147 research outputs found
Education and completed fertility in Norway
Using Norwegian data we find that married women’s education is positively associated with completed fertility, but this relationship becomes insignificant after controlling for husbands’ characteristics. Husbands’ education has a positive effect on women’s fertility. These findings suggest that the effect of education on married women’s fertility goes through assortative mating. For unmarried women, in contrast, we find that the relationship between education and fertility is negative. This latter result is consistent with a hypothesis suggesting that unmarried women suffer a more detrimental impact of motherhood on their careers than do married women..Fertility; Education; Spouse Characteristics
Ecological Effects and Ecosystem Shifts Caused by Mass Mortality Events on Early Life Stages of Fish
Mass mortality events (MMEs) are a key concern for the management of marine ecosystems. Specific stages and species are at risk and the causes may be single or cumulative pressure from a range of sources including pollutants, anthropogenic climate change or natural variability. Identifying risk and quantifying effects of plausible scenarios including MMEs are key to stakeholders and a quest for scientists. MMEs affect the whole ecosystem, but are traditionally only studied in relation to specific species, disregarding ecological feedbacks. Here we use an end-to-end ecosystem model adapted to the Nordic and Barents seas to evaluate the species-specific and ecological impacts for 50 years following an MME. MMEs were modeled as 10, 50, or 90% reduced recruitment for cod, herring and haddock, individually or in combination. The MME scenarios were compared to a base case model run that includes the current fishing mortality. All species showed declines in population biomass following an MME, increasing in duration and severity with increasing mortality. Cod biomass rebounded to the base case level within 3–13 years post the MME independent of scenario, while neither haddock nor herring fully rebounded to base case levels within the considered time horizon. Haddock responded much more variably to the mortality scenarios than cod or herring, with some scenarios yielding much higher levels of biomass than the base case. Herring responded negatively to all scenarios, leading to lower herring biomass and a steeper decline of the species than seen in the base case due to persistent harvest pressure. Corresponding responses showed that the demersal guild biomass increased substantially, while the pelagic guild biomass declined. Few effects were observed on the other guilds, including the top predators. Ecosystem effects as measured by ecological indicators were greatest after 5 years, but persisted through the entire model run. Fishery indicators showed the same features, but the responses were stronger than for the ecosystem indicators. Taken together this indicates long-term, ecological response to MMEs that can be described as regime shifts, highlighting the importance of using ecosystem models when evaluating effects of MMEs.publishedVersio
Direct and indirect effects of socioeconomic status on sepsis risk and mortality : a mediation analysis of the HUNT Study
Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by BMJ in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health on 9/2/2023.Available online: doi.org/10.1136/jech-2022-219825acceptedVersio
Do Carpets Impair Indoor Air Quality and Cause Adverse Health Outcomes: A Review
Several earlier studies have shown the presence of more dust and allergens in carpets compared with non-carpeted floors. At the same time, adverse effects of carpeted floors on perceived indoor air quality as well as worsening of symptoms in individuals with asthma and allergies were reported. Avoiding extensive carpet use in offices, schools, kindergartens and bedrooms has therefore been recommended by several health authorities. More recently, carpet producers have argued that former assessments were obsolete and that modern rugs are unproblematic, even for those with asthma and allergies. To investigate whether the recommendation to be cautious with the use of carpets is still valid, or whether there are new data supporting that carpet flooring do not present a problem for indoor air quality and health, we have reviewed the literature on this matter. We have not found updated peer reviewed evidence that carpeted floor is unproblematic for the indoor environment. On the contrary, also more recent data support that carpets may act as a repository for pollutants which may become resuspended upon activity in the carpeted area. Also, the use of carpets is still linked to perception of reduced indoor air quality as well as adverse health effects as previously reported. To our knowledge, there are no publications that report on deposition of pollutants and adverse health outcomes associated with modern rugs. However, due to the three-dimensional structure of carpets, any carpet will to some extent act like a sink. Thus, continued caution should still be exercised when considering the use of wall-to-wall carpeted floors in schools, kindergartens and offices, as well as in children’s bedrooms unless special needs indicate that carpets are preferableAcknowledgments: This study has not received any funding or grants. NIPH cover the costs for publishing in open access.publishedVersio
Mijá duobddága:Gathering Practices in Coastal Sámi Areas – Relations, Values, and Sustainability
Sammenlignet med samiske praksiser knyttet til reindrift og fjordfiske har sankingspraksiser i samiske områder blitt viet liten akademisk oppmerksomhet. Dette til tross for at multebærplukking har vært av sentral historisk betydning i disse områdene, hvor multer fortsatt står i en særstilling blant bær. Med utgangspunkt i kvalitative data fra intervjuer med samiske multebærplukkere i Divtasvuodna-Tysfjord, Porsáŋgu-Porsanger og Unjárga-Nesseby undersøker vi i denne artikkelen hvilken kunnskap og hvilke verdier dagens multeplukking rommer. Gjennom empiriske eksempler ønsker vi å bidra til økt forståelse for multeplukking som en måte å være i og samhandle med landskapet på, der også omsorg, ivaretakelse og regler for adferd gjør seg gjeldende. Videre argumenterer vi for at respekten, omtanken og de gjensidige relasjonene som inngår i artikkelens eksempler på samiske sankingsaktiviteter, kan betegnes som bærekraft i praksis og utgjøre et viktig bidrag i den pågående debatten om hva bærekraftig utvikling er eller bør være. samiske kystområder, bær, praksis, verdier, bærekraftMijá duobddága:Gathering Practices in Coastal Sámi Areas – Relations, Values, and SustainabilitypublishedVersio
Selection of Norwegian police drone operators: an evaluation of selected cognitive tests from “The Vienna Test System"
A nationwide sample of 129 police officers participated in a study aimed at validating and presenting practical implications of a selection procedure for applicants to an educational program for Norwegian police drone pilots. The subjects were part of a selection program for a training and qualification course for police drone pilots. The selection program consisted of tests of spatial orientation, logical reasoning, attentional selection, sustained attention, and visual short-term memory, in addition to a performance test in a drone flight simulator. The aim of the study was to evaluate the cognitive tests used in the selection program and their relation to performance during the simulated flight. The results from the untrained applicants revealed low-to-moderate intercorrelations of the cognitive tests. Only spatial orientation, logical reasoning, and attentional selection were correlated to the performance measures of skills and proficiency. Stepwise regression analysis showed that only spatial orientation and attentional selection had unique contributions in explaining the variance in both measures of performance. Implications are discussed on both practical and scientific levels. The positive implications of using untrained respondents, the use of proficiency measures in addition to skills, the building of a clearinghouse for drone selection data, and considering both the job-analyzes and the total test-performance when interpreting the applicant’s test-scores are discussed.publishedVersio
Inferring Atlantic salmon post-smolt migration patterns using genetic assignment
Understanding migratory patterns is important for predicting and mitigating unwanted consequences of environmental change or anthropogenic challenges on vulnerable species. Wild Atlantic salmon undergo challenging migrations between freshwater and marine environments, and the numbers of salmon returning to their natal rivers to reproduce have declined over several decades. Mortality from sea lice linked to fish farms within their seaward migration routes is proposed as a contributing factor to these declines. Here, we used 31 microsatellite markers to establish a genetic baseline for the main rivers in the Hardangerfjord, western Norway. Mixed stock analysis was used to assign Atlantic salmon post-smolts caught in trawls in 2013–2017 back to regional reporting units. Analyses demonstrated that individuals originating from rivers located in the inner region of the fjord arrived at the outer fjord later than individuals from middle and outer fjord rivers. Therefore, as post-smolts originating from inner rivers also have to migrate longer distances to exit the fjord, these data suggest that inner fjord populations are more likely to be at risk of mortality through aquaculture-produced sea lice, and other natural factors such as predation, than middle or outer fjord populations with earlier exit times and shorter journeys. These results will be used to calibrate models estimating mortality from sea lice on wild salmon for the regulation of the Norwegian aquaculture industry.publishedVersio
Sluttrapport til Mattilsynet
Til tross for de bekjempelsestiltakene som er gjennomført mot lakselus i 2012, er infeksjonsnivået på sjøørret høyt, til dels ekstremt høyt, på flere av våre overvåkingslokaliteter i oppdrettsintensive områder fra Hordaland og til Troms (ytre Hardangerfjordsystemet og Herdlafjorden; ytre deler av Sognefjorden; ytre deler av Storfjordsystemet og ytre del av Romsdalsfjordsystemet; ytre deler av Trondheimsfjorden; områdene utenfor
Namsenfjorden og i oppdrettsintensive områder av Nordland).
Laksesmolten fra våre overvåkingslokaliteter på Vestlandet (Hardangerfjordsystemet og
Sognefjordsystemet) er også høyere infisert i 2012 enn de fleste år på 2000-tallet.
Laksesmolten som vandret ut av Trondheimsfjorden i 2012 kan ha blitt utsatt for høyt infeksjonspress fordi vi finner svært høye larvepåslag på sjøørreten like utenfor den nasjonale laksefjorden under laksesmoltutvandringen. Det var imidlertid lite lus på laksesmolten innenfor den nasjonale laksefjorden i Trondheimsfjorden. Dette kan indikere at de synkroniserte våravlusningene ikke har greid å holde infeksjonspresset lavt under
utvandringen til laksesmolten i slutten av mai og begynnelsen av juni i disse områdene.
På andre lokaliteter i Ryfylke, Møre og Romsdal (Storfjord- og Romsdalssystemet), Nord- Trøndelag og Nordland finner vi mindre lus på sjøørreten tidlig i forhold til seinere i sesongen. Dette indikerer at laksesmolten kan ha kommet seg ut av fjordene i disse områdene uten for mye lus, og at de synkroniserte avlusningene har vært mer vellykket. I Troms og Finnmark var infeksjonstrykket fra lakselus på vill sjøørret og sjørøye lavt til moderat og kom seint på sesongen i 2012. Det samme gjelder for indre fjorder og de store nasjonale laksefjordene. Dette indikerer at laksesmolten kan ha kommet seg ut av fjordene i Troms og Finnmark uten for mye lus, og også at de store laksefjordene fungerer etter hensikten.
Brakkleggingen av deler av Hardangerfjorden og områder av Nord-Trøndelag (MTs soneforskrift) synes totalt sett ikke å ha hatt tilstrekkelig effekt, fordi redusert infeksjonspress i brakklagte områder synes oppveid av betydelig økt infeksjonspress i ikke-brakklagte områder.
Alt i alt har lakselusinfeksjonen forverret seg fra 2011 til 2012 i mange oppdrettsintensive
områder langs store deler av norskekysten. Det er lite i vårt datamateriale som tyder på at
lakselusinfeksjonen på vill laksefisk er blitt forbedret fra 2010 og til 2012. Tvert imot synes
infeksjonspresset på vill laksefisk å ha økt langs hele kysten fra Hordaland og til Troms de siste årene. Vi mener at det er sannsynlig at lakselus har bestandsreduserende effekt på sjøørret langs store deler av norskekysten, men også på laksesmolt i enkelte områder. Denne foreløpige vurderingen er foretatt med utgangspunkt i Havforskningsinstituttets forslag til førstegenerasjons indikatorer og grenseverdier for bl.a. lakselus (Taranger m.fl. 2012) til
operasjonaliseringen av framtidige mål i ”Strategi for en miljømessig bærekraftig havbruksnæring” (Anon. 2009)
Urinary Incontinence and Weight Change During Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Cohort Study
Weight gain during pregnancy may contribute to increased urinary incontinence (UI) during and after pregnancy, but scientific support is lacking. The effect of weight loss on UI postpartum is unclear. From 1999 to 2006, investigators in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study recruited pregnant women during pregnancy. This study was based on 12,679 primiparous women who were continent before pregnancy. Data were obtained from questionnaires answered at weeks 15 and 30 of pregnancy and 6 months postpartum. Weight gain greater than the 50th percentile during weeks 0–15 of pregnancy was weakly associated with higher incidence of UI at week 30 compared with weight gain less than or equal to the 50th percentile. Weight gain greater than the 50th percentile during pregnancy was not associated with increased prevalence of UI 6 months postpartum. For each kilogram of weight loss from delivery to 6 months postpartum among women who were incontinent during pregnancy, the relative risk for UI decreased 2.1% (relative risk = 0.98, 95% confidence interval: 0.97, 0.99). Weight gain during pregnancy does not seem to be a risk factor for increased incidence or prevalence of UI during pregnancy or postpartum. However, weight loss postpartum may be important for avoiding incontinence and regaining continence 6 months postpartum
North-south gradients in plasma concentrations of B-vitamins and other components of one-carbon metabolism in Western Europe: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study.
Different lifestyle patterns across Europe may influence plasma concentrations of B-vitamins and one-carbon metabolites and their relation to chronic disease. Comparison of published data on one-carbon metabolites in Western European regions is difficult due to differences in sampling procedures and analytical methods between studies. The present study aimed, to compare plasma concentrations of one-carbon metabolites in Western European regions with one laboratory performing all biochemical analyses. We performed the present study in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort among 5446 presumptively healthy individuals. Quantile regression was used to compare sex-specific median concentrations between Northern (Denmark and Sweden), Central (France, Germany, The Netherlands and United Kingdom) and Southern (Greece, Spain and Italy) European regions. The lowest folate concentrations were observed in Northern Europe (men, 10·4 nmol/l; women, 10·7 nmol/l) and highest concentrations in Central Europe. Cobalamin concentrations were slightly higher in Northern Europe (men, 330 pmol/l; women, 352 pmol/l) compared with Central and Southern Europe, but did not show a clear north-south gradient. Vitamin B₂ concentrations were highest in Northern Europe (men, 22·2 nmol/l; women, 26·0 nmol/l) and decreased towards Southern Europe (P trend< 0·001). Vitamin B(6) concentrations were highest in Central Europe in men (77·3 nmol/l) and highest in the North among women (70·4 nmol/l), with decreasing concentrations towards Southern Europe in women (P trend< 0·001). In men, concentrations of serine, glycine and sarcosine increased from the north to south. In women, sarcosine increased from Northern to Southern Europe. These findings may provide relevant information for the study of regional differences of chronic disease incidence in association with lifestyle
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