84 research outputs found

    Development of Health Care e-Services in the European Union

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    Development and implementation of e-services has become a common practice of state and public administrations in the developed countries around the world since the usage of information and communication technologies has enabled a faster processing of user applications and more efficient functioning of the service. This paper analyses the level of development of e-services in health care systems of eight European countries, both in terms of safety and reliability from the perspective of end users, i.e. citizens. Furthermore, the concept of trust in eservices based on the availability of information on the Internet on applied technological solutions, storage and data protection and their availability is considered. Implementation of services like e-health records and e-prescriptions requires a well-developed strategy and a very transparent way of their functioning because of the sensitive nature of health data. For this study official websites of the services were searched through, as were other sources on the Internet. The research results indicate a lack of certain key information, especially those related to data storage, their protection and long-term preservation


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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak.The problem of this resarch is the business planning of the company ' ' Stana' ' d.o.o. , Šibenik. Business planning is extremely important for every company because, apart from giving a clear vision of where we see the company, it also constantly provides information about where the company is located at the moment. Research has shown that company from its begining has been operating at a loss caused by raising a loan for the construction of the hotel as firm's main investments. Giving leverage to the function of plannin, the company achieved higher revenues, and expenses. Although expenses of the businesses grew, thanks to investments in the hotel's services, detailed planning goals and great tourist potential of the area where the hotel is placed and the fact that the repayment of loan is close to it's end , the company has great opportunities to enter the breakeven point and business with profit in the upcoming years

    Effect of extracellular hemoglobin of xenogeneic origin on functional characteristics of mesenchymal cells in vitro

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    Истраживања обухваћена овом докторском дисертацијом имала су за циљ добијање података о утицају ванћелијског хемоглобина на функцијска својства мезенхимских ћелија in vitro. Свињски и говеђи хемоглобин коришћени су као модел ксеногених, лако доступних хемоглобина, који показују висок степен хомологије са хуманим хемоглобином. Као адекватни ћелијски модел системи одабрани су леукоцити периферне крви човека и мезенхимске матичне ћелије периферне крви човека (ПК-ММЋ), као ћелије са којима ванћелијски хемоглобин може доћи у контакт при инстраваскуларној хемолизи. Додатно, утицај хемоглобина испитан је и на четири ћелијске линије ATDC5, MC3T3-E1, 3T3-L1 и C2C12 које представљају униформније модел системе у односу на ПК-ММЋ за проучавање хондро-, остео-, адипо- и миогенезе. Добијени резултати показују да ванћелијски хемоглобин има значајан утицај на функцијска својства мезенхимских ћелија, који зависи од врсте организма из ког је хемоглобин изолован, примењене концентрације и типа ћелија на којима је ефекат испитиван. Ванћелијски хемоглобин модулише вијабилност, способност адхезије и продукције реактивних врста кисеоника испитиваних леукоцита, као и пролиферацију/диференцијацију опредељених матичних ћелија хематопоезе. Додатно, показано је да ванћелијски хемоглобин у концентрацији од 0,1 μM остварује ефекат на вијабилност, миграторни и имуномодулаторни капацитет мезенхимских ћелија и инхибира њихову диференцијацију ка хондрогеној, остеогеној, адипогеној и миогеној линији, модулишући експресију специфичних генских маркера. Ови резултати доприносе бољем сагледавању утицаја ванћелијског хемоглобина у условима интраваскуларне хемолизе на физиологију мезенхимских ћелија, као и његове потенцијалне примене као дијететског суплемента или адитива медијума за култивацију ћелија.The main goal of this doctoral dissertation was the investigation of the effect of extracellular hemoglobin on the functional properties of mesenchymal cells in vitro. Porcine and bovine hemoglobin were used as models of xenogeneic, readily available hemoglobins, showing a high degree of homology with human hemoglobin. Human peripheral blood leukocytes and human peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells (PB-MSCs) were selected as adequate cell model systems, since extracellular hemoglobin may come into contact with these cells during instravascular hemolysis. In addition, the effects of hemoglobin were also tested on four cell lines ATDC5, MC3T3-E1, 3T3-L1, and C2C12 as more uniform model systems compared to PB-MSCs to study chondro-, osteo-, adipo-, and myogenesis.The obtained results show that extracellular hemoglobin has major effect on the functional properties of mesenchymal cells,which depends on the species of organism from which hemoglobin was isolated, hemoglobin concentration used and the type of cells tested. Extracellular hemoglobin modulates viability, adhesion and synthesis ability of reactive oxygen species of leukocytes examined, as well as proliferation/differentiation of committed hematopoietic stem cells. Furthermore, at a concentration of 0.1 μM extracellular hemoglobin had the effect on viability, migratory and immunomodulatory capacity of mesenchymal cells and inhibited their differentiation toward chondro-, osteo-, adipo-and myogenic lineages, modulating the expression of specific gene markers.These results contribute to a better understanding of the effects of extracellular hemoglobin during intravascular hemolysis on the physiology of mesenchymal cells, as well as its potential applications as a dietary supplement or cell culture media additive


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    Tema ovog rada je turizam u sklopu lokalnog razvoja grada Šibenika. U radu je definiran turizam i predstavljeni specifični oblici turizma razvijeni na ovom području. Grad Šibenik stari je hrvatski grad na čijem podneblju turizam sve više cvate. Lokalne vlasti prepoznale su značaj turizma i u svom razvoju iskoristile pomoć koju pruža Europska unija kroz svoje Fondove. Predstavljena su ulaganja u infrastrukturu u posljednjim godinama te buduća kretanja. Također, predstavljena su i kretanja turista po smještajnim kapacitetima. Razvoj turizma utjecao je na lokalni razvoj samog grada Šibenika i okolnih mjesta koji mu pripadaju.The topic of this paper is tourism within the local development of the city of Šibenik. The paper defines tourism and presents specific forms of tourism developed in this area. The city of Šibenik is an old Croatian city whose tourism is booming. Local authorities have recognized the importance of tourism and in their development have used the assistance provided by the European Union through their Funds. Investments in infrastructure in recent years and future developments are presented. Also, movements of tourists by accommodation capacities were presented. The development of tourism has influenced the local development of the city of Šibenik and the surrounding small towns


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    Tema ovog rada je turizam u sklopu lokalnog razvoja grada Šibenika. U radu je definiran turizam i predstavljeni specifični oblici turizma razvijeni na ovom području. Grad Šibenik stari je hrvatski grad na čijem podneblju turizam sve više cvate. Lokalne vlasti prepoznale su značaj turizma i u svom razvoju iskoristile pomoć koju pruža Europska unija kroz svoje Fondove. Predstavljena su ulaganja u infrastrukturu u posljednjim godinama te buduća kretanja. Također, predstavljena su i kretanja turista po smještajnim kapacitetima. Razvoj turizma utjecao je na lokalni razvoj samog grada Šibenika i okolnih mjesta koji mu pripadaju.The topic of this paper is tourism within the local development of the city of Šibenik. The paper defines tourism and presents specific forms of tourism developed in this area. The city of Šibenik is an old Croatian city whose tourism is booming. Local authorities have recognized the importance of tourism and in their development have used the assistance provided by the European Union through their Funds. Investments in infrastructure in recent years and future developments are presented. Also, movements of tourists by accommodation capacities were presented. The development of tourism has influenced the local development of the city of Šibenik and the surrounding small towns

    Stomatološki tretman starih ljudi sa hendikepom

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    Introduction. The growing population of the elderly people and a proportional increase in the number of the elderly with different types of disabilities, necessitates a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of their oral health and dental treatment. The ultimate aim is to retain a pain-free functional dentition and decrease the risk of future disease. Material and Methods. A PubMed search was performed and the authors contributed their experience in implementing preventive and therapeutic measures. Oral health problems of the elderly with disabilities. Two main factors influence the oral health: multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Oral health problems expected in this population are teeth abrasion, teeth fractures, root caries, periodontitis and problems with wearing dentures due to stomatitis caused by Candida albicans. Oral health assessment and treatment guidelines. This article provides guidelines for assessment and treatment planning, taking into consideration multimorbidity, polypharmacy, dementia and capacity of caregivers. Preventive measures. Preventive measures are crucial for long-term oral health of this population, and this paper provides guidelines for preventive treatment depending on the degree of functional dependence. Prosthetic treatment. Although some elderly with disabilities are suitable for conventional prosthetic treatment, often there are contraindications and specific considerations that must be taken into account. Conclusion. Oral health needs of the elderly people with disabilities should not be neglected and the success of treatment depends on the education of dental professionals and cooperation with other health professionals of the medical team.Uvod. Zbog rastuće populacije starih ljudi i proporcionalnog povećanja učestalosti broja starih ljudi sa različitim tipovima hendikepa, multi disciplinarni pristup proceni njihovog oralnog zdravlja je neophodan. Krajnji cilj je postići funkcionalnu denticiju bez bolova i smanjiti rizik od budućih oboljenja. Materijal i metode. Pretraživanje literature u bazi PubMed je obavljeno, ali je takođe iskustvo autora u primeni preventivnih i terapijskih mera uzeto u obzir. Problemi oralnog zdravlja starih ljudi sa hendikepom. Dva glavna razloga imaju uticaj na oralno zdravlje: multi morbiditet i polifarmacija. Problemi oralnog zdravlja koji se očekuju u ovoj populaciji su abrazija zuba, frakture zuba, karijes korena, parodontopatija i problemi sa nošenjem proteza usled stomatitis uzrokovanog kandidom (Candida albicans). Procena oralnog zdravlja i smernice za planiranje tipa tretmana. Ovaj članak obezbeđuje korisne smernice za procenu i planiranje tretmana, uzimajući u obzir multi morbiditet, polifarmaciju, demenciju i kapacitet negovatelja. Preventivne mere. Preventivne mere su ključne za dugotrajni uspeh oralnog zdravlja ove populacije i ovde su prikazane smernice za preventivne mere u zavisnosti od stepena funkcionalne zavisnosti. Protetski tretman. Iako su neki stari ljudi sa hendikepom pogodni za konvencionalni protetski tretman, većina ovih pacijenata ima neke kontra indikacije i specifičnosti koje treba uzeti u obzir. Zaključak. Potrebe za oralnim zdravljem starih ljudi sa hendikepom ne smeju biti zanemarene, a uspeh tretmana zavisi od edukacije stomatologa kao i saradnje sa ostalim specijalistima medicinskog tima

    Simulation Models in Education

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    This paper introduces the use of simulation models in an e-learning environment. Nowadays, simulation models are a part of computer-assisted learning and thus an important guide for lifelong education. E-learning systems, combined with the use of simulation models as tool for interactivity, are the best way to provide some kind of virtual reality in education. Important techniques for building a usable simulation model are also presented. A good model has to be accompanied by texts, demonstration material, worksheets, teachers' guides, student manuals, as well as tools for the teacher in order to be able to make changes in the computer simulation program, like a text-editor, a graphic editor as well as a resource editor. In addition, the paper describes why it is important to follow the building scheme and discusses the problem of credibility. Then, these models are explained as a method of learning dependent on and independent from the use of computers and a view of its valuable aspects is shown. After presenting various examples from the primary and secondary schools to the university and in lifelong learning, examples of their use in information sciences have been presented, as well as need to include the course of building simulation model in the curriculum

    Primary prevention of cerebrovascular diseases

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    Introduction: Prevention represent the turning point in medicine, and if we have knowledge about it for long time, it isn't completely applicable, because of the fact that man kind aren't completely developed consciousness about influence of preventive measures on their health. We must learn people about preventive measures to live healthy, to feed themselves healthy, to haven't bad habits which disturb health, to avoid stress situations... The Aim of research: Establish in which extent are people on the area of general practice institution of town Sabac introduced about risk factors which leads to cerebrovascular diseases and what to do to avoid development of risk factors. Materials and methods: Research conducted in General practice institution of town Sabac in December 2011 on sample of 30 examinee. Persons are accidently selected. The data were obtained descriptive method and method of survey. The instrument used in this research is questionnaire. Results: Based on the research it provided information that examinee are mainly under the stress, that they suffer from hypertension, they have obesity, not properly take food, physically not active... but most of them normally goes to their medical examination and have wish to find out more about prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. Discussion: Nurses must trough their work seized more their users of their services and motivate them to have normally medical examination and take care of their health condition, to eliminate risk factors and cure diseases that they have already. Conclusion: Cerebrovascular diseases have huge social-medical importance. Excepting that cerebrovascular diseases are diseases with large-scale of death rate, equally is important fact that this neurological illness with large-scale disability and dramatically disorder life in family and patients surounding, and present material weight for social community. These facts highlights importance of prevention of cerebrovascular diseases

    Extracellular xenogeneic hemoglobin suppresses the capacity for C2C12 myoblast myogenic differentiation

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    Functional characteristics of satellite cells (SCs) that act as myogenesis initiators and have emerged as a promising target for cell therapy, are dependent on their microenvironment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cell-free hemoglobin, as a part of the microenvironment of SCs, on their functional characteristics. The C2C12 cell line served as the experimental model of SCs; hemoglobin isolated from porcine (PHb) and bovine (BHb) slaughterhouse blood served as the experimental model for extracellular hemoglobin. The proliferation rate of C2C12 cells was assessed by the MTT test, migration capacity by the scratch assay, and myogenic differentiation capacity by histochemical staining and RT-PCR analysis of the expression of genes specific for myogenic lineage. The effect of hemoglobin on the proliferation and migration of C2C12 cells was dependent on its concentration and the animal species it was isolated from, but the effect of BHb was more prominent. Both PHb and BHb decreased the expression levels of myogenin and muscle specific creatine kinase at a 10 mu M concentration. While PHb had no effect on the morphometric parameters of C2C12 myotubes, BHb modified the area and length of C2C12 myotubes cultivated in DMEM/2% horse serum and DMEM/10% fetal calf serum. While PHb and BHb had no effect on heme oxygenase 1 (Hmox1) expression, they stimulated the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (Hif1 alpha) at a concentration of 10 mu M. The mainly inhibitory effect of cell-free hemoglobin on myogenic differentiation suggests that it could be a relevant factor in the outcome of cell therapy of muscle injury

    Određivanje teških metala u čestim vrstama povrća na Varaždinskoj gradskoj tržnici

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    The present study was aimed at the estimation of heavy metal content in vegetables sold at the city market of one of the densely populated Croatian cities, Varaždin, and to establish the relationship between their levels and possible sources of contamination. Twenty-eight samples of the most common diet vegetables (red and white potato, onion, carrot, common bean, lettuce, and cabbage) were randomly bought at the market in September and October 2013. Using the atomic absorption spectrometry method, concentrations of nine heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were measured in the selected samples. The results showed that, in five out of 28 samples analysed, six concentrations exceeded the maximum levels provided for in the regulations: five for Pb and one for Cd. Maximum regulated levels for Pb were exceeded in two samples of red potato, two samples of common bean, and one sample of carrot (17.9 %), and for Cd in a sample of red potato (3.6 %). In conclusion, the cause of the overstepping of the maximum levels for Pb and Cd in the vegetables analysed was most likely the contaminated soil. The possible sources of soil contamination include traffic, nearby industry, floodwaters of rivers and streams, and the use of pesticides and fertilisers in agricultural production.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti sadržaj teških metala u povrću dostupnom na gradskoj tržnici jednog od gušće naseljenih hrvatskih gradova, Varaždina, te ispitati povezanost koncentracija teških metala s mogućim izvorima onečišćenja. Ukupno 28 uzoraka često konzumiranog povrća (crveni i bijeli krumpir, luk, mrkva, grah, salata i kupus) nasumično je kupljeno na Varaždinskoj tržnici u rujnu i listopadu 2013. godine. Koncentracije devet teških metala (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn) izmjerene su metodom atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije. U pet od 28 ispitanih uzoraka povrća, šest je koncentracija teških metala bilo iznad najvećih dopuštenih količina: pet za Pb i jedna za Cd. Najveće dopuštene količine Pb prekoračene su u dva uzorka crvenog krumpira, dva uzorka graha i jednom uzorku mrkve (17,9 %), a Cd u jednom uzorku crvenog krumpira (3,6 %). Uzrok prekoračenja najvećih dopuštenih količina Pb i Cd u uzorcima povrća onečišćeno je tlo. Mogući uzroci onečišćenja tla uključuju promet, blizinu industrije, poplavne vode rijeka i potoka te upotrebu pesticida i mineralnih gnojiva u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji