Learning after Auschwitz: the Holocaust in children's literature exemplified by John Boyne's novel "The boy in the striped pyjamas"


Cilj rada jeste ispitati značaj romana “Dečak u Prugastoj pidžami” Džona Bojna za nastavu o Holokaustu, kao i njegovu podobnost i efikasnost u prenošenju iskustva Holokausta mlađim generacijama. U strukturi rada izdvajaju se tri perspektive tumačenja koje doprinose sveobuhvatnom sagledavanju romana - ideološka, etička i pedagoška. Ideološka perspektiva tumačenja, zasnovana na studijama o ideologiji u književnosti za decu, baviće se otkrivanjem načina uspostavljanja dominacije nacističke ideologije u romanu. Bruno, devetogodišnji protagonista, zbog svog uzrasta i dečje nevinosti i pod porodičnim uticajem, veruje u očevu dobrotu i bezopasnost logora. Međutim, njegova radoznalost i istraživački duh navode ga da preispituje razlike između sebe i svih ljudi u „prugastim pidžamama”. Kroz likove Bruna i Šmuela, jevrejskog dečaka, ističemo učenje E. Levinasa o preuzimanju odgovornosti prema drugome kao jedinom načinu suprotstavljanja nečoveštvu. Pedagoška perspektiva, naposletku, ističe neke od čestih prepreka u nastavi Holokausta sa mlađim uzrastima i prednosti upotrebe ovog romana. Noseći podnaslov „basna o Holokaustu”, roman Dž. Bojna implicira potrebu za otkrivanjem pouke i edukativni karakter dela. Ističe se značaj pisanja i učenja o narativima o Holokaustu u cilju održavanja sećanja i sprečavanja zaborava na događaj, što je, prema T. Adornu, jedini način da se uspostavi vaspitanje posle Aušvica koje će ukazati na opasnosti bilo kog vida diskriminacije i sprečiti ponavljanje događaja poput Holokausta u budućnosti.The goal of the paper is to examine the significance of the novel "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne for teaching about the Holocaust, as well as its suitability and effectiveness in transmitting the experience of the Holocaust to younger generations. In the structure of the work, three interpretation perspectives are distinguished that contribute to a comprehensive overview of the novel - ideological, ethical and pedagogical. An ideological perspective of interpretation, based on studies on ideology in children's literature, will deal with discovering ways of establishing the dominance of Nazi ideology in the novel. Bruno, the nine-year-old protagonist, due to his age and childhood innocence and under the family's influence, believes in his father's goodness and the harmlessness of the camp. However, his curiosity and inquisitive spirit made him question the differences between himself and everyone in the "striped pyjamas". Through the characters of Bruno and Shmuel, a Jewish boy, we highlight the teaching of E. Levinas about taking responsibility for others as the only way to oppose inhumanity. A pedagogical perspective, finally, highlights some of the common obstacles in teaching the Holocaust to younger ages and the benefits of using this novel. The subtitle "Fable about the Holocaust", the novel by J. Bojna implies the need to discover the lesson and the educational nature of the work. The importance of writing and teaching Holocaust narratives is emphasized as, according to Theodor Adorno, the proper education after Auschwitz is the only way to point out the danger of all types of discrimination and attempt to prevent events such as the Holocaust from being repeated.Istraživanje sprovedeno u radu finansiralo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ugovor o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini broj 451 -03-68/2022 14/ 200198)

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