68 research outputs found

    Pain evaluation and control after routine interventions in cattle

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências VeterináriaDisbudding and castration are two routine interventions in cattle practice. Both can cause severe pain and cause poor welfare. Through plasma cortisol levels and behaviour evaluation we measured pain caused by different disbudding and castration methods. We also studied the efficacy of several anaesthesia and analgesia protocols. The main conclusions are: - Cortisol together with behaviour assessment is very useful in detecting calves in pain. - Certain behaviours are only shown by very young calves. - Vocalization should not be used as a sign of pain in calves. - Scoop disbudding causes long term pain and local anaesthesia is not efficient. - Hot-iron disbudding causes severe pain during the procedure but does not differ from paste disbudding in the next hours. Local anaesthesia plus analgesia does reduce pain cause by these methods. - Xylazine causes an increase in cortisol even if pain is not induced. - Pain caused by clamp-castration lasts for at least 48 hours and is only controlled by long acting analgesics. - Surgical castration causes intense pain but shorter if two incisions are made instead of just one.RESUMO - Avaliação e controlo da dor causada por intervenções de rotina em bovinos - A descorna e a castração de bovinos jovens são duas intervenções de rotina nas explorações. Ambas intervenções têm o potencial de causar dor e, portanto, de afectar gravemente o bem-estar animal. Através da medição do cortisol plasmático e avaliação do comportamento medimos a dor causada por diversos métodos de descorna e castração. Testámos ainda diversos protocolos de anestesia e analgesia. Principais conclusões: - O cortisol associado à observação do comportamento é eficaz na detecção de vitelos em dor. - Certos comportamentos de dor apenas são exibidos por animais muito novos. - A vocalização não é um sinal útil na identificação da dor em vitelos. - A descorna por amputação causa dor prolongada e a anestesia local não é eficaz. - O procedimento de descorna por ferro causa dor elevada, mas nas horas seguintes a dor não difere da descorna com pasta. A anestesia local associada a um analgésico controla a dor nestes dois métodos. - A xilazina causa elevação de cortisol mesmo quando não há dor. - Dor causada pela castração por esmagamento dura pelo menos 48 horas e só é controlada por analgésicos com acção prolongada. - Castração cirúrgica causa dor intensa mas menos prolongada quando feita através de duas incisões do que através de uma incisão.Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal - Projecto de Investigação: CIISA/73.Dor Bovino

    Uterine Adenocarcinoma with Pulmonary, Liver and Mesentery Metastasis in a Holstein Cow

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    The clinical and pathology features of a cow with uterine adenocarcinoma and multiple metastasis are described. Weight loss, inappetence, mild respiratory signs, and reduced milk yield were evident on clinical examination. Grossly deformed uterus, enlarged iliac lymph nodes, and rosary arranged nodules in the mesentery were felt by rectal palpation. Right side laparotomy revealed numerous small masses covering the omentum, and mesentery. Euthanasia was performed. Necropsy and histopathology exam revealed a uterine adenocarcinoma with multiple pulmonary, liver and mesentery metastasis. Uterine adenocarcinoma with metastasis should be included in the differential diagnosis of cows showing weight loss and mild respiratory distress and palpation of numerous firm nodules in the mesentery should be suggestive of neoplasias' metastasis

    Influence of different housing systems on prevalence of keel bone lesions in laying hens

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesABSTRACT The present study aimed to investigate the effect of three housing systems (furnished cages – FC, barns – B, and free-range – FR) on the prevalence and severity of keel bone protrusion and deformations. These health and welfare indicators were measured at the slaughterhouse, using a 4-point scale (0 = absence, 1 = slight, 2 = moderate and 3 = severe). Keel bone deformation was also categorized in relation to the presence of compression over the ventral surface, deviation from a 2D straight plane and deviation from the transverse (C-shaped) or median sagittal (S-shaped) plane. The housing system had a significant effect on prevalence of keel bone deformation (χ2 = 45.465, df = 6, P < 0.001). In FR systems 60.4% of hens presented keel bone deformation, followed by 54.2% in FC and 53.5% in B; however, higher scores for keel bone deformations were more frequent in B systems. Although keel bone protrusion was observed in all laying hen systems, the majority of hens only presented a slight degree (score 1) of protrusion. A positive correlation was obtained for keel bone protrusion and emaciation. The results could be used to initiate detailed investigations into problematic issues that occur during the laying period to improve the health and welfare conditions on farms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding and modelling upper body strength for people with C5-C7 tetraplegia.

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    The loss of function following a spinal cord injury (SCI) has a huge impact on a person’s life. Tetraplegia is the result of damage to the cervical region of the spinal cord causing a severe loss of motor and sensory function of the body below the injury. This results in a loss of function of the torso, all four limbs and neck. The severity of the loss of function is dependent on the location where the damage has occurred and whether the injury is classified as complete or incomplete. Complete tetraplegia is defined as an injury that has damaged the entire cross section of the spinal cord. Variation in the injury severity results in considerable differences in the strength capabilities of people with cervical SCI. People living with tetraplegia have a high dependence on assistive and mobility devices to complete the tasks of everyday life. This thesis pertains to the measuring and modelling of the upper body strength of people with tetraplegia. An understanding of the remaining upper body strength capabilities following an SCI is critical to promote the development of appropriate designs to be used by this population. This thesis developed a novel method to measure detailed multidirectional arm strength data of people in a seated position. A purpose built testing apparatus enabled an improved method to capture isometric force measurements rapidly in all directions over a person’s range of motion. Non-disabled participants were used to validate the testing method before testing was completed using participants with tetraplegia A comprehensive multidirectional strength study was completed using 10 partici- pants with C4-C7 tetraplegia and 11 non-disabled participants. First, the study was used to determine the differences in the strength characteristics of people with tetraplegia compared people with no disability. The study was then used to investigate whether each SCI level had a characteristic strength profile in the sagittal plane. The results highlighted an expected reduction in the range of motion and strength capabilities for participants with tetraplegia compared to non-disabled participants. The results found that participants with higher level tetraplegia had more significant reductions in strength in radial (shoulder to hand) direction compared to the circumferential direction resulting in polar plots with a more circular shape. The novel insights gained from the strength study expanded on previous isometric strength studies for people with tetraplegia by measuring isometric force in multiple directions. The statistical modelling section developed fitted models using the results from the strength study to investigate whether consistent strength patterns existed for specific exertion directions. A regression analysis for each participant was completed to fit multidirectional strength data to a fourth order polynomial model. In total 528 contour plots were generated for each direction to compare the empirical results with the corresponding fitted model for each participant. Overall the models had a good fit to the empirical data with an average adjusted R2 value of 0.9232 (4dp) for all participants and directions. The fitted model for each participant enables strength maps generated for each direction. This fitted model compliments the strength study findings by making the strength data more usable. Using the strength maps, designers are able to evaluate the force requirements for user specific designs without a physical prototype. A general model was developed using 7 sets of normalised empirical data from non-disabled participants. The general model had a good fit to the averaged empirical data with an average adjusted R2 value of 0.9427 (4dp) for all directions. The method used to develop a fitted model for the non-disabled participants could also be used for people with tetraplegia if an adequate amount of strength data was available. The theoretical modelling section of this thesis presented a 2D model of the upper body was developed to enable multidirectional force patterns to be predicted and evaluated for people with C5-C7 tetraplegia. Joint torque and static equilibrium limits were used to determine the limiting force over a person’s range of motion in the sagittal plane. The results from the model highlighted that the limiting force is not purely a function of upper limb joint strength but also stability. The model showed that the reduction in joint strength has a large impact on the magnitude of force a person with tetraplegia can apply. The lack of trunk function limited the predicted force a person with tetraplegia could apply due to the increased risk of falling forward due to pivoting at the hip. Comparisons with the results from the strength study were made to evaluate the accuracy of the fitted model and human model. The fitted model was used to make force predictions for two participants. The comparisons using the fitted model revealed that the model had a moderate goodness of fit to the measured data with an average R2 value of 0.6359 (4dp). Further comparisons were not completed due to the variation in the goodness of fit for different directions. The comparisons showed that further development of the fitted model would enable force exertions to be predicted for non-disabled people and people with tetraplegia. The comparison between the results from the human model highlighted the strengths and limitations of the 2D model. The results from the comparison showed that the model was effective in modeling the expected reduction in strength for participants with tetraplegia. The comparisons showed that the model was a useful tool to investigate factors which limit the applied force for each injury level of interest

    Evaluation of pain mitigation strategies in goat kids after cautery disbudding

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    ABSTRACT - Simple Summary Disbudding is a routine procedure performed in goat kids at an early age, especially the ones in the dairy industry. The procedure is mainly done to increase safety for other animals and workers in intensive dairy farms. Disbudding is a painful procedure that affects the welfare of the kids. Effective and practical pain mitigation strategies to reduce the suffering of goat kids due to disbudding have not yet been found. We studied two different pain mitigation strategies for this procedure and concluded that they were not entirely effective. Consumers are increasingly aware of animal farming practices, especially the ones that can lead to suffering and pain, such as disbudding. It is crucial that pain mitigation strategies as well as possible alternative solutions to disbudding continue to be investigated. Nowadays, most of the goat milk production in developed countries is done in intensive indoors production systems. In these systems, procedures such as disbudding are performed routinely. Disbudding is done in young goat kids and is a recognised as a painful procedure. Pain mitigation strategies have been extensively researched, but a method that is effective in mitigating pain as well as being safe and practical has not yet been found. In this paper we used three treatment groups: one control and two groups with pain mitigation strategies for cautery disbudding, one using local anaesthesia (lidocaine) and a second one using local anaesthesia (lidocaine) plus an analgesic (flunixin meglumine). The behaviour of twenty-seven goat kids was recorded for three hours after disbudding. Overall, the goat kids that received both pain mitigation treatments dedicated more time performing active and positive behaviours. Nevertheless, the incidence of behaviours related to pain and discomfort was not consistently reduced. Research is still needed to find a practical and effective pain mitigation strategy for disbudding. A solution to this challenge would improve animal welfare as well as address societal concerns linked to the suffering of farm animals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bibliometric trend analysis of non-conventional (alternative) therapies in veterinary research

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    Background: There is an increased interest in Non-Conventional Therapies (NCTs), often referred to as complementary and alternative medicines, in veterinary clinical practice. Aim: To map the bibliometric outputs of NCTs in veterinary medicine, and identify which are most prevalent, and the extent to which their publishing has increased. Methods: Text mining algorithms were applied to detect 17 NCTs-related terms (acupuncture, ayurveda/ayurvedic, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional medicine, chiropractic, electroacupuncture, essential oil, plant extract, ethnopharmacology, herbal medicine, homeopathy, low-level laser therapy, medicinal plant, natural product, osteopathy, phytotherapy, and massage) in the title, abstract or keywords of all retrievable literature until 2020 under the PubMed MeSH term ‘veterinary’ (N = 377 556). Point prevalence, incidence by decade and cumulative incidence were calculated. Results: Bibliometric trend analysis revealed an overall increase in NCTs-related terms over the last 20 years, with a substantial growth of studies mentioning plant extracts, essential oils and medicinal plants. Traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and natural product have also increased in the same period, although their numbers remain low. Conversely, reference to acupuncture has decreased in the last decade when compared with the previous decade, whereas references to homeopathy, electroacupuncture, osteopathy and chiropractic remained scarce, suggesting that their use in veterinary clinical practice may not be based on published evidence. Conclusion: Further reviews to explore this issue are warranted, differentiating secondary from primary literature, and assessing relevance and methodological quality of individual studies, following the principles of evidence-based veterinary medicine

    Use of topical local anesthetics to control pain during treatment of hoof lesions in dairy cows

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    Research Areas: AgricultureFood Science & TechnologyABSTRACT - Hoof pathologies in dairy cows have a major effect on both production and animal welfare. Trimming of excess or diseased hoof tissue is essential for the treatment of many of these conditions. Trimming hoof lesions can cause severe pain, resulting in adverse behavioral responses with risk for animal and human safety. Interventions are usually carried out by nonveterinary technicians in the absence of pain management training. Pain control during trimming is not only an ethical obligation but also allows for better manipulation and more meticulous treatment. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of Tri-Solfen (Bayer Australia Ltd., Pymble, NSW, Australia), a combination of local anesthetics in a topical gel form, containing lidocaine, bupivacaine, adrenaline, and cetrimide, for the treatment of pain associated with trimming of hoof lesions. Sixty-two Holstein-Frisian cows were selected for trimming at the drying-off period and were visually scored for lameness before entering the chute. After diagnosis of the hoof lesion but before deep trimming was initiated, each animal was randomly distributed to 2 groups: C, usual trimming with no pain control, and T, trimming with a local anesthetic formulation being applied immediately after live corium was exposed. During curative trimming, behavior observation was conducted by 2 observers blind to treatment. In 27 cows, algometry measurements were performed before and after the procedure to assess animal reaction to pressure. Lameness scoring was again performed as the cow left the chute. Nonparametric tests and ANOVA were performed. Results showed that use of the topical anesthetic formulation significantly reduced reaction to trimming and lameness score after trimming when compared with nontreated animals. Algometry values showed increased pressure threshold after application of topical anesthetics. This study suggests that the use of topical local anesthesia with lidocaine and bupivacaine helps reduce pain associated with corrective trimming of severe hoof lesions, enhancing animal welfare and potentially ensuring safety of trimmers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intensity of Oestrus Signalling Is the Most Relevant Indicator for Animal Well-Being in High-Producing Dairy Cows

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    Full signalling of oestrous behaviour is vital for proper timing of AI and good reproductive performance, currently jeopardized by shorter observations of oestrus behaviour. Alternative indicators including progesterone (P4) recordings on-farm are tested. Oestrous intensity of 37 heifers (H) and 30 1st-parity dairy cows (C1) either Swedish Red (32) or Swedish Holstein (35) with high genetic potential for milk production, was studied in relation to AI. P4-levels in blood or milk were monitored on-farm at 0, 7, and 20 d post-AI with a portable ELISA reader (eProCheck800). Avoidance distance and body condition were scored at day 7, and pregnancy diagnosed by P4 (day 20) and trans-rectal palpation (day 50). More heifers (46%) than C1-cows (10%) showed standing oestrus (strongest intensity, P < 0.05), leading to higher pregnancy rate at d50 (72% versus 37% for C1, P < 0.01) and calving rate (H: 64%, C1: 33%, P < 0.05). Avoidance distances were short (<1 m), reflecting good human-animal interaction. Visually-recorded standing oestrus yielded 4.8 fold higher odds of pregnancy, respectively 4.6-fold higher odds of calving. On-farm P4-recordings had complementary value yet less accuracy. Intensity of oestrus signalling relates to animal well-being, reflected in pregnancy-to-term being a good indicator for optimal welfare in high-producing dairy cattle

    Contextualizing the Global Nursing Care Chain: International Migration and the Status of Nursing in Kerala, India

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    In this article I explore the issue of nursing status in Kerala, India and how over time a colonial discourse of caste‐based pollution has given way to a discourse of sexual pollution under expanding migratory opportunities. Based on survey and qualitative research findings, I caution that the improving occupational status of nursing in India is not directly mapped onto social status, and this is particularly evident in the matrimonial market. In the light of these findings I argue that global nursing care chain (GNCC) analysis must assess more than just workplace contexts in order to conceptualize how global care chains (GCCs) interlock, and how they are differentiated from each other