25 research outputs found


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    Hydrogen, an atom composed of a single proton and electron, is the fundamental and most abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen composes approximately 90% of the visible universe. As we all know there are different types of energies linked with proton –electron system due to the fundamental forces in any atom such as Kinetic energy, Electrostatic energy,Gravitational energy etc. In quantum framework, Gravity is a very weak force and it’s equivalence with other forces were once thought impossible. I strongly believe that all energies are one or the other forms of a single energy and to prove that all energies are a fraction or part of rest mass energy mec^2. In this paper, I’ve tried to define a new equation unifying all the energies of a hydrogen atom

    Functional diversification of yeast telomere associated protein, Rif1, in higher eukaryotes

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    BACKGROUND: Telomeres are nucleoprotein complexes at the end of linear eukaryotic chromosomes which maintain the genome integrity by regulating telomere length, preventing recombination and end to end fusion events. Multiple proteins associate with telomeres and function in concert to carry out these functions. Rap1 interacting factor 1 (Rif1), was identified as a protein involved in telomere length regulation in yeast. Rif1 is conserved upto mammals but its function has diversified from telomere length regulation to maintenance of genome integrity. RESULTS: We have carried out detailed bioinformatic analyses and identified Rif1 homologues in 92 organisms from yeast to human. We identified Rif1 homologues in Drosophila melanogaster, even though fly telomeres are maintained by a telomerase independent pathway. Our analysis shows that Drosophila Rif1 (dRif1) sequence is phylogenetically closer to the one of vertebrates than yeast and has identified a few Rif1 specific motifs conserved through evolution. This includes a Rif1 family specific conserved region within the HEAT repeat domain and a motif involved in protein phosphatase1 docking. We show that dRif1 is nuclear localized with a prominent heterochromatin association and unlike human Rif1, it does not respond to DNA damage by localizing to damaged sites. To test the evolutionary conservation of dRif1 function, we expressed the dRif1 protein in yeast and HeLa cells. In yeast, dRif1 did not perturb yeast Rif1 (yRif1) functions; and in HeLa cells it did not colocalize with DNA damage foci. CONCLUSIONS: Telomeres are maintained by retrotransposons in all Drosophila species and consequently, telomerase and many of the telomere associated protein homologues are absent, including Rap1, which is the binding partner of Rif1. We found that a homologue of yRif1 protein is present in fly and dRif1 has evolutionarily conserved motifs. Functional studies show that dRif1 responds differently to DNA damage, implying that dRif1 may have a different function and this may be conserved in other organisms as well

    Protein phosphatase 1 recruitment by Rif1 regulates DNA replication origin firing by counteracting DDK activity

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    The eukaryotic genome is replicated according to a strict temporal program. Here, Bianchi and colleagues find that Rif1, a master regulator of the DNA replication program in yeast and mammals, exerts its effect on DNA replication origins by recruiting protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to chromosomes. Rif1/PP1 counteracts the positive action of the DDK kinase on the replicative kinase MCM. In a final twist, kinase action on Rif1 is proposed to eventually release PP1 and allow origin firing

    Mouse Rif1 is a regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1)

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    International audienceRif1 is a conserved protein that plays essential roles in orchestrating DNA replication timing, controlling nuclear architecture, telomere length and DNA repair. However, the relationship between these different roles, as well as the molecular basis of Rif1 function is still unclear. The association of Rif1 with insoluble nuclear lamina has thus far hampered exhaustive characterization of the associated protein complexes. We devised a protocol that overcomes this problem, and were thus able to discover a number of novel Rif1 interactors, involved in chromatin metabolism and phosphorylation. Among them, we focus here on PP1. Data from different systems have suggested that Rif1-PP1 interaction is conserved and has important biological roles. Using mutagenesis, NMR, isothermal calorimetry and surface plasmon resonance we demonstrate that Rif1 is a high-affinity PP1 adaptor, able to out-compete the well-established PP1-inhibitor I2 in vitro. Our conclusions have important implications for understanding Rif1 diverse roles and the relationship between the biological processes controlled by Rif1

    Rif1 maintains telomeres and mediates DNA repair by encasing DNA ends

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    In yeast, Rif1 is part of the telosome, where it inhibits telomerase and checkpoint signaling at chromosome ends. In mammalian cells, Rif1 is not telomeric, but it suppresses DNA end resection at chromosomal breaks, promoting repair by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). Here, we describe crystal structures for the uncharacterized and conserved ∼125-kDa N-terminal domain of Rif1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Rif1-NTD), revealing an α-helical fold shaped like a shepherd's crook. We identify a high-affinity DNA-binding site in the Rif1-NTD that fully encases DNA as a head-to-tail dimer. Engagement of the Rif1-NTD with telomeres proved essential for checkpoint control and telomere length regulation. Unexpectedly, Rif1-NTD also promoted NHEJ at DNA breaks in yeast, revealing a conserved role of Rif1 in DNA repair. We propose that tight associations between the Rif1-NTD and DNA gate access of processing factors to DNA ends, enabling Rif1 to mediate diverse telomere maintenance and DNA repair functions

    Nuclear architecture organized by Rif1 underpins the replication-timing program

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    DNA replication is temporally and spatially organized in all eukaryotes, yet the molecular control and biological function of the replication-timing program are unclear. Rif1 is required for normal genome-wide regulation of replication timing, but its molecular function is poorly understood. Here we show that in mouse embryonic stem cells, Rif1 coats late-replicating domains and, with Lamin B1, identifies most of the late-replicating genome. Rif1 is an essential determinant of replication timing of non-Lamin B1-bound late domains. We further demonstrate that Rif1 defines and restricts the interactions between replication-timing domains during the G1 phase, thereby revealing a function of Rif1 as organizer of nuclear architecture. Rif1 loss affects both number and replication-timing specificity of the interactions between replication-timing domains. In addition, during the S phase, Rif1 ensures that replication of interacting domains is temporally coordinated. In summary, our study identifies Rif1 as the molecular link between nuclear architecture and replication-timing establishment in mammals