1,395 research outputs found

    Psychotherapy: The Challenge and Power of Consistency

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    Voyages-palimpsestes : (Inter-) Textualités de l’ailleurs dans l’extrême contemporain

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    Entre chose vue et chose lue, la littérature de voyage, genre hybride, “frictionnel”, redéfinissant et brouillant sans cesse les limites entre documentation et fiction, entretient un rapport complexe avec l’intertextualité. À l’intertextualité niée, elle oppose traditionnellement une rhétorique hypertrophiée de l’évidence autoptique ; pourtant, le témoignage oculaire lui-même se révèle citationnel. Qu’en est-il des contradictions et “frictions” du genre à l’âge postmoderne, post-aventuresque et post-héroïque, où il n’est plus question de “découvrir” des “terres vierges” (etc.), mais de s’inscrire à son tour dans une cartographie interculturelle de divers ailleurs toujours déjà (inter-)textualisés ? Dans cette contribution, il s’agit d’analyser les formes et fonctions de l’intertextualité dans la littérature de voyage de l’extrême contemporain, à partir d’un corpus de textes de langue française consacrés, au cours des dernières années, à la Russie – objet de choix, à plus d’un titre, pour une réflexion sur les reconfigurations de “L’ailleurs par temps de mondialisation”

    Ego and Self in Gestalt Theory

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    The paper presents basic Gestalt psychological concepts of ego and self. They differ from other concepts in the way that they do not comprehend ego and self as fixed entities or as central controlling instances of the psyche, but as one specific organized unit in a psychological field in dynamic interrelation with the other organized units—the environment units—of this field. On this theme, well-known representatives of Gestalt theory have presented some general and special theories since the early days of this approach that could partly be substantiated experimentally. They illuminate the relationship between ego and world in everyday life as well as in the case of mental disorders. Not only the spatial extension of the phenomenal ego is subject to situational changes, but also its place in the world, its functional fitting in this world, its internal differentiation, its permeability to the environment, and much more. The German Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Metzger emphasizes the significant functional role that this dynamic plasticity of the phenomenal world and its continuously changing segregation of ego and environment have for human life by designating the phenomenal world as a “Central Steering Mechanism.” In this article, ego and self as part of this field in their interrelation with the total psychological field will be illuminated from the perspective of the thinking of the Gestalt psychologists Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Lewin, Wolfgang Metzger, Mary Henle, Edwin Rausch, and Giuseppe Galli

    Effect of age and sex on the risk for suicide and psychotropic agent poisoning

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    UVOD: Akutna otrovanja čest su uzrok prijema bolesnika u službu hitne medicinske pomoći, kako u svijetu tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Otrovanja se često navode kao najčešći način samoubojstva ili pokušaja samoubojstva. Najviše slučajeva uključuje predoziranje drogom, benzodiazepinima, antidepresivima i neurolepticima. Od izuzetnog je značaja da svaka zemlja ustanovi svoj obrazac otrovanja (koje se supstance i na koji način najčešće koriste i kako se ti bolesnici prezentiraju). ----- BOLESNICI I METODE: U ovoj studiji učinjena je prospektivna analiza medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika koji su u hitnom prijemu Kliničkog bolničkog centra “Sestre milosrdnice” u Zagrebu liječeni zbog akutnog otrovanja. Zabilježeni slučajevi analizirani su prema etiološkim i demografskim karakteristikama (dob i spol). ----- REZULTATI: Od ukupnog broja analiziranih bolesnika koji iznosi 1661, 2001. godine dokumentiran je 331, 2010. godine 669 i 2015. godine 661 bolesnik. Usporedivši medijan dobi za 2001. godinu s medijanom dobi za 2010. i 2015. godinu uočeno je da su 2001. godine otrovani mlađi bolesnici (medijan dobi 28 godina) dok su 2010. i 2015. godine otrovani nešto stariji bolesnici (medijan dobi 42 godine)(p<0,01). Kroz sve tri analizirane godine uočeno je da su se žene više trovale s namjerom samoubojstva (65,8 vs. 34,2 ; p<0,01), dok su se muškarci predominantno trovali s ciljem namjernog predoziranja (77% vs. 23% ; p<0,01). Nefarmacima pretežito su se trovali muškarci (72,8 vs. 27,2 ; p<0,01) dok su se žene više trovale lijekovima s djelovanjem na živčani sustav (53,5 vs. 46,5 ; p<0,01). Sveukupno kroz tri analizirane godine najčešće sredstvo otrovanja bio je etanol kojeg su po učestalosti slijedili anksiolitici, antipsihotici, metadon i buprenorfin.INTRODUCTION: Acute poisoning is a common cause of hospital admissions, both in the world and in Republic of Croatia. Poisonings are often referred as the most common way of suicide or attempted suicide. Most cases include overdose with drugs, benzodiazepines, antidepressants and neuroleptics. It is of the utmost importance that each country establishes its own poisoning pattern (to determine which substances are most commonly used and how these patients are presented). ----- PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study a prospective analysis of patients medical records was performed. Patients included is this study were admitted to emergency department of Sisters of Charity University Hospital in Zagreb with diagnosis of acute poisoning. Recorded cases were analyzed according to etiologic and demographic characteristics (age and sex). ----- RESULTS: Of all analyzed patients (1661), there was 331 patient in 2001, 669 patients in 2010 and 661 patient in 2015. Comparing median age in 2001 with median ages in 2010 and 2015, we noticed that in 2001 younger patients (median age 28) were poisoned in comparison to 2010 and 2015 where slightly older patients were poisoned (median age 42) (p<0,01). Through all three analyzed years, women were found to be more intentional of suicide (65,8 vs. 34,2 ; p<0,01), while male gender was predominantly found to deliberately overdose (77% vs. 23% ; p<0,01). Men were predominantly poisoned with non-pharmacological drugs (72,8 vs. 27,2 ; p<0,01) while women had more poisonings with medications that affect the nervous system (53,5 vs. 46,5 ; p<0,01). Overall, through three analyzed years, the most common poisoning agent was ethanol followed by anxiolytics, antipsychotics, methadone and buprenorphine

    Los derechos de las mujeres en el mundo rabĂ­nico

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    This work offers a concise but complete presentation on the rights that women seem to have in the Rabbinical world, as it is possible to detach of the legal texts written by the sages.Este trabajo ofrece una presentación concisa pero completa sobre los derechos que las mujeres parecen tener en el ámbito rabínico, tal como se puede desprender de los propios textos legales escritos por los sabios

    Los Estudios Judíos en Europa central después de la Shoá

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    En los más de 70 años que han transcurrido desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el Holocausto (Shoá, en hebreo), los estudios judíos han ido ganando preeminencia como parte integrante del mundo académico en Austria, Alemania y, con un cierto retraso, también en los demás países de Centroeuropa, experimentando un desarrollo significativo. Antes de presentar la historia de la disciplina y su estado actual, es preciso hablar de sus antecedentes, a fin de poder entender mucho mejor los avances más recientes

    The Use of Reference Models in Business Process Renovation

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are often used by companies to automate and enhance their business processes. The capabilities of ERP systems can be described by best-practice reference models. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the business process renovation approach with the use of reference models. Although the use of reference models brings many positive effects for business, they are still rarely used in Slovenian small and medium-sized companies. The reasons for this may be found in the reference models themselves as well as in project implementation methodologies. In the article a reference model based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV is suggested. The reference model is designed using upgraded BPMN notation with additional business objects, which help to describe the models in more detail.ERP solution, reference model, businessprocess renovation, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, BPMN

    Adoption of Business Process Orientation Practices: Slovenian and Croatian Survey

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    Process orientation has been empirically linked to corporate performance. Several studies have shown that more process oriented companies perform better than less process oriented companies. Consequently, many researchers attempted to define what makes a company process oriented, which resulted in numerous frameworks and conceptualizations of process orientation. Based on concepts of business process orientation (BPO) the authors have developed and operationalised a concept of extended BPO to study its adoption in two countries, one EU member and one a candidate for EU membership (Slovenia and Croatia, respectively). Extensive field study has been carried out in these countries. The results of the analysis show that there are many statistically significant differences, namely companies in Slovenia have implemented process oriented practices to a higher degree than their counterparts in Croatia. The paper shows the main differences in BPO areas and practices.business process orientation, process orientation, maturity, empirical research, Croatia, Slovenia
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