457 research outputs found

    Preface : Why Do Emotions History?

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    L'ampliació del camp de la història de les emocions per tenir una major participació dels acadèmics espanyols i una major atenció a la seva aplicació a la història espanyola -que aquest volum reflecteix i promou- és un fet que mereix ser celebrat. Un dels diversos senyals de l'èxit d'aquest vibrant sotscamp és l'ampliació del seu abast geogràfic, i Espanya apareix aquí com un exemple clau. Agraeixo la invitació per realitzar algunes aportacions sobre aquest camp a tall d'introducció.La ampliación del campo de la historia de las emociones para tener una mayor participación de los académicos españoles y una mayor atención a su aplicación a la historia española - que este volumen refleja y promueve - es un hecho que merece ser celebrado. Una de las diversas señales del éxito de este vibrante subcampo es la ampliación de su alcance geográfico, y España aparece ahí como un ejemplo clave. Agradezco la invitación para realizar algunas aportaciones sobre este campo a modo de introducción.Expansion of the field of emotions history to include greater participation by Spanish scholars and greater attention to applications of the approach to Spanish history - which this volume reflects and promotes - is a truly welcome development. It's clear that one of the several signs of success in this vibrant subfield is extending the geographical range, and Spain is emerging as a key case in point. I welcome the invitation to contribute a few comments about the field by way of introduction

    Really Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Body: A Cultural Challenge

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    Fear and History

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    Should the regional Bell operating companies be allowed to manufacture?

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    Refining complexity analyses in planning by exploiting the exponential time hypothesis

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    The use of computational complexity in planning, and in AI in general, has always been a disputed topic. A major problem with ordinary worst-case analyses is that they do not provide any quantitative information: they do not tell us much about the running time of concrete algorithms, nor do they tell us much about the running time of optimal algorithms. We address problems like this by presenting results based on the exponential time hypothesis (ETH), which is a widely accepted hypothesis concerning the time complexity of 3-SAT. By using this approach, we provide, for instance, almost matching upper and lower bounds onthe time complexity of propositional planning.Funding Agencies|National Graduate School in Computer Science (CUGS), Sweden; Swedish Research Council (VR) [621-2014-4086]</p

    Secondary structure of Ac-Alan_n-LysH+^+ polyalanine peptides (nn=5,10,15) in vacuo: Helical or not?

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    The polyalanine-based peptide series Ac-Ala_n-LysH+ (n=5-20) is a prime example that a secondary structure motif which is well-known from the solution phase (here: helices) can be formed in vacuo. We here revisit this conclusion for n=5,10,15, using density-functional theory (van der Waals corrected generalized gradient approximation), and gas-phase infrared vibrational spectroscopy. For the longer molecules (n=10,15) \alpha-helical models provide good qualitative agreement (theory vs. experiment) already in the harmonic approximation. For n=5, the lowest energy conformer is not a simple helix, but competes closely with \alpha-helical motifs at 300K. Close agreement between infrared spectra from experiment and ab initio molecular dynamics (including anharmonic effects) supports our findings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to JPC Letter

    Quantitative magnetic information from reciprocal space maps in transmission electron microscopy

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    One of the most challenging issues in the characterization of magnetic materials is to obtain quantitative analysis on the nanometer scale. Here we describe how electron magnetic circular dichroism (EMCD) measurements using the transmission electron microscope (TEM) can be used for that purpose, utilizing reciprocal space maps. Applying the EMCD sum rules, an orbital to spin moment ratio of mL/mS=0.08±0.01m_L/m_S=0.08 \pm 0.01 is obtained for Fe, which is consistent with the commonly accepted value. Hence, we establish EMCD as a quantitative element specific technique for magnetic studies, using a widely available instrument with superior spatial resolution.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A life in progress: motion and emotion in the autobiography of Robert M. La Follette

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    This article is a study of a La Follette’s Autobiography, the autobiography of the leading Wisconsin progressive Robert M. La Follette, which was published serially in 1911 and, in book form, in 1913. Rather than focusing, as have other historians, on which parts of La Follette’s account are accurate and can therefore be trusted, it explains instead why and how this major autobiography was conceived and written. The article shows that the autobiography was the product of a sustained, complex, and often fraught series of collaborations among La Follette’s family, friends, and political allies, and in the process illuminates the importance of affective ties as well as political ambition and commitment in bringing the project to fruition. In the world of progressive reform, it argues, personal and political experiences were inseparable