67 research outputs found

    Employment Contracts and Stress : Experimental Evidence

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    Funding Information: Notes: Authors are listed in alphabetical order. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Scottish Economic Society on the pilot study and from the ESRC (Grant ES/R01163X/1). We also extend our thanks to Matthew McGinty, Christine Spencer and participants at the 2020 EALE/SOLE/AASLE World Conference, 2021 GLO Research Seminars, 2021 SES Conference, 2021 ICBM Conference, the Economics Centre at Curtin University, the Economics Department at St Lawrence University and the Applied Health Psychology Research Workshop and Business School at the University of Aberdeen who provided thoughtful comments on an early draft of the current manuscript. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained from the University of Aberdeen, College of Life Sciences & Medicine Ethics Review Board (CERB/2015/5/1198). The study was pre-registered with the Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/sxkb2 ) prior to data collection. Funding Information: ? Notes: Authors are listed in alphabetical order. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Scottish Economic Society on the pilot study and from the ESRC (Grant ES/R01163X/1). We also extend our thanks to Matthew McGinty, Christine Spencer and participants at the 2020 EALE/SOLE/AASLE World Conference, 2021 GLO Research Seminars, 2021 SES Conference, 2021 ICBM Conference, the Economics Centre at Curtin University, the Economics Department at St Lawrence University and the Applied Health Psychology Research Workshop and Business School at the University of Aberdeen who provided thoughtful comments on an early draft of the current manuscript. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained from the University of Aberdeen, College of Life Sciences & Medicine Ethics Review Board (CERB/2015/5/1198). The study was pre-registered with the Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/sxkb2) prior to data collection. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Assessment of Hydroxyethyl Starch (6% HES 130/0.4) Kidney Storage in Critically Ill Dogs: A Post-mortem Prospective Study.

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    Objective: Intravenous hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions are potentially nephrotoxic due to rapid renal tissue uptake, subsequent osmotic nephrosis, and long-lasting intracellular storage. This study aimed to investigate the severity of intracellular storage of HES in renal tissue samples from critically ill dogs receiving 6% HES 130/0.4. Materials and Methods: Fresh, post-mortem (<2 h after death) renal tissue samples were analyzed through histology, immunohistochemistry (HES 130/0.4-specific antibodies), and electron microscopy for the severity of renal tubular vacuolization (VAC), intravacuolar HES accumulation (ACC), and ultra-structure impairment. Moreover, we investigated the relationship between VAC or ACC grade and HES dose (mL/kg), duration of HES administration (h), and pre-HES plasma creatinine concentrations. Results: Histology revealed that 2/20 dogs (10%) had no, 11/20 dogs (55%) had mild, 5/20 dogs (25%) had moderate, and 2/20 dogs (10%) had severe VAC. Immunohistochemistry revealed that 5/20 dogs (25%) had no, 6/20 dogs (30%) had mild, 7/20 dogs (35%) had moderate, and 2/20 dogs (10%) had severe ACC. Both changes were predominantly found in the distal tubular epithelium of mild and moderate cases, and all tubular segments were affected in severe cases. Seven of 20 dogs (35%) had osmotic nephrosis (ON). On electron microscopy, large granules with an electron-dense content were repeatedly detected in individual cells, mainly in the distal tubules. No correlation was found between cumulative HES dose or duration of HES administration and VAC grade, ACC grade, or presence/absence of ON. Conclusion: A high percentage of dogs had renal tubular HES storage and one-third of dogs showed HES-induced ON. Short-term HES administration caused VAC and ACC, regardless of the dose or duration of administration. In contrast to previous studies, HES 130/0.4 deposits were mainly located in the renal distal tubule

    Alternate day versus consecutive day oral iron supplementation in iron-depleted women: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study

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    Background: Guidelines to treat iron deficiency recommend daily provision of oral iron, but this may decrease fractional iron absorption and increase side effects. Our objective was to compare consecutive-day versus alternate-day iron supplementation. Methods: In a double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, young Swiss women (n = 150; serum ferritin ≤30 μg/L) were assigned to: daily 100 mg iron for 90 d, followed by daily placebo for another 90 d (consecutive-day group) or the same daily dose of iron and placebo on alternate days for 180 d (alternate-day group). The study period was 24/11/2021-10/8/2022. Co-primary outcomes, at equal total iron doses, were serum ferritin and gastrointestinal side effects; secondary outcomes were iron deficiency and serum hepcidin. Compliance and side effects were recorded daily using a mobile application. Data were analysed using mixed models and longitudinal prevalence ratios (LPR). The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT05105438). Findings: 75 women were assigned to each group and included in the intention-to-treat analysis. Capsule adherence and side effect reporting was >97% in both groups. At equal total iron doses, comparing consecutive-day and alternate-day groups, median serum ferritin was 43.8 μg/L (31.7-58.2) versus 44.8 μg/L (33.8-53.6) (P = 0.98), the LPR for gastrointestinal side effects on days of iron intake was 1.56 (95% CI: 1.38, 1.77; P < 0.0001), and median serum hepcidin was 3.0 nM (IQR 2.0-5.0) versus 1.9 nM (1.4-2.9) (P < 0.0001). Iron deficiency prevalence after 3 months was 5.5% versus 4.3% (P = 0.74) and after 6 months was 11.4% and 3.0% (P = 0.049). Interpretation: At equal total iron doses, compared to consecutive day dosing of iron, alternate day dosing did not result in higher serum ferritin but reduced iron deficiency at 6 months and triggered fewer gastrointestinal side effects

    Iron homeostasis during anemia of inflammation: a prospective study in patients with tuberculosis.

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    Anemia of inflammation is a hallmark of tuberculosis. Factors controlling iron metabolism during anemia of inflammation and its resolution are uncertain. Whether iron supplements should be given during anti-tuberculosis treatment to support Hb recovery is unclear. Before and during treatment of tuberculosis, we assessed iron kinetics, and changes in inflammation and iron metabolism indices. In a 26-wk prospective study, Tanzanian adults with tuberculosis (n=18) were studied before treatment and then every two weeks during treatment; oral and intravenous iron tracers were administered before treatment, after intensive phase (8/12 wk) and complete treatment (24 wk); no iron supplements were given. Before treatment, hepcidin and erythroferrone (ERFE) were greatly elevated, erythrocyte iron utilization was high (~80%) and iron absorption was negligible (<1%). During treatment, hepcidin and IL-6 decreased ~70% after only 2 wk (p<0.001); in contrast, ERFE did not significantly decrease until 8 wk (p<0.01). ERFE and IL-6 were the main opposing determinants of hepcidin (p<0.05) and greater ERFE was associated with reticulocytosis and hemoglobin (Hb) repletion (p<0.01). Dilution of baseline tracer concentration was 2.6-fold higher during intensive phase treatment (p<0.01) indicating enhanced erythropoiesis. After treatment completion, iron absorption increased ~20-fold (p<0.001); Hb increased ~25% (p<0.001). In tuberculosis-associated anemia of inflammation, our findings suggest elevated ERFE is unable to suppress hepcidin and iron absorption is negligible. During treatment, as inflammation resolves, ERFE may remain elevated, contributing to hepcidin suppression and Hb repletion. Iron is well-absorbed only after tuberculosis treatment and supplementation should be reserved for patients remaining anemic after treatment. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:NCT02176772)

    Maternal iron kinetics and maternal–fetal iron transfer in normal-weight and overweight pregnancy

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    Background Inflammation during pregnancy may aggravate iron deficiency (ID) by increasing serum hepcidin and reducing iron absorption. This could restrict iron transfer to the fetus, increasing risk of infant ID and its adverse effects. Objectives We aimed to assess whether iron bioavailability and/or iron transfer to the fetus is impaired in overweight/obese (OW) pregnant women with adiposity-related inflammation, compared with normal-weight (NW) pregnant women. Methods In this prospective study, we followed NW (n = 43) and OW (n = 40) pregnant women who were receiving iron supplements from the 14th week of gestation to term and followed their infants to age 6 mo. We administered 57Fe and 58Fe in test meals mid-second and mid-third trimester, and measured tracer kinetics throughout pregnancy and infancy. Results In total, 38 NW and 36 OW women completed the study to pregnancy week 36, whereas 30 NW and 27 OW mother–infant pairs completed the study to 6 mo postpartum. Both groups had comparable iron status, hemoglobin, and serum hepcidin throughout pregnancy. Compared with the NW, the OW pregnant women had 1) 43% lower fractional iron absorption (FIA) in the third trimester (P = 0.033) with median [IQR] FIA of 23.9% [11.4%–35.7%] and 13.5% [10.8%–19.5%], respectively; and 2) 17% lower maternal–fetal iron transfer from the first tracer (P = 0.051) with median [IQR] maternal–fetal iron transfer of 4.8% [4.2%–5.4%] and 4.0% [3.6%–4.6%], respectively. Compared with the infants born to NW women, infants born to OW women had lower body iron stores (BIS) with median [IQR] 7.7 [6.3–8.8] and 6.6 [4.6–9.2] mg/kg body weight at age 6 mo, respectively (P = 0.024). Prepregnancy BMI was a negative predictor of maternal–fetal iron transfer (β = −0.339, SE = 0.144, P = 0.025) and infant BIS (β = −0.237, SE = 0.026, P = 0.001). Conclusions Compared with NW, OW pregnant women failed to upregulate iron absorption in late pregnancy, transferred less iron to their fetus, and their infants had lower BIS. These impairments were associated with inflammation independently of serum hepcidin

    Proyecto Jean Monnet. La Unión Europea y la seguridad: defensa de los espacios e intereses comunes

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    Este proyecto tiene la misión principal de identificar los grandes retos que enfrenta la Unión Europea (UE) y las sociedades que la integran, contribuyendo así al debate en torno a las acciones políticas a emprender por la UE y los instrumentos legislativos a adoptar. Además, este Proyecto, a través de las actividades que ha desarrollado, ha ampliado el concepto de “riesgos a la seguridad”, sobrepasando los estrictamente clásicos, lo que ha permitido analizar la situación de la UE en el contexto internacional, sus fortalezas y debilidades. Todo ello se ha hecho a través de la celebración de tres workshops y una conferencia final, todos ellos abiertos a la participación y enriquecimiento conjunto de académicos, expertos, representantes de instituciones públicas y privadas, estudiantes y sociedad civil en general. Los temas abordados por los workshops fueron los siguientes: Workshop I: El uso de los global commons y la seguridad de la UE (Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, ICEI, 22- 23 Septiembre 2016). Workshop II: Seguridad y derechos humanos (Facultad de Derecho, Sala de Juntas, 18-19 Noviembre 2016). Workshop III: Riesgos contemporáneos: el caso de la ciberseguridad (Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, ICEI, 27-28 Abril 2017). Esta recopilación, en forma de Occasional Paper del ICEI, recoge así buena parte de los temas debatidos en la conferencia final. De este modo, retos a la seguridad de la UE contemporáneos, tales como el Brexit y su impacto en el ciudadano, el terrorismo confrontado ante la protección de los derechos humanos, el cambio climático como reto securitario y como motor de pruebas del liderazgo europeo, la obtención de pruebas electrónicas o la necesidad de una regulación homogénea de la prostitución en la UE como mecanismo para actuar de forma coordinada frente a la trata de seres humanos, se han confrontado con aspectos clásicos de la seguridad europea, como el relativo al papel de la UE como actor global en el marco de la Política Exterior y de Seguridad Común (PESC), su actuación en el marco de una compleja operación de mantenimiento de la paz o la cooperación reforzada en materia de defensa. A la vista tanto de su estructura como de la procedencia y enfoque de los distintos autores, se puede fácilmente adivinar que no sólo se trata de una miscelánea, sino también –lo que era un objetivo fundamental del Proyecto- de una consideración de la seguridad de la UE desde perspectivas diferentes que, en todo caso, tuvieran en cuenta al ciudadano europeo como prioridad securitaria sin descuidar el respeto de sus libertades

    Last millennium northern hemisphere summer temperatures from tree rings: Part I: The long term context

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    Large-scale millennial length Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature reconstructions have been progressively improved over the last 20 years as new datasets have been developed. This paper, and its companion (Part II, Anchukaitis et al. in prep), details the latest tree-ring (TR) based NH land air temperature reconstruction from a temporal and spatial perspective. This work is the first product of a consortium called N-TREND (Northern Hemisphere Tree-Ring Network Development) which brings together dendroclimatologists to identify a collective strategy for improving large-scale summer temperature reconstructions. The new reconstruction, N-TREND2015, utilises 54 records, a significant expansion compared with previous TR studies, and yields an improved reconstruction with stronger statistical calibration metrics. N-TREND2015 is relatively insensitive to the compositing method and spatial weighting used and validation metrics indicate that the new record portrays reasonable coherence with large scale summer temperatures and is robust at all time-scales from 918 to 2004 where at least 3 TR records exist from each major continental mass. N-TREND2015 indicates a longer and warmer medieval period (∼900–1170) than portrayed by previous TR NH reconstructions and by the CMIP5 model ensemble, but with better overall agreement between records for the last 600 years. Future dendroclimatic projects should focus on developing new long records from data-sparse regions such as North America and eastern Eurasia as well as ensuring the measurement of parameters related to latewood density to complement ring-width records which can improve local based calibration substantially

    Determination of host cell proteins constituting the molecular microenvironment of coronavirus replicase complexes by proximity-labeling

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    Positive-sense RNA viruses hijack intracellular membranes that provide niches for viral RNA synthesis and a platform for interactions with host proteins. However, little is known about host factors at the interface between replicase complexes and the host cytoplasm. We engineered a biotin ligase into a coronaviral replication/transcription complex (RTC) and identified >500 host proteins constituting the RTC microenvironment. siRNA-silencing of each RTC-proximal host factor demonstrated importance of vesicular trafficking pathways, ubiquitin-dependent and autophagy-related processes, and translation initiation factors. Notably, detection of translation initiation factors at the RTC was instrumental to visualize and demonstrate active translation proximal to replication complexes of several coronaviruses. Collectively, we establish a spatial link between viral RNA synthesis and diverse host factors of unprecedented breadth. Our data may serve as a paradigm for other positive-strand RNA viruses and provide a starting point for a comprehensive analysis of critical virus-host interactions that represent targets for therapeutic intervention

    Virosome-Formulated Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 & CSP Derived Peptides as Malaria Vaccine: Randomized Phase 1b Trial in Semi-Immune Adults & Children

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    BACKGROUND\ud \ud This trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two virosome formulated malaria peptidomimetics derived from Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 and CSP in malaria semi-immune adults and children.\ud \ud METHODS\ud \ud The design was a prospective randomized, double-blind, controlled, age-deescalating study with two immunizations. 10 adults and 40 children (aged 5-9 years) living in a malaria endemic area were immunized with PEV3B or virosomal influenza vaccine Inflexal®V on day 0 and 90.\ud \ud RESULTS\ud \ud No serious or severe adverse events (AEs) related to the vaccines were observed. The only local solicited AE reported was pain at injection site, which affected more children in the Inflexal®V group compared to the PEV3B group (p = 0.014). In the PEV3B group, IgG ELISA endpoint titers specific for the AMA-1 and CSP peptide antigens were significantly higher for most time points compared to the Inflexal®V control group. Across all time points after first immunization the average ratio of endpoint titers to baseline values in PEV3B subjects ranged from 4 to 15 in adults and from 4 to 66 in children. As an exploratory outcome, we found that the incidence rate of clinical malaria episodes in children vaccinees was half the rate of the control children between study days 30 and 365 (0.0035 episodes per day at risk for PEV3B vs. 0.0069 for Inflexal®V; RR  = 0.50 [95%-CI: 0.29-0.88], p = 0.02).\ud \ud CONCLUSION\ud \ud These findings provide a strong basis for the further development of multivalent virosomal malaria peptide vaccines.\ud \ud TRIAL REGISTRATION\ud \ud ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00513669

    Methylation at Global LINE-1 Repeats in Human Blood Are Affected by Gender but Not by Age or Natural Hormone Cycles

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    Previously, we reported on inter-individual and gender specific variations of LINE-1 methylation in healthy individuals. In this study, we investigated whether this variability could be influenced by age or sex hormones in humans. To this end, we studied LINE-1 methylation in vivo in blood-derived DNA from individuals aged 18 to 64 years and from young healthy females at various hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. Our results show that no significant association with age was observed. However, the previously reported increase of LINE-1 methylation in males was reconfirmed. In females, although no correlation between LINE-1 or Alu methylation and hormone levels was observed, a significant stable individual specific level of methylation was noted. In vitro results largely confirmed these findings, as neither estrogen nor dihydrotestosterone affected LINE-1 or Alu methylation in Hek293T, HUVEC, or MDA-kb2 cell lines. In contrast, a decrease in methylation was observed in estrogen-treated T47-Kbluc cell lines strongly expressing estrogen receptor. The very low expression of estrogen receptor in blood cells could explain the observed insensitivity of methylation at LINE-1 to natural hormonal variations in females. In conclusion, neither natural cycle of hormones nor age has a detectable effect on the LINE-1 methylation in peripheral blood cells, while gender remains an important factor