedal municipality and mainly comprised of Norway spruce, with some pine and deciduous trees. The results from this study suggest that sample trees should be selected with relaskop, where the inclusion probability of a tree is proportional to its size. For Lorey’s mean height an accuracy and precision of 3.7 cm (MD) and 2.2 cm (SE) were achieved at the plot level. For dominant height, accuracy and precision of 19.2 cm and 6.0 cm were achieved. For volume at the plot level, accuracy and precision of 0.004 m3 and 0.012 m3 were achieved. Random and systematic errors were affected by the number of sample trees, where the effect of an increased number of sample trees was most evident for height predictions from the H-D models. There was less effect of an increased number of sample trees for tariffkubering and the use of so-called «backward heights» from volume functions.M-S

    Norsk presse - politisk forankret for alltid? : En studie av fem avisers valgkampsdekning i 2011

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    Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg fem norske avisers dekning av valgkampen ved kommune- og fylkestingsvalget i 2011. Disse fem er Aftenposten, Dagsavisen, Klassekampen, Nordlys og iTromsÞ. Avisene er valgt ut pÄ grunn av deres tidligere politiske stÄsted, og fordi de i dag er konkurrenter med tanke pÄ lokalisering og stÞrrelse. FormÄlet med oppgaven er Ä belyse likheter og ulikheter i avisene og deres dekning av de enkelte partiene, og Ä se dekningen i forhold til deres tidligere partitilhÞrighet og pressens samfunnsoppdrag i dag. For Ä finne ut dette brukes kvantitativ innholdsanalyse og kvalitative intervjuer med ansatte i tre av avisene. Den kvantitative innholdsanalysen bidrar med Ä vise hvordan dekningen av valgkampen var, mens de kvalitative intervjuene bidrar til Ä forstÄ hva redaksjonene selv mener er deres samfunnsansvar og hvordan de mente de hadde dekket valgkampen. Politisk kommunikasjon som forskningsfelt danner grunnlaget for de teoretiske perspektivene. Medialiseringen av politikken, normativ medieteori og medienes rolle i valgkampen gir teoretisk grunnlag for Ä kunne si noe om endringene i samfunnsoppdraget og hvilke fÞlger disse har fÄtt for demokratiet

    Predicting Tacrolimus Exposure in Kidney Transplanted Patients Using Machine Learning

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    Tacrolimus is one of the cornerstone immunosup-pressive drugs in most transplantation centers worldwide following solid organ transplantation. Therapeutic drug monitoring of tacrolimus is necessary in order to avoid rejection of the transplanted organ or severe side effects. However, finding the right dose for a given patient is challenging, even for experienced clinicians. Consequently, a tool that can accurately estimate the drug exposure for individual dose adaptions would be of high clinical value. In this work, we propose a new technique using machine learning to estimate the tacrolimus exposure in kidney transplant recipients. Our models achieve predictive errors that are at the same level as an established population pharmacokinetic model, but are faster to develop and require less knowledge about the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug

    Efficacy of mobilisation with movement in chronic shoulder pain: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials

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    Introduction Shoulder pain affects approximately one in four adults and is thus one of the most common musculoskeletal problems. Only 50% of patients who begin treatment for shoulder pain are cured within 6 months. There is a need for systematic reviews to estimate the effectiveness of shoulder treatments. We decided to evaluate the effect of mobilisation with movement (MWM) on chronic shoulder pain in a systematic review. Methods and analysis The review will include controlled trial articles identified via five electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Physiotherapy Evidence Database and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials), reference lists, citations searches and experts in the field. Only controlled trials involving participants with a mean duration of pain of ≄3 months, in which the effectiveness of MWM has been compared with non-invasive treatments, sham mobilisation or wait-and-see will be included. The included trials will be synthesised with random effects meta-analyses. Risk-of-bias will be assessed with the Physiotherapy Evidence Database 0–10 point scale. Ethics and dissemination The review does not require ethics approval as it is based on anonymised data from trial reports. The results of the review will be disseminated through a peer-reviewed publication.publishedVersio

    Usefulness of Heat Map Explanations for Deep-Learning-Based Electrocardiogram Analysis

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    Deep neural networks are complex machine learning models that have shown promising results in analyzing high-dimensional data such as those collected from medical examinations. Such models have the potential to provide fast and accurate medical diagnoses. However, the high complexity makes deep neural networks and their predictions difficult to understand. Providing model explanations can be a way of increasing the understanding of “black box” models and building trust. In this work, we applied transfer learning to develop a deep neural network to predict sex from electrocardiograms. Using the visual explanation method Grad-CAM, heat maps were generated from the model in order to understand how it makes predictions. To evaluate the usefulness of the heat maps and determine if the heat maps identified electrocardiogram features that could be recognized to discriminate sex, medical doctors provided feedback. Based on the feedback, we concluded that, in our setting, this mode of explainable artificial intelligence does not provide meaningful information to medical doctors and is not useful in the clinic. Our results indicate that improved explanation techniques that are tailored to medical data should be developed before deep neural networks can be applied in the clinic for diagnostic purposes

    Localized prostate cancer in Norway, the United States, and Spain: between-country differences of variables before treatment among patients eligible for curative treatment

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    Between-country differences in medical and sociodemographic variables, and patient-related outcomes (PROs) before treatment might explain published variations of side effects after radical prostatecomy (RP) or radiotherapy (RAD) for prostate cancer (PCa). This hypothesis was tested among 1908 patients from the United States, Spain, and Norway. Significant between-country differences were observed for most factors investigated before treatment. The observations should be considered in comparison of the frequency and severity of internationally published studies. Background: In men with PCa, large variations of PROs after RP or high-dose RAD might be related to betweencountry differences of medical and sociodemographic variables, and differences in PROs before treatment in the sexual and urinary domains. Patients and Methods: In 1908 patients with localized PCa from Norway, the United States, or Spain, the relation between medical (prostate-specific antigen, Gleason score, cT-category) and sociodemographic variables (age, education, marital status) before treatment was investigated. Using the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite questionnaire, PROs before treatment within the sexual and urinary domains were also considered. Results: Compared with the European patients, American patients were younger, fewer had comorbid conditions, and more had a high education level. Fifty-three percent of the US men eligible for RP had low-risk tumors compared with 42% and 31% among the Norwegian and the Spanish patients, respectively. Among the Spanish RAD patients, 54% had had low-risk tumors compared with 34% of the American and 21% of the Norwegian men planned for RAD, respectively. Compared with the European patients, significantly fewer US patients reported moderate or severe sexual dysfunction and related problems. In most subgroups, the number of patients with sexual or urinary dysfunction exceeded that of patients with bother related to the reported dysfunction. Conclusion: Statistically significant between-country differences were observed in medical and sociodemographic variables, and in PROs before treatment within the sexual and urinary domains. Large differences between reported dysfunction and related problems within the sexual and urinary domains indicate that dysfunction and bother should be reported separately in addition to calculation of summary scores. The documented differences, not at least regarding PROs, might in part explain the large variation of side effects after treatment evident in the medical literatur
