224 research outputs found

    Determining Solutions of Fuzzy Cellular Neural Networks with Fluctuating Delays

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    This pap er deals with the problem of nonp erio dic arrange ments for fuzzy cell neuralsystems with fluctuating delays. By utiliz ing c ompre ssion mapping and Krasnoselski’ssettled p oint hyp othesis and developing some appropriate Lyapunov functionals, ade quateconditions are s et up for the presence and worldwide exp onential solidness of solutions ofFCNNs with fluctuating delays. In addition, illustrative examples are set up to exhibit amo del

    Topology of Neutral Hydrogen Within the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    In this paper, genus statistics have been applied to an HI column density map of the Small Magellanic Cloud in order to study its topology. To learn how topology changes with the scale of the system, we provide the study of topology for column density maps at varying resolution. To evaluate the statistical error of the genus we randomly reassign the phases of the Fourier modes while keeping the amplitudes. We find, that at the smallest scales studied (40pcλ80pc40 {pc}\leq\lambda\leq 80 {pc}) the genus shift is in all regions negative, implying a clump topology. At the larger scales (110pcλ250pc110 {pc}\leq\lambda\leq 250 {pc}) the topology shift is detected to be negative in 4 cases and positive (``swiss cheese'' topology) in 2 cases. In 4 regions there is no statistically significant topology shift at large scales

    The Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: Discovery of Embedded Protostars in the HII Region NGC 346

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    We use Spitzer Space Telescope observations from the Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (S3MC) to study the young stellar content of N66, the largest and brightest HII region in the SMC. In addition to large numbers of normal stars, we detect a significant population of bright, red infrared sources that we identify as likely to be young stellar objects (YSOs). We use spectral energy distribution (SED) fits to classify objects as ordinary (main sequence or red giant) stars, asymptotic giant branch stars, background galaxies, and YSOs. This represents the first large-scale attempt at blind source classification based on Spitzer SEDs in another galaxy. We firmly identify at least 61 YSOs, with another 50 probable YSOs; only one embedded protostar in the SMC was reported in the literature prior to the S3MC. We present color selection criteria that can be used to identify a relatively clean sample of YSOs with IRAC photometry. Our fitted SEDs indicate that the infrared-bright YSOs in N66 have stellar masses ranging from 2 Msun to 17 Msun, and that approximately half of the objects are Stage II protostars, with the remaining YSOs roughly evenly divided between Stage I and Stage III sources. We find evidence for primordial mass segregation in the HII region, with the most massive YSOs being preferentially closer to the center than lower-mass objects. Despite the low metallicity and dust content of the SMC, the observable properties of the YSOs appear consistent with those in the Milky Way. Although the YSOs are heavily concentrated within the optically bright central region of N66, there is ongoing star formation throughout the complex and we place a lower limit on the star formation rate of 3.2 x 10^-3 Msun/yr over the last ~1 Myr.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures (3 in color), 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Structure of the SMC - Stellar component distribution from 2MASS data

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    The spatial distribution of the SMC stellar component is investigated from 2MASS data. The morphology of the different age populations is presented. The center of the distribution is calculated and compared with previous estimations. The rotation of the stellar content and possible consequence of dark matter presence are discussed. The different stellar populations are identified through a CMD diagram of the 2MASS data. Isopleth contour maps are produced in every case, to reveal the spatial distribution. The derived density profiles are discussed. The older stellar population follows an exponential profile at projected diameters of about 5 kpc (~5 deg) for the major axis and ~4 kpc for the minor axis, centred at RA: 0h:51min, Dec: -73deg 7' (J2000.0). The centre coordinates are found the same for all the different age population maps and are in good accordance with the kinematical centre of the SMC. However they are found considerably different from the coordinates of the centre of the gas distribution. The fact that the older population found on an exponential disk, gives evidence that the stellar content is rotating, with a possible consequence of dark matter presence. The strong interactions between the MCs and the MilkyWay might explain the difference in the distributions of the stellar and gas components. The lack in the observed velocity element, that implies absence of rotation, and contradicts with the consequences of exponential profile of the stellar component, may also be a result of the gravitational interactions.Comment: 7 Pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Large Magellanic Cloud: A power spectral analysis of Spitzer images

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    We present a power spectral analysis of Spitzer images of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The power spectra of the FIR emission show two different power laws. At larger scales (kpc) the slope is ~ -1.6, while at smaller ones (tens to few hundreds of parsecs) the slope is steeper, with a value ~ -2.9. The break occurs at a scale around 100-200 pc. We interpret this break as the scale height of the dust disk of the LMC. We perform high resolution simulations with and without stellar feedback. Our AMR hydrodynamic simulations of model galaxies using the LMC mass and rotation curve, confirm that they have similar two-component power-laws for projected density and that the break does indeed occur at the disk thickness. Power spectral analysis of velocities betrays a single power law for in-plane components. The vertical component of the velocity shows a flat behavior for large structures and a power law similar to the in-plane velocities at small scales. The motions are highly anisotropic at large scales, with in-plane velocities being much more important than vertical ones. In contrast, at small scales, the motions become more isotropic.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at "Galaxies and their Masks", celebrating Ken Freeman's 70-th birthday, Sossusvlei, Namibia, April 2010. To be published by Springer, New York, editors D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, & I. Puerar

    Scattering of gravitational radiation: second order moments of the wave amplitude

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    Gravitational radiation that propagates through an inhomogeneous mass distribution is subject to random gravitational lensing, or scattering, causing variations in the wave amplitude and temporal smearing of the signal. A statistical theory is constructed to treat these effects. The statistical properties of the wave amplitude variations are a direct probe of the power spectrum of the mass distribution through which the waves propagate. Scattering temporally smears any intensity variations intrinsic to a source emitting gravitational radiation, rendering variability on time scales shorter than the temporal smearing time scale unobservable, and potentially making the radiation much harder to detect. Gravitational radiation must propagate out through the mass distribution of its host galaxy before it can be detected at the Earth. Plausible models for the distribution of matter in an LL_* host galaxy suggest that the temporal smearing time scale is at least several milliseconds due to the gas content alone, and may be as large as a second if dark matter also scatters the radiation. The smearing time due to scattering by any galaxy interposed along the line of sight is a factor 105\sim 10^5 times larger. Gravitational scattering is an excellent probe of matter on parsec and sub-parsec scales, and has the potential to elucidate the nature of dark matter.Comment: A&A accepted, 19 pages, 4 fig

    Optimal Portfolio Management for Engineering Problems Using Nonconvex Cardinality Constraint: A Computing Perspective

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    The problem of portfolio management relates to the selection of optimal stocks, which results in a maximum return to the investor while minimizing the loss. Traditional approaches usually model the portfolio selection as a convex optimization problem and require the calculation of gradient. Note that gradient-based methods can stuck at local optimum for complex problems and the simplification of portfolio optimization to convex, and further solved using gradient-based methods, is at a high cost of solution accuracy. In this paper, we formulate a nonconvex model for the portfolio selection problem, which considers the transaction cost and cardinality constraint, thus better reflecting the decisive factor affecting the selection of portfolio in the real-world. Additionally, constraints are put into the objective function as penalty terms to enforce the restriction. Note that this reformulated problem cannot be readily solved by traditional methods based on gradient search due to its nonconvexity. Then, we apply the Beetle Antennae Search (BAS), a nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm capable of efficient global optimization, to solve the problem. We used a large real-world dataset containing historical stock prices to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in practical scenarios. Extensive experimental results are presented to further demonstrate the efficacy and scalability of the BAS algorithm. The comparative results are also performed using Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Pattern Search (PS), and gradient-based fmincon (interior-point search) as benchmarks. The comparison results show that the BAS algorithm is six times faster in the worst case (25 times in the best case) as compared to the rival algorithms while achieving the same level of performance

    The role of feedback in shaping the structure of the interstellar medium

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    We present an analysis of the role of feedback in shaping the neutral hydrogen (H I) content of simulated disc galaxies. For our analysis, we have used two realizations of two separate Milky Way-like (similar to L star) discs - one employing a conservative feedback scheme (McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Survey), the other significantly more energetic [Making Galaxies In a Cosmological Context (MaGICC)]. To quantify the impact of these schemes, we generate zeroth moment (surface density) maps of the inferred H I distribution; construct power spectra associated with the underlying structure of the simulated cold interstellar medium, in addition to their radial surface density and velocity dispersion profiles. Our results are compared with a parallel, self-consistent, analysis of empirical data from The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). Single power-law fits (P proportional to k(gamma)) to the power spectra of the stronger feedback (MaGICC) runs (over spatial scales corresponding to similar to 0.5 to similar to 20 kpc) result in slopes consistent with those seen in the THINGS sample (gamma similar to -2.5). The weaker feedback (MUGS) runs exhibit shallower power-law slopes (gamma similar to -1.2). The power spectra of the MaGICC simulations are more consistent though with a two-component fit, with a flatter distribution of power on larger scales (i.e. gamma similar to -1.4 for scales in excess of similar to 2 kpc) and a steeper slope on scales below similar to 1 kpc (gamma similar to -5), qualitatively consistent with empirical claims, as well as our earlier work on dwarf discs. The radial H I surface density profiles of the MaGICC discs show a clear exponential behaviour, while those of the MUGS suite are essentially flat; both behaviours are encountered in nature, although the THINGS sample is more consistent with our stronger (MaGICC) feedback runs

    Orbital Period Determinations for Four SMC Be/X-ray Binaries

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    We present an optical and X-ray study of four Be/X-ray binaries located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). OGLE I-band data of up to 11 years of semi-continuous monitoring has been analysed for SMC X-2, SXP172 and SXP202B, providing both a measurement of the orbital period (Porb = 18.62, 68.90, and 229.9 days for the pulsars respectively) and a detailed optical orbital profile for each pulsar. For SXP172 this has allowed a direct comparison of the optical and X-ray emission seen through regular RXTE monitoring, revealing that the X-ray outbursts precede the optical by around 7 days. Recent X-ray studies by XMM-Newton have identified a new source in the vicinity of SXP15.3 raising doubt on the identification of the optical counterpart to this X-ray pulsar. Here we present a discussion of the observations that led to the proposal of the original counterpart and a detailed optical analysis of the counterpart to the new X-ray source, identifying a 21.7 d periodicity in the OGLE I-band data. The optical characteristics of this star are consistent with that of a SMC Be/X-ray binary. However, this star was rejected as the counterpart to SXP15.3 in previous studies due to the lack of H{\alpha} emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 17 figure