692 research outputs found

    The Power of Shopee Live Streaming on Z Generation Purchasing Decisions

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    The focus of the research is to determine the power of live streaming carried out by shops selling on Shopee on product purchasing decisions by Generation Z. Quantitative methods using survey data collection techniques are used to explain this phenomenon. The instrument used was 15 question items consisting of 9 items about live streaming variables and six items about purchasing decisions, then packaged in a Google Form questionnaire and distributed via social media. The sample in this study consisted of 185 respondents aged 13 – 26 years (generation Z). The data obtained was then analyzed using descriptive and differential statistics to determine the relationship between variables. Statistical data analysis using SPSS version 25. The results show that Shopee Live Streaming contributes 62% to Z Generation Purchasing Decisions. So it provides information that live streaming activities can attract consumers to buy, the seller's products can reach a wider market, educate consumers directly about the products offered by the seller, and increase immediate feedback

    The Design of IoT Based Lighting Installation Tools in Electrical Installation Engineering and Microcontroller Systems Courses

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    Internet of Things (IOT)-based lighting installation development Since teaching aids are an exact science, it is essential to have a tool that can depict the subject covered in the Electrical Installation Engineering course. The teaching tools created are meant to help lecturers better present the topic for electrical installation engineering to their students while also making it simpler for them to comprehend. In order to turn on and off lights and outlets using a smartphone and a manual switch in the event that the wifi network is damaged, this study added Internet of Things (IOT) installation procedures and a swap switch. The Research & Development approach is being used in this investigation. A validation sheet is created by planning and creating research instruments, which is what is done to test the viability of instructional aids by professional validators. According to the results of expert validation, this teaching tool is appropriate for use with media and material experts based on the percentage values of media expert 1 receiving a score of 94.28% and media expert 2 receiving a score of 97.14%, and for material expert 1 receiving a score of 90% and material expert 2 receiving a score of 92%, with the category "Very Eligible"


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    The development of information technology has created many breakthroughs in all fields. One of these is the decision support system in determining the proper bamboo to make traditional household appliance. Bamboo is a type of grass plants with cavities and segments in the trunk. Bamboo has many types such as bamboo apus, bamboo betung, bamboo gombong, and spotted bamboo. To determine the bamboo that can be used for making traditional household tools often craftsmen experience many obstacles so that the need for a system that can help the craftsmen. The system will be built using Topsis method. Determination of bamboo to make traditional household appliance with topsis method that is by taking some criterion that is bamboo color, bamboo age, bamboo diameter, bamboo length, bamboo thickness.Adanya this system can facilitate pengarajin in determining the best bamboo. From the calculation of Topsis obtained the result that bamboo gombong is a bamboo option to make traditional household appliance with amount in accordance with predetermined criteria

    Multi-Level Pooling Model for Fingerprint-Based Gender Classification

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    It has been widely reported that CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) has shown satisfactory results in classifying images. The strength of CNN lies in the type and the number of layers that construct it. However, the most apparent drawbacks of CNN are the requirement for a large labeled dataset and its lengthy training time. Although datasets are available, labeling that data is a significant problem. This work mimics the CNN model but only utilizes its pooling layers. The novelty of this model is removing convolution layers and directly processing fingerprint images using pooling layers. Three pooling layer models, namely maximum pooling, average pooling, and minimum pooling, are used to generate fingerprint features to classify their owner gender. These pooling layers are arranged consecutively up to eight levels. Removing convolution layers makes the process straightforward, and the computation is much faster. This study utilized 200 fingerprint datasets from the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), with male and female fingerprints of 100 samples each. The extracted features were then classified using K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbors) algorithm. The proposed method resulted in an accuracy of 61% to 71.5% or an average of 66.25%

    Perancangan sistem informasi rekam medis di Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten

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    Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten khususnya di bagian rekam medis mulai menggunakan sistem informasi berbasis DOS sejak tahun 2004. Selama ini terdapat beberapa kendala yang hadapi petugas rekam medis terkait dengan sistem informasi, diantaranya adalah sistem informasi rekam medis terkadang mengalami error dan respon (loading) lama sehingga dapat menghambat pelayanan kepada pasien. Sebagai contoh adalah pada saat petugas sedang menginput data ke dalam komputer, tiba-tiba sistem informasi rekam medis mengalami respon yang lama bahkan terkadang tidak mau berjalan dalam waktu tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmengindentifikasi kebutuhan petugas terhadap sistem informasi, dan membuat desain sistem informasi. Metode penelitian ini adalah developmental. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kepala sub bagian rekam medis, petugas pendaftaran, petugas pelaporan, petugas filing, dan petugas EDP (Electronic Data Processing). Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah petugas rekam medis menginginkan sebuah sistem yang mampu memberikan fasilitas antrian untuk mengecek jumlah antrian, memberikan fasilitas display kamar, memberikan fasilitas posisi tempat tidur. Dengan membuat desain proses, desain database terdiri dari 8 tabel yang saling berhubungan dan desain user interface

    Effect of Successful Implementation of SIPKD and Human Resource Competence in supply chain management and Budget Decision Making (Survey of Local Governments in West Java and Banten Provinces)

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    Abstract- This study aims to determine the effect of the successful implementation of SIPKD and human resource competencies on supply chain management and budget decision-making quality. Hypothesis-testing research is conducted using qualitative primary data collected from questionnaires. The total population of the data set was 37 local governments. Structural equation modeling is the analytical method used to measure the successful application of SIPKD and human resource competence on financial statement quality and budget decision-making quality. The results of this study indicate that the successful implementation of SIPKD and human resource competence significantly influence financial statement quality. An improvement in financial statement quality is influenced by the successful implementation of SIPKD, and human resource competencies improve budget decision-making quality

    The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward Students’ Achievement in Teaching Reading

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    Flipped Classroom is a teaching strategy that combines technology in traditional teaching which today is commonly called blended learning. The flipped classroom is an opposite of traditional instructional procedures and usually done in the classroom in traditional learning to be performed at home in the flipped classroom, and usually carried out at home as homework in traditional learning to be implemented in the classroom in the flipped classroom. This research is aimed to knowhow students reading achievement can be improved by the effect of flipped classroom. To design this research, Action Research was chosen. There are two cycles on this research. Each cycle covered four steps; those were planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subject of this study was students in critical reading class consisting of 32 students. To gain the data, test, observation sheet, and interview were used. From the result analysis showed that the students reading achievement was improved by using flipped classroom. So, it was concluded that during the teaching and learning process students were more active and enthusiastic. They had good willingness in following reading class. In the last, it was recommended to use Flipped Classroom as the alternative strategy to teach reading.  Flipped Classroom is a teaching strategy that combines technology in traditional teaching which today is commonly called blended learning. The flipped classroom is an opposite of traditional instructional procedures and usually done in the classroom in traditional learning to be performed at home in the flipped classroom, and usually carried out at home as homework in traditional learning to be implemented in the classroom in the flipped classroom. This research is aimed to knowhow students reading achievement can be improved by the effect of flipped classroom. To design this research, Action Research was chosen. There are two cycles on this research. Each cycle covered four steps; those were planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subject of this study was students in critical reading class consisting of 32 students. To gain the data, test, observation sheet, and interview were used. From the result analysis showed that the students reading achievement was improved by using flipped classroom. So, it was concluded that during the teaching and learning process students were more active and enthusiastic. They had good willingness in following reading class. In the last, it was recommended to use Flipped Classroom as the alternative strategy to teach reading. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Buah Pisang dan Daun Kelor ke dalam media terhadap Pertumbuhan Embrio Kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) secara In Vitro

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    Kelapa merupakan komoditas penting di Indonesia maupun di dunia Internasional. Perbanyakan kelapa dapat dilakukan dengan pembiakan melalui metode kultur jaringan. Kultur embrio merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan dalam kultur jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh penambahan ekstrak buah pisang dan daun kelor ke dalam media untuk perkecambahan kelapa. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) faktor tunggal dengan 5 perlakuan, yaitu kontrol, penambahan ekstrak buah pisang 100 g L-1, ekstrak buah pisang 150 g L-1, ekstrak daun kelor 10 ml L-1, dan ekstrak daun kelor 20 ml L-1. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perlakuan kontrol memiliki hasil daya berkacambah paling tinggi namun tidak berbeda nyata terhadap waktu tumbuh dibanding perlakuan lainnya. Eksplan yang menghasilkan persentase akar dan plumula paling tinggi terdapat pada perlakuan kontrol namun tidak berbeda nyata dibanding pemberian ekstrak daun kelor 10 ml L-1. Pemberian ekstrak buah pisang ambon 100 g L-1 dan 150 g L-1 mengalami tingkat kematian dan browning paling tinggi. Pemberian ekstrak daun kelor 10 ml L-1 memiliki persentase panjang plumula paling tinggi pada 12 MST namun tidak berbeda nyata dibanding perlakuan kontrol dan pemberian ekstrak daun kelor 20 ml L-1.   Kata kunci: cendawan, kultur embrio, kultur jaringa