177 research outputs found

    Fano collective resonance as complex mode in a two dimensional planar metasurface of plasmonic nanoparticles

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    Fano resonances are features in transmissivity/reflectivity/absorption that owe their origin to the interaction between a bright resonance and a dark (i.e., sub-radiant) narrower resonance, and may emerge in the optical properties of planar two-dimensional (2D) periodic arrays (metasurfaces) of plasmonic nanoparticles. In this Letter, we provide a thorough assessment of their nature for the general case of normal and oblique plane wave incidence, highlighting when a Fano resonance is affected by the mutual coupling in an array and its capability to support free modal solutions. We analyze the representative case of a metasurface of plasmonic nanoshells at ultraviolet frequencies and compute its absorption under TE- and TM-polarized, oblique plane-wave incidence. In particular, we find that plasmonic metasurfaces display two distinct types of resonances observable as absorption peaks: one is related to the Mie, dipolar resonance of each nanoparticle; the other is due to the forced excitation of free modes with small attenuation constant, usually found at oblique incidence. The latter is thus an array-induced collective Fano resonance. This realization opens up to manifold flexible designs at optical frequencies mixing individual and collective resonances. We explain the physical origin of such Fano resonances using the modal analysis, which allows to calculate the free modes with complex wavenumber supported by the metasurface. We define equivalent array dipolar polarizabilities that are directly related to the absorption physics at oblique incidence and show a direct dependence between array modal phase and attenuation constant and Fano resonances. We thus provide a more complete picture of Fano resonances that may lead to the design of filters, energy-harvesting devices, photodetectors, and sensors at ultraviolet frequencies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure


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    this article describes the main disadvantages and ways of improvement of corporate income taxation mechanism inUkraine. There is examined influence of income tax rate and exemptions on revenues to the state budget. It is analyzed the dynamics of budget losses due to preferential enterprise income tax and observed performance of planned receipts of income tax to consolidated budget of Ukraine. Conclusions are drawn about introducing a system of differential rates of income tax, reviewing the list of tax incentives and using the accelerated depreciation method that reduces the tax base. All recommendations are based on the analysis of the experience and in comparison with foreign countries.в данной статье рассматриваются главные недостатки и пути усовершенствования механизма налогообложения прибыли в Украине. Рассмотрено влияние ставки налогообложения прибыли и льгот по налогу на прибыль на поступления до бюджета страны. Данные рекомендации  предложены на основании анализа опыта зарубежных стран.в даній статті розглядаються головні недоліки та шляхи вдосконалення механізму оподаткування прибутку підприємств в Україні. Розглянуто вплив ставки податку на прибуток та пільг з податку на прибуток на надходження до бюджету країни. Дані рекомендації запропоновані на основі аналізу зарубіжного досвіду.

    Right to Health Care: The Practice of the ECTHR and the Case of Ukraine

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    The relevance of the research topic is due to the importance of human rights in a democratic society. Despite the fact that all natural human rights are important, the right to health care is practically in the forefront, because without its observance all other rights are leveled. Moreover, the relevance of the topic is even greater given the fact that for a long time the relevant law was not given due attention in law or in legal science. The right to health care is comprehensive and includes other human rights that derive from it. The existing case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) confirms the importance of the human right to health care. In its judgments, the Court emphasizes the importance of this right and reaffirms the need for States to monitor its observance. The aim of the study – analysis of international legal norms and standards, as well as the practice of the ECtHR in the context of the human right to health. The leading research method used in the article is the formal-legal method, the application of which provided an effective analysis of the legal framework of international law, national legislation of Ukraine, and the case law of the ECtHR. Which, in turn, allowed to determine the importance of human rights to health and places of relevant law in the practice of the ECtHR. The article analyzes the theoretical and legal approaches to understanding the right to health care and on this basis identifies the place of relevant law in the human rights system and its main determinants. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights is analyzed and the main articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), which the applicants applied for in violation of the right to health care, are identified. The analysis of the case law of the ECtHR provided an opportunity to identify existing shortcomings in the legislation of the member states. Based on this, it is possible to understand and distinguish ways to solve problems and methods for eliminating such violations in the future. The practical significance of the article lies in the analysis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the separation of rights related to the right to protection of life, as well as the identification of the main determinants of the studied law


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    The article highlights the problems of organization and provision of medical care at the entry-exit checkpoint (EECP) “Stanytsia-Luhanska” in Luhansk region as a result of the anti-terroristic operation – joint forces operation. Emphasis is placed on the inadequacies and in some issues the lack of access of the civilian population to medical care at the EECP along the line of demarcation.У статті висвітлено проблеми організації та надання медичної допомоги на контрольному пункті вʼїзду-виїзду «Станиця Луганська» в Луганській області в результаті проведення антитерористичної операції – Операції обʼєднаних сил. Акцентовано увагу на недостатності та в деяких питаннях відсутності забез­печення доступу цивільного населення до медичної допомоги на контрольному пункті вʼїзду-виїзду впродовж лінії розмежування