121 research outputs found

    MAGUKs, scaffolding proteins at cell junctions, are substrates of different proteases during apoptosis

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    A major feature of apoptotic cell death is gross structural changes, one of which is the loss of cell–cell contacts. The caspases, executioners of apoptosis, were shown to cleave several proteins involved in the formation of cell junctions. The membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs), which are typically associated with cell junctions, have a major role in the organization of protein–protein complexes at plasma membranes and are therefore potentially important caspase targets during apoptosis. We report here that MAGUKs are cleaved and/or degraded by executioner caspases, granzyme B and several cysteine cathepsins in vitro. When apoptosis was induced by UV-irradiation and staurosporine in different epithelial cell lines, caspases were found to efficiently cleave MAGUKs in these cell models, as the cleavages could be prevented by a pan-caspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp(OMe)fluoromethylketone. Using a selective lysosomal disrupting agent -leucyl--leucine methyl ester, which induces apoptosis through the lysosomal pathway, it was further shown that MAGUKs are also cleaved by the cathepsins in HaCaT and CaCo-2 cells. Immunohistological data showed rapid loss of MAGUKs at the sites of cell–cell contacts, preceding actual cell detachment, suggesting that cleavage of MAGUKs is an important step in fast and efficient cell detachment

    A programmed cell death pathway in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum has general features of mammalian apoptosis but is mediated by clan CA cysteine proteases

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    Several recent discoveries of the hallmark features of programmed cell death (PCD) in Plasmodium falciparum have presented the possibility of revealing novel targets for antimalarial therapy. Using a combination of cell-based assays, flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, we detected features including mitochondrial dysregulation, activation of cysteine proteases and in situ DNA fragmentation in parasites induced with chloroquine (CQ) and staurosporine (ST). The use of the pan-caspase inhibitor, z-Val-Ala-Asp-fmk (zVAD), and the mitochondria outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) inhibitor, 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen, enabled the characterization of a novel CQ-induced pathway linking cysteine protease activation to downstream mitochondrial dysregulation, amplified protease activity and DNA fragmentation. The PCD features were observed only at high (μM) concentrations of CQ. The use of a new synthetic coumarin-labeled chloroquine (CM-CQ) showed that these features may be associated with concentration-dependent differences in drug localization. By further using cysteine protease inhibitors z-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-fmk (zDEVD), z-Phe-Ala-fmk (zFA), z-Phe-Phe-fmk (zFF), z-Leu-Leu-Leu-fmk (zLLL), E64d and CA-074, we were able to implicate clan CA cysteine proteases in CQ-mediated PCD. Finally, CQ induction of two CQ-resistant parasite strains, 7G8 and K1, reveals the existence of PCD features in these parasites, the extent of which was less than 3D7. The use of the chemoreversal agent verapamil implicates the parasite digestive vacuole in mediating CQ-induced PCD

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in several porcine cathepsin genes are associated with growth, carcass, and production traits in Italian Large White pigs

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    To identify DNA markers associated with performance, carcass, and meat production traits including muscle postmortem cathepsin activity, sev- eral porcine genes encoding for lysosomal proteinases (cathepsin B, CTSB; cathepsin D, CTSD; cathepsin F, CTSF; cathepsin H, CTSH; cathepsin L, CTSL; and cathepsin Z, CTSZ) and for a cathepsin inhibitor (cys- tatin B) were investigated. Single nucleotide polymor- phisms were identified in CTSD, CTSH, CTSL, and CTSZ genes with a combination of in silico expressed sequence tag database mining and single-strand confor- mation polymorphism analysis. Sequencing and PCR- RFLP protocols were used to validate the identified polymorphisms. Allele frequencies at these loci were investigated in Italian Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Pietrain, Belgian Landrace, Hampshire, and Meishan breeds. Genotyping CTSD and CTSH markers made it possible to genetically map these genes to SSC 2 and 7, respectively. Markers in CTSD, CTSH, CTSL, and CTSZ genes, together with mutations we previously re- ported in cystatin B, CTSB, and CTSF genes, were genotyped in an Italian Large White sib-tested popu- lation (272 or 482 animals). For these animals, meat quality traits (cathepsin B activity, pH measured at 2 h postmortem, pH measured at 24 h postmortem, glyco- gen, lactate, and glycolytic potential of semimembrano- sus muscle) and EBV for ADG, lean cuts (LC), backfat thickness (BFT), ham weight (HW), and feed:gain ra- tio (FGR) were determined. Analyzed markers did not show any association with muscle cathepsin B activity. Thus, it could be possible that different genes, other than these investigated candidates, affect this trait, which is correlated with the excessive softness defect of dry-cured hams. The results of association analysis confirmed the effects we already reported in another study for CTSF on ADG (P = 0.008), LC (P = 0.001), and BFT (P = 0.02). Moreover, CTSD was associated with ADG, LC (P < 0.0001), BFT, HW, and FGR (P < 0.001); CTSH was associated with FGR (P = 0.026); and CTSZ was associated with ADG (P = 0.006), LC (P = 0.01), HW (P = 0.024), and FGR (P = 0.029). The biochemical and physiological functions of the lys- osomal proteinases, together with the results obtained in our investigation, suggest that the cathepsin gene family might play important roles affecting economic traits in pigs

    Cystatin C Deficiency Promotes Epidermal Dysplasia in K14-HPV16 Transgenic Mice

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    Cysteine protease cathepsins are important in extracellular matrix protein degradation, cell apoptosis, and angiogenesis. Mice lacking cathepsins are protected from tumor progression in several animal models, suggesting that the regulation of cathepsin activities controls the growth of various malignant tumors.We tested the role of cathepsins using a mouse model of multistage epithelial carcinogenesis, in which the human keratin-14 promoter/enhancer drove the expression of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) early region E6/E7 transgenes. During the progression of premalignant dysplasia, we observed increased expression of cysteine protease cathepsin S, but concomitantly reduced expression of cathepsin endogenous inhibitor cystatin C in the skin tissue extract. Absence of cystatin C in these transgenic mice resulted in more progression of dysplasia to carcinoma in situ on the face, ear, chest, and tail. Chest and ear skin extract real time PCR and immunoblot analysis, mouse serum sample ELISA, tissue immunohistological analysis, and tissue extract-mediated in vitro elastinolysis and collagenolysis assays demonstrated that cystatin C deficiency significantly increased cathepsin expression and activity. In skin from both the chest and ear, we found that the absence of cystatin C reduced epithelial cell apoptosis but increased proliferation. From the same tissue preparations, we detected significantly higher levels of pro-angiogenic laminin 5-derived γ2 peptides and concurrently increased neovascularization in cystatin C-deficient mice, compared to those from wild-type control mice.Enhanced cathepsin expression and activity in cystatin C-deficient mice contributed to the progression of dysplasia by altering premalignant tissue epithelial proliferation, apoptosis, and neovascularization

    Dysregulation of Macrophage-Secreted Cathepsin B Contributes to HIV-1-Linked Neuronal Apoptosis

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    Chronic HIV infection leads to the development of cognitive impairments, designated as HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). The secretion of soluble neurotoxic factors by HIV-infected macrophages plays a central role in the neuronal dysfunction and cell death associated with HAND. One potentially neurotoxic protein secreted by HIV-1 infected macrophages is cathepsin B. To explore the potential role of cathepsin B in neuronal cell death after HIV infection, we cultured HIV-1ADA infected human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) and assayed them for expression and activity of cathepsin B and its inhibitors, cystatins B and C. The neurotoxic activity of the secreted cathepsin B was determined by incubating cells from the neuronal cell line SK-N-SH with MDM conditioned media (MCM) from HIV-1 infected cultures. We found that HIV-1 infected MDM secreted significantly higher levels of cathepsin B than did uninfected cells. Moreover, the activity of secreted cathepsin B was significantly increased in HIV-infected MDM at the peak of viral production. Incubation of neuronal cells with supernatants from HIV-infected MDM resulted in a significant increase in the numbers of apoptotic neurons, and this increase was reversed by the addition of either the cathepsin B inhibitor CA-074 or a monoclonal antibody to cathepsin B. In situ proximity ligation assays indicated that the increased neurotoxic activity of the cathepsin B secreted by HIV-infected MDM resulted from decreased interactions between the enzyme and its inhibitors, cystatins B and C. Furthermore, preliminary in vivo studies of human post-mortem brain tissue suggested an upregulation of cathepsin B immunoreactivity in the hippocampus and basal ganglia in individuals with HAND. Our results demonstrate that HIV-1 infection upregulates cathepsin B in macrophages, increases cathepsin B activity, and reduces cystatin-cathepsin interactions, contributing to neuronal apoptosis. These findings provide new evidence for the role of cathepsin B in neuronal cell death induced by HIV-infected macrophages

    Bid Regulates the Pathogenesis of Neurotropic Reovirus

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    Reovirus infection leads to apoptosis in both cultured cells and the murine central nervous system (CNS). NF-κB-driven transcription of proapoptotic cellular genes is required for the effector phase of the apoptotic response. Although both extrinsic death-receptor signaling pathways and intrinsic pathways involving mitochondrial injury are implicated in reovirus-induced apoptosis, mechanisms by which either of these pathways are activated and their relationship to NF-κB signaling following reovirus infection are unknown. The proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member, Bid, is activated by proteolytic cleavage following reovirus infection. To understand how reovirus integrates host signaling circuits to induce apoptosis, we examined proapoptotic signaling following infection of Bid-deficient cells. Although reovirus growth was not affected by the absence of Bid, cells lacking Bid failed to undergo apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that NF-κB activation is required for Bid cleavage and subsequent proapoptotic signaling. To examine the functional significance of Bid-dependent apoptosis in reovirus disease, we monitored fatal encephalitis caused by reovirus in the presence and absence of Bid. Survival of Bid-deficient mice was significantly enhanced in comparison to wild-type mice following either peroral or intracranial inoculation of reovirus. Decreased reovirus virulence in Bid-null mice was accompanied by a reduction in viral yield. These findings define a role for NF-κB-dependent cleavage of Bid in the cell death program initiated by viral infection and link Bid to viral virulence

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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