378 research outputs found
Efikasno premeštanje push-pull 5-supstituisanih 4-oksotiazolidina indukovano piridinijum-hidrobromid-perbromidom pod homogenim reakcionim uslovima
Pyridinium hydrobromide perbromide (PHBP) is a highly efficient reagent for the conversion of 5-substituted-2-alkylidene-4-oxothiazolidine derivatives to the corresponding thiazolidines with two fully delocalized exocyclic double bonds at the C(2) and C(5) positions. This conversion as a two-step bromination-rearrangement process occurs in acetonitrile under homogeneous reaction conditions.Piridinijum-hidrobromid-perbromid (PHBP) je veoma efikasan reagens za konverziju 5-supstituisanih-2-alkiliden-4-oksotiazolidinskih derivata u odgovarajuće tiazolidine sa dve potpuno delokalizovane egzociklične dvogube veze u položajima C(2) i C(5). Ova konverzija je dvofazni proces bromovanja i premeštanja koji se odvija u acetonitrilu pod homogenim reakcionim uslovima
Learning after Auschwitz: the Holocaust in children's literature exemplified by John Boyne's novel "The boy in the striped pyjamas"
Cilj rada jeste ispitati značaj romana “Dečak u Prugastoj pidžami” Džona Bojna za nastavu o Holokaustu, kao i njegovu podobnost i efikasnost u prenošenju iskustva Holokausta mlađim generacijama. U strukturi rada izdvajaju se tri perspektive tumačenja koje doprinose sveobuhvatnom sagledavanju romana - ideološka, etička i pedagoška. Ideološka perspektiva tumačenja, zasnovana na studijama o ideologiji u književnosti za decu, baviće se otkrivanjem načina uspostavljanja dominacije nacističke ideologije u romanu. Bruno, devetogodišnji protagonista, zbog svog uzrasta i dečje nevinosti i pod porodičnim uticajem, veruje u očevu dobrotu i bezopasnost logora. Međutim, njegova radoznalost i istraživački duh navode ga da preispituje razlike između sebe i svih ljudi u „prugastim pidžamama”. Kroz likove Bruna i Šmuela, jevrejskog dečaka, ističemo učenje E. Levinasa o preuzimanju odgovornosti prema drugome kao jedinom načinu suprotstavljanja nečoveštvu. Pedagoška perspektiva, naposletku, ističe neke od čestih prepreka u nastavi Holokausta sa mlađim uzrastima i prednosti upotrebe ovog romana. Noseći podnaslov „basna o Holokaustu”, roman Dž. Bojna implicira potrebu za otkrivanjem pouke i edukativni karakter dela. Ističe se značaj pisanja i učenja o narativima o Holokaustu u cilju održavanja sećanja i sprečavanja zaborava na događaj, što je, prema T. Adornu, jedini način da se uspostavi vaspitanje posle Aušvica koje će ukazati na opasnosti bilo kog vida diskriminacije i sprečiti ponavljanje događaja poput Holokausta u budućnosti.The goal of the paper is to examine the significance of the novel "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne for teaching about the Holocaust, as well as its suitability and effectiveness in transmitting the experience of the Holocaust to younger generations. In the structure of the work, three interpretation perspectives are distinguished that contribute to a comprehensive overview of the novel - ideological, ethical and pedagogical. An ideological perspective of interpretation, based on studies on ideology in children's literature, will deal with discovering ways of establishing the dominance of Nazi ideology in the novel. Bruno, the nine-year-old protagonist, due to his age and childhood innocence and under the family's influence, believes in his father's goodness and the harmlessness of the camp. However, his curiosity and inquisitive spirit made him question the differences between himself and everyone in the "striped pyjamas". Through the characters of Bruno and Shmuel, a Jewish boy, we highlight the teaching of E. Levinas about taking responsibility for others as the only way to oppose inhumanity. A pedagogical perspective, finally, highlights some of the common obstacles in teaching the Holocaust to younger ages and the benefits of using this novel. The subtitle "Fable about the Holocaust", the novel by J. Bojna implies the need to discover the lesson and the educational nature of the work. The importance of writing and teaching Holocaust narratives is emphasized as, according to Theodor Adorno, the proper education after Auschwitz is the only way to point out the danger of all types of discrimination and attempt to prevent events such as the Holocaust from being repeated.Istraživanje sprovedeno u radu finansiralo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ugovor o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini broj 451 -03-68/2022 14/ 200198)
Hybrid identity of queer Jews in Tony Kushner's “Angels in America”
Cilj rada jeste prikazati način na koji se ukrštaju queer identitet i identitet Jevreja, obrazujući hibridni identitet likova poput Luisa Ajronsona i Roja Kona u drami “Anđeli u Americi” Tonija Kušnera. Ovi likovi ukazuju na dvostruku Drugost jer pripadaju dvema marginalizovanim kategorijama, tj. grupama koje odstupaju od uspostavljenih normi. Sličnost između ove dve grupe jeste to što su u drami obe prikazane u neprekidnoj potrazi za svojim mestom u svetu i iluzornoj borbi za konstituisanjem stabilnog identiteta. Osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka u Americi takozvana gej kuga doprinela je destabilizaciji nacionalnog identiteta i dala glas ekscentričnim ličnostima. Drugi se konstituiše u diskursu, putem kojeg dominantna kultura uspostavlja svoju moć. Javlja se dekonstrukcija društva u krizi, usled koje se identiteti protagonista istovremeno ruše i grade. Dolazi do ukidanja binarnih opozicija i okretanja ka opštoj hibridnosti identiteta, što se može primetiti u scenskim tehnikama koje T. Kušner upotrebljava - paralelna montaža i dvostruke uloge. Likovi su vođeni utopijskim impulsom i idejom o jedinstvu nacije. U radu ćemo pokušati da ustanovimo (ne)mogućnost ostvarivanja jedinstva na putu ka iskupljenju i celovitosti identiteta.The paper aims to present the way queer identity overlaps with the Jewish identity, thus creating a type of hybridity to be found in characters such as Louise Ironson and Roy Cohn in Kushner's play “Angels in America”. The Otherness of these characters may be seen through their belonging to two different marginalized groups. Although seemingly completely different, both are depicted as constantly searching for their place in the world in an illusory battle for a stable identity. The so-called “gay plague” in the 1980s in America contributed to the destabilization of America's national identity, providing a voice to the ex-centric identities. Society is deconstructed in the midst of a crisis and the identity of the protagonists is simultaneously being built and torn down. The identity of the Other is constituted by the culture in charge, that is, the American white Christian culture. Their power is established through discourse, based on which they strip minorities of their power. A belief in binary oppositions is replaced with overall hybridity, which may be seen in the characters, as well as the structure of the play itself. Kushner utilizes split scenes and double casting to present the hybridity of his play. The protagonists are driven by a utopian impulse and ideas of a unified nation. The paper will thus attempt to present the (im)possibility of achieving unity on the protagonists' path to redemption and their search for an identity that is whole.Izdavanje ovog zbornika podržalo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije
The influence of the high intra-abdominal pressure concerning intra-abdominal hypertension on a mortality rate at the intensive care unit.
Uvod. Pritisak unutar trbušne duplje normalno je nešto iznad atmosferskih vrednosti. Samo malo povećanje intraabdominalnog pritiska može dovesti do niza štetnih posledica u funkciji respiratornog, kardiovaskularnog, bubrežnog, centralnog i gastrointestinalnog sistema. Intraabdominalni pritisak se može meriti direktno invazivnim metodama i indirektno kroz kateter plasiran u mokraćnu bešiku. Indirektni način merenja je jeftin, jednostavan i daje iste rezultate kao i direktno merenje. Znatno povećanje intraabdominalnog pritiska se stalno sreće kod pacijenata u jedinicu intenzivnog lečenja, kod rupture aneurizme abdominalne aorte, abdominalne traume i akutnog pankreatitisa. Abdominalni kompartment sindrom predstavlja kombinaciju povećanog intraabdominalnog pritiska i multiorganske disfunkcije. Ovaj sindrom ima visok stepen smrtnosti, najviše zbog razvoja sepse i multiorganoskog oštećenja organa. Dijagnoza abdominalnog kompartment sindroma zahteva brižljivu identifikaciju pacijenata sa rizikom, redovno merenje intraabdominalnog pritiska, adekvatnu nadoknadu tečnosti i hiruršku dekompresiju. Danas, preporučljiv i ispravan vid lečenja, kod razvijenog abdominalnog kompartment sindroma je hirurška dekompresija.
Ciljevi istraživanja. Rano prepoznavanje promena osnovnih vitalnih funkcija kod pacijenata sa povećanim IAP, prognostički faktori vezani za IAP koji utiču na evoluciju patološkog poremećaja, uticaj IAP na stopu smrtosti kod pacijenata suspektnih na IAH
Materijal i metod rada. Prospektivna studija je sprovedena kod 100 pacijenta suspektnih na postojanje IAH i ACS u jedinici hirurške intenzivne nege i lečenja u Kliničko bolničkom Centru (KBC) “Zvezdara“ u Beogradu, u periodu januar 2014. do decembra 2015. godine. Rizična grupa pacijenata obuhvatala je pacijente koji imaju faktore rizika za smanjenje komplijanse trbušnog zida (akutno respiratorno oštećenje sa povećanim intratorakalnim pritiskom, abdominalna operacija sa čvrstim fascijalnim zatvaranjem), porast intraluminalnog sadržaja (gastropareza, ileus, pseudo-obstrukcija kolona), porast abdominalnog sadržaja (hemoperitoneum, pneumoperitoneum, ascites, poremećaj funkcije jetre, pankreatitis, peritonitis) i prekomernu nadoknadu tečnosti ili kapilarno krvarenje (acidoza (pH < 7,2), hipotenzija,
masivna nadoknada tečnosti (> 5 l /24 sata), oligurija, sepsa). Studija nije obuhvatala pacijente koji su imali traumu, opekotine ili su bili prethodno operisani.
Svi pacijenti su podeljeni na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti..
Poboljšanje performansi mreža na čipu zasnovanih na deflekcionom rutiranju
This doctoral dissertation comprises performance enhacement solutions for
deflection-routed networks-on-chip. Presented solutions include the
techniques for deflection minimization and techniques for misrouting
supression. Two solutions presented: distributed and global port allocation
(SMD and DMD). Both solutions reduce deflection rate by replacing
existing algorithm of deflection router commutation stage with the novel
algorithm that leads to better output ports allocation. While SMD minimizes
deflection rate by choosing configuration that is beneficial for the flits at the
single arbiter level, DMD introduces global port allocation in order to
minimize the number of deflected flits at the output ports.
Solutions for misrouting suppression presented in this doctoral dissertation
are classified into solutions implemented on the inter-router link and
solutions implemented in the router. There are presented two solutions that
are implemented on the link: reflective link (LB) and reflective link with
buffers (ILB). The essence of the LB solution is to include the option for
returning the deflected flit back to the input of the router where it was
deflected, which gives the flit a new opportunity for contending for
productive port in the next network cycle. ILB solution additionally
incorporates FIFO baffers on the links, that gives an additional flexibility
compared to LB, and allows deflected flits to be kept in a buffer before
returning back to the router where it was deflected. Also, ILB allows one of
multiple link configurations in order to reduce misrouting. Both solutions
are suitable for hardware implementation, and can be applied in any
deflection network without modifying the internal router architecture.
This doctoral dissertation also presents a solution for misrouting suppression
in minimally-buffered deflection routers (SB_O). This solution includes
modification of both the router architecture and the algorithm for SB buffer
allocation. Router architecture is modified by moving the Buffer Inject stage
to the front of PAS stage, in order to give higher injection priority to the flits
originating from IP core, thus improving traffic distribution within the
network. The SB_O also involves a novel algorithm for SB buffer allocation
that selects for buffering a flit deflected on a port that is productive for flit
already buffered in SB.
Beside solutions for improving performance of deflection networks, doctoral
dissertation presents a livelock detection and resolution mechanism. In
difference to the existing livelock prevention schemes, the proposed
mechanism can be easily adapted to different router architectures, and
provides smaller latention of livelock detection compared to existing
For the purpose of evaluating the proposed solutions, a dedicated cycleaccurate
simulator of deflection networks has been developed and presented
in doctoral dissertation. The simulator is implemented using language for
digital systems modeling and verification – SystemC. The simulator allows
functional modeling of deflection router, communication link, network
topology, and network traffic. Beside simulations for performance
comparing of presented solutions and reference routers, a separate set of
simulations is performed in order to analyse influence of implemented
performance enhancement mechanisms on distribution of network traffic
(De)komponovanje tela u postmodernističkoj književnosti
Doktorska disertacija (De)komponovanje tela u postmodernističkoj književnosti bavi se problematizacijom pojma tela u posmtodernističkoj književnosti tumačenjem dela Hanifa Kurejšija i Milorada Pavića. Uporedna analiza ovih dela koja se u datoj doktorskoj disertaciji sprovodi ima za cilj da utvrdi način na koji društvo formira i utiče na sliku tela kao i na samo telo ‒ telo individue, telo zajednice, telo teksta, telo znanja kao i nebrojena druga tela koja uporedo egzisitraju.
Doktorska disertacija prati razvoj i promenu pojma tela kroz istoriju analizirajući načine na koji je ovaj pojam uticao na društvo i individue koje mu pripadaju. Analiza pojma tela, kao i teorija koje se istim bave, pokazuje da je ovaj pojam od suštinske važnosti za formiranje i uspostavljanje etike koja uređuje život ne samo društva već i svakog pojedinca ponaosob. Analiza ideje tela kao krucijalne instance oko koje se društvena etika konstituiše sastoji se od nekoliko segmenata. Prvi segment proučava pojam tela i način njegovog tumačenja i doživljavanja u zajednicama koje su postojale pre pojave patrijarhata. Drugi segment proučava promenu razumevanja pojma tela koja nastaje u vremenu koje je usledilo koncentrišući se posebno na vreme antičkih civilizacija. Treći segment proučava načine putem kojih se slika tela konstituiše i prezentuje u hrišćanstvu, dok poslednji segment proučava moderno doba. Zaključci do kojih se pritom dolazi ukazuju na to da se slika tela, kao i etika u vezi sa telom nastala u vremenu antike ne menja značajno u vremenu koje je usledilo, i da se ta etika, u neznatno izmenjenom obliku, proteže sve do današnjice. Analiza pojma tela kroz vekove koja je sprovedena u doktorskoj disertaciji ukazuje na to da tumačenje i interpretacija pojma tela zapravo vodi analizi i tumačenju ne samo određenog tipa zajednice već i društva u celini. Veliku ulogu u uređenju zajednice i društva uopšte imaju normativne prakse koje propisuju standarde u vezi sa telom. Razumeti te normativne prakse kao i načine putem kojih deluju na telo izjednačava se, stoga, sa razumevanjem društva, države, kosmosa, jer telo je jedan mikrokosmos, država za sebe. Te normativne prakse, koje deluju kao glavne sile za uređenje etike tela ne oblikuju samo telo, već i um svake individue, a posledično i društvo u celini, što analiza dela oba autora potvrđuje.
Autori postmodernizma, što se uočava analizom dela Hanifa Kurejšija i Milorada Pavića u trećem delu teze, dekomponuju, rastavljaju i iznova sastavljaju nova tela, dovodeći u pitanje i sam princip društvenog uređenja, dovodeći u pitanje institucije na kojima društvo počiva, dovodeći u pitanje naše poznavanje prošlosti, istoriju i znanje kakvo poznajemo. Na posletku, disertacija se bavi i problematikom ispisivanja, konstituisanja i osvajanja tela kako od strane društva, tako i od strane svake individue ponaosob. Tela koja su obeležena društvenim konvencijama, tela koja su zaposednuta od strane društva, u delima oba autora bivaju ponovo osvojena a samim tim i ponovo ispisana od strane individua koje su u potrazi za smislom. Analizom opusa pisaca čija su dela obuhvaćena disertacijom dolazi se do zaključka da autor teksta može da postane i autor tela, odnosno, stvaralac teksta postaje i stvaralac tela.Dissertation by the title of (De)composition of the body in the literature of postmodernism studies the concept of the body in the literature of postmodernism by interpreting the works of Milorad Pavić and Hanif Kureishi. Comparative analysis of these works conducted in this dissertation aims at determining the ways in which society creates and influences the body image and the body itself ‒ the body of an individual, the body of a community, the body of a text, the body of a knowledge and as well as countless number of bodies which exist in parallel.
This dissertation tracks the development and change of the concept of the body throughout history by analyzing the ways in which this concept has affected the society and its members. The analysis of the concept of the body as well as the theories which study it show that this notion is of key importance for the constitution and establishment of ethics which organizes not only the life of society, but also the life of its each and every individual. The analysis of the idea of the body as the crucial instance around which the ethics of the society is constituted consists of several segments. First segment studies the concept of the body and the ways in which it was interpreted and experienced in the communities which existed before the appearance of patriarchate. The second segment studies the shift in understanding of the concept of the body which occurred in the times that followed concentrating particularly on the period of antic society. The thirds segment studies the ways in which body image is constituted and presented in Christianity, whereas the final segment studies contemporary society. This analysis leads to concluisons that the image of the body, as well as the ethics concerning the body which originated in the antic society remains more or less intact in the times that followed stretching up to present moment. The analysis of the concept of the body conducted it this dissertation indicates that studding and interpretation of the concept of the body results in analysis not only of a certain type of a community but of a society as a whole.
Normative pracices which define standards for the body play significant part in the organization of a community and society in general. To understand those normative practices as well as the ways in which they influence the body means to understand society, state, cosmos, for each body is a microcosms, a state to itself. Those normative practices which act as main forces in constructing the ethics in question shape not just the body but also the mind of each individual, and consequently shape the whole society, as we can see in the works of both authors. The authors of literature of postmodernism, as we conclude by analyzing the works of Hanif Kureishi and Milorad Pavić in the third part of the dissertation, decompose, disassemble and reassemble new bodies, challenging the very principle of social order, questioning the institutions on which society rests, questioning оur knowledge of the past, questioning history and questioning the knowledge itself. Finally, the dissertation adresses the question of writing, constituting and conquering of the body both by society and by each individual. In the works of both authors we come across bodies that are marked by social conventions, bodies that are possessed by society. Those bodies are re-conquered and re-written by individuals who are in search for a meaning. By analyzing the works of authors in question, we come to a conclusion that the author of a text can become an author of the body, that is, the creator of the text can becomes the creator of the body
The influence of the follicular fluid composition on the quality of oocytes and outcome of in vitro fertilization
UVOD: Jedna od najuspešnijih metoda za lečenje infertiliteta predstavlja
biomedicinski potpomognuta oplodnja, a jedan od faktora uspešnosti lečenja je
pravilno sazrevanje jedne ili više jajnih ćelija. Folikularna tečnost predstavlja
mikrosredinu za razvoj jajnih ćelija. Definisanje parametara mikrosredine, koji se
jednostavno i brzo mogu detektovati, omogućavaju razlikovanje jajnih ćelija boljeg,
odnosno lošijeg kvaliteta, potencijalno bi moglo povećati uspešnost.
CILj: Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se proceni uticaj sastava folikularne
tečnosti na kvalitet jajnih ćelija i na ishod vantelesne oplodnje.
METODE: Eksperimentalna studija kojom je obuhvaćeno 120 pacijentkinja, koje su
podeljene u dve grupe u odnosu na ishod vantelesne oplodnje i u odnosu na godine
života. Varijable istraživanja su grupisane u četiri kategorije: koncentracija
hormona (estradiol, progesteron, testosteron i FSH), nivo IL-6, nivo bioelemenata
(Na, K, Ca, Mg i Fe) i nivo enzima (LDH, AST, ALT i ALP) u folikularnoj tečnosti.
REZULTATI: Rezultati pokazuju da zrelost jajnih ćelija, kao i oplodnja istih
korelira sa koncentracijom FSH, testosterona, ALT i IL-6 u folikularnoj tečnosti,
dok sam ishod procesa vantelesne oplodnje korelira sa koncentracijom FSH, ALT i IL6 u folikularnoj tečnosti. Vrednosti FSH, ALT i IL-6 u folikularnoj tečnosti se
mogu koristiti kao prediktivni marker ishoda vantelesne oplodnje.
ZAKLjUČAK: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da sastav
folikularne tečnosti može da utiče na kvalitet jajnih ćelija i da ukaže na ishod
samog procesa vantelesne oplodnje.INTRODUCTION: One of the methods for treating the infertility is in vitro fertilization, аnd
оne of the main elements for the successful treating is actually accurate growth of one or more
oocytes. Follicle fluid represents a micro environment for the growth of oocytes while they go
through different phrases of growth. Defining certain parameters of the micro environment,
which can be easily and quickly detected, and which enable differentiating oocytes of better
or worse quality, can potentially increase the success.
AIM: The main aim of this research was to estimate the effect of the structure of follicle fluid
on oocytes quality, and the biomedically assisted fertilization.
METHODS: Experimental stady included 120 patients, the analysed patients were divided
into two groups based on the outcome of IVF and of age. Variable researches are grouped in
four categories: concentration of hormones (estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and FSH),
level IL-6, level of bio-elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg and Fe) and the level of enzymes (LDH,
AST, ALT and ALP) in follicle fluid.
THE RESULTS: The results show that the maturity of oocytes, as well as the in vitro
fertilization of them correlates with the concentration of FSH, testosterone, ALT and IL-6 in
follicle fluid. The values of FSH, ALT and IL-6 in follicle fluid can be used as a predictive
marker of the outcome of in vitro fertilization.
CONSLUSION: Based on the results given it can be concluded that the collection of follicle
fluid can influence the quality of oocytes and show the outcome of the process itself
Varijabilnost proizvodnih osobina izdvojenih linija pčela u zapadnoj Srbiji
Condition for achieving high performance results in beekeeping is focused on the use of high-quality breeding queen bee. Because that a large amount of research are based on the examination of properties of selected lines of bees and choosing the best queen mothers in the aim of selection and improving the production characteristics of honey bees from the territory of Serbia. The amount of bees, brood, honey and pollen was investigated in two spring and one autumn survey and productivity controlled in the pasture of accacia. Line 1 had the greatest amount of brood (1.23, 4.04 and 5.39), while line 3 had the best spring development. The best quality of brood in all three exams had the lines 1 and 3 (3.00, 3.00 and 2.95) as well as the best productivity compared to the average yield of all other three lines. All tested lines were exhibited variability, which provides enough possibility for their further improvement and single out the mother queenbees with best results.U dvogodišnjem istraživanju ispitivano je četiri odabrane linije medonosne pčele na području Zapadne Srbije. Proizvodne karakteristike praćene su prema standardnoj metodologiji. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da je najveću površinu pčela imala linija 1 (u jesenjem i prvom prolećnom pregledu: 2,10 i 3,27 rama), dok je u drugom prolećnom pregledu najviše pčela imala linija 3 (6,19 rama). Utvrđene razlike u površini pčela nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0.01). Najbolji prolećni razvoj legla između prva dva prolećna pregleda utvrđen je u liniji 3 (povećanje za 1,4 rama) i liniji 1 (povećanje za 1,35 rama). Najveću površinu meda i polena imala su društva linije 1. Najbolji kvalitet legla, po pregledima utvrđen je u linijama 1 i 3. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su linija 1 i 3 imale najbolje proizvodne karakteristike. Postojeća varijabilnost ispitivanih karakteristika pčela pruža mogućnost daljeg usavršavanja linija i širenja genetskog napretka na području Srbije, pri čemu prednost treba dati umnožavanju matica na bazi biološkog materijala pčela linija 1 i 3
Choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents in CaO-catalyzed ethanolysis of expired sunflower oil
Choline chloride (ChCl)-based deep eutectic solvents (DESs) with different amides or polyols as hydrogen bond donors were tested as cosolvents in the ethanolysis of expired sunflower oil catalyzed by either calcined or non-calcined CaO. These cosolvents promoted the ethanolysis by a successful activation of non-calcined CaO, which was ascribed to the CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 dissolution from the surface of the solid catalyst particles. With both calcined and non-calcined CaO, the polyol-based solvents gave higher fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) content than the amide-based solvents. Among the amide-based DESs, choline chloride:urea (ChCl:U) was the most efficient activator of non-calcined CaO. Choline chloride:ethylene glycol (ChCl:EG) and choline chloride:propylene glycol (ChCl:PG) were more efficient than choline chloride:glycerol (ChCl:G) even with non-calcined CaO. However, ChCl:G might be more suitable than the others since the use of glycerol, a by-product of the ethanolysis, could reduce the overall biodiesel production costs. FTIR and XRD analyses of the used and separated CaO were performed in order to get more insight into the catalytically active phase(s). Also, the mechanisms of the CaO activation in the presence of the DESs were considered. The phase separation of the reaction mixture was faster in the presence of the DESs. Since ChCl:U and ChCl:G DESs are nontoxic, biodegradable, biorenewable and “green” solvents and provide the elimination of the calcination step of CaO, thus reducing the overall process costs, the non-calcined CaO catalytic systems with these DESs are recommended for further optimization. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.Published version: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_3694]This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Troter, D.Z., Todorović, Z.B., Đokić-Stojanović, D.R., Veselinović, L.M., Zdujić, M.V., Veljković, V.B., 2018. Choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents in CaO-catalyzed ethanolysis of expired sunflower oil. Journal of Molecular Liquids 266, 557–567. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2018.06.106]Supplementary information: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_3772
Uticaj dugotrajnog zvučnog stresa na histološku građu nadbubrežne žlezde brojlera
The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of different sound stress duration on adrenal gland of broiler chickens of different age. The experiments were conducted on 90 HYBRO broiler chickens, divided into nine groups (each group consisting of 10 birds) by different age and lenght of sound stress duration. The chickens were exposed to sound stress in sound attenuated building using a fire alarm bell (95 dB) for stress sessions lasted 120 min every day. The histological structure of adrenal gland was analyzed by light microscopy. The results indicate that adrenal gland is sensitive on this kind of stress and sound as stressor could introduce organism in stress reaction. Adrenal glands of broilers exposed to sound stress characterized by marked hyperemia, hypertrophy of interrenal cells, smaller affinity for staining of chromaffin cells compared with control groups. According to our results, degree of histological changes of adrenal gland under the influence of sound stress depends on the length of exposure and age of chickens.Cilj ovog rada je da ispita uticaj različite dužine trajanja zvučnog stresa na histološku građu nadbubrežnih žlezda brojlerskih pilića u različitim uzrastima. Ogled je izveden na 90 HYBRO brojlerskih pilića, podeljenih u 9 grupa u skladu sa uzrastom i dužinom izlaganja stresu. Pilići su zvučnom stresu bili izlagani u zvučno izolovanim objektima uz korišćenje požarnog alarmnog zvona (95dB) u trajanju od 120 min svakog dana. Histološka građa nadbubrežnih žlezda je analizirana svetlosnim mikroskopom. Rezultati ukazuju da je nadbubrežna žlezda osetljiva na ovu vrstu stresa i da zvuk, kao stresor, može da uvede organizam u stresnu reakciju. Nadbubrežne žlezde pilića izlaganih zvučnom stresu karakteriše značajna hiperemija, hipertrofija interrenalnih ćelija, manji afinitet prema bojenju hromafinih ćelija u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U skladu sa ovim rezultatima, stepen histoloških promena nadbubrežne žlezde pod uticajem zvučnog stresa zavisi i od dužine izlaganja i uzrasta pilića
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