218 research outputs found

    HOCl-modified phosphatidylcholines induce apoptosis and redox imbalance in HUVEC-ST cells

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    Electrophilic attack of hypochlorous acid on unsaturated bonds of fatty acyl chains is known to result mostly in chlorinated products that show cytotoxicity to some cell lines and were found in biological systems exposed to HOCl. This study aimed to investigate more deeply the products and the mechanism underlying cytotoxicity of phospholipid-HOCl oxidation products, synthesized by the reaction of HOCl with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-, and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonyl-phosphatidylcholine. Phospholipid chlorohydrins were found to be the most abundant among obtained products. HOCl-modified lipids were cytotoxic towards HUVEC-ST (endothelial cells), leading to a decrease of mitochondrial potential and an increase in the number of apoptotic cells. These effects were accompanied by an increase of the level of active caspase-3 and caspase-7, while the caspase-3/-7 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO dramatically decreased the number of apoptotic cells. Phospholipid-HOCl oxidation products were shown to affect cell proliferation by a concentration-dependent cell cycle arrest in the G/G phase and activating redox sensitive p38 kinase. The redox imbalance observed in HUVEC-ST cells exposed to modified phosphatidylcholines was accompanied by an increase in ROS level, and a decrease in glutathione content and antioxidant capacity of cell extracts

    Posterior Vitreous Detachment and the Posterior Hyaloid Membrane

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    PURPOSE: Despite posterior vitreous detachment being a common ocular event affecting most individuals in an aging population, there is little consensus regarding its precise anatomic definition. We investigated the morphologic appearance and molecular composition of the posterior hyaloid membrane to determine whether the structure clinically observed enveloping the posterior vitreous surface after posterior vitreous detachment is a true basement membrane and to postulate its origin. Understanding the relationship between the vitreous (in both its attached and detached state) and the internal limiting membrane of the retina is essential to understanding the cause of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and vitreoretinal interface disorders, as well as potential future prophylactic and treatment strategies. DESIGN: Clinicohistologic correlation study. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-six human donor globes. METHODS: Vitreous bodies identified to have posterior vitreous detachment were examined with phase-contrast microscopy and confocal microscopy after immunohistochemically staining for collagen IV basement membrane markers, in addition to extracellular proteins that characterize the vitreoretinal junction (fibronectin, laminin) and vitreous gel (opticin) markers. The posterior retina similarly was stained to evaluate the internal limiting membrane. Findings were correlated to the clinical appearance of the posterior hyaloid membrane observed during slit-lamp biomicroscopy after posterior vitreous detachment and compared with previously published studies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Morphologic appearance and molecular composition of the posterior hyaloid membrane. RESULTS: Phase-contrast microscopy consistently identified a creased and distinct glassy membranous sheet enveloping the posterior vitreous surface, correlating closely with the posterior hyaloid membrane observed during slit-lamp biomicroscopy in patients with posterior vitreous detachment. Immunofluorescent confocal micrographs demonstrated the enveloping membranous structure identified on phase-contrast microscopy to show positive stain results for type IV collagen. Immunofluorescence of the residual intact internal limiting membrane on the retinal surface also showed positive stain results for type IV collagen. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide immunohistochemical evidence that the posterior hyaloid membrane is a true basement membrane enveloping the posterior hyaloid surface. Because this membranous structure is observed only after posterior vitreous detachment, the results of this study indicate that it forms part of the internal limiting membrane when the vitreous is in its attached state

    6β-Chloro-5α-hydr­oxy-20-oxopregnan-3β-yl acetate

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    The title steroid, C23H35ClO4, is a pregnane derivative prepared by ring opening of the corresponding 5α,6α-ep­oxy steroid with BiCl3. There are two symmetry-independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit that show no significant differences concerning bond lengths and angles. The conformation of the six-membered rings in both mol­ecules is close to a chair form, while the five-membered ring adopts an envelope conformation. All rings in both mol­ecules are trans-fused. The mol­ecules are held together by an extensive O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding network

    Ligand-induced conformational changes in a SMALP-encapsulated GPCR.

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    The adenosine 2A receptor (A2AR), a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), was solubilised and purified encapsulated in styrene maleic acid lipid particles (SMALPs). The purified A2AR-SMALP was associated with phospholipids characteristic of the plasma membrane of Pichia pastoris, the host used for its expression, confirming that the A2AR-SMALP encapsulated native lipids. The fluorescence spectrum of the A2AR-SMALP showed a characteristic broad emission peak at 330 nm, produced by endogenous Trp residues. The inverse agonist ZM241385 caused 30% increase in fluorescence emission, unusually accompanied by a red-shift in the emission wavelength. The emission spectrum also showed sub-peaks at 321 nm, 335 nm and 350 nm, indicating that individual Trp inhabited different environments following ZM241385 addition. There was no effect of the agonist NECA on the A2AR-SMALP fluorescence spectrum. Substitution of two Trp residues by Tyr suggested that ZM241385 affected the environment and mobility of Trp2466.48 in TM6 and Trp2687.33 at the extracellular face of TM7, causing transition to a more hydrophobic environment. The fluorescent moiety IAEDANS was site-specifically introduced at the intracellular end of TM6 (residue 2316.33) to report on the dynamic cytoplasmic face of the A2AR. The inverse agonist ZM241385 caused a concentration-dependent increase in fluorescence emission as the IAEDANS moved to a more hydrophobic environment, consistent with closing the G-protein binding crevice. NECA generated only 30% of the effect of ZM241385. This study provides insight into the SMALP environment; encapsulation supported constitutive activity of the A2AR and ZM241385-induced conformational transitions but the agonist NECA generated only small effects

    Lipid Composition Analysis Reveals Mechanisms of Ethanol Tolerance in the Model Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an important unicellular yeast species within the biotechnological and the food and beverage industries. A significant application of this species is the production of ethanol, where concentrations are limited by cellular toxicity, often at the level of the cell membrane. Here, we characterize 61 S. cerevisiae strains for ethanol tolerance and further analyze five representatives with various ethanol tolerances. The most tolerant strain, AJ4, was dominant in coculture at 0 and 10% ethanol. Unexpectedly, although it does not have the highest noninhibitory concentration or MIC, MY29 was the dominant strain in coculture at 6% ethanol, which may be linked to differences in its basal lipidome. Although relatively few lipidomic differences were observed between strains, a significantly higher phosphatidylethanolamine concentration was observed in the least tolerant strain, MY26, at 0 and 6% ethanol compared to the other strains that became more similar at 10%, indicating potential involvement of this lipid with ethanol sensitivity. Our findings reveal that AJ4 is best able to adapt its membrane to become more fluid in the presence of ethanol and that lipid extracts from AJ4 also form the most permeable membranes. Furthermore, MY26 is least able to modulate fluidity in response to ethanol, and membranes formed from extracted lipids are least leaky at physiological ethanol concentrations. Overall, these results reveal a potential mechanism of ethanol tolerance and suggest a limited set of membrane compositions that diverse yeast species use to achieve this. IMPORTANCE Many microbial processes are not implemented at the industrial level because the product yield is poorer and more expensive than can be achieved by chemical synthesis. It is well established that microbes show stress responses during bioprocessing, and one reason for poor product output from cell factories is production conditions that are ultimately toxic to the cells. During fermentative processes, yeast cells encounter culture media with a high sugar content, which is later transformed into high ethanol concentrations. Thus, ethanol toxicity is one of the major stresses in traditional and more recent biotechnological processes. We have performed a multilayer phenotypic and lipidomic characterization of a large number of industrial and environmental strains of Saccharomyces to identify key resistant and nonresistant isolates for future applications

    A high-sensitivity electrochemiluminescence-based ELISA for the measurement of the oxidative stress biomarker, 3-nitrotyrosine, in human blood serum and cells

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    The generation of 3-nitrotyrosine, within proteins, is a post-translational modification resulting from oxidative or nitrative stress. It has been suggested that this modification could be used as a biomarker for inflammatory diseases. Despite the superiority of mass spectrometry-based determinations of nitrotyrosine, in a high-throughput clinical setting the measurement of nitrotyrosine by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is likely to be more cost-effective. ELISAs offer an alternative means to detect nitrotyrosine, but many commercially available ELISAs are insufficiently sensitive to detect nitrotyrosine in healthy human serum. Here, we report the development, validation and clinical application of a novel electrochemiluminescence-based ELISA for nitrotyrosine which provides superior sensitivity (e.g. a 50-fold increase in sensitivity compared with one of the tested commercial colorimetric ELISAs). This nitrotyrosine ELISA has the following characteristics: a lower limit of quantitation of 0.04 nM nitrated albumin equivalents; intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation of 6.5% and 11.3%, respectively; a mean recovery of 106 ± 3% and a mean linearity of 0.998 ± 0.001. Far higher nitration levels were measured in normal human blood cell populations when compared to plasma. Mass spectrometry was used to validate the new ELISA method. The analysis of the same set of chemically modified albumin samples using the ELISA method and mass spectrometry showed good agreement for the relative levels of nitration present in each sample. The assay was applied to serum samples from patients undergoing elective surgery which induces the human inflammatory response. Matched samples were collected before and one day after surgery. An increase in nitration was detected following surgery (median (IQR): 0.59 (0.00–1.34) and 0.97 (0.00–1.70) nitrotyrosine (fmol of nitrated albumin equivalents/mg protein) for pre- and post-surgery respectively. The reported assay is suitable for nitrotyrosine determination in patient serum samples, and may also be applicable as a means to determine oxidative stress in primary and cultured cell populations

    Identification and relative quantification of tyrosine nitration in a model peptide using two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy

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    Nitration of tyrosine in proteins and peptides is a post-translational modification that occurs under conditions of oxidative stress. It is implicated in a variety of medical conditions, including neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. However, monitoring tyrosine nitration and understanding its role in modifying biological function remains a major challenge. In this work, we investigate the use of electron-vibration-vibration (EVV) two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectroscopy for the study of tyrosine nitration in model peptides. We demonstrate the ability of EVV 2DIR spectroscopy to differentiate between the neutral and deprotonated states of 3-nitrotyrosine, and we characterize their spectral signatures using information obtained from quantum chemistry calculations and simulated EVV 2DIR spectra. To test the sensitivity of the technique, we use mixed-peptide samples containing various levels of tyrosine nitration, and we use mass spectrometry to independently verify the level of nitration. We conclude that EVV 2DIR spectroscopy is able to provide detailed spectroscopic information on peptide side-chain modifications and to detect nitration levels down to 1%. We further propose that lower nitration levels could be detected by introducing a resonant Raman probe step to increase the detection sensitivity of EVV 2DIR spectroscopy. (Graph Presented)

    Biosynthesis of Vitamin C by Yeast Leads to Increased Stress Resistance

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    during respiration, or indirectly-caused by other stressing factors. Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid acts as a scavenger of ROS, thereby potentially protecting cells from harmful oxidative products. While most eukaryotes synthesize ascorbic acid, yeast cells produce erythro-ascorbic acid instead. The actual importance of this antioxidant substance for the yeast is still a subject of scientific debate. is increased, but also the tolerance to low pH and weak organic acids at low pH is increased. cells endogenously producing vitamin C as a cellular model to study the genesis/protection of ROS as well as genotoxicity
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