20 research outputs found

    The Low Energy X-ray Spectrometry Technique as Applied to Semiconductors

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    Nation-Wide Monitoring Campaign of 53 Contaminants of Emergent Concern in Surface Waters and Sediment (EMNAT 2018): Occurrence and PNEC Exceedance Evaluation

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    International audienceThe overall objective of the 2018 campaign to monitor substances of emerging concern in surface water (continental and coastal) and sediment, known as EMNAT 2018, is to provide the exercise of prioritization of emerging substances, which is being carried out in 2020, with monitoring data. This exercise should make it possible to update the list of relevant substances to be monitored (SPAS) as part of future WFD monitoring programmes, which will be implemented in the next water body management cycle (2022).This campaign, led by Ineris, collected nearly 14,000 data regarding 53 substances of emerging concern (36 biocides and 17 surfactants, selected by the Prioritization Experts Committee) in surface water and sediments on a total of 98 sites in metropolitan France and in the overseas departments and regions (DROM). Frequencies of quantification and concentration levels were determined and discussed. Warning indicators, calculated from PNEC (predicted no-effect concentrations), allowed to estimate the criticality of the risk of exceeding them (frequency and degree of PNEC exceedance).Regarding impregnation levels in the environment, with respect to surfactants, Linear Alkybenzene Sulfonic acids (LAS) were the most frequently quantified substances and at the highest median concentrations in water and sediment samples, in metropolitan France and in the DROM. Regarding biocides, fipronil was the most frequently quantified substance in water samples in metropolitan France and in the DROM, but at lower median concentrations than other biocides. Methyl nonyl ketone was the most frequently quantified substance and at higher median concentrations in sediment samples from metropolitan France and in the DROM.Based on the available PNECs, the highly critical substances with respect to exceeding the PNEC are:- LAS C11, C12 and C13 in mainland and the DROM water and sediment samples, - methyl nonyl ketone in mainland and the DROM sediment samples, - fipronil and methylisothiazolinone in mainland water samples, and - fipronil, octylisothiazolinone, methyl nonyl ketone and a triethanolamine based esterquat in mainland sediment samples

    Quelle contribution des agroĂ©quipements et du numĂ©rique Ă  l’agroĂ©ocologie ?

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    International audienceL’agroĂ©cologie a Ă©tĂ© choisie par l’Inra comme l’un des chantiers de prospective interdisciplinaire destinĂ© Ă  identifier les fronts de recherche en rĂ©ponse Ă  de grands dĂ©fis sociĂ©taux. Quatre-vingt chercheurs ont dressĂ© un bilan, et proposĂ© des pistes de recherche pour l’agroĂ©cologie, et cet ouvrage en synthĂ©tise les principales conclusions. L’agroĂ©cologie, en tant que discipline scientifique, remettant l’écologie au centre de la conception des systĂšmes agricoles, est maintenant bien prĂ©sente. Diversifier le vivant dans des agroĂ©cosystĂšmes est une visĂ©e Ă  large spectre, pour les rendre plus robustes, plus rĂ©silients. Les recherches en gĂ©nĂ©tique et en Ă©cologie du paysage sont mobilisĂ©es pour que l’agroĂ©cologie utilise des leviers de la parcelle au paysage. La modĂ©lisation des systĂšmes agroĂ©cologiques se dĂ©veloppe pour mieux comprendre les interactions biotiques et abiotiques multiples, les prĂ©dire, et commencer Ă  piloter certains systĂšmes. La diversification du vivant dans la production agricole (espĂšces, variĂ©tĂ©s, successions culturales, etc.) conduit Ă  des produits plus variĂ©s. Les consĂ©quences seront importantes sur les filiĂšres, ou plus exactement sur les systĂšmes agri-alimentaires, allant du mode de production aux produits consommĂ©s. Ces changements s’inscrivent sur le long terme. La transition agroĂ©cologique, adaptative, se coconstruisant avec les acteurs, est en soi un sujet de recherche, et pourra s’appuyer sur des dispositifs expĂ©rimentaux, des exploitations agricoles, des territoires d’innovation

    An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future

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    International audienceThe ocean has recently taken centre stage in the global geopolitical landscape. Despite rising challenges to the effectiveness of multilateralism, attention to ocean issues appears as an opportunity to co-create pathways to ocean sustainability at multiple levels. The ocean science community, however, is not sufficiently well organised to advance these pathways and provide policy input. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services demonstrate how knowledge consensus and integration have been instrumental in charting global pathways and eliciting commitments to address, respectively, climate change and biodiversity loss. An equally impactful global platform with a thematic focus on ocean sustainability is needed. Here we introduce the International Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS) as a coordinating mechanism to integrate knowledge systems to forge a bridge across ocean science-policy divides collectively. The IPOS will enrich the global policy debate in the Ocean Decade and support a shift toward ocean sustainability

    An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future

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    International audienceThe ocean has recently taken centre stage in the global geopolitical landscape. Despite rising challenges to the effectiveness of multilateralism, attention to ocean issues appears as an opportunity to co-create pathways to ocean sustainability at multiple levels. The ocean science community, however, is not sufficiently well organised to advance these pathways and provide policy input. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services demonstrate how knowledge consensus and integration have been instrumental in charting global pathways and eliciting commitments to address, respectively, climate change and biodiversity loss. An equally impactful global platform with a thematic focus on ocean sustainability is needed. Here we introduce the International Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS) as a coordinating mechanism to integrate knowledge systems to forge a bridge across ocean science-policy divides collectively. The IPOS will enrich the global policy debate in the Ocean Decade and support a shift toward ocean sustainability