6,484 research outputs found

    Modeling Helical Structures in Relativistic Jets

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    Many jets exhibit twisted helical structures. Where superluminal motions are detected, jet orientation and pattern/flow speed are considerably constrained. In this case modeling efforts can place strong limits on conditions in the jet and in the external environment. This can be done by modeling the spatial development of helical structures which are sensitively dependent on these conditions. Along an expanding jet this sensitivity manifests itself in predictable changes in pattern speed and observed wavelength. In general, twists of low frequency relative to the local resonant frequency are advected along the expanding jet into a region in which the twist frequency is high relative to the local resonant frequency. The wave speed can be very different in these two frequency regimes. Potential effects include helical twists with a nearly constant apparent wavelength, an apparent wavelength scaling approximately with the jet radius for up to two orders of magnitude of jet expansion, or multiple twist wavelengths with vastly different intrinsic scale and vastly different wave speeds that give rise to similar observed twist wavelengths but with very different observed motion. In this paper I illustrate the basic intrinsic and observed behavior of these structures and show how to place constraints on jet conditions in superluminal jets using the apparent structures and motions in the inner 3C 120 jet.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Classical GR as a topological theory with linear constraints

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    We investigate a formulation of continuum 4d gravity in terms of a constrained topological (BF) theory, in the spirit of the Plebanski formulation, but involving only linear constraints, of the type used recently in the spin foam approach to quantum gravity. We identify both the continuum version of the linear simplicity constraints used in the quantum discrete context and a linear version of the quadratic volume constraints that are necessary to complete the reduction from the topological theory to gravity. We illustrate and discuss also the discrete counterpart of the same continuum linear constraints. Moreover, we show under which additional conditions the discrete volume constraints follow from the simplicity constraints, thus playing the role of secondary constraints. Our analysis clarifies how the discrete constructions of spin foam models are related to a continuum theory with an action principle that is equivalent to general relativity.Comment: 4 pages, based on a talk given at the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010 (ERE2010, Granada, Spain

    Classical GR as a topological theory with linear constraints

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    We investigate a formulation of continuum 4d gravity in terms of a constrained topological (BF) theory, in the spirit of the Plebanski formulation, but involving only linear constraints, of the type used recently in the spin foam approach to quantum gravity. We identify both the continuum version of the linear simplicity constraints used in the quantum discrete context and a linear version of the quadratic volume constraints that are necessary to complete the reduction from the topological theory to gravity. We illustrate and discuss also the discrete counterpart of the same continuum linear constraints. Moreover, we show under which additional conditions the discrete volume constraints follow from the simplicity constraints, thus playing the role of secondary constraints. Our analysis clarifies how the discrete constructions of spin foam models are related to a continuum theory with an action principle that is equivalent to general relativity.Comment: 4 pages, based on a talk given at the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010 (ERE2010, Granada, Spain

    Classical GR as a topological theory with linear constraints

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    We investigate a formulation of continuum 4d gravity in terms of a constrained topological (BF) theory, in the spirit of the Plebanski formulation, but involving only linear constraints, of the type used recently in the spin foam approach to quantum gravity. We identify both the continuum version of the linear simplicity constraints used in the quantum discrete context and a linear version of the quadratic volume constraints that are necessary to complete the reduction from the topological theory to gravity. We illustrate and discuss also the discrete counterpart of the same continuum linear constraints. Moreover, we show under which additional conditions the discrete volume constraints follow from the simplicity constraints, thus playing the role of secondary constraints. Our analysis clarifies how the discrete constructions of spin foam models are related to a continuum theory with an action principle that is equivalent to general relativity.Comment: 4 pages, based on a talk given at the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010 (ERE2010, Granada, Spain

    A turbojet simulator for Mach numbers up to 2.0

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    A turbojet simulator was designed and fabricated for use in wind tunnel models. The simulator contains a six-stage, axial-flow compressor powered by a three-stage, axial-flow turbine. High pressure heated air was used to drive the turbine. At design conditions, compressor axial flow, turbine exit flow, and a third supplementary flow all entered the exhaust nozzle at equal values of pressure and termperature. Overall aerodynamic design, compressor operating conditions, automatic controls, turbine aerodynamic design, instrumentation, and calibration procedure is presented. Performance of the device when used to simulate a J-85 turbojet engine at transonic speeds is reported. The installed nozzle performance obtained with the simulator is also discussed and compared with flight data

    On The Evolution of Magnetic White Dwarfs

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    We present the first radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of the atmosphere of white dwarf stars. We demonstrate that convective energy transfer is seriously impeded by magnetic fields when the plasma-beta parameter, the thermal to magnetic pressure ratio, becomes smaller than unity. The critical field strength that inhibits convection in the photosphere of white dwarfs is in the range B = 1-50 kG, which is much smaller than the typical 1-1000 MG field strengths observed in magnetic white dwarfs, implying that these objects have radiative atmospheres. We have then employed evolutionary models to study the cooling process of high-field magnetic white dwarfs, where convection is entirely suppressed during the full evolution (B > 10 MG). We find that the inhibition of convection has no effect on cooling rates until the effective temperature (Teff) reaches a value of around 5500 K. In this regime, the standard convective sequences start to deviate from the ones without convection owing to the convective coupling between the outer layers and the degenerate reservoir of thermal energy. Since no magnetic white dwarfs are currently known at the low temperatures where this coupling significantly changes the evolution, effects of magnetism on cooling rates are not expected to be observed. This result contrasts with a recent suggestion that magnetic white dwarfs with Teff < 10,000 K cool significantly slower than non-magnetic degenerates.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Recent warming in Greenland in a long-term instrumental (1881-2012) climatic context: I. Evaluation of surface air temperature records

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    We present an updated analysis of monthly means of daily mean, minimum and maximum surface air temperature (SAT) data from Greenland coastal weather stations and from a long-running site on the Greenland ice sheet, and analyse these data for evidence of climate change, especially focusing on the last 20 years but using the whole periods of available records (some since 1873). We demonstrate very strong recent warming along the west coast of Greenland, especially during winter (locally >10 °C since 1991), and rather weaker warming on the east Greenland coast, which is influenced by different oceanographic/sea-ice and meteorological synoptic forcing conditions to the rest of Greenland. Coastal Greenland seasonal mean SAT trends were generally 2-6 °C, strongest in winter (5.7 °C) and least in summer and autumn (both 2.2 °C), during 1981-2011/12. Since 2001 Greenland mean coastal SAT increased significantly by 2.9 °C in winter and 0.8 °C in summer but decreased insignificantly by 1.1 °C in autumn and 0.2 °C in spring, during a period when there was little net change (� ± 0.1 °C) in northern hemisphere temperatures. SAT means for the latest 2001-11/12 decade were significantly in excess of those for peak decadal periods during the Early Twentieth Century Warm Period only in summer and winter, and not significantly greater in spring and autumn. Summer SAT increases in southern Greenland for the last 20 years were generally greater for maximum than minimum temperatures. By contrast, in winter, the recent warming was greater for minimum than maximum temperatures. The greatest SAT changes in all seasons are seen on Greenland's west coast. SAT changes on the ice sheet and a key marginal glacier closely followed nearby coastal temperatures over the last 20 years. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Jets and the shaping of the giant bipolar envelope of the planetary nebula KjPn 8

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    A hydrodynamic model involving cooling gas in the stagnation region of a collimated outflow is proposed for the formation of the giant parsec-scale bipolar envelope that surrounds the planetary nebula KjPn 8. Analytical calculations and numerical simulations are presented to evaluate the model. The envelope is considered to consist mainly of environmental gas swept-up by shocks driven by an episodic, collimated, bipolar outflow. In this model, which we call the ``free stagnation knot'' mechanism, the swept-up ambient gas located in the stagnation region of the bow-shock cools to produce a high density knot. This knot moves along with the bow-shock. When the central outflow ceases, pressurization of the interior of the envelope stops and its expansion slows down. The stagnation knot, however, has sufficient momentum to propagate freely further along the axis, producing a distinct nose at the end of the lobe. The model is found to successfully reproduce the peculiar shape and global kinematics of the giant bipolar envelope of KjPn 8.Comment: 20 pages + 8 figures (in 1 tar-file 0.67 Mb

    Abundances of lithium, oxygen, and sodium in the turn-off stars of Galactic globular cluster 47 Tuc

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    We aim to determine abundances of Li, O and Na in a sample of of 110 turn-off (TO) stars, in order to study the evolution of light elements in this cluster and to put our results in perspective with observations of other globular and open clusters, as well as with field stars. We use medium resolution spectra obtained with the GIRAFFE spectrograph at the ESO 8.2m Kueyen VLT telescope and use state of the art 1D model atmospheres and NLTE line transfer to determine the abundances. We also employ CO5BOLD hydrodynamical simulations to assess the impact of stellar granulation on the line formation and inferred abundances. Our results confirm the existence of Na-O abundance anti-correlation and hint towards a possible Li-O anti-correlation in the TO stars of 47 Tuc. We find no convincing evidence supporting the existence of Li-Na correlation. The obtained 3D NLTE mean lithium abundance in a sample of 94 TO stars where Li lines were detected reliably, A(Li)3D NLTE=1.78±0.18\langle A({\rm Li})_{\rm 3D~NLTE}\rangle = 1.78 \pm 0.18 dex, appears to be significantly lower than what is observed in other globular clusters. At the same time, star-to-star spread in Li abundance is also larger than seen in other clusters. The highest Li abundance observed in 47 Tuc is about 0.1 dex lower than the lowest Li abundance observed among the un-depleted stars of the metal-poor open cluster NGC 2243. The lithium abundances in 47 Tuc, when put into context with observations in other clusters and field stars, suggest that stars that are more metal-rich than [FeH] \sim -1.0 experience significant lithium depletion during their lifetime on the main sequence, while the more metal-poor stars do not. Rather strikingly, our results suggest that initial lithium abundance with which the star was created may only depend on its age (the younger the star, the higher its Li content) and not on its metallicity.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures; discussion and conclusions expanded. Accepted for publication in A&