8,006 research outputs found

    Relationship of film optical density to yield indicators

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    Relationship between preharvest yield indicators and film densities of aerial infrared film in microexperiment

    Sterile neutrinos in the Milky Way: Observational constraints

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    We consider the possibility of constraining decaying dark matter by looking out through the Milky Way halo. Specifically we use Chandra blank sky observations to constrain the parameter space of sterile neutrinos. We find that a broad band in parameter space is still open, leaving the sterile neutrino as an excellent dark matter candidate.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, 4 pages, 4 figure

    A characterization of matrix groups that act transitively on the cone of positive definite matrices

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    AbstractIt is well known that the group of all nonsingular lower block-triangular p×p matrices acts transitively on the cone P∗ of all positive definite p×p matrices. This result has been applied to obtain several major results in multivariate statistical distribution theory and decision theory. Here a converse is established: if a matrix group acts transitively on P∗, then its group algebra must be (similar to) the algebra of all lower block-triangular p×p matrices with respect to a fixed partitioning. This implies the nonexistence of multivariate normal linear statistical models with unrestricted covariance structure that admit a transitive group action, other than those classical models invariant under a Full block-triangular group

    Disambiguating the role of blood flow and global signal with partial information decomposition

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    Global signal (GS) is an ubiquitous construct in resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), associated to nuisance, but containing by definition most of the neuronal signal. Global signal regression (GSR) effectively removes the impact of physiological noise and other artifacts, but at the same time it alters correlational patterns in unpredicted ways. Performing GSR taking into account the underlying physiology (mainly the blood arrival time) has been proven to be beneficial. From these observations we aimed to: 1) characterize the effect of GSR on network-level functional connectivity in a large dataset; 2) assess the complementary role of global signal and vessels; and 3) use the framework of partial information decomposition to further look into the joint dynamics of the global signal and vessels, and their respective influence on the dynamics of cortical areas. We observe that GSR affects intrinsic connectivity networks in the connectome in a non-uniform way. Furthermore, by estimating the predictive information of blood flow and the global signal using partial information decomposition, we observe that both signals are present in different amounts across intrinsic connectivity networks. Simulations showed that differences in blood arrival time can largely explain this phenomenon, while using hemodynamic and calcium mouse recordings we were able to confirm the presence of vascular effects, as calcium recordings lack hemodynamic information. With these results we confirm network-specific effects of GSR and the importance of taking blood flow into account for improving de-noising methods. Additionally, and beyond the mere issue of data denoising, we quantify the diverse and complementary effect of global and vessel BOLD signals on the dynamics of cortical areas

    Phenological and molecular studies on the introduced seaweed Dictyota cyanoloma (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Dictyota cyanoloma, a distinctive brown algal species characterized by a blue-iridescent margin, was recently reported as an introduced species in the Mediterranean Sea but little is known about its distribution dynamics, morphological plasticity and genetic structure. In this integrative study, we evaluate its past and present occurrence along the Mediterranean Iberian coast, assess the species' phenology in Palamos (Girona, Spain) and analyze the haplotype diversity by sequencing 49 individuals from nine sampling sites for different chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA regions. Although D. cyanoloma currently occurs along all the Mediterranean Iberian coasts (in 19 of 36 localities sampled, mostly in marinas and harbour environments), we were not able to find any herbarium material of this species (at BCN-Phyc and MA) predating the year 1987. In Palamos, D. cyanoloma is present all through the year, with a maximum development in winter and a minimum in summer. Fertile specimens are absent during summer (July and August). Sporophytes are dominant from January to June and gametophytes were found only in February, March and June. Information about the antheridia, which has never been described before, is provided. Two chloroplast and three mitochondrial haplotypes were observed, indicating that multiple introductions of D. cyanoloma occurred in the study area. Additionally, the genetic structure suggests that spread did not occur through simple advancing wave fronts but by several longdistance dispersal events. Further studies employing microsatellite markers could potentially offer a better resolution to unravel expansion and colonisation dynamics of D. cyanoloma in the Mediterranean Sea

    Computational protein profile similarity screening for quantitative mass spectrometry experiments

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    Motivation: The qualitative and quantitative characterization of protein abundance profiles over a series of time points or a set of environmental conditions is becoming increasingly important. Using isobaric mass tagging experiments, mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics deliver accurate peptide abundance profiles for relative quantitation. Associated data analysis workflows need to provide tailored statistical treatment that (i) takes the correlation structure of the normalized peptide abundance profiles into account and (ii) allows inference of protein-level similarity. We introduce a suitable distance measure for relative abundance profiles, derive a statistical test for equality and propose a protein-level representation of peptide-level measurements. This yields a workflow that delivers a similarity ranking of protein abundance profiles with respect to a defined reference. All procedures have in common that they operate based on the true correlation structure that underlies the measurements. This optimizes power and delivers more intuitive and efficient results than existing methods that do not take these circumstances into account. Results: We use protein profile similarity screening to identify candidate proteins whose abundances are post-transcriptionally controlled by the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C), a specific E3 ubiquitin ligase that is a master regulator of the cell cycle. Results are compared with an established protein correlation profiling method. The proposed procedure yields a 50.9-fold enrichment of co-regulated protein candidates and a 2.5-fold improvement over the previous method
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