148 research outputs found

    Physiopathologies cardiométaboliques associées à l'obésité : mécanismes sous-jacents et thérapie nutritionnelle

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    Le tractus digestif et le foie interagissent continuellement, non seulement à travers les connexions anatomiques, mais également par des liens physiologiques/fonctionnels. Le déséquilibre de l’axe intestin-foie apparait de plus en plus comme un facteur primordial dans les désordres cardiométaboliques, à savoir l’obésité, le syndrome métabolique, le diabète de type 2 et la stéatose hépatique non alcoolique (NAFLD), pour lesquels la prévalence demeure alarmante, les mécanismes moléculaires encore méconnus, et les traitements peu efficaces. L’hypothèse centrale du présent projet de recherche est que la combinaison d’anomalies génétiques et nutritionnelles affecte la sensibilité de l’insuline intestinale, ce qui conduit à une surproduction des chylomicrons, à une dyslipidémie, une insulinorésistance systémique et des répercussions sur le foie. Dans cet agencement, le foie développe une NAFLD progressive, impliquant plusieurs sentiers métaboliques intrinsèques et des mécanismes comprenant le stress oxydatif, l’inflammation et l’insulinorésistance. En revanche, des nutriments, comme les acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) n-3, peuvent présenter des effets bénéfiques en ciblant plusieurs circuits pathogéniques. L’objectif central de cette thèse consiste à : (i) Démontrer que des gènes codant pour les protéines intestinales clés associées au transport des lipides, comme c’est le cas du Sar1b GTPase, peuvent interagir avec l’environnement nutritionnel pour produire l’obésité et des dérangements cardiométaboliques, incluant la NAFLD ; (ii) Explorer les mécanismes hépatiques sous-jacents à la NAFLD; et (iii) Identifier les effets et les cibles thérapeutiques des AGPI n-3 sur la NAFLD. Ces objectifs seront soutenus par une prospection de la littérature scientifique disponible dans les champs du syndrome métabolique et de la NAFLD afin d’en disséquer les forces et les faiblesses au bénéfice de la communauté scientifique. À ces fins, nous avons utilisé des modèles animaux et cellulaires manipulés génétiquement, des animaux exposés de façon chronique à des diètes riches en lipides, des spécimens de tissus hépatiques obtenus durant la chirurgie bariatrique d’obèses morbides, et une cohorte d’adolescents obèses souffrant de NAFLD et qui seront traités avec les AGPI n-3. L’ensemble de nos expériences ont soutenu nos hypothèses et ont mis en évidence les concepts et mécanismes suivants : (i) L’abondance d’un gène crucial (notamment Sar1b GTPase) au niveau de l’intestin, en synergie avec une alimentation obésogène, perturbe l’homéostasie locale et mène à des dérangements cardiométaboliques, défiant même l’axe intestin-foie ; (ii) Les causes développementales de la NAFLD comprennent les dérangements du métabolisme des acides gras, du statut redox et inflammatoire, de la sensibilité à l’insuline, des sentiers métaboliques (lipogenèse, β-oxydation, gluconéogenèse) et de l’expression des facteurs de transcription; et (iii) Les AGPI n-3 représentent un robuste arsenal thérapeutique des dérangements cardiométaboliques, notamment la NAFLD, en agissant sur plusieurs cibles pathogéniques. Globalement, nos résultats montrent le rôle indéniable de l’intestin comme organe insulino-sensible interagissant de près avec les aliments et capable de déclencher des troubles métaboliques. Plusieurs mécanismes gouvernant les désordres métaboliques ont été dévoilés par nos travaux. En outre, nos études cliniques ont pointé la force thérapeutique des AGPI n-3 qui interviennent dans de nombreux processus de régulation métaboliques et notamment dans le stress oxydatif et l’inflammation.The digestive tract and liver interact continuously, not only through anatomical connections, but also through physiological / functional links. The imbalance of the intestine-liver axis is increasingly emerging as a key factor in cardiometabolic disorders (CMD), namely obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), for which prevalence remains alarmingly high, molecular mechanisms are poorly understood, and treatments are largely inefficient. The central hypothesis of this research project is that the combination of genetic and nutritional abnormalities affect intestinal insulin sensitivity, leading to overproduction of chylomicrons, dyslipidemia, systemic insulin resistance and dysregulated intestine-liver axis. In this situation, the liver develops progressive NAFLD, implicating several intrinsic metabolic pathways and mechanisms, including oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance. In contrast, functional foods, such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), may have beneficial effects by targeting several pathogenic pathways. The central objective of this thesis is to: (i) Demonstrate that genes coding for key intestinal proteins associated with lipid transport, as is the case with Sar1b GTPase, can interact with the nutritional environment to produce obesity and CMD, including hepatic steatosis; (ii) explore the mechanisms underlying NAFLD; and (iii) identify the effects and therapeutic targets of n-3 PUFA. These objectives will be supported by a critical review on metabolic syndrome and NAFLD in order to dissect their strengths and weaknesses for the benefit of the scientific community. For these purposes, we used genetically engineered animal and cell models, chronic exposure of animals to high-fat diets, liver tissue specimens obtained during bariatric surgery of morbidly obese patients, and treatment of obese NAFLD adolescents with n-3 PUFA. All of our experiments supported our hypotheses and highlighted the following concepts and mechanisms: (i) The abundance of a crucial gene (notably Sar1b GTPase) in the intestine, in synergy with an obesogenic diet, disrupts local homeostasis and leads to CMD, challenging even the intestine-liver axis; (ii) Developmental causes of NAFLD include disturbances of fatty acid metabolism, redox and inflammatory status, insulin sensitivity, metabolic pathways (lipogenesis, β-oxidation, gluconeogenesis), and expression of transcription factors; and (iii) n-3 PUFA represent a robust therapeutic arsenal of CMD, including NAFLD, by acting on several pathogenic targets. Overall, our results show the undeniable role of the intestine, as an insulin-sensitive organ, interacting closely with obesogenic food, and capable of triggering CMD, including perturbations of the intestine-liver axis. Several mechanisms governing metabolic disorders have been unveiled by our work. In addition, our clinical studies have pointed to the therapeutic potential of n-3 PUFA involved in many regulatory processes, including oxidative stress and inflammation

    Profil lipidique et statut des acides gras chez les patients avec trouble de déficit d'attention/hyperactivité (TDAH)

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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    Desiccant composites were prepared from a polystyrene homopolymer (PS) and a high impact copolymer (HIPS). Five zeolites were used as adsorbents which included the A and X types frequently used in industrial practice. Composites containing zeolites up to 50 vol% were homogenized in an internal mixer and then compression molded to 1 mm thick plates. The results proved that the water adsorption capacity of zeolites depends on the total volume of the pores, while the rate of adsorption on thermodynamics, on the equilibrium con-stant of adsorption. On the other hand, zeolite characteristics influence the moisture ad-sorption of the composites only marginally; adsorption capacity is determined by zeolite content, while the rate of adsorption by the properties of the polymer. Composites prepared with X type zeolites have somewhat smaller water adsorption capacity than those containing their A type counterparts. The dispersion of the zeolite is very good both in PS and in HIPS composites. Mechanical properties are excellent mainly because of the good interfacial adhesion between the components. Because of their larger surface energy, composites containing X type zeolites have larger viscosity and they reinforce the polymer more than A type desiccants. Matrix properties influence mainly application related properties, reinforcement and ductility is better in HIPS than in PS composites

    Association between siesta (daytime sleep), dietary patterns and the presence of metabolic syndrome in elderly living in Mediterranean area (MEDIS study):The moderating effect of gender

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    Objectives: Several lifestyle parameters including diet, physical activity and sleep were associated in isolation with the presence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) in adults, to date there is a paucity of studies which evaluated their combined role aging populations and especially with respect to gender. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to provide a global consideration of the lifestyle factors associated with MetS among elderly individuals. Design: Cross-sectional observational study. Setting: 21 Mediterranean islands and the rural Mani region (Peloponnesus) of Greece. Participants: during 2005-2015, 2749 older (aged 65-100 years) from were voluntarily enrolled in the study. Measurements: Dietary habits, energy intake, physical activity status, sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle parameters (sleeping and smoking habits) and clinical profile aspects were derived through standard procedures. The presence of MetS was defined using the definition provided by NCEP ATP III (revised) and cluster analysis was used to identify overall dietary habit patterns. Results: The overall prevalence of MetS in the study sample was 36.2%, but occurred more frequently in females (40.0% vs. 31.8%, respectively, p=0.03). Individuals with MetS were more likely to sleep during the day (89.4% vs. 76.8% respectively, p=0.039) and frequent ‘siesta’ was positively linked to the odds of MetS presence in females (Odds Ratio (OR) =3.43, 95% Confidence Intervals (CI): 1.08-10.9), but not for men (p=0.999). The lower carbohydrate (i.e., 45.2% of total daily energy, 120±16gr/day) dietary cluster was inversely associated with the odds for MetS presence, but only for men (OR=0.094, 95%CI: 0.010-0.883). Conclusions: Lifestyle parameters including sleep and diet quality are strongly associated with the presence of MetS in elderly cohort, but different their level of influence appears to be different, depending on gender. Further research is needed to better consider the role of lifestyle characteristics in the management of MetS in clinical practice

    A state of the art of required techniques for employing activated carbon in renewable energy powered adsorption applications

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    This paper reviews, for the first time, the measurement adsorption characteristics techniques to facilitate optimal testing of the validity of adsorbent materials in adsorption applications. Thermo-physical properties, adsorption characteristics and modelling techniques are presented. The characterisation of material thermo-physical properties includes true and bulk densities, specific heat capacity, surface area, pore volume distribution and thermal conductivity. The adsorption characteristics were categorized into adsorption isotherms and kinetics including experimental and theoretical equations. A range of models used in the simulation of adsorption cooling systems is presented and discussed. The paper highlights the conditions for which each measurement technique is most suitable and the limitations of modelling techniques, which is a vital element in the robust assessment of the performance of adsorption cooling units

    Proposition of a new adsorption refrigeration system using activated carbon prepared from olive stones #

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    Abstract: The aim of the current paper is to propose a new solar adsorption refrigerator using a compound adsorbent fabricated from activated carbon issued from olive stones. High efficiency activated carbon (AC) with different chemical characteristic was prepared. It was established that activated carbon is obtained from carbonized olive stones in presence of argon in the temperature range from 700 to 800 °C and activated by ZnCl 2 and KOH. The characterization of the activated carbon samples was studied by SEM (scanning electron microscope) technique

    Insight into Polyphenol and Gut Microbiota Crosstalk: Are Their Metabolites the Key to Understand Protective Effects against Metabolic Disorders?

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    Lifestyle factors, especially diet and nutrition, are currently regarded as essential avenues to decrease modern-day cardiometabolic disorders (CMD), including obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Many groups around the world attribute these trends, at least partially, to bioactive plant polyphenols given their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. In fact, polyphenols can prevent or reverse the progression of disease processes through many distinct mechanisms. In particular, the crosstalk between polyphenols and gut microbiota, recently unveiled thanks to DNA-based tools and next generation sequencing, unravelled the central regulatory role of dietary polyphenols and their intestinal micro-ecology metabolites on the host energy metabolism and related illnesses. The objectives of this review are to: (1) provide an understanding of classification, structure, and bioavailability of dietary polyphenols; (2) underline their metabolism by gut microbiota; (3) highlight their prebiotic effects on microflora; (4) discuss the multifaceted roles of their metabolites in CMD while shedding light on the mechanisms of action; and (5) underscore their ability to initiate host epigenetic regulation. In sum, the review clearly documents whether dietary polyphenols and micro-ecology favorably interact to promote multiple physiological functions on human organism
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