467 research outputs found

    Immigrant and Non‑immigrant Parents’ Involvement in Bullying Cases

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    This study aims at investigating parental involvement in bullying cases. Immigrant and non-immigrant parents are compared regarding their experience and understanding of causes of the bullying behaviour that their child is exposed to, how they experience the school’s handling of the bullying case, the home-school cooperation, and parents’ cooperation with other parents. A qualitative approach was used, and semi-structured interviews with 16 parents of targets of bullying were carried out (5 immigrant, 11 Norwegian, including two Sami parents). The targets were from primary and lower secondary school. Content analysis was conducted using the deductively developed and inductively enriched system of categories. The results of the study provided insights into parents’ experiences of a problematic school-parent collaboration, and also problematic relations to the other parents of the students involved in the respective bullying cases. Immigrant parents were more satisfied with the school than non-immigrant parents, but not with the relation to other parents. Vulnerability and ethnicity-based bullying appeared as aspects which should be paid especially attention to, regarding both implications and future research.publishedVersio

    Snuff- tobacco use during pregnancy

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    Bacheloroppgave sykepleie, 2017Hensikt: Jeg valgte dette temaet fordi forskningen de siste årene har kommet fram til at snusbruk under svangerskapet er mer helseskadelig enn røyk, og det er viktig for sykepleiere å ha både kunnskap om tema for å kunne forebygge, og fremme helse hos både mor og barn. Problemstilling: «Hvordan kan sykepleiere bidra til at kvinner slutter med snus under svangerskapet?» Metode: Jeg har valgt å bruke en litteraturstudie, basert på pensumlitteratur, selvvalgt litteratur og nyere forskning. Resultat: Resultatene jeg fant var for det meste forskning som baserte seg på svangerskap og røykeslutt og ikke snusslutt, men ble relevant for problemstillingen likevel da fellesnevneren her var nikotinbruk og graviditet. De hjelpemidlene som var mest effektive ved nikotinslutt var ved å bruke nikotinerstatning, brosjyrer, og bilder i kombinasjon med regelmessige samtaler. Konklusjon: Jeg kom fram til at kunnskap om selve tema og gode kommunikasjonsferdigheter innen samtaleteknikker, samt å kunne kartlegge og velge relevant verktøy tilpasset hver enkelt, er viktige faktorer for å få gravide til å slutte med snus. Andre viktige punkter jeg kom fram til var viktigheten av å ha en god relasjon til den gravide, og sykepleieren må kunne vurdere riktig metode for hvert enkelt tilfelle ved å først finne ut hvilke faktorer som fremmer og hemmer deres indre motivasjon til snusslutt

    Cumulative Impacts of Tourist Resorts on Wild Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) during Winter

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    Potential avoidance by wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) of high-altitude tourist resorts during winter was investigated in and near Rondane National Park in Norway. Distribution of reindeer was mapped using systematic snowmobile surveys during 1991-96 and compared with results from investigations of snow and vegetation characteristics. Maternal reindeer avoided a 10 km zone around the resort. Cows and calves increased in density from 0.6 ± 0.6 reindeer/km² at 5-10 km from the resort to 7.6 ± 2.2 reindeer/km² at 15-25 km from the resort. Bulls and yearlings were more tolerant, constituting nearly 92% of all observed animals 5-10 km from the resort. Nearly all animals avoided the zone within 5 km of the resort. There were no significant differences in distribution of lichen heath, hardness of snow, integrated ram hardness index (IRH) values, or snow depths on ridges with increasing distance from the resort. Available biomass of lichens was ca. 1200 g/m² 0-5 km from the resort and decreased to a low of ca. 250 g/m² at 15-25 km distance, a pattern that probably reflects overgrazing as a result of avoiding the tourist resort. Such avoidance implies reduced forage intake during winter, substantial reduction in available habitat, and lower productivity of the herd. The results suggest that avoidance by wild animals of sources of anthropogenic disturbance may involve long-term impacts, such as reductions in carrying capacity, that are more serious than those expected from direct physiological stress.On a étudié le comportement d'évitement des stations touristiques de haute altitude que semble manifester le renne sauvage (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) en hiver, dans le parc national Rondane même et dans ses environs, en Norvège. La distribution du renne a été cartographiée à l'aide de relevés systématiques effectués en motoneige entre 1991 et 1996, et comparée avec les résultats d'études des caractéristiques de la neige et de la végétation. Les mères rennes évitaient une zone de 10 km autour de la station. Les femelles et leurs petits augmentaient en densité de 0,6 ± 0,6 renne/km² entre 5 et 10 km de la station, à 7,6 ± 2,2 renne/km² entre 15 et 25 km de la station. Les mâles et les jeunes d'un an manifestaient une plus grande tolérance, représentant près de 92 p. cent de tous les animaux observés entre 5 et 10 km de la station. Pratiquement tous les animaux évitaient la zone située dans un rayon de 5 km. On n'a pas trouvé de différences significatives en fonction de l'éloignement de la station, dans la distribution de la bruyère à lichens, la dureté de la neige, les valeurs de l'indice intégré de dureté au bélier ou l'épaisseur nivale sur les crêtes. La biomasse de lichens disponible était d'environ 1200 g/m² entre 0 et 5 km de la station et diminuait à un minimum d'environ 250 g/m² à une distance de 15 à 25 km, répartition qui reflète probablement un surpâturage résultant de l'évitement de la station touristique. Ce comportement a pour conséquence une réduction de la consommation de végétation durant l'hiver, une réduction substantielle de l'habitat disponible et une diminution de la productivité du troupeau. Les résultats suggèrent que l'évitement de sources de perturbation anthropogénique par les animaux sauvages peut avoir des répercussions à long terme, comme des baisses de la capacité de charge biogénique, répercussions qui sont plus graves que celles auxquelles on s'attend d'un stress physiologique direct

    Performance analysis with GNSS in alpine skiing

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    Alpint er en idrett med svært små marginer. Der kan et par hundredeler skille seier fra fiasko. Alpint foregår med svært høye hastigheter, noe som gjør at en liten feil kan koste deg svært mye tid. De seneste årene har alpint begynt å ta i bruk GNSS som et verktøy for prestasjonsanalyse. Det har skjedd en stor utvikling innenfor GNSS de seneste årene, dette gjør at tilgjengeligheten på godt og nøyaktig utstyr har blitt mye større, noe som igjen har ført til interesse innenfor alpint. I denne oppgaven sees det på ulike typer GNSS-mottakere, i tillegg til en mottaker med innebygd IMU. Dette gjøres for å sammenlikne disse, og se hvor godt de ulike mottakerne yter opp mot hverandre. Dette er testet sammen med et system som baserer seg på bruk av totalstasjon, Daedalus. Dataene er samlet inn under testkjøring på Juvasshytta sommeren 2016. Resultatene har vist at for slike forhold som vi har på Juvasshytta er det lite som skiller mottakere med GNSS og mottakere med både GNSS og IMU. Hovedforskjellen på disse to systemene er oppdateringsfrekvensen. Oppdateringsfrekvensen for et system med IMU er mye høyere enn for et system som benytter kun GNSS, noe som er fordelaktig i en idrett som alpint hvor dynamikken er svært høy. Andre fordeler med systemer med både IMU og GNSS er at et slikt system vil fungere for korte perioder uten GNSS-signaler, siden IMU-observasjoner kan fremskrives over korte tidsrom uten noen form for eksterne sensorer. Med disse begrunnelsene som bakgrunn vil et system med både GNSS og IMU være å foretrekke for en applikasjon innenfor alpint.Alpine skiing is a sport with very small margins. There can be a few hundredths divorcing victory from failure. Alpine skiing take place at very high speeds, which means that a small mistake can cost you a lot of time. In recent years, alpine skiing has begun to use GNSS as a tool for performance analysis. There has been a lot of development within GNSS in recent years, which in turn has led to interest in alpine skiing. In this thesis i will test different types of GNSS receivers, as well as a receiver with embedded IMU. This is done to compare these and to see how well each receiver can provide. This has been tested together with a system based on the use of a total station, Daedalus. The data is collected during test run at Juvasshytta summer 2016.M-GEO

    Nursing students' perceived autonomy-support by teachers affects their intrinsic motivation, study effort, and perceived learning outcomes

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    Nursing students' perceived autonomy-support by teachers affects their intrinsic motivation, study effort, and learning outcomes”. Introduction: Intrinsic motivation among nursing students to achieve clinical competence and thus educational fulfillment is critical. In the Norwegian nursing context, the flipped classroom approach, and the use of student-active learning methods such as multiple-choice questions (MCQ), skills training, Team-Based Learning (TBL), and simulation have grown considerably. This study is based on a learning design using Cardiopulmonary resuscitation as a flipped classroom educational case. This includes both pre-class and in-class activities. Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate the associations between perceived autonomy-support by teachers and students’ intrinsic motivation, study effort, and perceived learning outcomes. Methods: In a cross-sectional design, quantitative data were collected from 401 nursing students at a large university in Norway. This study collected data on all first-year students between 2018-2021. The scales that were included was Intrinsic motivation inventory (IMI) and the Academic motivation scale (AMS) which is based on the tenets of Self- determination theory. Seven hypotheses of the associations between teacher relatedness, intrinsic motivation, study effort and learning were tested by means of structural equation modelling (SEM). Results: This study indicates that perceived autonomy-support by a teacher encourages first-year nursing students’ sense of autonomy, thus affecting their intrinsic motivation, study effort, and perceived learning outcomes. Perceived autonomy-support by a teacher is significantly associated both directly and indirectly (mediated) with students’ learning outcomes and indirectly associated with their study effort. Our findings suggest that in a course with a flipped classroom approach, teachers should guide students in their learning and provide them with choices to enhance their motivation for learning. By means of autonomy-supportive behavior, teachers may enhance students' motivation for learning as well as their study effort and learning outcomes.publishedVersio

    Fortellinger om utestenging og klassemiljø

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    Skolene vi veileder sier at de vanskeligste mobbesakene er utestenging blant jenter. Vi har undersøkt en slik sak. Mariell som ble utestengt, en lærer, en skoleleder og elevens forelder forteller om det som skjedde. Hensikt er å belyse hvordan ulike perspektiver bidrar til å øke kompleksiteten i saker om utestengelse og åpner opp for flere innfallsvinkler til å forstå og løse sakene i praksis. De negative omtalene av fem jenters arbeid med å finne sin plass i fellesskapet sammen med sprikende forståelser av situasjonen førte til marginalisering av jentene. Grensemarkeringene for vennskap i jentegruppen ble skarpere og gjorde utestengingen mulig. Resultatene kan bidra til at lærere blir bedre rustet til å forebygge utestenging og til å hjelpe elever i liknende situasjoner

    Domstolens adgang til å idømme delt bosted i foreldretvister. Barneloven § 36 annet ledd annet punktum.

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    Avhandlingen tar for seg domstolens adgang til å idømme delt bosted i foreldretvister, jf. barneloven § 36 annet ledd annet punktum. Formålet er å belyse hvor ofte domstolen har anvendt denne adgangen siden lovendringen i 2010, samt hvilke forutsetninger som må være til stede før delt bosted kan idømmes

    Towards human-level performance on automatic pose estimation of infant spontaneous movements

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    Assessment of spontaneous movements can predict the long-term developmental disorders in high-risk infants. In order to develop algorithms for automated prediction of later disorders, highly precise localization of segments and joints by infant pose estimation is required. Four types of convolutional neural networks were trained and evaluated on a novel infant pose dataset, covering the large variation in 1 424 videos from a clinical international community. The localization performance of the networks was evaluated as the deviation between the estimated keypoint positions and human expert annotations. The computational efficiency was also assessed to determine the feasibility of the neural networks in clinical practice. The best performing neural network had a similar localization error to the inter-rater spread of human expert annotations, while still operating efficiently. Overall, the results of our study show that pose estimation of infant spontaneous movements has a great potential to support research initiatives on early detection of developmental disorders in children with perinatal brain injuries by quantifying infant movements from video recordings with human-level performance.Comment: Published in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG
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