2,568 research outputs found

    Music interaction research in HCI

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    The ubiquity of music consumption is overarching. Statistics for digital music sales, streaming video videos, computer games, and illegal sharing all speak of a huge interest. At the same, an incredible amount of data about every day interactions (sales and use) with music is accumulating through new cloud services. However, there is an amazing lack of public knowledge about everyday music interaction. This panel discusses the state of music interaction as a part of digital media research. We consider why music interaction research has become so marginal in HCI and discuss how to revive it. Our two discussion themes are: orientation towards design vs. research in music related R&D, and the question if and how private, big data on music interactions could enlighten our understanding of ubiquitous media culture

    Spatial Scaling in Model Plant Communities

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    We present an analytically tractable variant of the voter model that provides a quantitatively accurate description of beta-diversity (two-point correlation function) in two tropical forests. The model exhibits novel scaling behavior that leads to links between ecological measures such as relative species abundance and the species area relationship.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The Relationship of Personality Style and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children

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    Introduction. This study was to identify personality correlates ofchildren with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder(ADHD). The Jungian Personality Type dimensions primarilyconsidered were Sensing/Intuiting and Perceiving/Judging.A Sensing child is likely to be very present-centered. A Perceivingchild tends to be curious and resist order and structure. Methods. Children attending a general pediatric clinic with a diagnosisof ADHD were eligible to participate. Enrolled childrenwere administered the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator forChildren. Binomial tests were performed comparing Perceivingand Sensing personality components to accepted population rates. Results. Participants (n = 117) were predominantly male(78%) with a median age of 10 years. The Sensing trait (72%)was more prevalent than expected, though prevalence for thePerceiving trait (44%) did not differ from population rates. Conclusions. Personality types occasioned with the diagnosisof ADHD could be useful in establishing/normalizingtreatment regimens and approaches to assist thesechildren and their families better. KS J Med 2017;10(2):26-29

    Does listening to the sound of yourself chewing increase your enjoyment of food?

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    BACKGROUND: Anecdotal evidence suggests that listening to oneself eating results in a more pleasurable eating experience. Maximising the sensory experience of eating can result in increased oral intake and is potentially valuable in improving nutritional status in at-risk patients. OBJECTIVE: This pilot study investigates the association between listening to the sound of oneself eating and the consequences on enjoyment of eating. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, controlled, cross-over trial of 10 fit, adult volunteers. Participants were timed eating a standardised amount of bread, and were randomized to eat in silence or whilst listening to their own amplified chewing and swallowing. Measurements of pulse and blood pressure were recorded throughout the procedure. Subjective pleasure scores were documented and the procedure repeated in the alternate study arm. RESULTS: There was no significant relationship demonstrated between listening to oneself chewing and the enjoyment of eating. CONCLUSION: Although this small pilot study was unable to demonstrate a significant relationship between listening to oneself chewing and enjoyment of eating, other evidence suggests that distraction techniques have a beneficial effect on dietary intake. Such techniques can be applied in a clinical setting and further work in this area has valuable potential

    Individualized prediction of psychosis in subjects with an at-risk mental state

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    Early intervention strategies in psychosis would significantly benefit from the identification of reliable prognostic biomarkers. Pattern classification methods have shown the feasibility of an early diagnosis of psychosis onset both in clinical and familial high-risk populations. Here we were interested in replicating our previous classification findings using an independent cohort at clinical high risk for psychosis, drawn from the prospective FePsy (Fruherkennung von Psychosen) study. The same neuroanatomical-based pattern classification pipeline, consisting of a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) and a Recursive Feature Selection (RFE) achieved 74% accuracy in predicting later onset of psychosis. The discriminative neuroanatomical pattern underlying this finding consisted of many brain areas across all four lobes and the cerebellum. These results provide proof-of-concept that the early diagnosis of psychosis is feasible using neuroanatomical-based pattern recognition

    A blind test of photometric redshift prediction

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    Results of a blind test of photometric redshift predictions against spectroscopic galaxy redshifts obtained in the Hubble Deep Field with the Keck Telescope are presented. The best photometric redshift schemes predict spectroscopic redshifts with a redshift accuracy of |Delta-z|<0.1 for more than 68 percent of sources and with |Delta-z|<0.3 for 100 percent, when single-feature spectroscopic redshifts are removed from consideration. This test shows that photometric redshift schemes work well at least when the photometric data are of high quality and when the sources are at moderate redshifts.Comment: 14 pp., accepted for publication in A

    Exome array analysis of adverse reactions to fluoropyrimidine-based therapy for gastrointestinal cancer.

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    Fluoropyrimidines, including 5-fluororacil (5FU) and its pro-drug Capecitabine, are the common treatment for colorectal, breast, neck and head cancers-either as monotherapy or in combination therapy. Adverse reactions (ADRs) to the treatment are common and often result in treatment discontinuation or dose reduction. Factors contributing to ADRs, including genetic variation, are poorly characterized. We performed exome array analysis to identify genetic variants that contribute to adverse reactions. Our final dataset consisted of 504 European ancestry individuals undergoing fluoropyrimidine-based therapy for gastrointestinal cancer. A subset of 254 of these were treated with Capecitabine. All individuals were genotyped on the Illumina HumanExome Array. Firstly, we performed SNP and gene-level analyses of protein-altering variants on the array to identify novel associations the following ADRs, which were grouped into four phenotypes based on symptoms of diarrhea, mucositis, and neutropenia and hand-and-foot syndrome. Secondly, we performed detailed analyses of the HLA region on the same phenotypes after imputing the HLA alleles and amino acids. No protein-altering variants, or sets of protein-altering variants collapsed into genes, were associated with the main outcomes after Bonferroni correction. We found evidence that the HLA region was enriched for associations with Hand-and-Foot syndrome (p = 0.023), but no specific SNPs or HLA alleles were significant after Bonferroni correction. Larger studies will be required to characterize the genetic contribution to ADRs to 5FU. Future studies that focus on the HLA region are likely to be fruitful

    Genetic Risk as a Marker of Amyloid-β and Tau Burden in Cerebrospinal Fluid.

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    BACKGROUND: The search for a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology (amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau) is ongoing, with the best markers currently being measurements of Aβ and tau in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and via positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. These methods are relatively invasive, costly, and often have high screening failure rates. Consequently, research is aiming to elucidate blood biomarkers of Aβ and tau. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate a case/control polygenic risk score (PGRS) as a marker of tau and investigate blood markers of a combined Aβ and tau outcome for the first time. A sub-study also considers plasma tau as markers of Aβ and tau pathology in CSF. METHODS: We used data from the EDAR*, DESCRIPA**, and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohorts in a logistic regression analysis to investigate blood markers of Aβ and tau in CSF. In particular, we investigated the extent to which a case/control PGRS is predictive of CSF tau, CSF amyloid, and a combined amyloid and tau outcome. The predictive ability of models was compared to that of age, gender, and APOE genotype ('basic model'). RESULTS: In EDAR and DESCRIPA test data, inclusion of a case/control PGRS was no more predictive of Aβ, and a combined Aβ and tau endpoint than the basic models (accuracies of 66.0%, and 73.3% respectively). The tau model saw a small increase in accuracy compared to basic models (59.6%). ADNI 2 test data also showed a slight increase in accuracy for the Aβ model when compared to the basic models (61.4%). CONCLUSION: We see some evidence that a case/control PGRS is marginally more predictive of Aβ and tau pathology than the basic models. The search for predictive factors of Aβ and tau pathologies, above and beyond demographic information, is still ongoing. Better understanding of AD risk alleles, development of more sensitive assays, and studies of larger sample size are three avenues that may provide such factors. However, the clinical utility of possible predictors of brain Aβ and tau pathologies must also be investigated.*'Beta amyloid oligomers in the early diagnosis of AD and as marker for treatment response'**'Development of screening guidelines and criteria for pre-dementia Alzheimer's disease'.Multiple funders listed on paper