1,498 research outputs found

    K-shell x-ray spectroscopy of atomic nitrogen

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    Absolute {\it K}-shell photoionization cross sections for atomic nitrogen have been obtained from both experiment and state-of-the-art theoretical techniques. Due to the difficulty of creating a target of neutral atomic nitrogen, no high-resolution {\it K}-edge spectroscopy measurements have been reported for this important atom. Interplay between theory and experiment enabled identification and characterization of the strong 1s1s \rightarrow npnp resonance features throughout the threshold region. An experimental value of 409.64 ±\pm 0.02 eV was determined for the {\it K}-shell binding energy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 graphs, 1 tabl

    Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering of Methyl Chloride at the Chlorine K Edge

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of isolated CH3Cl molecules using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). The high-resolution spectra allow extraction of information about nuclear dynamics in the core-excited molecule. Polarization-resolved RIXS spectra exhibit linear dichroism in the spin-orbit intensities, a result interpreted as due to chemical environment and singlet-triplet exchange in the molecular core levels. From analysis of the polarization-resolved data, Cl 2px, y and 2pz electronic populations can be determined

    Holographic analysis of diffraction structure factors

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    We combine the theory of inside-source/inside-detector x-ray fluorescence holography and Kossel lines/x ray standing waves in kinematic approximation to directly obtain the phases of the diffraction structure factors. The influence of Kossel lines and standing waves on holography is also discussed. We obtain partial phase determination from experimental data obtaining the sign of the real part of the structure factor for several reciprocal lattice vectors of a vanadium crystal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Thomson-resonant Interference Effects in Elastic X-ray Scattering Near the Cl K Edge of HCl

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    We experimentally observed interference effects in elastic x-ray scattering from gas-phase HCl in the vicinity of the Cl K edge. Comparison to theory identifies these effects as interference effects between non-resonant elastic Thomson scattering and resonant Raman scattering. The results indicate the non-resonant Thomson and resonant Raman contributions are of comparable strength. The measurements also exhibit strong polarization dependence, allowing an easy identification of the resonant and non-resonant contributions

    Probing the Early Evolution of Young High-Mass Stars

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    Near-infrared imaging surveys of high-mass star-forming regions reveal an amazingly complex interplay between star formation and the environment (Churchwell et al. 2006; Alvarez et al. 2004). By means of near-IR spectroscopy the embedded massive young stars can be characterized and placed in the context of their birth site. However, so far spectroscopic surveys have been hopelessly incomplete, hampering any systematic study of these very young massive stars. New integral field instrumentation available at ESO has opened the possibility to take a huge step forward by obtaining a full spectral inventory of the youngest massive stellar populations in star-forming regions currently accessible. Simultaneously, the analysis of the extended emission allows the characterization of the environmental conditions. The Formation and Early Evolution of Massive Stars (FEMS) collaboration aims at setting up a large observing campaign to obtain a full census of the stellar content, ionized material, outflows and PDR's over a sample of regions that covers a large parameter space. Complementary radio, mm and infrared observations will be used for the characterization of the deeply embedded population. For the first eight regions we have obtained 40 hours of SINFONI observations. In this contribution, we present the first results on three regions that illustrate the potential of this strategy.Comment: To appear in ASP Conf. Proceedings of "Massive Star Formation: Observations confront Theory", H. Beuther et al. (eds.), held in Heidelberg, September 200

    Anionic Photofragmentation of CO: A Selective Probe of Core-Level Resonances

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    Anion-yield spectroscopy using x rays is shown to be a selective probe of molecular core-level processes, providing unique experimental verification of shape resonances. For CO, partial anion and cation yields are presented for photon energies near the C K edge. The O- yield exhibits features above threshold related only to doubly excited states, in contrast to cation yields which also exhibit pronounced structure due to the well-known σ* shape resonance. Because the shape resonance is completely suppressed for O-, anion spectroscopy thus constitutes a highly selective probe, yielding information unobtainable with absorption or electron spectroscopy

    Radial distribution of dilated intercellular spaces of the esophageal squamous epithelium in patients with reflux disease exhibiting discrete endoscopic lesions

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    Introduction: Dilatation of intercellular spaces of the esophageal squamous epithelium has been suggested as a marker of early acid reflux-induced damage. This change is a potentially useful addition to histomorphological changes that represent so called minimal endoscopic lesions. We have assessed dilatation of intercellular spaces with regard to: (1) interobserver variability, and (2) whether the incidence of this varies between 'red streaks' and the adjacent normal looking squamous epithelium. Methods: Esophageal biopsies from 44 patients with chronic gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) were evaluated. At endoscopy, these patients had one or more red streaks on the tops of the mucosal folds in the distal esophagus. Biopsies were taken from the red streaks and from the normal-appearing mucosa 1 cm lateral to the red streaks. Biopsies were assessed in a blinded fashion by two independent pathologists (MV & RF). Criteria for assessing intercellular space dilatation were evaluated and agreed on prior to the study. Results: Good interobserver agreement was recorded (kappa = 0.82 at the streaks and 0.77 for the control tissues) for absence/presence of intercellular space dilatation. Red streak and control biopsies differed significantly (p = 0.0001), with respect to presence of dilated intercellular spaces, with 90.5 % of the former demonstrating this as present compared to 56.1% in the controls. Conclusion: This study supports the concept that esophageal mucosal minimal changes due to reflux is localised and that dilatation of intercellular spaces is an early sign of reflux-induced epithelial damage. The low interobserver variability in the assessment of intercellular space dilatation suggests that this may be a useful variable for assessment of early signs of acid-reflux induced damage to the squamous epithelium of the esophagus by use of light microscopy. Copyrigh

    The Quintuplet Cluster III. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and cluster age

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    The Quintuplet, one of three massive stellar clusters in the Galactic center, is located about 30pc in projection from Sagittarius A*. Based on near-infrared K-band spectra we determine temperatures and luminosities for all stars in our sample and construct the Herztsprung-Russell diagram. We find two distinct groups: early-type OB stars and late-type KM stars, well separated from each other. By comparison with Geneva stellar evolution models we derive initial masses exceeding 8 solar masses for the OB stars, that are located along an isochrone corresponding to a cluster age of about 4 million years. In addition, we derive number ratios (e. g. N_WR/N_O) and compare them with predictions of population synthesis models. We find that an instantaneous burst of star formation at about 3.3 to 3.6\,Myr ago is the most likely scenario to form the Quintuplet cluster. The late-type stars in the sample are red giant branch (RGB) stars or red supergiants (RSGs) according to their spectral signatures. It is discussed if they could physically belong to the Quintuplet cluster. Furthermore, we apply a mass-luminosity relation to construct the initial mass function (IMF) of the cluster. We find indications for a slightly top-heavy IMF.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    VLT/SPHERE deep insight of NGC 3603's core: Segregation or confusion?

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    We present new near-infrared photometric measurements of the core of the young massive cluster NGC 3603 obtained with extreme adaptive optics. The data were obtained with the SPHERE instrument mounted on ESO Very Large Telescope, and cover three fields in the core of this cluster. We applied a correction for the effect of extinction to our data obtained in the J and K broadband filters and estimated the mass of detected sources inside the field of view of SPHERE/IRDIS, which is 13.5"x13.5". We derived the mass function (MF) slope for each spectral band and field. The MF slope in the core is unusual compared to previous results based on Hubble space telescope (HST) and very large telescope (VLT) observations. The average slope in the core is estimated as -1.06^{+0.26}_{-0.26} for the main sequence stars with 3.5 Msun < M < 120 Msun.Thanks to the SPHERE extreme adaptive optics, 814 low-mass stars were detected to estimate the MF slope for the pre-main sequence stars with 0.6 Msun< M < 3.5 Msun , Gamma = -0.54^{+0.11}_{-0.11} in the K-band images in two fields in the core of the cluster. For the first time, we derive the mass function of the very core of the NGC 3603 young cluster for masses in the range 0.6 - 120 Msun. Previous studies were either limited by crowding, lack of dynamic range, or a combination of both