130 research outputs found

    Characterization of a monoclonal antibody to turnip mosaic virus and its use in immunodiagnosis of infection

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    Des anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques au virus de la mosaïque du panais (TuMV) ont été produits et utilisés dans un bioessai en sandwich à double anticorps afin de détecter des virus dans des plantes infectées. Un anticorps particulier d'un clone hybridome ayant les caractéristiques recherchées de croissance, de spécificité et de production d'anticorps a été décrit. Cet anticorps a été montré par microscopie électronique immunocytochimique and par immunodétection en point comme réagissant avec une protéine d'enrobage d'un virion. Les conditions procurant une extraction efficace du virus à partir des feuilles ont été étudiées par l'utilisation de l'anticorps dans les étapes de capture et de détection du bioessai en sandwich. Avec un système de tampons d'extraction contenant plusieurs détergents, un essai très sensible a été produit qui détecte des virus de façon fiable dans les plantes infectées. Cet essai est maintenant utilisé de façon routinière pour l'immunodiagnostic des infections causées par le virus de la mosaïque du panais.Monoclonal antibodies specifie for turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) were produced and used in a double antibody sandwich enzyme immunoassay to detect virus in infected plants. One particular antibody from a hybridoma clone having desirable growth, specificity and antibody production properties was characterized in detail. This antibody was shown by immunocytochemical electron microscopy and immunoblotting to react with a virion coat protein. Conditions providing efficient extraction of virus from leaves were investigated by using the antibody in both capture and detection steps of a sandwich immunoassay. With an extraction buffer System containing multiple detergents, a highly sensitive assay was produced that reliably detected virus in infected plants. This assay is now in routine use for immunodiagnosis of turnip mosaic virus infections

    Age and geochemistry of the Charlestown Group, Ireland:Implications for the Grampian orogeny, its mineral potential and the Ordovician timescale

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    Accurately reconstructing the growth of continental margins during episodes of ocean closure has important implications for understanding the formation, preservation and location of mineral deposits in ancient orogens. The Charlestown Group of county Mayo, Ireland, forms an important yet understudied link in the Caledonian-Appalachian orogenic belt located between the well documented sectors of western Ireland and Northern Ireland. We have reassessed its role in the Ordovician Grampian orogeny, based on new fieldwork, high-resolution airborne geophysics, graptolite biostratigraphy, U–Pb zircon dating, whole rock geochemistry, and an examination of historic drillcore from across the volcanic inlier. The Charlestown Group can be divided into three formations: Horan, Carracastle, and Tawnyinah. The Horan Formation comprises a mixed sequence of tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalt, crystal tuff and sedimentary rocks (e.g. black shale, chert), forming within an evolving peri-Laurentian affinity island arc. The presence of graptolites Pseudisograptus of the manubriatus group and the discovery of Exigraptus uniformis and Skiagraptus gnomonicus favour a latest Dapingian (i.e. Yapeenian Ya 2/late Arenig) age for the Horan Formation (equivalent to c. 471.2–470.5 Ma according to the timescale of Sadler et al., 2009). Together with three new U–Pb zircon ages of 471.95–470.82 Ma from enclosing felsic tuffs and volcanic breccias, this fauna provides an important new constraint for calibrating the Middle Ordovician timescale. Overlying deposits of the Carracastle and Tawnyinah formations are dominated by LILE- and LREE-enriched calc-alkaline andesitic tuffs and flows, coarse volcanic breccias and quartz-feldspar porphyritic intrusive rocks, overlain by more silicic tuffs and volcanic breccias with rare occurrences of sedimentary rocks. The relatively young age for the Charlestown Group in the Grampian orogeny, coupled with high Th/Yb and zircon inheritance (c. 2.7 Ga) in intrusive rocks indicate that the arc was founded upon continental crust (either composite Laurentian margin or microcontinental block). Regional correlation is best fitted to an association with the post-subduction flip volcanic/intrusive rocks of the Irish Caledonides, specifically the late-stage development of the Tyrone Igneous Complex, intrusive rocks of Connemara (western Ireland) and the Slishwood Division (Co. Sligo). Examination of breccia textures and mineralization across the volcanic inlier questions the previous porphyry hypothesis for the genesis of the Charlestown Cu deposit, which are more consistent with a volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit.</p

    The population biology of the living coelacanth studied over 21 years

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    Between 1986 and 2009 nine submersible and remote-operated vehicle expeditions were carried out to study the population biology of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae in the Comoro Islands, located in the western Indian Ocean. Latimeria live in large overlapping home ranges that can be occupied for as long as 21 years. Most individuals are confined to relatively small home ranges, resting in the same caves during the day. One hundred and forty five coelacanths are individually known, and we estimate the total population size of Grande Comore as approximately 300–400 adult individuals. The local population inhabiting a census area along an 8-km section of coastline remained stable for at least 18 years. Using LASER-assisted observations, we recorded length frequencies between 100 and 200 cm total length and did not encounter smaller-bodied individuals (\100 cm total length). It appears that coelacanth recruitment in the observation areas occur mainly by immigrating adults. We estimate that the mean numbers of deaths and newcomers are 3–4 individuals per year, suggesting that longevity may exceed 100 years. The domestic fishery represents a threat to the long-term survival of coelacanths in the study area. Recent changes in the local fishery include a decrease in the abundance of the un-motorized canoes associated with exploitation of coelacanths and an increase in motorized canoes. Exploitation rates have fallen in recent years, and by 2000, had fallen to lowest ever reported. Finally, future fishery developments are discussed

    Conjunctive Processing of Locomotor Signals by the Ventral Tegmental Area Neuronal Population

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    The ventral tegmental area (VTA) plays an essential role in reward and motivation. How the dopamine (DA) and non-DA neurons in the VTA engage in motivation-based locomotor behaviors is not well understood. We recorded activity of putative DA and non-DA neurons simultaneously in the VTA of awake mice engaged in motivated voluntary movements such as wheel running. Our results revealed that VTA non-DA neurons exhibited significant rhythmic activity that was correlated with the animal's running rhythms. Activity of putative DA neurons also correlated with the movement behavior, but to a lesser degree. More importantly, putative DA neurons exhibited significant burst activation at both onset and offset of voluntary movements. These findings suggest that VTA DA and non-DA neurons conjunctively process locomotor-related motivational signals that are associated with movement initiation, maintenance and termination

    Papers, posters, and keynote presented at the 26th Polar Libraries Colloquy, hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA 10 – 15 July 2016

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    Published July 2023 by the University of Alaska Anchorage, UAA/APU Consortium Library, and edited by Daria O. Carle. Copyright in individual papers is held by the contributors. A digital copy of this publication can be found at https://polarlibraries.org/colloquy-proceedings/ and in ScholarWorks, the University of Alaska’s Institutional Repository, https://scholarworks.alaska.edu/. A copy of the 2016 Colloquy program is also available at https://polarlibraries.org/colloquy-proceedings/. Further information on the Polar Libraries Colloquy, including details of membership and upcoming conferences, is available at https://polarlibraries.orgHistory of Polar Information Science / Working in Antarctica: Mapping a Changing Experience through the British Antarctic Survey / Géoindex+: A Geospatial Platform for Northern Historical and Research Data / Establishing Criteria for the Development of the “Northern Collection” at Université Laval’s Library: An Exploratory Approach / Introducing Two New Reserach Platforms: seaiceportal.de and expedition.awi.de (abstract only) / Establishing a Digital Library Service for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region / Changing Patterns of Polar Research / Mapping the Rescue of an Archive / Byrd 1933: Films from the Discovery Lecture Series / History of the Elmer E. Rasmuson Library and Its Rare Books Collection / A Roadmap to Navigate the Range of Polar Libraries, Databases, and Archives Now Available Online / Mapping Change with Finna in an Arctic Research Joint Library (paper not listed in program) / Mapping Chang in a Small Library Environment: From Reading Room to Communications Center (abstract only) / The Continued Evolution of the Cold Regions Bibliography Project: Current Status of the Antarctic Bibliography and the Antarctic Journal of the United States and its Predecessors / Connect the North: The Arctic Connect Project / Languages and Dialects in the Digital Library North (abstract only) / Bridging Arctic Indigenous Knowledge with the Digital World: Sharing Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Partnership with Arctic Communities (abstract only) / The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (abstract and poster