573 research outputs found

    Social assemblages and mating relationships in prairie dogs: a DNA fingerprint analysis

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    Mating system characterizations have been hindered by difficulties in accurately assigning parentage to offspring. We investigated the relationship between social assemblages and mating relationships in a territorial harem polygynous mammal, the Gunnison\u27s prairie dog, using a combination of behavioral and molecular analyses. We demonstrate multiple paternity and an extraordinarily high incidence of extraterritorial fertilizations (i.e., 61% of all progeny), in combination with the existence of female kin groups. On this basis, we conclude that social assemblages alone provide a poor description of the Gunnison\u27s prairie dog mating system, and suggest several potential reasons for the maintenance of territoriality in this species

    DNA Fingerprinting Reveals Low Genetic Diversity in Gunnison\u27s Prairie Dog (Cynomys gunnisoni)

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    The use of molecular techniques for the assessment of familial relationships among social species of mammals has become relatively commonplace. However, some species represent poor candidates for such studies due to naturally low levels of genetic diversity, leading to unacceptably large standard errors associated with estimates of relatedness. Here, we report on a preliminary study of genetic diversity within two populations of a social species of ground squirrel, Gunnison\u27s prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni) using DNA fingerprinting. We observed low levels of diversity in the form of large mean coefficients of genetic similarity among individuals occupying the same population. Overall similarity, determined from the combined data, yielded by three minisatellte probes, ranged from 55 to 61%. These values place Gunnison\u27s prairie dog at the extreme upper end of the range of similarity values reported for outbred species of mammals (ca. 0.20-0.50). As a partial means of explaining these results, and as a means of comparing our results to those of similar studies using allozymes, we determined the level of differentiation between our two study colonies in the form of an F-statistic analog. A value of 0.11 (± 2.26 × 10−3) was obtained and is similar to values reported from allozyme studies (0.07–0.12). A significance test of this value yielded a positive result (D = 5.63, d.f. = 1, P \u3c 0.025), demonstrating that gene flow between populations is limited, a factor that may help to maintain low levels of diversity

    DNA Fingerprinting Reveals Low Genetic Diversity in Gunnison\u27s Prairie Dog (Cynomys gunnisoni)

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    The use of molecular techniques for the assessment of familial relationships among social species of mammals has become relatively commonplace. However, some species represent poor candidates for such studies due to naturally low levels of genetic diversity, leading to unacceptably large standard errors associated with estimates of relatedness. Here, we report on a preliminary study of genetic diversity within two populations of a social species of ground squirrel, Gunnison\u27s prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni) using DNA fingerprinting. We observed low levels of diversity in the form of large mean coefficients of genetic similarity among individuals occupying the same population. Overall similarity, determined from the combined data, yielded by three minisatellte probes, ranged from 55 to 61%. These values place Gunnison\u27s prairie dog at the extreme upper end of the range of similarity values reported for outbred species of mammals (ca. 0.20-0.50). As a partial means of explaining these results, and as a means of comparing our results to those of similar studies using allozymes, we determined the level of differentiation between our two study colonies in the form of an F-statistic analog. A value of 0.11 (± 2.26 × 10−3) was obtained and is similar to values reported from allozyme studies (0.07–0.12). A significance test of this value yielded a positive result (D = 5.63, d.f. = 1, P \u3c 0.025), demonstrating that gene flow between populations is limited, a factor that may help to maintain low levels of diversity

    Heritability And Evolvability Of Morphological Traits Of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus Sandwichensis) Breeding In Agricultural Grasslands

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    <div><p>Heritability and evolvability estimates of adult traits from free-living bird populations can be used to gauge the ability of populations to respond to selection, but are rare due to difficulties in gathering detailed pedigree information. The capacity to respond to selection is particularly important for species occupying managed habitats such as agricultural grasslands because of the potential for humans to accidentally influence traits. We calculated heritability and evolvability of six morphological traits in a population of Savannah Sparrows (<i>Passerculus sandwichensis</i>) breeding in a large agricultural landscape. We used microsatellite analysis to determine a genetic pedigree, revealing a high level of extra-pair paternity (63%) within a relatively philopatric population. For the entire population, heritabilities varied from low to high (bill width: 0.160±0.182 to tarsus length: 0.651±0.155), while evolvabilities were low across all traits (wing length: 0.035±0.013 to body mass: 0.066±0.106). Our results indicate that any directional selection from agricultural management practices will produce negligible changes in basic morphometrics of Savannah sparrow populations occupying the Champlain Valley of Vermont, USA.</p></div

    Why Come Back Home? Investigating The Proximate Factors That Influence Natal Philopatry In Migratory Passerines

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    Knowledge of which cues attract birds back to natal areas is important for conservation because the cues could be manipulated to attract breeders to source habitat or discourage breeders from settling in sink habitat. We examined the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic variables on natal philopatry using two metrics, short-distance natal dispersal and the probability of philopatry to the natal field, in two obligate-grassland bird species breeding in an agricultural landscape: the bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, and the Savannah sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis. During 2002–2014, we detected 90 locally hatched Savannah sparrows and 129 locally hatched bobolinks breeding as adults near their places of origin (mean ± SD dispersal distances: Savannah sparrows: 917 ± 851 m; bobolinks: 1251 ± 839 m). For both species, the location of the field on which they bred relative to fields where annual productivity was greater than replacement best explained variation in natal dispersal distance. The probability a Savannah sparrow was philopatric to its natal field increased if it fledged later in the season, while this probability decreased if there was an opposite-sex parent or sibling present on the natal field, or the field was under a late-hay management scheme. None of the variables considered explained variation in bobolink natal philopatry. Natal philopatry and short-distance natal dispersal in these species appear to be influenced by factors that are difficult to manage; however, land managers should attempt to keep management consistent across time to reduce misinformation in dispersal cues

    Diverse Demographic Factors Influence Apparent Juvenile Survival In A Migratory Songbird

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    To better understand the dynamics of avian populations and their role in population trends, we require an in-depth understanding of the factors influencing the survival of adults and juveniles. How-ever, assessing survival in juveniles is often challenging, especially in small, migratory species where individuals typically disperse from the study area and are not available for recapture in subsequent years. Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) are a long-distance migrant that exhibits natal philopatry in at least one population, allowing for more comprehensive juvenile survival analyses than in many other long-distance avian migrants. Using a 17-yr dataset from two sites representing a Vermont population of Bobolinks, we used Program MARK to assess factors influencing apparent juvenile survival, including factors related to nesting timing, nest attempt number, the philopatric behaviors of relatives, body mass, brood size, and agricultural management scheme. Our top models indicated that nest attempt number and whether or not a nest mate also survived and returned to breed locally were important factors explaining variation in apparent survival in juvenile Bobolinks. Specifically, juveniles from first nest attempts that fledged earlier in the season, with siblings that did not survive and return to breed locally, showed higher apparent survival. Factors such as site and the philopatric behavior of females associated with nests also appeared in top-ranking models, while factors such as body mass and brood size did not. These results indicate the importance of providing high-quality breeding habitat to birds early in the season when juvenile survival is greatest and indicate that individuals may be utilizing inbreeding avoidance strategies. These results provide new insight into the ecological and agricultural management factors influencing survival in migratory species that use managed habitats and underscore the importance of integrating juvenile survival data into current management schemes to better support this and other declining species

    Status and Relative Abundance of Alabama Shad, \u3ci\u3eAlosa alabamae\u3c/i\u3e, in Alabama

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    Alabama Shad, Alosa alabamae, an anadromous fish found historically from the Mississippi River basin eastward to the Suwanee River, has experienced population declines and even extirpation in some States. In Alabama, A. alabamae have been found in rivers of the Mobile River basin and Conecuh, Yellow, and Choctawhatchee rivers in the coastal Gulf Plain. We report on our directed and targeted efforts to assess the current status and relative abundance of A. alabamae in Alabama and compare our results to past A. alabamae surveys in Alabama. We completed 52 sampling trips and expended 129.5 hours of boat-electrofishing effort targeting A. alabamae. Sampling was conducted during the spring to coincide with the spring-spawning migration at historical sites and sites conducive for the collection of A. alabamae. No A. alabamae was collected from the Mobile River basin (i.e., Alabama and Tombigbee rivers) and only one A. alabamae was collected from the Conecuh River. We collected seven A. alabamae in 2011 and three in 2018 from the Choctawhatchee River. For the Choctawhatchee River population, our results indicated a precipitous decline in abundance by 71% and 98% from 1999/2000 to 2011 and 2018, respectively. In addition, our results support the extirpation of A. alabamae from the Mobile River basin and a severely depressed population in the Conecuh River. Although A. alabamae was recently denied listing under the Endangered Species Act by the National Marine Fisheries Service due to lack of apparent range-wide extinction, our results indicate what was once considered the second largest population of A. alabamae from the Choctawhatchee River is on the verge of extirpation. Alosa alabamae could become extirpated from Alabama in the near future, which is a significant portion of its range

    Nestling Sex Ratios Do Not Support Long-Term Parity In Two Species With Different Life-History Strategies

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    To maximize fitness, breeding adults may respond to environmental processes by adjusting their progeny’s sex ratios. R. A. Fisher in 1930 hypothesized that frequency-dependent selection would result in equal investment in sons and daughters over the long term, yielding a balanced sex ratio if the costs of raising a son and daughter are equal. Diverse hypotheses have tried to explain population and brood-by-brood deviations from this mean as well as annual variation by focusing on adult sex ratios, resources, abiotic conditions, and female and male quality. We collected data in 2002-2010 to explore population-level variation in nestling sex ratios in 2 migratory grassland songbird species: the Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). These species differ in migratory strategy (long-distance vs. short-distance), and morphological dimorphism. Fisher’s hypothesis was rejected for Savannah Sparrows (n = 684 nestlings; 39% male) but not rejected for Bobolinks (n = 390 nestlings; 53.8% male). No relationship was found between nestling and adult sex ratios measured in the same year. In descriptive analyses at the brood level, male and female body size and age, and ecological conditions (temperature and precipitation) failed to predict nestling sex ratios. Although male nestlings were heavier than female nestlings and resource availability changed through the season, these factors did not influence sex ratios relative to female body size or seasonality. For Savannah Sparrows, larger broods tended to be male-biased. While we were otherwise not able to explain deviation in offspring sex ratio for Savannah Sparrows, our results suggest that the ecological and evolutionary pressures that affect sex ratios may be both species- and population-specific

    Exercise Blood Pressures Are Lower After Aquatic Compared To Land Treadmill Training

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    Exercise blood pressures are lower after aquatic compared to land treadmill training Alex T. Carradine1, Brad S. Lambert1, Nicolas P. Greene2, Travis W. Constanzo1, Steven E. Martin1, Stephen F. Crouse (FACSM)1. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 2University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Traditional treadmill training has been shown to moderately decrease exercise blood pressures but the degree to which aquatic running alters exercise blood pressures has not been fully investigated. PURPOSE: To compare the exercise blood pressure responses after land treadmill (LTM) training to an equivalent volume of aquatic treadmill training (ATM). METHODS: We tested blood pressure responses to the Bruce treadmill protocol PRE and POST 12-wks of matched volume training on LTM (n= 9♂,13♀, age=43±3 yrs, weight=88.1±3.6 kg) or ATM (n=18♂, 17♀, age=45±2 yrs, weight=90.6±3.0 kg). Systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), pulse pressure (PP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were analyzed using a 2 (ATM or LTM) x 2 (PRE & POST) ANOVA repeated for the training time at rest, 3 stages of the exercise protocol, and 1 and 5 minutes of recovery; Tukey\u27s post hoc tests were used as follow-up for significant interactions, α=0.05. RESULTS: VO2max increased significantly 11-15% with training in both groups. Significant training changes for MAP shown in Table (mmHg, mean±SE); SBP and PP paralleled these results. Significance remained after covarying for BMI, %body fat, and age. GROUP (TIME) STG 1 STG 2 PEAK REC 1 REC 5 ATM (PRE) 105.9 ±1.9 112.3 ±2.1 115.2 ±1.8 111.4 ±1.9 99.7 ±2.3 ATM (POST) 99.8 ±1.5* 104.1 ±1.2* 110.4 ±1.3* 105.9 ±1.3* 93.6 ±1.3* LTM (PRE) 105.1 ±1.9 110.1 ±1.8 113.9 ±1.3 111.1 ±1.7 99.6 ±2.1 LTM (POST) 103.0 ±1.9 106.8 ±2.1 112.1 ±1.5 110.8 ±1.7 101.4 ±2.5 * = Within group by time (p\u3c0.05). Bruce Protocol Stage (STG) 1, 2, Peak; Recovery (REC) 1,5 minutes CONCLUSION: ATM significantly reduces exercise blood pressures. These data suggest ATM may provide a superior benefit over LTM for promoting said reduction

    Migratory Flyways May Affect Population Structure in Double‐Crested Cormorants

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    Double‐crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) recovered from a demographic bottleneck so well that they are now considered a nuisance species at breeding and wintering grounds across the United States and Canada. Management of this species could be improved by refining genetic population boundaries and assigning individuals to their natal population. Further, recent radio‐telemetry data suggest the existence of Interior and Atlantic migratory flyways, which could reduce gene flow and result in substantial genetic isolation. In this study, we used 1,784 individuals collected across the eastern United States, a large panel of microsatellite markers developed for this species, and individuals banded as chicks and recaptured as adults to explore the effects of migratory flyways on population structure, quantify the genetic effects of demographic bottlenecks, and determine whether individuals could be assigned to their natal population based on genotype. We found evidence for genetic population division only along migratory flyways, no evidence of genetic bottlenecks, and mixed effectiveness of assignment tests. Our population structure findings suggest that gene flow is high across large scales; for example, individuals from New York, Minnesota, and Alabama are all in panmixia. We also found that traditional subspecies ranges may not be valid because \u3e1 subspecies was present in single genetic populations. The lack of evidence for genetic bottlenecks also likely underscores the vagility of this species, suggesting that even during demographic bottlenecks, populations were not isolated from allelic exchange. Finally, the failure of assignment tests to consistently perform is likely due in part to imperfect a priori sampling of Atlantic and Interior chicks and the high vagility of adults. We conclude that the demographic bottleneck is not likely to have reduced genetic diversity, and that assignment tests remain unreliable for this species. We recommend double-crested cormorants be managed by flyway. Further development of genomic resources in this species could improve population subdivision resolution, improve assignment tests, and reveal further information on demographic histories