59 research outputs found

    Earth observation education for Zero Hunger: A Massive Open Online Course towards achieving SDG #2 using EO

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    Persisting hunger and malnourishment continue to be a problem of global concern, which recent climate change, as well as environmental and socio-economic crises and their impacts along the food chain further exacerbate. Earth observation (EO) holds the capacity to deliver large temporal and spatial coverage information that allow for better decision-making in food production and distribution. Furthermore, the rapidly increasing amount of freely available data and tools potentially enable an expanding user community to bring this information into practice. However, more people need access to EO education to realize this potential. EO Connect (funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research) addresses this demand by developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: Zero Hunger. Since a conventional course can barely reflect the comprehensiveness of SDG #2 regarding both content and the people involved in achieving the goal, the Zero Hunger MOOC leverages modern learning approaches in a non-linear, adaptive learning environment to cater to a large audience and diverse target groups, and to their different scopes and levels of desired learning outcomes. The use of micro-content, drip-feeding and feedback-guided course development shall ensure maximum effectiveness. To accomplish this ambitious endeavour, the Zero Hunger MOOC is developed with a community of stakeholders from the realms of EO, education, information technology, and food security. It builds on contents from this community which are adapted, streamlined and assembled to course modules, as well as on the expertise from the over 20 contributing universities, space agencies, national institutions and international organizations. While the Zero Hunger MOOC contributes to bridging the gap between the available EO technology and its application to increase food security, it likewise promotes stronger stakeholder connection in EO education

    Low-Cost Sensors and Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Operational Turbidity Monitoring in an East African Wetland Environment

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    Many wetlands in East Africa are farmed and wetland reservoirs are used for irrigation, livestock, and fishing. Water quality and agriculture have a mutual influence on each other. Turbidity is a principal indicator of water quality and can be used for, otherwise, unmonitored water sources. Low-cost turbidity sensors improve in situ coverage and enable community engagement. The availability of high spatial resolution satellite images from the Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument and of bio-optical models, such as the Case 2 Regional CoastColor (C2RCC) processor, has fostered turbidity modeling. However, these models need local adjustment, and the quality of low-cost sensor measurements is debated. We tested the combination of both technologies to monitor turbidity in small wetland reservoirs in Kenya. We sampled ten reservoirs with low-cost sensors and a turbidimeter during five Sentinel-2 overpasses. Low-cost sensor calibration resulted in an R 2 of 0.71. The models using the C2RCC C2X-COMPLEX (C2XC) neural nets with turbidimeter measurements (R 2 = 0.83) and with low-cost measurements (R 2 = 0.62) performed better than the turbidimeter-based C2X model. The C2XC models showed similar patterns for a one-year time series, particularly around the turbidity limit set by Kenyan authorities. This shows that both the data from the commercial turbidimeter and the low-cost sensor setup, despite sensor uncertainties, could be used to validate the applicability of C2RCC in the study area, select the better-performing neural nets, and adapt the model to the study site. We conclude that combined monitoring with low-cost sensors and remote sensing can support wetland and water management while strengthening community-centered approaches.</p

    Hydrological Modeling in Data-Scarce Catchments: The Kilombero Floodplain in Tanzania

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    Deterioration of upland soils, demographic growth, and climate change all lead to an increased utilization of wetlands in East Africa. This considerable pressure on wetland resources results in trade-offs between those resources and their related ecosystem services. Furthermore, relationships between catchment attributes and available wetland water resources are one of the key drivers that might lead to wetland degradation. To investigate the impacts of these developments on catchment-wetland water resources, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied to the Kilombero Catchment in Tanzania, which is like many other East African catchments, as it is characterized by overall data scarcity. Due to the lack of recent discharge data, the model was calibrated for the period from 1958–1965 (R2 = 0.86, NSE = 0.85, KGE = 0.93) and validated from 1966–1970 (R2 = 0.80, NSE = 0.80, KGE = 0.89) with the sequential uncertainty fitting algorithm (SUFI-2) on a daily resolution. Results show the dependency of the wetland on baseflow contribution from the enclosing catchment, especially in dry season. Main contributions with regard to overall water yield arise from the northern mountains and the southeastern highlands, which are characterized by steep slopes and a high share of forest and savanna vegetation, respectively. Simulations of land use change effects, generated with Landsat images from the 1970s up to 2014, show severe shifts in the water balance components on the subcatchment scale due to anthropogenic activities. Sustainable management of the investigated catchment should therefore account for the catchment–wetland interaction concerning water resources, with a special emphasis on groundwater fluxes to ensure future food production as well as the preservation of the wetland ecosyste

    Cryogel-supported stem cell factory for customized sustained release of bispecific antibodies for cancer immunotherapy

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    Combining stem cells with biomaterial scaffolds provides a promising strategy for the development of drug delivery systems. Here we propose an innovative immunotherapeutic organoid by housing human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), gene-modified for the secretion of an anti-CD33-anti-CD3 bispecific antibody (bsAb), in a small biocompatible star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol)-heparin cryogel scaffold as a transplantable and low invasive therapeutic machinery for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The macroporous biohybrid cryogel platform displays effectiveness in supporting proliferation and survival of bsAb-releasing-MSCs overtime in vitro and in vivo, avoiding cell loss and ensuring a constant release of sustained and detectable levels of bsAb capable of triggering T-cell-mediated anti-tumor responses and a rapid regression of CD33 + AML blasts. This therapeutic device results as a promising and safe alternative to the continuous administration of short-lived immunoagents and paves the way for effective bsAb-based therapeutic strategies for future tumor treatments

    MOSAiC goes O2A - Arctic Expedition Data Flow from Observations to Archives

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    During the largest polar expedition in history starting in September 2019, the German research icebreaker Polarstern spends a whole year drifting with the ice through the Arctic Ocean. The MOSAiC expedition takes the closest look ever at the Arctic even throughout the polar winter to gain fundamental insights and most unique on-site data for a better understanding of global climate change. Hundreds of researchers from 20 countries are involved. Scientists will use the in situ gathered data instantaneously in near-real time modus as well as long afterwards all around the globe taking climate research to a completely new level. Hence, proper data management, sampling strategies beforehand, and monitoring actual data flow as well as processing, analysis and sharing of data during and long after the MOSAiC expedition are the most essential tools for scientific gain and progress. To prepare for that challenge we adapted and integrated the research data management framework O2A “Data flow from Observations to Archives” to the needs of the MOSAiC expedition on board Polarstern as well as on land for data storage and access at the Alfred Wegener Institute Computing and Data Center in Bremerhaven, Germany. Our O2A-framework assembles a modular research infrastructure comprising a collection of tools and services. These components allow researchers to register all necessary sensor metadata beforehand linked to automatized data ingestion and to ensure and monitor data flow as well as to process, analyze, and publish data to turn the most valuable and uniquely gained arctic data into scientific outcomes. The framework further allows for the integration of data obtained with discrete sampling devices into the data flow. These requirements have led us to adapt the generic and cost-effective framework O2A to enable, control, and access the flow of sensor observations to archives in a cloud-like infrastructure on board Polarstern and later on to land based repositories for international availability. Major roadblocks of the MOSAiC-O2A data flow framework are (i) the increasing number and complexity of research platforms, devices, and sensors, (ii) the heterogeneous interdisciplinary driven requirements towards, e. g., satellite data, sensor monitoring, in situ sample collection, quality assessment and control, processing, analysis and visualization, and (iii) the demand for near real time analyses on board as well as on land with limited satellite bandwidth. The key modules of O2A's digital research infrastructure established by AWI are implementing the FAIR principles: SENSORWeb, to register sensor applications and sampling devices and capture controlled meta data before and alongside any measurements in the field Data ingest, allowing researchers to feed data into storage systems and processing pipelines in a prepared and documented way, at best in controlled near real-time data streams Dashboards allowing researchers to find and access data and share and collaborate among partners Workspace enabling researchers to access and use data with research software utilizing a cloud-based virtualized infrastructure that allows researchers to analyze massive amounts of data on the spot Archiving and publishing data via repositories and Digital Object Identifiers (DOI

    Identification of Candida glabrata genes involved in pH modulation and modification of the phagosomal environment in macrophages

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    notes: PMCID: PMC4006850types: Journal Article; Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCandida glabrata currently ranks as the second most frequent cause of invasive candidiasis. Our previous work has shown that C. glabrata is adapted to intracellular survival in macrophages and replicates within non-acidified late endosomal-stage phagosomes. In contrast, heat killed yeasts are found in acidified matured phagosomes. In the present study, we aimed at elucidating the processes leading to inhibition of phagosome acidification and maturation. We show that phagosomes containing viable C. glabrata cells do not fuse with pre-labeled lysosomes and possess low phagosomal hydrolase activity. Inhibition of acidification occurs independent of macrophage type (human/murine), differentiation (M1-/M2-type) or activation status (vitamin D3 stimulation). We observed no differential activation of macrophage MAPK or NFÎșB signaling cascades downstream of pattern recognition receptors after internalization of viable compared to heat killed yeasts, but Syk activation decayed faster in macrophages containing viable yeasts. Thus, delivery of viable yeasts to non-matured phagosomes is likely not triggered by initial recognition events via MAPK or NFÎșB signaling, but Syk activation may be involved. Although V-ATPase is abundant in C. glabrata phagosomes, the influence of this proton pump on intracellular survival is low since blocking V-ATPase activity with bafilomycin A1 has no influence on fungal viability. Active pH modulation is one possible fungal strategy to change phagosome pH. In fact, C. glabrata is able to alkalinize its extracellular environment, when growing on amino acids as the sole carbon source in vitro. By screening a C. glabrata mutant library we identified genes important for environmental alkalinization that were further tested for their impact on phagosome pH. We found that the lack of fungal mannosyltransferases resulted in severely reduced alkalinization in vitro and in the delivery of C. glabrata to acidified phagosomes. Therefore, protein mannosylation may play a key role in alterations of phagosomal properties caused by C. glabrata.Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftNational Institutes for HealthWellcome TrustBBSR

    The Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC) on Water Resources in a Tropical Catchment in Tanzania under Different Climate Change Scenarios

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    Many parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are prone to land use and land cover change (LULCC). In many cases, natural systems are converted into agricultural land to feed the growing population. However, despite climate change being a major focus nowadays, the impacts of these conversions on water resources, which are essential for agricultural production, is still often neglected, jeopardizing the sustainability of the socio-ecological system. This study investigates historic land use/land cover (LULC) patterns as well as potential future LULCC and its effect on water quantities in a complex tropical catchment in Tanzania. It then compares the results using two climate change scenarios. The Land Change Modeler (LCM) is used to analyze and to project LULC patterns until 2030 and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is utilized to simulate the water balance under various LULC conditions. Results show decreasing low flows by 6&ndash;8% for the LULC scenarios, whereas high flows increase by up to 84% for the combined LULC and climate change scenarios. The effect of climate change is stronger compared to the effect of LULCC, but also contains higher uncertainties. The effects of LULCC are more distinct, although crop specific effects show diverging effects on water balance components. This study develops a methodology for quantifying the impact of land use and climate change and therefore contributes to the sustainable management of the investigated catchment, as it shows the impact of environmental change on hydrological extremes (low flow and floods) and determines hot spots, which are critical for environmental development
