176 research outputs found

    Developing a telemedical tool for detecting oculomotor dysfunctions

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    As a lot of children have oculomotor dysfunctions without knowing it, a method of efficient screening will help diagnose those suspected of having problems. As it is expensive and time consuming for visual educators or subjects to travel to a location where the examination can be held, Gunnvor Wilhelmsen wished for a better solution. She therefore suggested to continue development of Ruben Watanabe and Mads G. Eide's CAndLook application, which allows for local examinations[9]. The solution Wilhelmsen wanted was an application which could perform examinations without having the visual educator and subject present at the same location. This thesis presents an attempt to develop an application which serves this purpose by using CAndLook as a base. The application was developed with a server working as an intermediated and storage device and two clients, one for the visual educator and one for the subject of the examination. The prototype developed in this projects shows that it is possible for a visual educator and subject to connect to each other and remotely carry out an examination. The results from an examination can also be stored on a remote server for later access and analysis. Although currently being a prototype, the results goes to show that a fully functional telemedical tool for diagnosing oculomotor dysfunction can be developed.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF39

    Nye roller og opgaver på arbejdspladsen, hvis indflydelsen skal højnes

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    Indflydelse associeres i arbejdsmiljøforstand ofte med forhold i den enkeltes arbejde: I hvilken grad har man indflydelse på, hvordan og hvornår man kan udføre sit arbejde? Nogle gange associeres det også med, om man har indflydelse over arbejdsforholdene på arbejdspladsen. Og om man har indflydelse på den mere overordnede udvikling af arbejdspladsen. Høj indflydelse som tegn på et godt arbejdsmiljø er veldokumenteret (Hvid 2009), men hvordan praktiseres høj indfl ydelse? Afsættet for denne artikel er IDA Arbejdsmiljøs konference d. 28. oktober 20201, hvor forskere, arbejdsmiljøfolk, ledere, og studerende mødtes for at gøres status på indflydelsen. I artiklen diskuterer vi indflydelse, som den blev fremlagt på konferencen, og de perspektiver, vi kan se i forhold til roller og opgaver – for ledere, medarbejderrepræsentanter og medarbejderne selv. Vi udfolder tre niveauer for indflydelse og diskuterer dem op imod en af præsentationerne på konferencen, nemlig Job-, Aktivitets- og Kompetencecenteret i Gentofte Kommune (JAC). JAC er flere år i træk udnævnt som Danmarks og Europas bedste offentlige arbejdsplads, og vi finder det interessant at diskutere, hvordan indflydelsen udfolder sig på denne roste, offentlige arbejdsplads, og de implikationer, vi kan ane i forhold til roller, opgaver og arbejdsmiljø. Det forskningsmæssige afsæt for at diskutere indflydelse er Karasek og Theorells velkendte krav/kontrol-model, som placerer kravene i arbejdet i den ene dimension, og graden af kontrol i/over arbejdet i den anden dimension. Deres studier viste, at det ikke entydigt er de høje krav, som konstituerer kvaliteten af arbejdsmiljøet, men at graden af kontrol er afgørende for, om høje krav opleves som belastende eller som et travlt og godt arbejdsmiljø. Kontrol i/over arbejdet dækker et samspil mellem vilkår i det ydre arbejdsmiljø og en subjektiv oplevelse af at have kontrol over egen arbejdssituation

    Evaluation of cold thermal energy storage in fishing vessels

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    Depending on the operational mode, fishing vessels and fish transporting well-boats have varying cooling demands. There is a possible benefit of peak shaving and energy saving with the use of cold thermal energy storage (CTES), which has been explored in this paper. Fishing vessels have limited space availability and the focus is therefore on compact and efficient systems. A CO2 system is suitable for that purpose due to its compactness and high volumetric refrigeration capacity. One application is to use ice slurry systems, which can be used to reduce the storage temperature of the fish and thereby keep the fish quality longer, compared with no chilling or chilling in refrigerated seawater (RSW). The chilling rates are faster and there is no significant damage to the fish surface. In this study, theoretical calculations were conducted to find the requirements of an ice slurry system according to the reference conditions of the studied case. The calculation model was built using the thermodynamic properties of ice and fish.acceptedVersio

    Frafall i barne- og ungdomsidretten - Kan miljøet være en påvirkende faktor?

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    Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke om hvorvidt miljøet har en påvirkning på frafall og deltakelse blant barn og ungdom i den organiserte idretten. Hovedgrunnen til at en valgte å nettopp undersøke dette området er fordi en alltid har lurt på hvorfor barn/ungdom slutter med idrett og da særlig frafall tilknyttet miljøet. Som introduksjon til denne studien så har det blitt gjennomført flere søk om hva teorien mener om det valgte tema. Her har en blant annet sett på «hva frafall i den organiserte idretten er», «årsaker til frafall», «viktigheten av barne- og ungdomsidretten», «ungdomsløftet» og til slutt «miljøets påvirkning». I metodedelen gjør en rede for ulike valgt som har blitt gjort i studien. Dette gjelder da alt fra «valg av metode», «søkeprosess», «inklusjons- og ekslusjonsteorier», «forskningsetiske retningslinjer» og «validitet og reliabilitet». Deretter har det blitt gjennomført en resultatdel der en har gjennomført søk i ulike databaser for å finne ut hva tidligere forskning har funnet ut om valgt tema. Etter å ha søkt gjennom forskjellige databaser med forskjellige søkeord, så kom en frem til seks ulike artikler som danner resultatgrunnlaget for denne studien. Til slutt så har en gjennomført en diskusjonsdel der en reflekterer rundt funnene fra de seks utvalgte studiene. Som et helhetlig resultat av denne diskusjonen så har en funnet ut at alle de seks studiene konkluderer med at miljøet har en eller annen form for påvirkning på frafall og deltakelse blant barn og unge i organisert idrett.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the environment has an impact on dropout and participation among children and young people in organized sports. The main reason why one chose to investigate this area is because one has always wondered why children / young people stop playing sports and especially dropouts associated with the environment. As an introduction to this study, several searches have been carried out on what the theory means about the chosen topic. Among other things, one has looked at «what dropouts in organized sports are», «reasons for dropouts», «the importance of children's and youth sports», «youth promotion» and finally «the impact of the environment». In the method section, an account is given of various choices that have been made in the study. This then applies to everything from «choice of method», «application process», «inclusion and exclusion theories», «research ethics guidelines» and «validity and reliability». Subsequently, a results section has been carried out where searches have been carried out in various databases to find out what previous research has found out about the chosen topic. After searching through different databases with different keywords, one came up with six different articles that form the result basis for this study. Finally, a discussion section has been conducted in which one reflects on the findings from the six selected studies. As a comprehensive result of this discussion, it has been found that all six studies conclude that the environment has some form of influence on dropout and participation among children and young people in organized sports

    Grieg - “Vinjesangene” op. 33 : Syklus eller samling, og spiller det noen rolle?

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    Masteroppgave utøvende musikk, klassisk MUK502 - Universitetet i Agder 201

    Energy consumption of ammonia refrigeration system on board a fishing vessel

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    When assessing the carbon footprint of seafood from capture fisheries, the fuel use during fishing operation is the major contributor to overall greenhouse gas emissions. While the necessary shift towards low-carbon fuels and advancement in propulsion technology has commenced, also a more efficient use of energy is a key strategy for reduction of the emissions. Furthermore, leakage of high-GWP refrigerants contributes to emissions and a transition towards natural refrigerants (NH3, CO2) is essential. Introducing efficiency measures depends on knowledge of current performance. Due to the wide range of different fishing vessels with different on-board processing equipment and different modes of operation, the performance needs to be evaluated for each fleet segment before proper advise can be given. This paper presents energy measurement results from a research cruise conducted during autumn 2020 on a combined purse seiner/pelagic trawler. The vessel's refrigeration system was instrumented with sensors logging the electrical input to frequency converters (compressors and seawater pumps) and temperatures on the RSW side, while the vessels mode of operation and fuel consumption was logged on a regular basis during the cruise. The results provide insight on the vessel's energy flow, performance of the refrigeration system and fuel intensity of the fishing operation, which gives valuable input for design of efficiency measures.acceptedVersio

    Composition and biological significance of the human Nα-terminal acetyltransferases

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    Protein Nα-terminal acetylation is one of the most common protein modifications in eukaryotic cells, occurring on approximately 80% of soluble human proteins. An increasing number of studies links Nα-terminal acetylation to cell differentiation, cell cycle, cell survival, and cancer. Thus, Nα-terminal acetylation is an essential modification for normal cell function in humans. Still, little is known about the functional role of Nα-terminal acetylation. Recently, the three major human N-acetyltransferase complexes, hNatA, hNatB and hNatC, were identified and characterized. We here summarize the identified N-terminal acetyltransferase complexes in humans, and we review the biological studies on Nα-terminal acetylation in humans and other higher eukaryotes

    Patient`s experience living with COPD

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