237 research outputs found

    Ein- und Ausschliessungspraktiken als Konstituierung von Grenzen

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    Zusammenfassung: Grenzen haben symbolische und soziale Bedeutung, reproduzieren durch moralisierende Zuschreibungen soziale Ungleichheiten und generieren Ein- und Ausschlüsse bestimmter Personen(gruppen). Grenzen bzw. eine grenzanalytische Perspektive sind für die Sozialpädagogik deshalb relevant, weil sie Aufschluss geben über normative Ordnungsvorstellungen sowie die eigene sozialpädagogische Beteiligung hieran. Normative Ordnungen ziehen Grenzen zwischen krisenhaftem Sein und idealem Sollen und bringen soziale Wirklichkeiten hervor. Durch so konstituierte Grenzverhältnisse von Wirklichkeit und Möglichkeit lassen sich auch empirisch Grenzziehungen rekonstruieren, die Ein- und Ausschlüsse hervorbringen. Dies wird im Artikel exemplarisch für die sozialpädagogische Handlungspraxis herausgearbeitet und normative Ordnungen von "guter" und "schlechter" Elternschaft rekonstruiert. Eine grenzanalytische Perspektive macht damit (Un)Möglichkeiten des (Anders-)Seins als kontingente und normativ plausibilisierte Ausschließungen erkennbar und legt sozialpädagogische Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen samt ihrer Konsequenzen in ihrer Bearbeitbarkeit offe

    Genetic diversity of two evergreen oaks [Quercus suber (L.) and Quercus ilex subsp rotundifolia (Lam.)] in Portugal using AFLP markers

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    The genetic variability of cork oak (Quercus suber, L.) in Portugal was evaluated by AFLP using five primer combinations. Three hundred and thirteen trees from three geographically contrasting regions exhibited a high level of genetic variation. The genetic profile of each individual is composed of 291 loci, randomly positioned in the genome and consists of monomorphic and polymorphic fragments. Similarities and dissimilarities among the individuals were quantitatively evaluated by numerical taxonomy. The overall sample shows a proportion of AFLP polymorphic markers of 71%, denoting a high level of variability. Ninety percent of the polymorphic markers identified in cork oak genotypes are uniformly distributed throughout the cork oak populations of Algarve, Alentejo and Tras-os-Montes regions. The coefficients of genetic similarity vary from 0.61 to 0.88 implying that 60% of fragments found are common. A sample of 52 holm oak [Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia (Lam.)] trees from overlapping areas was also analysed by AFLP with the same five primer combinations. However the codification of markers together with those selected on cork oak profiles was feasible with only one primer combination due to an apparent much higher polymorphism. AFLP and numerical taxonomy analysis enabled to differentiate the taxa and showed that the level of similarity observed between the profiles of the individuals from holm oak species was lower than that observed in cork oak, implying that apparently the degree of polymorphism is higher in Q. ilex subsp. rotun-difolia than that quantified in Q. suber. A Bayesian approach was used to assess Q. suber total genetic diversity (Ht = 0.2534, P < 0.001) of which 1.7% (Fst = 0.0172, P < 0.001) was assigned to differences among populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that most genetic variation is comprised within populations (96%) while 3.6% is among populations (Phi st = 0.036, P < 0.001). Differences among populations within geographic regions account for 2.6% (Phi sc = 0.026, P < 0.001) of the total variation and only 1.3% (Phi ct = 0.013, P = 0.007) is attributed to variation among regions denoting little differentiation of populations over a range of 700 km

    Phylogenetic patterns differ for native and exotic plant communities across a richness gradient in Northern California

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    Increasingly, ecologists are using evolutionary relationships to infer the mechanisms of community assembly. However, modern communities are being invaded by non-indigenous species. Since natives have been associated with one another through evolutionary time, the forces promoting character and niche divergence should be high. On the other hand, exotics have evolved elsewhere, meaning that conserved traits may be more important in their new ranges. Thus, co-occurrence over sufficient time-scales for reciprocal evolution may alter how phylogenetic relationships influence assembly. Here, we examined the phylogenetic structure of native and exotic plant communities across a large-scale gradient in species richness and asked whether local assemblages are composed of more or less closely related natives and exotics and whether phylogenetic turnover among plots and among sites across this gradient is driven by turnover in close or distant relatives differentially for natives and exotics.Central and northern California, USA.We used data from 30 to 50 replicate plots at four sites and constructed a maximum likelihood molecular phylogeny using the genes: matK , rbcl , ITS1 and 5.8s . We compared community-level measures of native and exotic phylogenetic diversity and among-plot phylobetadiversity.There were few exotic clades, but they tended to be widespread. Exotic species were phylogenetically clustered within communities and showed low phylogenetic turnover among communities. In contrast, the more species-rich native communities showed higher phylogenetic dispersion and turnover among sites.The assembly of native and exotic subcommunities appears to reflect the evolutionary histories of these species and suggests that shared traits drive exotic patterns while evolutionary differentiation drives native assembly. Current invasions appear to be causing phylogenetic homogenization at regional scales.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79365/1/j.1472-4642.2010.00700.x.pd

    Integrating Satellite and Surface Sensor Networks for Irrigation Management Applications in California

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    Satellite mapping of evapotranspiration (ET) from irrigated agricultural lands can provide agricultural producers and water managers with information that can be used to optimize agricultural water use, especially in regions with limited water supplies. The timely delivery of information on agricultural crop water requirements has the potential to make irrigation scheduling more practical, convenient, and accurate. We present a system for irrigation scheduling and management support in California and describe lessons learned from the development and implementation of the system. The Satellite Irrigation Management Support (SIMS) framework integrates satellite data with information from agricultural weather networks to map crop canopy development, basal crop coefficients (Kcb), and basal crop evapotranspiration (ETcb) at the scale of individual fields. Information is distributed to agricultural producers and water managers via a web-based irrigation management decision support system and web data services. SIMS also provides an application programming interface (API) that facilitates integration with other irrigation decision support tools, estimation of total crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and calculation of on-farm water use efficiency metrics. Accuracy assessments conducted in commercial fields for more than a dozen crop types to date have shown that SIMS seasonal ETcb estimates are within 10 mean absolute error (MAE) for well-watered crops and within 15 across all crop types studied, and closely track daily ETc and running totals of ETc measured in each field. Use of a soil water balance model to correct for soil evaporation and crop water stress reduces this error to less than 8 MAE across all crop types studied to date relative to field measurements of ETc. Results from irrigation trials conducted by the project for four vegetable crops have also demonstrated the potential for use of ET-based irrigation management strategies to reduce total applied water by 20-40 relative to grower standard practices while maintaining crop yields and quality

    Oak canopy arthropod communities: which factors shape its structure?

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    Susann Fegter: Die Krise der Jungen in Bildung und Erziehung. Diskursive Konstruktion von Geschlecht und Männlichkeit, Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2012 (205 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Susann Fegter: Die Krise der Jungen in Bildung und Erziehung. Diskursive Konstruktion von Geschlecht und Männlichkeit, Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2012 (205 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-18601-6


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    Volume: 54Start Page: 175End Page: 17

    Quercus lesueuri, un miembro meridional del complejo Q. X undulata (Fagaceae, subgénero Quercus)

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    Quercus gambelii Nutt. is a widespread White oak (Quercus, subgenus and section Quercus, subsection Gambelieae) in the southern Rocky Mountain region of the United States, extending to west-central Chihuahua in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico. Quercus arizonica Sarg., rather distantly related (subsection Glaucoideae), has a more southern distribution in the United States, and extends through the Sierra Madre into Durango. In the southwestern United States hybrids between Q. gambelii and several White oak vegetation, particularly in New Mexico. These hybrids are known in general as Q. x undulata Torr. pro sp. A plant very similar to Q. x. undulata, Q. lesueuri C. H. Muller, was collected by Harde LeSueur at “El Salto de Babícora”, in west-central Chihuahua, in 1937. It has not been collected since. An oak similar to Q. lesueurii was collected by the autor in the nearby Sierra Catarina where it is a sympatric with Q. gambelii and Q. arazonica. El Salto de Babícora was determined to be located north of the town of Madera. In this canyon Q. gambelii and Q. arizonica are common. Quercus lesueuri and the newly collected hybrid from the Sierra Catarina are shown to be strongly similar to Q. x undulata and intermediate between Q. arizonica and Q. gambelii through the use of the same six leaf characters (leaf width, relative Depth of indentations of leaf margin, conspicuousness of intercostal reticulum, number of major secondary veins, number of rays per stellate hair, curliness of hairs) that Tucker used to assess intermediacy of certain collections to the putative parents Q. gambelii and Q. arizonica. In this paper Q. lesueuri is demonstrated to be parto f this hybrid complex. Taxonomically it should be recognized as Q. x lesueuri C. H. Muller, pro sp., and to be considered as a synonym of Q. x undulata, sensu lato.Quercus gambelii Nutt. es un encino blanco (Quercus, subgénero y sección Quercus, subsección Gambelieae) común en la parte sur de la región de las Montañas Rocosas en los Estados Unidos y distribuido hasta la parte central de la porción chihuahuense de la Sierra Madre Occidental. Quercus arizonica Sarg., lejanamente relacionado con el anterior (subsección Glaucoideae), tiene una distribución más austral en los Estados Unidos y se extiende a través de la Sierra Madre Occidental hasta Durango. En el suroeste de los Estados Unidos son muy comunes los híbridos entre Q. gambelii y algunos encinos blancos, incluyendo a Q. arizonica, mismos que forman frecuentemente una parte importante de la vegetación de encinares de zonas bajas, particularmente en el estado de Nuevo México. Estos híbridos se conocen en general como Q. x undulata Torr. pro sp. Una planta muy similar a Q. x undulata, llamada Q. leseuri C. H. Muller, fue colectada por Harde LeSeur en “El Salto de Babícora”, en el oeste-centro de Chihuahua en el año 1937. Y no se ha vuelto a encontrar desde entonces. Un encino semejante a Q. lesueuri fue localizado por el autor en la cercana Sierra Catarina, donde es simpátrico con Q. gambelii y Q. arizonica. El Salto de Babícora se localiza al norte del pueblo de Madera en un cañón donde Q. gambelii y Q. arizonica son comunes. En este trabajo se muestra que Q. lesueuri y el híbrido colectado recientemente en la Sierra Catarina son muy similares entre sí y con Q. x undulata, e intermedios entre Q. arizonica y Q. gambelii. La comparación se llevó a cabo mediante el uso de los mismos seis caracteres empleados por Tucker para determinar la posición intermedia de varias colectas con respecto a los padres putativos Q. gambelii y Q. arizonica, a saber: anchura de la hoja, profundidad relativa de las muescas del margen de la lámina, evidencia del retículo intercostal, número de las venas secundarias, número de radios por cada tricoma estrellado, y grado intercostal, número de las venas secundarias, número de radios por cada tricoma estrellado, y grado de ensortijamiento de los tricomas. Se concluye que Q. lesueuri forma parte del complejo híbrido en cuestión, por lo que taxonómicamente debe ser conocido como Q. x lesueuri forma parte del complejo híbrido en cuestión, por lo que taxonómicamente debe ser conocido como Q. x lesueuri C. H. Muller, pro sp., y ser considerado como sinónimo de Q. x undulata, sensu lato