165 research outputs found

    Compressed sensing of monostatic and multistatic SAR

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    In this paper we study the impact of sparse aperture data collection of a SAR sensor on reconstruction quality of a scene of interest. Different mono and multi-static SAR measurement configurations produce different Fourier sampling patterns. These patterns reflect different spectral and spatial diversity trade-offs that must be made during task planning. Compressed sensing theory argues that the mutual coherence of the measurement probes is related to the reconstruction performance of sparse domains. With this motivation we compare the mutual coherence and corresponding reconstruction behavior of various mono-static and ultra-narrow band multi-static configurations, which trade-off frequency for geometric diversity. We investigate if such simple metrics are related to SAR reconstruction quality in an obvious way

    Compressed sensing of monostatic and multistatic SAR

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    In this letter, we study the impact of compressed data collections from a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor on the reconstruction quality of a scene of interest. Different monostatic and multistatic SAR measurement configurations produce different Fourier sampling patterns. These patterns reflect different spectral and spatial diversity tradeoffs that must be made during task planning. Compressed sensing theory argues that the mutual coherence of the measurement probes is related to the reconstruction performance of sparse domains. With this motivation, we propose a closely related t%-average mutual coherence parameter as a sensing configuration quality parameter and examine its relationship to the reconstruction behavior of various monostatic and ultranarrow-band multistatic configurations. We investigate how this easily computed metric is related to SAR reconstruction quality

    Joint space aspect reconstruction of wide-angle SAR exploiting sparsity

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for wide-angle synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation. Reconstruction of wide-angle SAR holds a promise of higher resolution and better information about a scene, but it also poses a number of challenges when compared to the traditional narrow-angle SAR. Most prominently, the isotropic point scattering model is no longer valid. We present an algorithm capable of producing high resolution reflectivity maps in both space and aspect, thus accounting for the anisotropic scattering behavior of targets. We pose the problem as a non-parametric three-dimensional inversion problem, with two constraints: magnitudes of the backscattered power are highly correlated across closely spaced look angles and the backscattered power originates from a small set of point scatterers. This approach considers jointly all scatterers in the scene across all azimuths, and exploits the sparsity of the underlying scattering field. We implement the algorithm and present reconstruction results on realistic data obtained from the XPatch Backhoe dataset

    Imaging of moving targets with multi-static SAR using an overcomplete dictionary

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    This paper presents a method for imaging of moving targets using multi-static SAR by treating the problem as one of spatial reflectivity signal inversion over an overcomplete dictionary of target velocities. Since SAR sensor returns can be related to the spatial frequency domain projections of the scattering field, we exploit insights from compressed sensing theory to show that moving targets can be effectively imaged with transmitters and receivers randomly dispersed in a multi-static geometry within a narrow forward cone around the scene of interest. Existing approaches to dealing with moving targets in SAR solve a coupled non-linear problem of target scattering and motion estimation typically through matched filtering. In contrast, by using an overcomplete dictionary approach we effectively linearize the forward model and solve the moving target problem as a larger, unified regularized inversion problem subject to sparsity constraints.Comment: This work has been submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Special Issue on MIMO Radar and Its Applications) for possible publicatio

    Meliorism and excess aesthetics

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    Meliorist pragmatism (or perfectionistic pragmatism), defended by Richard Shusterman, is a view in which ethical and political dimensions are intertwined with epistemological dimensions (Mathias Girel). Experience, the main issue in Shusterman’s aesthetics, which is focused on the body, is of great importance in the aesthetics of the digital era as well. The body has become significant again not just as a subject that affects our experience, but also as a subject-object that is particularly important when it comes to receiving messages from various digital forms and popular programs such as film, video games, selfies, social media etc. In this paper, the author begins with the thesis that the aesthetics of the digital era amounts to the aesthetics of excess (Gilles Lipovetsky), which is superficial and based on stimuli and external impressions. By considering the body indispensable from the aesthetic experience, and accepting the thesis of meliorism, it seems that the aesthetics of excess could be socially desirable, especially if we invoke Shusterman’s third argument for the aesthetics of popular culture, according to which entertainment plays a positive role in human life. However, in this paper it is argued that the above-mentioned aesthetic theory faces some other problems related with loneliness, emptiness, and passivity

    Morfološki deformiteti usnog aparata roda chironomus (diptera: chironomidae) izazvani teškim metalima

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    U slatkovodnim ekosistemima larve Chironomidae su izložene svim prisutnim toksičnim materijama u vodi i sedimentu i kao takve mogu se koristiti kao idealni biotest organizmi. Kod larvi hironomida često se razvijaju deformacije usnih delova, posebno mentuma, za koje se pretpostavlja da su uglavnom prouzrokovani neorganskim hemikalijama. Kod gajenih hironomida (Chironomus) na sedimentu iz šaranskog ribnjaka utvrđen je stepen i tip deformiteta u zavisnosti od koncentracije i tipa teških metala. Larve Chironomus-a (prikupljene iz Jelenačkog potoka) bile su izložene olovo (II) acetat-3 hidratu i bakar (II) sulfat-pentahidratu u koncentracijama 30, 120 i 200 µg/g suve mase sedimenta. Za procenu stepena deformiteta korišćen je indeks toksičnosti TSI po Lenatu. Kod larvi Chironomus-a, izloženih olovu primećen je porast učestalosti deformiteta sa povećanjem koncentracija i to najčešće deformitet medijalno-lateralnih zuba, koji su kraći, i nedostatak zuba. Larve Chironomus-a izložene bakru pokazuju pad stope deformiteta od najniže ka najvišoj koncentarciji, a najčešći tipovi deformiteta su kraći i podeljeni medijalni zubi i kraći medijalno-lateralni zubi


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    Newspaper photographs, visual text that speaks more powerfully than written text, have been unfairly neglected in theory and practice by media scholars and professionals. The author’s starting point is the assumption that the image itself is a powerful medium in which people openly and naively believe under the slogan ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Its role in Serbian printed media is regulated by the decrees of the Journalism Code of Ethics in Serbia. Although the instructions are clear, they have been routinely violated in practice. The modern, digital age has brought the opportunity for photographs to be easily downloaded from the internet, while the programs for image manipulation have become more powerful, more accessible and easier to use. These opportunities represent a threat to the status that news, documentary photography has. The ethics of news photography is particularly important because the visual elements represent something the audience notices first and are therefore crucial for whether and how the written word is going to be adopted. Therefore, the participant of the study is the ethics of photography in print media in Serbia. In the analysis of three daily newspapers (Politika, Blic, Kurir), from May 12 to 14, 2014, without add-ons and program guides, the semiotic method was used, as well as the method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of all the published photographs, except advertising. The authors evaluated the ethics of photography in comparison to the Journalism Code of Ethics in Serbia. The aim was to determine to what extent there is a violation of any of the decrees relating photography. The hypotheses on which the study is based on: ethical violations can be found in all the papers, mostly in the tabloids, the least in the serious press. The most common violations are failing to emphasize the nature or the author of the illustrative photograph. There are more serious violations such as disrespect for the presumption of innocence and the right to privacy. Nonetheless, there are more ethical violations on the front page than within the newspaper.Key words:   Newspaper photograph/photography, print media, manipulation, ethics, The Journalist's Code of Serbia

    Hematological Parameters in Cows in Early Lactation Treated with Ketoprofen and their Relationship with Lipid Mobilization and Ketogenesis

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    Background: Dairy cows are exposed to numerous hematological and biochemical changes, what is bringing cows into the state of increased metabolic activity and physiological adaptations. These adaptive processes have resulted in increased lipid mobilization and ketogenesis with increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). As a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ketoprofen produces anti-inflammatory effects. The main objective of the present study was to found relationship between hematological parameters and ketoprofen administration and high lipid mobilization and ketogenesis in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving.Materials, Methods & Results: Ketoprofen was used (3 mg/kg body weight) intramuscularly for three consecutive days post-partum on 15 cows of Holstein-Friesian breed. Cows of the control group (n = 15) were not treated with ketoprofen. Blood samples were collected at the day of calving, in the first and in the second week after parturition from the coccygeal vein of the both groups. Hematological parameters (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, neutrophils, lymphocytes and mean platelet volume) were determined on the automatic hematological counter. Metabolic parameters (NEFA, BHB) were determined by standard colorimetric kits using a semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer. Student’s t-test was used to determine the influence of the application of ketoprofen to the hematological parameters. The data analysis was performed using SPSS, version 19.0, software package for Microsoft Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The results of comparison with (P < 0.05) were considered to represent statistically significant differences. Difference in correlation test between NEFA and BHB and other blood parameters in experimental and control group of cows were determined by the Fischer r-to-z transformation. The research results show that there was a increased red blood cell count and a higher concentration of hemoglobin (P < 0.05), fewer neutrophils (P < 0.01), lower number of lymphocytes (P < 0.01) and fewer mean platelet volume in cows that received ketoprofen after calving than those of the control. Determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The correlation coefficients were significantly lower in the experimental group of cows. The intensity of the connection between hematological parameters and value of NEFA and BHB decreases.Discussion: It is well known that dairy cows with excessive adiposity manifest a low-grade inflammation and that elevated NEFA concentrations present positive risk factors for many proinflammatory diseases. Analyzing the results in this examination, it has been noticed that the increase of NEFA and BHB after calving were significantly lower in group of cows treated with ketoprofen. Also, determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The intensity of these connection decreases in ketoprofen treated cows. In current study, in cows treated with ketoprofen there is decrease in concentrations of inflammatory mediators such as neutrophils and lymphocytes. Red blood cell and hemoglobin concentration decreased in the peripartal period as a result of inflammation. In cows treated with ketoprofen these concentrations increased. In many inflammatory conditions mean platelets volume is increased while there is a decrease in ketoprofen treated cows. Presented results indicate strong relationship between the concentration of NEFA, as well as BHB and hematological parameters indicating that the dependence of hematological parameters of intensity of lipid mobilization and ketogenesis was significantly lower in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving

    Hematological Parameters in Cows in Early Lactation Treated with Ketoprofen and their Relationship with Lipid Mobilization and Ketogenesis

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    Background: Dairy cows are exposed to numerous hematological and biochemical changes, what is bringing cows into the state of increased metabolic activity and physiological adaptations. These adaptive processes have resulted in increased lipid mobilization and ketogenesis with increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). As a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ketoprofen produces anti-inflammatory effects. The main objective of the present study was to found relationship between hematological parameters and ketoprofen administration and high lipid mobilization and ketogenesis in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving.Materials, Methods & Results: Ketoprofen was used (3 mg/kg body weight) intramuscularly for three consecutive days post-partum on 15 cows of Holstein-Friesian breed. Cows of the control group (n = 15) were not treated with ketoprofen. Blood samples were collected at the day of calving, in the first and in the second week after parturition from the coccygeal vein of the both groups. Hematological parameters (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, neutrophils, lymphocytes and mean platelet volume) were determined on the automatic hematological counter. Metabolic parameters (NEFA, BHB) were determined by standard colorimetric kits using a semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer. Student’s t-test was used to determine the influence of the application of ketoprofen to the hematological parameters. The data analysis was performed using SPSS, version 19.0, software package for Microsoft Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The results of comparison with (P < 0.05) were considered to represent statistically significant differences. Difference in correlation test between NEFA and BHB and other blood parameters in experimental and control group of cows were determined by the Fischer r-to-z transformation. The research results show that there was a increased red blood cell count and a higher concentration of hemoglobin (P < 0.05), fewer neutrophils (P < 0.01), lower number of lymphocytes (P < 0.01) and fewer mean platelet volume in cows that received ketoprofen after calving than those of the control. Determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The correlation coefficients were significantly lower in the experimental group of cows. The intensity of the connection between hematological parameters and value of NEFA and BHB decreases.Discussion: It is well known that dairy cows with excessive adiposity manifest a low-grade inflammation and that elevated NEFA concentrations present positive risk factors for many proinflammatory diseases. Analyzing the results in this examination, it has been noticed that the increase of NEFA and BHB after calving were significantly lower in group of cows treated with ketoprofen. Also, determined hematological parameters and values of NEFA and BHB are in correlation. The intensity of these connection decreases in ketoprofen treated cows. In current study, in cows treated with ketoprofen there is decrease in concentrations of inflammatory mediators such as neutrophils and lymphocytes. Red blood cell and hemoglobin concentration decreased in the peripartal period as a result of inflammation. In cows treated with ketoprofen these concentrations increased. In many inflammatory conditions mean platelets volume is increased while there is a decrease in ketoprofen treated cows. Presented results indicate strong relationship between the concentration of NEFA, as well as BHB and hematological parameters indicating that the dependence of hematological parameters of intensity of lipid mobilization and ketogenesis was significantly lower in cows treated with ketoprofen immediately after calving

    The effects of detergent, sodium tripoly-phosphate and ethoxyled oleyl-cetyl alcohol on metabolic parameters of the fungus trichothecium roseum link

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    The degradation of detergents that are dispersed in water and soil partially depends on the metabolic activities of fungi. Among the fungi that have this ability, Deuteromycetes are particularly noted for their biochemical characteristics. Taking this into account, it was of interest to analyze the influence of detergent and its main compounds, ethoxyled oleylcetyl alcohol (AOC) and sodium tripoly-phosphate (TTP), on the metabolism of the fungus Trichothecium roseum. Our results revealed that both detergent and AOC had an inhibitory effect on the bioproduction of free organic acids, while TTP stimulated their production. Also, detergent inhibited the bioproduction of basic amino acids, with the exception of alanine. In addition, detergent applied at 1% concentration inhibited the bioproduction of proteins and the total biomass of the fungus, while AOC and TTP inhibited the production of proteins, but stimulatedl the production of Trichothecium