183 research outputs found

    Multiscale structural analysis of an Epiligurian wedge-top basin: insights into the syn- to post-orogenic evolution of the Northern Apennines accretionary wedge (Italy)

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    Wedge-top basins represent useful tectonic elements for the characterisation of the evolution of their underlying accretionary wedge in space and time, as their final state of deformation sums up the bulk shortening and structural instability conditions of the wedge. Here, we present the geometric and kinematic patterns of deformation structures deforming the wedge-top Epiligurian basins of the Northern Apennines (Italy). Our main goals are to generate an evolutionary model to account for the syn- to post-orogenic evolution of the Epiligurian basins and to infer the building style of the Northern Apennines wedge during continental collision. Mesoscale structural analysis shows that common and widely distributed thrust and normal fault arrays deform the entire Epiligurian stratigraphic succession infilling the broadly E-vergent wedge-top basins. Thrusts are invariably cut by later NW-SE and NE-SW-striking normal and oblique fault systems characterised by fault planes that mutually intersect at all scales to form polygonal patterns. Remote sensing analysis of the tectonic structures affecting the Epiligurian formations confirms the variable orientation of both thrusts and normal faults within the different studied stratigraphic successions. As a whole, results suggest a polyphase tectonic evolution of the Epiligurian wedge-top basins during the widening of the Northern Apennines accretionary wedge towards the foreland by frontal accretion. The recognised main phases are: (i) syn-orogenic compression accommodating overall tectonic transport towards the eastern quadrants; (ii) post-orogenic extension genetically related to the extension of the inner zone of the Northern Apennines; (iii) more recent extension forming collapse-induced normal faults spatially arranged in polygonal patterns

    Waiter for Life? An Example of the Working Process in Restaurant Industry

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    El artículo pretende estudiar el proceso de trabajo en la restauración, analizando el caso de un restaurante italiano en la isla de Tenerife. A través del concepto de «vida laboral» se elaboran cuatro dimensiones de análisis: el perfil del trabajador del restaurante, el aprendizaje del trabajador, la organización del trabajo y los contratos de trabajo. El objetivo es reflexionar sobre la forma de regulación de la relación laboral y sobre las características de los empleados en la restauración.The present article aims to study the process of work in restaurants, analyzing the case of an Italian restaurant at Tenerife Island. Through the concept of «career path», four dimensions of analysis are elaborated: the profile of the worker of the restaurant, the learning of the worker, the organization of work and the work contracts. The purpose is reflecting on the way of regulation of the labor relation and on the characteristics of the employees in restaurants

    28 Months Later. Considerations on the Role of Unemployment in the Economic Recovery in Canary Islands

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    El artículo analiza el desempleo como sujeto activo de la transformación de la relación salarial en Canarias. Los efectos del ejército de reserva masivo, durante los años más duros de la crisis económica, han sido evidentes en la metamorfosis del trabajo, introduciendo innovaciones en la relación entre empresarios y empleados. La reelaboración del material del estudio del caso de un polígono en la isla de Tenerife nos propone elementos de reflexión sobre las características de la recuperación económica en Canarias. En esta óptica, empleados y empleadas, sobrevividas a la amenaza del paro y a la catástrofe colectiva de las relaciones laborales, se consideran fundamentales en la interpretación de la etapa actual de recuperación.This article analyzes unemployment as an active subject in the wage relationship in Canary Islands. The consequences of the massive reserve army of labour, during the hardest years of the economic crisis, have been more than clear on the metamorphosis of work, making innovations in the relation between employers and employees. The elaboration of the material from the case study of an industrial area of Tenerife gives us key elements for the critical reflection on the economic recovery in Canary Islands. In this context, workers who survived the unemployment threat and the catastrophe of the labour relations are considered essential for the understanding of the present recovery period

    Present and future self in memory: the role of vmPFC in the self-reference effect

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    Self-related information is remembered better than other-related information (self-reference effect; SRE), a phenomenon that has been convincingly linked to the medial prefrontal cortex. It is not clear whether information related to our future self would also have a privileged status in memory, as medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) regions respond less to the future than to the present self, as if it were an 'other'. Here we ask whether the integrity of the ventral mPFC (vmPFC) is necessary for the emergence of the present and future SRE, if any. vmPFC patients and brain-damaged and healthy controls judged whether each of a series of trait adjectives was descriptive of their present self, future self, another person and that person in the future and later recognized studied traits among distractors. Information relevant to the present (vs future) was generally recognized better, across groups. However, whereas healthy and brain-damaged controls exhibited strong present and future SREs, these were absent in vmPFC patients, who concomitantly showed reduced certainty about their own present and anticipated traits compared to the control groups. These findings indicate that vmPFC is necessary to impart a special mnemonic status to self-related information, including our envisioned future self, possibly by instantiating the self-schema

    Who am I really? : The ephemerality of the self-schema following vmPFC damage

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    We studied the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) in supporting the self-schema, by asking vmPFC patients, along with healthy and brain-damaged controls, to judge the degree to which they (or another person) were likely to engage in a series of activities, and how confident they were in their responses. Critically, participants provided their judgments on two separate occasions, a week apart. Our underlying assumption was that a strong self-schema would lead to confident and stable self-related judgments. We observed that control groups exhibited higher across-session consistency for self-related compared to other-related judgments, while this self-advantage was absent in vmPFC patients. In addition, regression analyses showed that in control groups the level of confidence associated with a specific (self- or other-related) judgment predicted the stability of that judgment across sessions. In contrast, vmPFC patients’ confidence and rating consistency were aligned only for other-related judgments. By contrast, self-related judgments changed across sessions regardless of the confidence level with which they were initially endorsed. These findings indicate that the vmPFC is crucial to maintaining the self-schema and supporting the reliable retrieval of self-related information

    Taking time to compose thoughts with prefrontal schemata

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    Under what conditions can prefrontal cortex direct the composition of brain states, to generate coherent streams of thoughts? Using a simplified Potts model of cortical dynamics, crudely differentiated into two halves, we show that once activity levels are regulated, so as to disambiguate a single temporal sequence, whether the contents of the sequence are mainly determined by the frontal or by the posterior half, or by neither, depends on statistical parameters that describe its microcircuits. The frontal cortex tends to lead if it has more local attractors, longer lasting and stronger ones, in order of increasing importance. Its guidance is particularly effective to the extent that posterior cortices do not tend to transition from state to state on their own. The result may be related to prefrontal cortex enforcing its temporally-oriented schemata driving coherent sequences of brain states, unlike the atemporal "context" contributed by the hippocampus. Modelling a mild prefrontal (vs. posterior) lesion offers an account of mind-wandering and event construction deficits observed in prefrontal patients

    Changes in Onset of Vegetation Growth on Svalbard, 2000–2020

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    The global temperature is increasing, and this is affecting the vegetation phenology in many parts of the world. The most prominent changes occur at northern latitudes such as our study area, which is Svalbard, located between 76°30′N and 80°50′N. A cloud-free time series of MODIS-NDVI data was processed. The dataset was interpolated to daily data during the 2000–2020 period with a 231.65 m pixel resolution. The onset of vegetation growth was mapped with a NDVI threshold method which corresponds well with a recent Sentinel-2 NDVI-based mapping of the onset of vegetation growth, which was in turn validated by a network of in-situ phenological data from time lapse cameras. The results show that the years 2000 and 2008 were extreme in terms of the late onset of vegetation growth. The year 2020 had the earliest onset of vegetation growth on Svalbard during the 21-year study. Each year since 2013 had an earlier or equally early timing in terms of the onset of the growth season compared with the 2000–2020 average. A linear trend of 0.57 days per year resulted in an earlier onset of growth of 12 days on average for the entire archipelago of Svalbard in 2020 compared to 2000.This work (S.R.K.) was supported by the Research Council of Norway under the project Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System—Infrastructure Development of the Norwegian Node (SIOS-InfraNor Project No. 269927). This SIOS project (InfraNord instrument #51) is funded by the Norwegian Space Agency (NoSA). The research was also partially funded (S.R.K., H.T.) by the Horizon 2020 project ArcticHubs, grant agreement no 869580. This work (S.B.) was also partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana (SEJIGENT/2021/001), the European Union–Next Generation EU (ZAMBRANO 21-04), and European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC-2017-STG SENTIFLEX project (grant agreement 755617)

    History, social change and tourism. A proposal for educational innovation in Sociology and Anthropology

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    En este artículo se exponen el planteamiento y los primeros resultados del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa (PIE) «Futuro anterior. Interés histórico y propuesta de innovación en las asignaturas de Sociología y Antropología del Grado en Turismo (EUTUR)», concedido por el Vicerrectorado de Docencia de la ULL en la convocatoria 2018/19. El artículo se centra en la elaboración de un marco teórico básico orientado a la recuperación de la mirada histórica en las ciencias sociales. En la descripción del escenario problemático se insiste en la debilidad del alumnado para comprender la relación entre desarrollo histórico y cambio social. La propuesta se acompaña del análisis de los resultados previos del proyecto en su fase inicial. En las conclusiones se destaca la construcción de un enfoque coherente capaz de unir la elaboración teórica y la práctica docente diaria. Asimismo, se reflexiona sobre el interés y los conocimientos históricos demostrados por el alumnado.In this article we expose the approach and the first results of the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) «Previous Future. Historical interest and innovation proposal in the subjects of Sociology and Anthropology of the Degree in Tourism (EUTUR) «, granted by the Vicerrectorado de Docencia of the Universidad de La Laguna in the call 2018/19. The article focuses on the development of a basic theoretical framework, recovering the historical perspective in social sciences. In the description of the problematic scenario we insist on the students’ weakness to understand the relationship between historical development and social change. Our proposal goes together with the analysis of the preliminary results of the project in its initial phase. In conclusions we highlight the construction of a coherent approach based on the union of the theoretical elaboration with the daily teaching practice. Moreover, we consider the interest and the historical knowledge shown by our students

    The Implementation of Dual Vocational Education and Training in Spain: Analysis of Company Tutors in the Tourism Sector

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    Context: Vocational education and training (VET) has become a key issue in today's highly dynamic business, technological and economic environment, with a complex diversity of systems within the European Union. This paper aims to study the implementation of dual VET in Spain, focusing on the working conditions of company tutors in the tourism sector of Andalusia and the Canary Islands. Approach: Dual VET has been implemented in different ways, both between the different autonomous regions and professional areas since it was launched in 2012. In order to analyse these differences, interviews with teachers, head teachers, students and company tutors were carried out, between 2020 and 2021, in centres that had implemented dual vocational education training and centres that had not. The educational programme in dual VET implies a closer collaboration between schools and companies, as both are active training areas; the training objectives are shared between the school and the company. In this study, the company tutor is studied in his or her facet as trainer and assessor; but special emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the tourism sector, given its relevance in understanding the educational processes involved. Three dimensions underpin the analysis: the characteristics of the company tutor, the training and assessment processes implemented and the link that both maintain with the dynamics of tourism companies. Findings: In general terms, the initial assumptions put forward are confirmed. Firstly, the educational centre leads the process, taking the initiative yet without having the conditions of governance and negotiation typical of the Germanic countries from which these vocational education training systems originate. Secondly, the main characteristics of the company tutor are heterogeneity and informality. Thirdly, the contents and methodology are conditioned by the characteristics of the tourism sector. And finally, assessment also follows informal and changing procedures, generating tensions between the educational centre and company. Conclusions: These results give rise to some theoretical reflections. If the education system is an institution based on the principle of equality, it is worth asking to what extent dual VET can alter this principle, as the company adapts some of the contents and learning outcomes to its specific needs. In addition, an important differentiating factor that marks the learning dynamics has been detected: the size of the company. The difference in size may also influence the future prospects of trainees joining the workforce after completion of VET studies