295 research outputs found

    A Discussion of Response Distortion In Personality Tests and Its Effect on Criterion Validity and Applicant Ranking in Employee Selection

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    Personality testing is widely used in the employee selection process, particularly to determine leadership potential for management positions. Recent research has established personality tests as potentially valuable predictors of job performance. However, a reliance upon personality testing in the employment setting raises a common concern about the prevalence of response distortion and its effect on criterion validity and applicant ranking. This paper provides background information on personality definition and construct validity and then discusses the two primary types of response distortion, self-deception and impression management. Areas of focus include the prevalence of impression management in personality testing for employee selection, the fakeability of personality tests, attempts to reduce response distortion through test design, and the use of validity scales to detect response distortion. Primary focus is given to the effects of response distortion on the criterion validity of personality tests and applicant rankings based on corrected and uncorrected scores

    HydroPy (v1.0): a new global hydrology model written in Python

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    Global hydrological models (GHMs) are a useful tool in the assessment of the land surface water balance. They are used to further the understanding of interactions between water balance components and their past evolution as well as potential future development under various scenarios. While GHMs have been part of the hydrologist's toolbox for several decades, the models are continuously being developed. In our study, we present the HydroPy model, a revised version of an established GHM, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology's Hydrology Model (MPI-HM). Being rewritten in Python, the new model requires much less effort in maintenance, and due to its flexible infrastructure, new processes can be easily implemented. Besides providing a thorough documentation of the processes currently implemented in HydroPy, we demonstrate the skill of the model in simulating the land surface water balance. We find that evapotranspiration is reproduced realistically for the majority of the land surface but is underestimated in the tropics. The simulated river discharge correlates well with observations. Biases are evident for the annual accumulated discharge; however, they can - at least to some extent - be attributed to discrepancies between the meteorological model forcing data and the observations. Finally, we show that HydroPy performs very similarly to MPI-HM and thus conclude the successful transition from MPI-HM to HydroPy

    Life time of soil moisture perturbations in a coupled land-atmosphere simulation

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    This study evaluates the lifetime of soil moisture perturbations using an atmosphere-land GCM. We find memory of up to 9 months for root zone soil moisture. Interactions with other surface states result in significant but short-lived anomalies in surface temperature and more stable anomalies in leaf carbon content. As these anomalies can recur repeatedly, e.g. due to interactions with a deep-soil moisture reservoir, we conclude that soil moisture initialization may impact climate predictions

    High resolution discharge simulations over Europe and the Baltic Sea catchment

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    Regional coupled system models require a high-resolution discharge component to couple their atmosphere/land components to the ocean component and to adequately resolve smaller catchments and the day-to-day variability of discharge. As the currently coupled discharge models usually do not fulfill this requirement, we improved a well-established discharge model, the Hydrological Discharge (HD) model, to be globally applicable at 5 Min. resolution. As the first coupled high-resolution discharge simulations are planned over Europe and the Baltic Sea catchment, we focus on the respective regions in the present study. As no river specific parameter adjustments were conducted and since the HD model parameters depend on globally available gridded characteristics, the model is, in principle, applicable for climate change studies and over ungauged catchments. For the validation of the 5 Min. HD (HD5) model, we force it with prescribed fields of surface and subsurface runoff. As no large-scale observations of these variables exist, they need to be calculated by a land surface scheme or hydrology model using observed or re-analyzed meteorological data. In order to pay regard to uncertainties introduced by these calculations, three different methods and datasets were used to derive the required fields of surface and subsurface runoff for the forcing of the HD5 model. However, the evaluation of the model performance itself is hampered by biases in these fields as they impose an upper limit on the accuracy of simulated discharge. 10-years simulations (2000–2009) show that for many European rivers, where daily discharge observations were available for comparison, the HD5 model captures the main discharge characteristics reasonably well. Deficiencies of the simulated discharge could often be traced back to deficits in the various forcing datasets. As direct anthropogenic impact on the discharge, such as by regulation or dams, is not regarded in the HD model, those effects can generally not be simulated. Thus, discharges for many heavily regulated rivers in Scandinavia or for the rivers Volga and Don are not well represented by the model. The comparison of the three sets of simulated discharges indicates that the HD5 model is suitable to evaluate the terrestrial hydrological cycle of climate models or land surface models, especially with regard to the separation of throughfall (rain or snow melt) into surface and subsurface runoff

    Diverging responses of high-latitude CO2 and CH4 emissions in idealized climate change scenarios

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    The present study investigates the response of the high-latitude carbon cycle to changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in idealized climate change scenarios. To this end we use an adapted version of JSBACH – the land surface component of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) – that accounts for the organic matter stored in the permafrost-affected soils of the high northern latitudes. The model is run under different climate scenarios that assume an increase in GHG concentrations, based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5 and the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5, which peaks in the years 2025, 2050, 2075 or 2100, respectively. The peaks are followed by a decrease in atmospheric GHGs that returns the concentrations to the levels at the beginning of the 21st century, reversing the imposed climate change. We show that the soil CO2 emissions exhibit an almost linear dependence on the global mean surface temperatures that are simulated for the different climate scenarios. Here, each degree of warming increases the fluxes by, very roughly, 50 % of their initial value, while each degree of cooling decreases them correspondingly. However, the linear dependence does not mean that the processes governing the soil CO2 emissions are fully reversible on short timescales but rather that two strongly hysteretic factors offset each other – namely the net primary productivity and the availability of formerly frozen soil organic matter. In contrast, the soil methane emissions show a less pronounced increase with rising temperatures, and they are consistently lower after the peak in the GHG concentrations than prior to it. Here, the net fluxes could even become negative, and we find that methane emissions will play only a minor role in the northern high-latitude contribution to global warming, even when considering the high global warming potential of the gas. Finally, we find that at a global mean temperature of roughly 1.75 K (±0.5 K) above pre-industrial levels the high-latitude ecosystem turns from a CO2 sink into a source of atmospheric carbon, with the net fluxes into the atmosphere increasing substantially with rising atmospheric GHG concentrations. This is very different from scenario simulations with the standard version of the MPI-ESM, in which the region continues to take up atmospheric CO2 throughout the entire 21st century, confirming that the omission of permafrost-related processes and the organic matter stored in the frozen soils leads to a fundamental misrepresentation of the carbon dynamics in the Arctic

    Análise da utilização das ferramentas contábeis gerenciais em micro e pequenas empresas

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    A MPES tem grande representatividade e importância na economia, apesar disso a taxa de mortalidade dos pequenos negócios é alta e está relacionada principalmente a problemas de planejamento empresarial. Neste sentido a contabilidade é uma grande fonte de informações, que através de ferramentas contábeis gerenciais pode contribuir para a boa gestão e tomada de decisão empresarial. Assim, este estudo refere-se à análise da utilização ferramentas contábeis gerenciais, para fins de gestão e tomada de decisão pelas MPEs da cidade de Lajeado – RS no ano de 2016. O objetivo geral consiste em analisar a importância atribuída pelos gestores das MPEs quanto a utilização das ferramentas contábeis gerenciais para a gestão e tomada de decisão empresarial. A pesquisa, de abordagem quantitativa, utilizou o procedimento técnico de levantamento ou survey e análise descritiva. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário com 23 questões, obtendo-se o retorno de 105 questionários válidos. Os dados coletados foram tabulados em planilha eletrônica, padronizados e apresentados por meio de gráficos, tabelas ou texto. Os resultados denotam que a maioria das empresas utilizam as ferramentas voltadas ao controle operacional, já ferramentas gerenciais voltadas a tomada de decisão são utilizadas pela minoria das empresas. Quanto a tomada de decisão, na maioria das empresas (64%) se dá através da consulta a controles gerenciais e os gestores consideram mais importante a consulta a controles gerenciais para as decisões relacionadas ao preço de venda. Pode-se concluir que as ferramentas gerenciais voltadas ao controle operacional tem grande importância para os gestores das MPEs, variando entre 74% e 93% de importância atribuída, já as demais ferramentas contábeis gerenciais têm importância média, variando entre 43% e 63%, com exceção do Fluxo de Caixa que teve 78% de importância atribuída. Pode-se concluir também que a falta de conhecimento acerca dessas ferramentas gerenciais é a principal causadora da não utilização e do menor índice de importância atribuída à elas

    Uma discussão sobre as estratégias de diversidade nas empresas de destaque da consultoria “Great Place to Work”

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Economia.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e discutir as estratégias de diversidade nas empresas de destaque do Great Place to Work, no período de 2017 a 2021. As empresas selecionadas compreendem um recorte entre aquelas mais premiadas na categoria “Temático”, incluindo o Laboratório Sabin, o Banco Bradesco, o Grupo Johnson & Johnson, a Accor e a IBM Brasil. A partir da discussão teórica sobre o conceito de diversidade e sua conexão com o mercado de trabalho, observa-se que, embora as iniciativas adotadas pelas empresas sejam importantes, as estratégias são limitadas, já que as ferramentas utilizadas apenas tangenciam a inserção e o desenvolvimento pleno dos grupos minoritários. Com isso, tem-se um distanciamento entre a criação de uma boa impressão de responsabilidade social frente ao mercado como um fator de vantagem competitiva, e sua efetividade na materialização da diversidade

    Biblioteca digital : uma análise da plataforma multimídia E-volution

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    O presente estudo foi proposto a partir da necessidade de justificar a renovação de algumas bases de dados online assinadas pela biblioteca, e principalmente pelo pouco uso de algumas bases considerados muito importantes para formação discente. Dessa forma, o presente estudo, de natureza aplicada, realizado por meio da seleção da amostra por conveniência, caracteriza-se como um estudo descritivo realizado na biblioteca universitária Malvina Vianna Rosa, localizada na Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em Porto Alegre/RS. O objetivo da pesquisa é de investigar os motivos que acarretam na pouca utilização da biblioteca digital E-volution entre os usuários da biblioteca da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFRGS. Para atingir esse objetivo foi utilizado um questionário online com os usuários da biblioteca sobre seu conhecimento e características de uso da Plataforam E-volution, e se a usabilidade e a interface de navegação da plataforma estão de acordo com o referencial teórico, tendo com hipótese que a interface da plataforma pode estar comprometendo seu acesso O estudo analisou 91 respostas do questionário, relatórios de acesso da plataforma e comparou com os empréstimos de obras físicas, ainda aplicou um checklist de usabilidade para identificar problemas de usabilidade da interface. Com o resultado do estudo, pode-se inferir que as ações de capacitação e divulgação da plataforma realizadas pela biblioteca não são suficientes para alcançar um número ideal de usuários apesar de todo conteúdo e facilidade de acesso disponibilizado pelo E-volution.The present study proposed from the needing of justify the renovation of some online database signed by the library, and principally by the low use of some dates considered very importante to student formation. That way, the present study, of applied nature, performed by the selecting the sample for convenience, is caratacterized as a descriptive study performed at university library Malvina Vianna Rosa, Localized at College of Dentistry of the University Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre/RS. The objective of the research is to investigate the reasons that entail the lower use of the Digital E-volution library between the users of the library of the Faculty of Dentistry of UFRGS. To reach this objective was used a questionnaire online with the users of the library about their knowledge and usage characteristics of the E-volution plataform, and if the usability and the navigation interface of the platform are agreed with the theoric referencial, having as hipothesis that the platform interface could be compromising your acess. The study analyzed 91 answers of the questionnaire,platform access report and compared with loans of physical works , and applied a checklist of usability to indentify interface usability issues. With the result of the study, it can be inferred that the capacitation actions and divulgation of the platform performed by the library are not enough to reach a ideal number of users although all content and access facilty avaliable by E-volution