STMIK Pringsewu Lampung (Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer): Portal OJS
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    922 research outputs found

    Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Aplikasi Dana Menggunakan Metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)

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    The advancement of technology allows for various developments, such as the creation of systems and applications that facilitate human tasks and transactions. However, the existence of applications also requires research to measure user satisfaction, one of which is the DANA application. DANA is a smart application that provides convenience in transactions. With DANA, people can easily make online and offline payments using electronic money. This research aims to determine the level of user satisfaction with the DANA application using the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method. This method focuses on user satisfaction by analyzing the application based on content, accuracy, format, user-friendliness, and timeliness. The research conducted is descriptive research using a questionnaire as the research instrument. The sampling technique used in this study is random sampling. This research is deemed necessary to determine the level of user satisfaction. Furthermore, the data is processed using SPSS Version 25. The results show that the level of user satisfaction for the five variables is as follows: the Content variable received a high satisfaction score with a percentage value of 78.8%, the Accuracy variable received a high satisfaction score with a percentage value of 78.7%, the Format variable received a high satisfaction score with a percentage value of 79.2%, the Ease of Use variable received a high satisfaction score with a percentage value of 79.2%, and the Timeliness variable received a high satisfaction score with a percentage value of 77.3%

    Monitoring and Automation System of Swiftlet House Using Internet Of Things (IoT) Based

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    This research aims to make a tool in the form of a technological engineering system that is integrated with its operation so that swiftlet farmers can use it. This research is expected to produce a more effective and efficient technology than partial tools and has not yet answered the needs of swallow farmers. The stages in this study used flowcharts consisting of literature studies, program design, making system blocks, system integration, tool testing, and analysis of the results. The system design consists of determining tools and materials and making a block diagram of the work system of the tool with the ESP32 microcontroller. In system settings, it is divided into several system blocks: sound control system block, temperature and humidity control, window opening and closing control, lighting control and streaming video monitoring in swiftlet houses. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that monitoring and automation system tools for swallow houses use IoT-based Esp32. This tool can automatically regulate and automate sound, temperature, humidity, lighting, and windows in swiftlet houses and can be monitored remotely

    Implementasi Metode Lean UX dan Efek Positifnya Pada Pengembangan Game Edukasi Berbasis Android Materi Ikatan Kimia

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    Kimia adalah ilmu yang abstrak untuk dipelajari. Salah satunya adalah materi Ikatan Kimia yang memuat konsep-konsep abstrak sehingga membutuhkan media pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu untuk memahami materi tersebut. Disisi lain, melalui implementasi kurikulum 2013 peserta didik diharapkan lebih aktif untuk memahami materi secara mandiri. Perkembangan teknologi menjadi peluang bagi para guru di sekolah-sekolah untuk berkreasi dan berinovasi dalam proses pembelajarannya. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan mengimplementasikan permainan ke dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Pembelajaran berbasis permainan (game) dapat membuat peserta didik lebih tertarik dalam mengikutinya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah game edukasi yang dapat digunakan oleh peserta didik dalam memahami materi Ikatan Kimia. Game edukasi yang dibuat dimulai dari pengumpulan data, pengembangan game edukasi menggunakan metode Lean UXyang terdiri dari declare assumption, create MVP, run an experiment, feedback and research, selanjutnya diakhiri dengan penyampaian kesimpulan dan saran. Dari hasil eksperimen terhadap game yang dikembangkan, hasilnya memiliki efek positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa khususnya pada meteri Ikatan Kimia. Efek positif tersebut berdasarkan uji Anova dengan nilai sig. sebesar 0,003. Besar signifikansi ini kurang dari taraf kepercayaan (0,05) maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa penggunaan game edukasi yang dibangun menggunakan metode Lean UX mempunyai perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar

    Analisis Korelasi Desain Karakter Video Game dan Loyalitas Video Game Pada MMO Studi Multi-method

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    RPG is a game genre where a player can play a role in the game. RPG genre games have various genres, one of which is MMO which offers players to interact with many players at the same time. The Indonesian game industry does not yet have a role in competing with foreign products. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine character design. which can affect one's interest in playing. The method used in this study is a multi-method, namely a mixture of quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative used is distributing questionnaires and qualitatively collecting data by interview. The results of the quantitative study showed that the appearance of the facial features and good looks of a character influenced the player's interest in playing, while the qualitative results were not significant in terms of the appearance of the facial features and good looks of a character


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    Advances in technology in the field of transportation, as well as the fact that currently, the internet is very influential on citizens in living their lives have made people dependent on smartphones and the internet. This opportunity has made business founders present online-based motorcycle taxis.  Application-based ordering that smartphone users easily download, both Android and iOS systems.  Student activities in general are also inseparable from other supporting interests such as preparing food, managing clothing, health, and other socio-cultural activities (going to church, mosques, organizing arts and sports, and so on).  Likewise, lecture activities that are all disciplined require students to be present on time, which will be directly related to the use of transportation equipment, especially online motorcycle taxis.  Campus online motorcycle taxi transportation is one of the online-based motorcycle taxi service providers.  Consumers only need to order via their respective smartphones if they want to go somewhere.  Not only taking us, but campus online motorcycle taxis also provide food delivery services, better known as delivery orders.  This study aims to analyze the influence of consumer satisfaction on campus online motorcycle taxi services.  This study used a quantitative approach and analyzed data with the help of the smartpls3 program.  The results showed an influence of service quality on customer satisfaction.  This is evidenced by the P value of 0.000, it can be said to be influential because the P value is below 0.05


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    Performance is the level of effectiveness and efficiency shown by employees in carrying out their daily duties in an organization or company at a certain period. Improving employee performance is the most serious management challenge because the success of achieving goals and the survival of the organization depends on the quality of human resource performance in it. The more employees who have high performance, the effectiveness and efficiency of work in company activities will be maximized. This study aims to determine how the influence of individual characteristics, organizational commitment, occupational safety and health on employee performance at PT Tirta Investama Mambal. PT Tirta Investama Mambal is located in Br. Gumuasih, Mambal Kajanan, Abiansemal, Badung. The population in this study were 300 employees. Determination of the sample using the slovin method, with stratified proportionate random sampling technique, so that the sample used was 172 employees. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed that individual characteristics had a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Tirta Investama Mambal, organizational commitment had a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Tirta Investama Mambal, occupational safety and health had a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Tirta Investama Mambal.

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit Tanaman Padi Dengan Metode Teorema Bayes

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    One of the cultivated plants is rice, oryza sativa in Latin, although some varieties are wild rice. Rice cultivation began in Indonesia around 15000 BC, although it is thought to have originated in India or Indochina. Rice is the most important crop in agrarian countries like China, India, Bangladesh and Indonesia. The japonica and indica groups usually contain rice plants. According to archaeological evidence, japonica rice was first domesticated around 9,000 years ago in the Yangtze Valley in southern China. Meanwhile, around 5,000 years ago, indica rice was first grown in the Ganges River valley. Rice-producing grass plants fall into this category. For most Indonesians, rice is a staple food. At the time of growth, rice plants are susceptible to various diseases which cause farmers to fail to harvest. To find out the diseases that attack rice plants, an expert who can diagnose rice plant diseases is needed. An expert is someone who understands the problem of diagnosing a disease. However, the lack of agricultural officers/extensioners in the Seputih Banyak District area. The purpose of this research is to apply an expert system using the Bayes theorem method to overcome problems regarding rice plant diseases and the limitations of agricultural officers/extensioners. And can be accessed by farmers anywhere when they need an epert system to diagnose a disease that attack rice plants without having to need assistance from extension  agricultural extension officers

    Website Pintar Untuk Diet Harian Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto

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    Food is the main factor to support the body in carrying out various activities. Balance in consuming food plays a very important role for health, too much consumption of the same type of food without balancing it with other foods can lead to things that can trigger various diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and so on. The purpose of this research is to calculate the level of daily calorie requirements for people who are on a daily diet. The method used is the fuzzy tsukamoto method in calculating daily calories where there is a division of time for meal portions according to daily calories, for example breakfast, lunch, dinner. Research results using a case study of age: 25 years old, weight: 170kg, height: 165cm, gender: female, activity: retirement. From the case study get the results of 1279 calories and the division of calories according to time, breakfast: 256 calories, snack: 160 calories, lunch: 384 calories, snack: 160 calories, dinner: 320 calories

    Rancang Bangun Rekapitulasi E-Presensi Dosen PNS-DPK Dilingkungan LLDikti Wilayah II

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    Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti) are government work units in certain areas whose function is to help improve the quality of higher education administration established by the Minister. Higher Education is an educational institution in the form of academics, high schools and universities. Universities consist of educators (lecturers) and students. One of the lecturers' duties is to record the presence and activity of each tertiary institution which affects the salary system that will be received, but the attendance system that is carried out still uses the way to fill in the presence found on the Google form. So that it is necessary to do a design that aims to monitor and design an information system for recapitulating the attendance list of PNS-DPK LLDikti lecturers in Region II and as a basis for paying salaries in accordance with the recap results that have been approved by superiors. The method used in this study is the SDLC method, because the SDLC method is able to adjust the results that the researcher wants to produce. So that the results of attendance reports submitted are appropriate and faster with the integration from PT to LLDikti Region II

    Penerapan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Untuk Mengklasifikan Jenis Penerimaan Bantuan

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    One of the villages in North Lampung which has many socio-economic problems is Madukoro. Some of the problems that often occur in This village includes high poverty rates, low levels of education and low levels of public health. The K-Nearst Neighbor (KNN) algorithm method was chosen by the author because it can be used as a solution to determine the classification of aid recipients. The K-Nearst Neighbor (KNN) algorithm will determine beneficiaries based on work level, age and income. Calculation results using Microsoft Excel show that there are 110 PKH assistance classes, 57 elderly assistance classes, 9 BLT classes with a total data of 176 beneficiary data. And from the results of the calculation of government assistance in the village of North Lampung Madukoro using rapid miner, it is known that the PKH assistance class is 110 people with an accuracy rate of 89.57%, the elderly assistance class is 58 people with an accuracy rate of 87.50% and then the BLT class is 9 people. with an accuracy rate of 100.00% with a total data of 176 beneficiary data


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