264 research outputs found

    Features of medical implant passivation using anodic oxide films

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    The passivation ability of metals from groups IV and V of the Periodic Table is considered. Anodic treatment is able to neutralize the increase of metal hardening when comminuting grains to nanometre sizes. The deposition of metal oxide film coatings on a cobalt–chromium alloy surface results in substantial passivation of its surface and prevents cobalt and chromium accumulation in bone tissues. The decrease of surface activity of titanium implants can be achieved both by cleaning the surface during vacuum annealing before oxidation and by the increase of the anodic oxide film thickness, which limits mass and charge transfer through the implant surface. Recommended titanium implant treatment regimens are vacuum annealing at 650 °C and anodic oxidation to attain an oxide thickness less or equal to 300 nm

    Diamond biocompatible coatings for medical implants

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    New carbon (diamond-like) nanocomposite coatings deposited from a C60 ionic beam can be used as a wear-resistant protective coating for implants. It was found that these coatings enhance resistance to тelectrochemical corrosion processes due to a shift of the material’s electrode potential to a zone of positive values. They also promote a complex of reparative, adaptative and compensatory reorganization that accelerates the healing processes in the vicinity of the implant

    Stimulation of calcium phosphate crystal formation by implant surfaces with electret properties

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    Oxide coatings with electret properties are investigated. The possibility of stimulation of the formation of calcium phosphate sediments near the electroactive surface is discussed. The exposure of implants with such coatings to solutions imitating blood plasma showed their high efficiency of biointegration due to activation of an exchange processes in living tissues by a negative superficial charge. The revealed effect amplifies with the growth of the thickness of the anodic oxide film

    Powe’s analeses : sociocultural and institutional approaches

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    The problem of powerful practices organisation fundamentals traditionally is explored in Russia in the context of the sociocultural method which analyses culture as the basis of any social activity. This method is certainly important but cannot be unique. Political power is not only historical tradition, it is the relationships dynamics which is able to modify the tradition. This dynamics can be explored within the framework of a method of the study of local social practices, but it does not except the cultural basis of social phenomena. Such method is institutionalism. At the same time, the sociocultural analysis and institutionalism are not opposed each other, they both study society as an entire system. Research potential of these methods can be combined to explore the dynamics of political power relations.Изучение проблемы основ организации властных практик традиционно в России строится на основе социокультурного подхода, ориентированного на анализ культуры как основы любой социальной деятельности. Данный подход, безусловно, значим, но не может выступать как единственно возможный. Политическая власть – это не только историческая традиция, но и динамика отношений, которая способна трансформировать традицию. Анализ этой динамики возможен в рамках подхода ориентированного на изучение локальных социальных практик, но при этом не исключает и культурную обусловленность социальных явлений. Таким подходом является институционализм. Вместе с тем, социокультурный анализ и институционализм не противостоят друг другу, так как оба направлены на исследование общества как целостной системы. Аналитический потенциал данных подходов возможно объединить для рассмотрения динамики отношений политической власти

    Properties of magnetron hydroxyapatite coatings deposited on oxidized substrates

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) coating were formed on oxidized niobium surfaces by the highfrequency magnetron sputtering method using hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate targets. The structure, substructure and mechanical properties of the Nb–Nb2O5–HA system were investigated by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation and the stress state was assessed. The synthesized hydroxyapatite film had the following characteristics: thermal expansion coefficient 10–5 K–1; modulus of elasticity 120 GPa; adhesive strength not less than 0.45 kg/mm2; density 2900 kg/m3. The stress magnitude in the metal oxide substrate was from 11 to 14 MPa after hydroxyapatite film deposition


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    In the article is considered the development of one of the most productive and quantitatively predominant genres in Slovene literature – the historical novel – from its origin in the XIXth century till its golden age between the two World wars. The author has made an attempt to retrace its genealogy, to find necessary perquisites of its emergence and to determine its role in the national cultural life. Genesis of genre gives an opportunity to mark some distinguishing features of genre poetics out and to estimate its valuable contribution not only to the national literature but also to the European ones

    Под знаком модернизма. Словенская культурная ситуация 1960-70-х гг.

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    By the end of 1960th in SFRY everyone are more sharply felt contradictions between freedom declared by the government and real type of authority. Art workers of 'leaden' decade (as 1970th when in SFRY the mode has sharply become tougher subsequently have been named), aspiring to be released from press of dominating ideology, enter confrontation with authority. The theory and practice of a modernism become here one of ways of alternative attitude, expression of disagreement with the state cultural policy. The Slovene cultural situation of 1960–70th became the important link during the democratization of a public and cultural life of republic, in many respects having paved the way for splash of national consciousness during the next decade. The creative intelligentsia which important force were differently minded Slovene modernists, in many respects promoted the destruction of political system


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    Starting from  the  1970s, one of the largest Indian Muslim organizations Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has been  reconsidering its ideology  and rethinking the  views of its founder Syed Abul A'la Maududi (1903–1979) on the  role  of women in the  life of the  Muslim  community. Since  the 1990s, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has allowed Muslim women  to participate in the socio-political life of India. The organization has begun  to pay more attention to improve the  status of women in the  society. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind’s women  wings have been established in many  states of India; currently, they are most active in Kerala and Karnataka.В 1970-х годах одна из крупнейших индийских мусульманских организаций Джамаат-и-ислами хинд начала пересматривать ряд своих идеологических установок. Переосмыслив взгляды основателя организации Абу-л Ала Маудуди (1903–1979) относительно роли женщин в деятельности мусульманской общины, Джамаат-и-ислами хинд с 1990-х годов стала допускать участие  мусульманок в общественно-политической жизни  Индии и обращать более пристальное внимание на улучшение положения женщин в обществе. Во многих штатах  страны появились отделения женского крыла Джамаат-и-ислами хинд; их активность наиболее заметна на юге Индии, прежде всего в Керале и Карнатаке

    Качество жизни при первичных цефалгиях и эффективность компьютерного биоуправления

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    Determinants of quality of life (QoL) in primary headaches remain unclear. We studied QoL in 107 patients (50 migraine patients, 57 tension-type headache — TTH-patients) and 10 healthy subjects. QoL in headache patients was reduced and strongly correlated with passive coping strategies preference, levels of anxiety and depression. In migraine QoL depended on duration of the disease, intensity of pain and MIDAS score. In TTH no clinical features of the disease influenced QoL. Biofeedback showed high effectiveness in primary headaches which depended on coping strategies of patients.Детерминанты качества жизни (КЖ) при первичных цефалгиях остаются неизученными. Выявлена достоверная связь показателей КЖ с предпочтением пациентами пассивных стратегий преодоления боли, уровнями тревоги и депрессии. У пациентов с мигренью КЖ коррелировало с длительностью заболевания, интенсивностью боли во время цефалгического приступа и показателем по опроснику MIDAS. Связи КЖ с клиническими особенностями заболевания у пациентов с головной болью напряжения не выявлено. Метод компьютерного биоуправления показал высокую эффективность, которая не коррелировала с клиническими особенностями заболевания, но зависела от привычных для пациентов копинг-стратегий