6 research outputs found


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    Acrosomal integrity and sperm concentration are two important parameters to assess the quality of frozen semen doses which in terms validates the fertilizing capacity and conception rate. The present study was undertaken to evaluate acrosomal integrity by Giemsa’s stain and sperm concentration of FSS using improved neubauer chamber in Exotic pure Jersey, Crossbred Jersey, Indigenous Gir cattle and Indigenous Murrah buffalo prior to the field use. The overall values of Giemsa’s stain were observed as 73.74±0.31, 18.65±0.33 and 7.79±0.25 percent for Intact Acrosome, Partially Damaged Acrosome and Fully Damaged Acrosome, respectively. Overall values of sperm concentration were 21.98±0.28 million per straw. The study indicated that there was no significant difference (P<0.05) among the breeds and the values mostly correlates with the guideline of Minimum Standard Protocol for Production of bovine semen, 2012 of Govt. of India

    Mummification in a Bitch: A case report

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    A pug aged 5 years was admitted in the Lyka pet clinic with difficulty in parturition. Breeding history of the dog was collected from the owner. X-ray was conducted which confirmed the presence of foetus. The bitch was manually handled to relieve the Dystocia following intravenous drip of N.S.S. and oxytocin. In the vent of unsuccessful attempt the bitch was surgically operated for C.S. and six fetuses of which four normal and two mummified were relieved. Routine post operative care were undertaken and the bitch recovered normally with out any complication. Photographic recording was also made during the recovery of mummified foetus

    Effect Of Pre-freeze Addition Of Cysteine Hydrochloride And Reduced Glutathione On Post-thaw Sperm Parameters And Field Fertility In Jersey Crossbred Bull Semen

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    The present study was aimed to assess the effect of pre-freeze addition of cysteine hydrochloride and glutathione (GSH) on post-thaw sperm functional parameters and field fertility. The experimental bulls aged 4 to 6 years were used for the present study. A total of 36 ejaculates, 6 ejaculates from each bull (n=6) were collected and divided in to three groups, group I (control), group II (5mM cysteine hydrochloride) and group III (5mM GSH). The extended semen samples were added with @5mM additives, filled in mini straw using automatic filling and sealing machine (IMV, France) and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. Post-freeze seminal traits were also recorded after thawing at 37oC for 30 seconds. Post thaw livability was significantly (p&#x3c; 0.01) higher in GSH group as compared to cysteine and control groups. The loss of acrosomal integrity was significantly (p&#x3c; 0.01) lower in GSH group than cysteine and control groups. Analysis of variance for post thaw motility parameters (Forward progressive and Total motility) has revealed that significant difference (p&#x3c; 0.05) between the good and poor freezer in the group II and there was no difference in the group I and III under study at 0 and 1 hr incubation period and at 2 hrs the group III and at 4 hrs group I has revealed significance difference (p&#x3c; 0.05).The curvilinear velocity (VCL) and amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) values were significantly (P&#x3c;0.05) higher in GSH than the cysteine and control groups. The Mitochondrial membrane potential (per cent) had no significance difference between the treatment groups. The present study indicates that the addition of cysteine and GSH suggestive of reducing lipid peroxide levels. The conception rate (%) in glutathione (68) added semen was significantly (p&#x3e;0.05) higher than cysteine (58) and control (49) groups. The post-thaw sperm progressive forward motility (r=0.4) had moderate but, no significant correlation with conception rate. However post-thaw VSL (r=0.7), loss of acrosomal integrity (r=-0.8) and mitochondrial membrane potential (r=0.9) had significant (p&#x3c; 0.05) correlation with field fertility. The present study indicates that the use of glutathione as semen additives may be recommended for improving semen quality and overall augmentation of pregnancy in cows. The present study suggests that pre-freeze addition of glutathione was found to be better than cysteine in improving sperm fertility

    Hilbert inequality for vector valued functions

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    summary:In this paper we consider a class of Hankel operators with operator valued symbols on the Hardy space HΞ2(T){ \mathcal{H}}_{\Xi }^2(\mathbb{T}) where Ξ\Xi is a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space and showed that these operators are unitarily equivalent to a class of integral operators in L2(0,)Ξ.L^2(0, \infty )\otimes \Xi . We then obtained a generalization of Hilbert inequality for vector valued functions. In the continuous case the corresponding integral operator has matrix valued kernels and in the discrete case the sum involves inner product of vectors in the Hilbert space Ξ\Xi


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    Hypo-Osmotic Swelling Test (HOST) is a simple but authentic test to measure the integrity of sperm membrane. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the HOST value in Murrah buffalo and indigenous Gir bull in 150 mosm/l tri-sodium citrate and D-fructose HOST solution. Murrah buffalo was having more HOST (49±0.39 %) reacted spermatozoa than indigenous Gir (42±0.57 %) bulls suggesting lesser membrane damage during cryo-preservation and higher fertility rate in Murrah buffalo than Gir cattle

    Boron for liquid fuel Engines-A review on synthesis, dispersion stability in liquid fuel, and combustion aspects

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