27 research outputs found

    Mild cognitive impairment (part 2): biological markers for diagnosis and prediction of dementia in Alzheimer's disease

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    Becoming “business class”: Educated youth and Pentecostal change in eastern Uganda

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    Our paper looks at the lives of educated young men in a Pentecostal church in eastern Uganda. The way young men conduct themselves, how they dress, how they speak in church, whether or not they are good with technology, help to define their claims to an educated identity. Youth leaders are valued for the liveliness they bring to church, for the ways they innovate in areas of praise and worship. At the same time, they are often criticised for the way they orient schemes and initiatives to their own advantage, for not being transparent and for ‘confusing’ others. We adapt Henrik Vigh’s conception of social navigation to show how educated young men become ‘political navigators’ in church. They mix ambitions for personal growth with their contributions to a modern, lively and dynamic church, and in so doing help to make it more ‘business class’

    Effect of Social Capital on Performance of Smallholder Producer Organizations: The Case of Groundnut Growers in Western Kenya

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    Development literature has recently promoted the use of producer organization in linking farmers to better-paying commodity markets. However, empirical studies find mixed performance of such organizations. This study examines the producer organization’s internal factors that may explain the differences in the performance of producer organizations. It specifically analyzes the role of social capital in a producer organization on the performance of such organization using quantitative techniques. As hypothesized, this study finds that social capital positively affects the performance of producer organizations. The implication of these findings is that development strategies that target commercialization of smallholder agriculture through producer organizations must pay attention to the internal factors within such organizations

    Farmer’s Knowledge and Perceptions on Rice Insect Pests and Their Management in Uganda

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    Rice is a new crop in Uganda, but has quickly grown in importance. Between 2000 and 2010, total area under rice cultivation in the country grew by 94% from 140,000 ha. Changes in the agro ecosystem due to expansion in rice area may have altered the pest status of rice insect pests. However, far too little attention has been paid to assessing the prevalence and importance of rice insect-pests in Uganda. In this study, we interviewed 240 lowland-rice farming households from eight districts within the north, east and central regions of Uganda about their perceived insect-pest problems and control measures employed, if any. A semi-structured questionnaire was used. The farmers ranked rice insect pests as the most important biotic constraint in rice production, with stem borers and the African rice gall midge (AfRGM) perceived to be the 1st and 2nd most detrimental insect pests, respectively. In spite of this, only 36% of the respondents could positively identify symptoms of AfRGM damage on rice plants, while 64% were familiar with stem borer damage. Over 60% of interviewed farmers expressed confidence in the effectiveness of insecticides for controlling rice insect pests. Cultural control measures were not popular among the farmers

    Nutrition and food security impacts of quality seeds of biofortified orange-fleshed sweetpotato: Quasi-experimental evidence from Tanzania

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    This study examined the nutrition and food security impacts of a project that was designed to improve availability of disease-free planting materials of biofortified orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) in rural Tanzania. Difference-in-difference and matching techniques were employed to estimate causal effects using panel data. Participation in the project increased agronomic and nutritional knowledge of households, raised uptake rate for OFSP varieties, and improved food security status. Effects on nutrition are, however, weak. These results suggest that timely access to quality seeds accompanied by a transfer of skills is important to reduce barriers to adoption of biofortified crops with resulting positive effects on the welfare of rural households. Adequate promotion of both agronomic and nutrition aspects of the technologies may enhance nutrition effects.</p

    Data from: Field evaluation of the safety, acceptability, and feasibility of early infant male circumcision using the AccuCirc device

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    Background: As countries scale up adult voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention, they are looking ahead to long term sustainable strategies, including introduction of early infant male circumcision (EIMC). Although a number of devices for EIMC are prequalified by the World Health Organization, evaluation of additional devices can provide policy-makers and clinicians the information required to make informed decisions. We undertook a field evaluation of the safety and acceptability of the AccuCirc device in Kisumu County, Kenya. Methods: Procedures were performed by four trained clinicians in two public facilities. Participants were recruited from surrounding public health facilities through informational talks at antenatal clinics, maternity wards, and maternal neonatal child health clinics. Healthy infants ages 0-60 days, with no penile abnormality, without a family history of bleeding disorder, with current weight-for-age within -2 Z-scores of WHO growth standards, and whose mother was at least 16 years of age were eligible for EIMC. The procedure was performed after administration of a penile dorsal nerve block using 2% lidocaine and administration of Vitamin K. The mother was given post-operative instructions on wound care and asked to remain in the clinic with the baby for an observational period of one hour, during which a face-to-face questionnaire was administered. Results: Of 1259 babies screened, 704 were enrolled and circumcised. Median age of the infants was 16 days (IQR: 7-32.5) and of the mothers was 26 years (IQR: 22-30). Median time for the procedure was 19 minutes (IQR: 15-23). There were no serious adverse events (AE), and 20 (2.8%) moderate AEs, all of which were due to bleeding that required application of one to three sutures. There were 22 (3.8%) procedures in which the device did not fully incise the entire circumference of the foreskin and had to be completed using sterile scissors. 89.9% of mothers had knowledge of EIMC, but few (8.1%) had any knowledge of devices used for EIMC. Protection against HIV/AIDS was the most cited reason to circumcise a baby (65.3%), while the baby being ill (38.1%) and pain (34.4%) were the most cited barriers to uptake. 99% of mothers were "very satisfied" or "completely satisfied" with the procedure. Conclusions: This evaluation of the AccuCirc device is the largest to date and indicates that the device is safe and acceptable, achieving high levels of parental satisfaction. The AccuCirc device should be considered for WHO prequalification to increase options for safe and sustainable provision of EIMC