5,523 research outputs found

    Glacial thermohaline circulation states of the northern Atlantic: The compatibility of modelling and observations

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    We present 3He data froma repeat section across Drake Passage, fromthree sections off the South American continent in the Pacific, at 28?S, 35?S, and 43?S, and fromthree sections in the Atlantic, eastward of the Malvinas, close to 35?W, and near the Greenwich Meridian. In Drake Passage, a distinct high-3He signal is observed that is centered just above the boundary of the Lower and the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW, UCDW), and is concentrated towards the northern continental slope. 3He concentrations in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) upstream of Drake Passage (World Ocean Circulation Experiment section P19 at 88?W) are markedly lower than those found in Drake Passage, and a regional source of primordial helium in the path of the ACC that might cause the high-3He feature can be ruled out. We explain the feature by addition of high-3He waters present at the 43?S Pacific section. This supports a previous, similar interpretation of a low-salinity anomaly in Drake Passage (Naveira Garabato et al., Deep- Sea Research I 49 (2002) 681), that is strongly related to the high-3He feature. Employing multiparameter water mass analysis (including 3He as a parameter), we find that deep waters as met at the 43?S Pacific section, flowing south along the South American continental slope, contribute substantially to the ACC waters in Drake Passage (fractions exceed 50% locally). Lesser, but laterally more extended contributions are found east of the Malvinas, and still smaller ones are present at 35?W and at the Greenwich Meridian. Using velocity measurements from one of the two Drake Passage sections, we estimate the volume transport of these waters to be 7.071.2 Sv, but the average transport may be somewhat lower as the other realization had a less pronounced signal. The enhanced 3He signature in Drake Passage is essentially confined north of the Polar Front. Further downstreamthe signature crosses this front, to the extent that at 35?W the contributions south and north of it are of similar magnitude. At the same time, the 3He levels north of the front are reduced due to a substantial admixture of low-3He North Atlantic Deep Water, such that 3He becomes highest south of the front. The flow of Southeast Pacific deep slope waters entering the ACC constitutes the predominant exit pathway of the primordial helium released in the deep Pacific, and represents a considerable fraction of the deep water return flow fromthe Pacific into the ACC. Therefore and also because the density range of the added deep slope waters is intermediate between those of UCDW and LCDW, they must be considered a distinct water mass. r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Collagen-mimetic peptide-modifiable hydrogels for articular cartilage regeneration

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    Regenerative medicine strategies for restoring articular cartilage face significant challenges to recreate the complex and dynamic biochemical and biomechanical functions of native tissues. As an approach to recapitulate the complexity of the extracellular matrix, collagen-mimetic proteins offer a modular template to incorporate bioactive and biodegradable moieties into a single construct. We modified a Streptococcal collagen-like 2 protein with hyaluronic acid (HA) or chondroitin sulfate (CS)-binding peptides and then cross-linked with a matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7)-sensitive peptide to form biodegradable hydrogels. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) encapsulated in these hydrogels exhibited improved viability and significantly enhanced chondrogenic differentiation compared to controls that were not functionalized with glycosaminoglycan-binding peptides. Hydrogels functionalized with CS-binding peptides also led to significantly higher MMP7 gene expression and activity while the HA-binding peptides significantly increased chondrogenic differentiation of the hMSCs. Our results highlight the potential of this novel biomaterial to modulate cell-mediated processes and create functional tissue engineered constructs for regenerative medicine applications

    Use of micro-computed tomography imaging and porosity measurements as indicators of collagen preservation in archaeological bone

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    Collagen isolated from archaeological bone is a common material for radiocarbon dating, stable isotope analysis, and zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry (ZooMS). However, not all bones contain extant collagen, leading to unnecessary destruction of unproductive bones and wasted laboratory time and resources. An aim of this research is to study bone diagenesis, particularly collagen destruction, in an effort to develop a minimally destructive method for identifying bones with high collagen content. In a multi-method study of variably preserved bones from Etton, Cambridgeshire, UK, we examined material properties of Neolithic cattle and sheep bones including porosity, surface area, and elemental composition. Micro-computed tomography (microCT) is an imaging technique that furnishes three-dimensional images of mineralized materials such as bone. Cortical bone porosity, the percentage of total bone volume consisting of empty space as calculated using microCT, can act as a proxy for bone collagen preservation. In general, bones with high cortical porosity are unlikely to contain sufficient collagen for further analysis. Bones with apparently low cortical porosity have a more varied range of collagen preservation. Bone samples with low porosity and no extant collagen often contain micropores with a diameter of 10 nm or less that cannot be seen in microCT images but are apparent in pore size distributions measured by mercury porosimetry, and indicated by high surface areas measured by nitrogen adsorption. Furthermore, a re-evaluation of light-induced breakdown spectroscopy data from this same assemblage confirms that ratios of calcium to fluorine may likewise indicate the state of diagenesis

    The nature of X-ray-absorbed quasi-stellar objects

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    There exists a significant population of broad line, z∼ 2 quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) which have heavily absorbed X-ray spectra. Follow-up observations in the submillimetre show that these QSOs are embedded in ultraluminous starburst galaxies, unlike most unabsorbed QSOs at the same redshifts and luminosities. Here we present X-ray spectra from XMM–Newton for a sample of five such X-ray-absorbed QSOs that have been detected at submillimetre wavelengths. We also present spectra in the rest-frame ultraviolet from ground-based telescopes. All the five QSOs are found to exhibit strong C iv absorption lines in their ultraviolet spectra with equivalent width >5 Å. The X-ray spectra are inconsistent with the hypothesis that these objects show normal QSO continua absorbed by low-ionization gas. Instead, the spectra can be modelled successfully with ionized absorbers, or with cold absorbers if they possess unusually flat X-ray continuum shapes and unusual optical to X-ray spectral energy distributions. We show that the ionized absorber model provides the simplest, most self-consistent explanation for their observed properties. We estimate that the fraction of radiated power that is converted into kinetic luminosity of the outflowing winds is typically ∼4 per cent, in agreement with recent estimates for the kinetic feedback from QSOs required to produce the M–σ relation, and consistent with the hypothesis that the X-ray-absorbed QSOs represent the transition phase between obscured accretion and the luminous QSO phase in the evolution of massive galaxies

    Validation of the binary designation 'Symbiodinium thermophilum' (Dinophyceae)

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe binary designation 'Symbiodinium thermophilum' was invalid due to the absence of an illustration as required by Article 44.2 of the ICN. Herein, it is validated. This species is the most common symbiont in reef corals in the southern Persian/Arabian Gulf (PAG), the world's hottest body of water sustaining reef coral growth. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council Grant NE/K00641X/1 (to J.W.), the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme Grant FP7/2007-2013/ERC Grant Agreement 311179 (to J.W.

    SEMDSA/ACE-SA Guideline for the Management of Hypothyroidism in Adults

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    Background: Hypothyroidism is a common clinical condition confronting all healthcare practitioners yet there remains uncertainty about the optimal medication and optimum treatment targets. In addition, many patients remain symptomatic despite using recommended medications and attaining recommended treatment targets.Methods: All endocrinologists in South Africa who consented to be part of the guideline process were assigned various aspects of the management of patients with thyroid disease. In each section the current literature was reviewed and the level of evidence was graded. This information was then presented at a guideline meeting. Where evidence was lacking a consensus among participants was adopted.Results: This guideline provides 11 recommendations for the management of primary hypothyroidism, secondary hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism in adults.Conclusions: This is the first South African guideline for the management of hypothyroidism in adults and represents a comprehensive review of the current literature in an attempt to provide evidence-based guidance for all healthcare practitioners regarding the many clinical aspects encountered when managing patients with hypothyroidism

    Egg development, hatching rhythm and moult patterns in Paralomos spinosissima (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea: Lithodidae) from South Georgia waters (Southern Ocean)

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    Larval release, hatching rhythms and moult patterns were examined in a captive population of the subantarctic lithodid, Paralomis spinosissima from the South Georgia and Shag Rocks region. Larvae hatched throughout the year with the majority of females starting to release larvae at the end of the austral summer and beginning of autumn. Larval release continued over a period of up to 9 weeks with high variability in the numbers that hatched each day. A similar seasonal pattern to hatching was evident in the moulting of females. Intermoult period for two adult females (CL = 63 and 85 mm) ranged from 894 to 1,120 days while an intermoult period for males was estimated to be in excess of 832 days. The results are consistent with other species of Paralomis and are discussed in relation to physiological and environmental adaptations to the cold-water conditions south of the Antarctic Convergence
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