1,806 research outputs found

    International migration in western Europe

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    Retrograde transport of CDMPR depends on several machineries as analyzed by sulfatable nanobodies

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    Retrograde protein transport from the cell surface and endosomes to the TGN is essential for membrane homeostasis in general and for the recycling of mannose-6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) for sorting of lysosomal hydrolases in particular. We used a nanobody-based sulfation tool to more directly determine transport kinetics from the plasma membrane to the TGN for the cation-dependent MPR (CDMPR) with and without rapid or gradual inactivation of candidate machinery proteins. Although knockdown of retromer (Vps26), epsinR, or Rab9a reduced CDMPR arrival to the TGN, no effect was observed upon silencing of TIP47. Strikingly, when retrograde transport was analyzed by rapamycin-induced rapid depletion (knocksideways) or long-term depletion by knockdown of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 or of the GGA machinery, distinct phenotypes in sulfation kinetics were observed, suggesting a potential role of GGA adaptors in retrograde and anterograde transport. Our study illustrates the usefulness of derivatized, sulfation-competent nanobodies, reveals novel insights into CDMPR trafficking biology, and further outlines that the selection of machinery inactivation is critical for phenotype analysis

    Rabaptin5 is recruited to endosomes by Rab4 and Rabex5 to regulate endosome maturation

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    Rab GTPases control membrane identity, fusion, and transport by interaction with effector proteins. Effectors that influence the activation/inactivation cycle of their own or other Rabs contribute to the timely conversion of Rab identities. Rab5 and its effector Rabaptin5 are generally considered the prime example for a positive feedback loop in which Rab5·GTP recruits Rabaptin5 complexed to Rabex5, the GDP/GTP exchange factor of Rab5, to early endosomes, thus maintaining the membrane's Rab5 identity. By deletion analysis, we found membrane recruitment of Rabaptin5 to require binding to Rab4 and Rabex5, but not Rab5. Deletion of either one of two Rab5 binding domains or silencing of Rab5 expression did not affect Rabaptin5 recruitment, but produced giant endosomes with early and late endosomal characteristics. The results contradict feedback activation of Rab5 and instead indicate that Rabaptin5 is recruited by Rabex5 recognizing ubiquitinated cargo and by Rab4 to activate Rab5 in a feed-forward manner

    Spin echo formation in the presence of stochastic dynamics

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    Spin echo formation in magnetic field gradients in the presence of fast stochastic motion is studied for hyperpolarized He3 gas at different diffusivities. The fast translational motion leads to frequency shifts already during echo formation, which can be described analytically for a linear gradient. Despite complete signal loss at the position of the spin echo itself, considerable intensity can be preserved at an earlier time (2τ rather than 2τ, where τ is the pulse delay). Hence, the phenomenon is designated as a pseudo spin echo. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Fil: Zänker, Paul P.. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Schmidt, Jochen. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Schmiedeskamp, Jörg. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Acosta, Rodolfo Héctor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; ArgentinaFil: Spiess, Hans W.. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; Alemani

    IgG light chain-independent secretion of heavy chain dimers: consequence for therapeutic antibody production and design

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    Rodent monoclonal antibodies with specificity towards important biological targets are developed for therapeutic use by a process of humanisation. This process involves the creation of molecules, which retain the specificity of the rodent antibody but contain predominantly human coding sequence. Here we show that some humanised heavy chains can fold, form dimers and be secreted even in the absence of light chain. Quality control of recombinant antibody assembly in vivo is thought to rely upon folding of the heavy chain CH1 domain. This domain acts as a switch for secretion, only folding upon interaction with the light chain CL domain. We show that the secreted heavy-chain dimers contain folded CH1 domains and contribute to the heterogeneity of antibody species secreted during the expression of therapeutic antibodies. This subversion of the normal quality control process is dependent upon the heavy chain variable domain, is prevalent with engineered antibodies and can occur when only the Fab fragments are expressed. This discovery will impact on the efficient production of both humanised antibodies as well as the design of novel antibody formats

    Increasing 3D Supramolecular Order by Decreasing Molecular Order. A Comparative Study of Helical Assemblies of Dendronized Nonchlorinated and Tetrachlorinated Perylene Bisimides

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    A nonplanar, twisted, and flexible tetrachlorinated perylene bisimide (Cl4PBI) was functionalized with two AB3 minidendrons containing hydrogenated or semifluorinated dodecyl groups. The hydrogenated dendron was attached to the imide groups of Cl4PBI via m = 0, 1, and 2 methylenic units, whereas the dendron containing semifluorinated groups was attached via m = 3 or a di(ethylene oxide) linker (m = 2EO). The supramolecular structures of these compounds, determined by a combination of differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, and solid-state NMR, were compared with those of nonchlorinated planar and rigid PBI reported previously, which demonstrated the thermodynamically controlled formation of 2D periodic arrays at high temperatures and 3D arrays at low temperatures. The molecularly less ordered Cl4PBI containing hydrogenated dendrons self-organize into exclusively 3D crystalline periodic arrays under thermodynamic control for m = 0 and 2, while the more highly molecularly ordered PBI produced less stable and ordered 3D crystals and also 2D assemblies. This induction of a higher degree of 3D order in supramolecular assemblies of the less well-ordered molecular building blocks was unanticipated. The semifluorinated dendronized Cl4PBI with m = 3 formed a 2D columnar hexagonal array under kinetic control, whereas the compound with m = 2EO formed an unusual 2D honeycomb-like hexagonal phase under thermodynamic control. These Cl4PBI compounds provide a new route to stable crystalline assemblies via thermodynamic control at lower temperatures than previously obtained with PBI, thus generating 3D order in an accessible range of temperature of interest for structural analysis and for technological applications