5 research outputs found

    Boyle's law and gravitational instability

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    We have re-examined the classical problem of the macroscopic equation of state for a hydrostatic isothermal self-gravitating gas cloud bounded by an external medium at constant pressure. We have obtained analytical conditions for its equilibrium and stability without imposing any specific shape and symmetry to the cloud density distribution. The equilibrium condition can be stated in the form of an upper limit to the cloud mass; this is found to be inversely proportional to the power 3/2 of a form factor \mu characterizing the shape of the cloud. In this respect, the spherical solution, associated with the maximum value of the form factor, \mu = 1, turns out to correspond to the shape that is most difficult to realize. Surprisingly, the condition that defines the onset of the Bonnor instability (or gravothermal catastrophe) can be cast in the form of an upper limit to the density contrast within the cloud that is independent of the cloud shape. We have then carried out a similar analysis in the two-dimensional case of infinite cylinders, without assuming axisymmetry. The results obtained in this paper generalize well-known results available for spherical or axisymmetric cylindrical isothermal clouds that have had wide astrophysical applications, especially in the study of the interstellar medium.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in A&

    Monte Carlo Simulations of Star Clusters - VI. The globular cluster NGC 6397

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    We describe Monte Carlo models for the dynamical evolution of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. The code includes treatments of two-body relaxation, most kinds of three- and four-body interactions involving primordial binaries and those formed dynamically, the Galactic tide, and the internal evolution of both single and binary stars. We arrive at a set of initial parameters for the cluster which, after 12Gyr of evolution, gives a model with a fairly satisfactory match to the surface brightness profile, the velocity dispersion profile, and the luminosity function in two fields. We describe in particular those aspects of the evolution which distinguish this cluster from M4, which has a roughly similar mass and Galactocentric distance, but a qualitatively different surface brightness profile. Within the limitations of our modelling, we conclude that the most plausible explanation for the difference is fluctuations: both clusters are post-collapse objects, but sometimes have resolvable cores and sometimes not.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS, in press; revised in response to referee repor

    Intermediate and extreme mass-ratio inspirals — astrophysics, science applications and detection using LISA

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    Black hole binaries with extreme (gtrsim104:1) or intermediate (~102–104:1) mass ratios are among the most interesting gravitational wave sources that are expected to be detected by the proposed laser interferometer space antenna (LISA). These sources have the potential to tell us much about astrophysics, but are also of unique importance for testing aspects of the general theory of relativity in the strong field regime. Here we discuss these sources from the perspectives of astrophysics, data analysis and applications to testing general relativity, providing both a description of the current state of knowledge and an outline of some of the outstanding questions that still need to be addressed. This review grew out of discussions at a workshop in September 2006 hosted by the Albert Einstein Institute in Golm, Germany

    Relativistic Dynamics and Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals

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    It is now well-established that a dark, compact object (DCO), very likely a massive black hole (MBH) of around four million solar masses is lurking at the centre of the Milky Way. While a consensus is emerging about the origin and growth of supermassive black holes (with masses larger than a billion solar masses), MBHs with smaller masses, such as the one in our galactic centre, remain understudied and enigmatic. The key to understanding these holes - how some of them grow by orders of magnitude in mass - lies in understanding the dynamics of the stars in the galactic neighbourhood. Stars interact with the central MBH primarily through their gradual inspiral due to the emission of gravitational radiation. Also stars produce gases which will subsequently be accreted by the MBH through collisions and disruptions brought about by the strong central tidal field. Such processes can contribute significantly to the mass of the MBH and progress in understanding them requires theoretical work in preparation for future gravitational radiation millihertz missions and X-ray observatories. In particular, a unique probe of these regions is the gravitational radiation that is emitted by some compact stars very close to the black holes and which could be surveyed by a millihertz gravitational wave interferometer scrutinizing the range of masses fundamental to understanding the origin and growth of supermassive black holes. By extracting the information carried by the gravitational radiation, we can determine the mass and spin of the central MBH with unprecedented precision and we can determine how the holes "eat" stars that happen to be near them.Comment: Update from the first version, 151 pages, accepted for publication @ Living Reviews in Relativit

    Intermediate and extreme mass-ratio inspirals—astrophysics, science applications and detection using LISA

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