16 research outputs found

    Estudio psicopatológico de los hijos de pacientes con Trastorno Mental Severo

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    Els fills de pacients amb malalties psiquiàtriques greus constitueixen un grup d'alt risc de patir algun trastorn psicopatològic. Aquest risc es veu incrementat per la demora en la realització d'un diagnòstic precoç. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és estudiar l'estat actual i el possible risc de patir psicopatologia per part dels fills menors d'edat que conviuen amb un pare o una mare diagnosticat de TMS (Trastorn Mental Sever), pel qual es visita al Centre de Salut Mental de Adults de la Fundació Hospitalària Sant Pere Claver. En aquest estudi s'utilitza l'observació indirecta des de la perspectiva dels mixed methods, amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en l'avaluació de l'estat de salut dels menors, i identificar factors de risc i de protecció en la població estudiada. Partint dels resultats obtinguts es discuteixen les característiques i els efectes de la malaltia parental en la descendència. Els resultats mostren que conviure amb un progenitor amb TMS té conseqüències negatives, però també comporta aspectes positius vinculats a la resiliència. L'equilibri entre aquests factors positius i negatius és fonamental en el desenvolupament dels fills o en que a aquests se'ls manifesti la patologia. Per al progrés en una d'aquestes dues direccions, adquireixen un paper fonamental el context psicosocial, el potencial biològic del menor, i una intervenció ràpida i eficaç en la família. A partir de les dades obtingudes s'observa el valor de la detecció precoç per a l'orientació, el diagnòstic i el tractament i el seguiment d'aquests joves. Aquests descobriments poden representar les bases per al desenvolupament d'un programa d'intervenció que ajudi a prevenir o a evitar la cronificació de les possibles alteracions emocionals en nens i adolescents. Aquest programa tendria com a objectiu facilitar una intervenció terapèutica primerenca per promoure l'enfortiment dels aspectes sans de la personalitat i una reducció de la patologia. Un diagnòstic precoç de la patologia en la descendència permet un abordatge en fases inicials, el que suposa un millor pronòstic.Los hijos de pacientes con enfermedades psiquiátricas graves constituyen un grupo de alto riesgo de padecer algún trastorno psicopatológico. Este riesgo se ve incrementado por la demora en la realización de un diagnóstico precoz. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar el estado actual y el posible riesgo de sufrir psicopatología de los hijos menores de edad que conviven con un padre o una madre diagnosticados de TMS (Trastorno Mental Severo), por el cual se visita en el Centre de Salut Mental de Adults de la Fundació Hospitalaria Sant Pere Claver. En este estudio se utiliza la observación indirecta desde la perspectiva de los mixed methods, con el objetivo de profundizar en la evaluación del estado de salud de los menores, e identificar factores de riesgo y de protección en la población estudiada. Partiendo de los resultados obtenidos se discuten las características y los efectos de la enfermedad parental en la descendencia. Los resultados muestran que convivir con un progenitor con TMS tiene consecuencias negativas, pero también conlleva aspectos positivos vinculados a la resiliencia. El equilibrio entre estos factores positivos y negativos es fundamental en el desarrollo sano de los hijos o en que a éstos se les manifieste patología. Para el progreso en una de estas dos direcciones, adquieren un rol fundamental el contexto psicosocial, el potencial biológico del menor, y una intervención rápida y eficaz en la familia. A partir de los datos obtenidos se observa el valor de la detección precoz para la orientación, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento y el seguimiento de estos jóvenes. Estos hallazgos pueden representar las bases para el desarrollo de un programa de intervención que ayude a prevenir o a evitar la cronificación de las posibles alteraciones emocionales en niños y adolescentes. Este programa tendría el fin de facilitar una intervención terapéutica temprana para promover el fortalecimiento de los aspectos sanos de la personalidad y una reducción de la patología. Un diagnóstico precoz de la patología en la descendencia permite un abordaje en fases iniciales, lo que supone un mejor pronóstico.The children of patients with severe mental illness constitute a group at high risk of suffering from psychopathological disorders. This risk is increased by the delay of an early diagnosis. The main objective of this thesis is to study the current state and the possible risk of psychopathology in children living with a father or mother diagnosed with SMD (Severe Mental Disorder), whom is being treated at the Centre de Salut Mental de Adults of the Fundació Hospitalaria Sant Pere Claver. In this study, indirect observation is used from the perspective of mixed methods, with the aim of deepening the assessment of the health status of minors, and identifying risks and protection factors in the studied population. Based on the obtained results, the characteristics and effects of the parental disease in offspring are discussed. The results show that living with a parent with SMD has negative consequences, but it also has positive aspects linked to resilience. The balance between these positive and negative factors is fundamental in determining the healthy development of the children or the occurrence of a pathology. The psychosocial context, the biological potential of the minor, and a rapid and effective intervention in the family acquire a fundamental role in progressing in one of these two directions. Based on the data obtained, the value of early detection for orientation, diagnosis and treatment and follow-up of these young people is observed. These findings may represent the basis for the development of an intervention program that helps prevent or avoid the chronification of possible emotional disturbances in children and adolescents. This program is aimed at facilitating an early therapeutic intervention in order to promote the consolidation of the healthy aspects of the personality and a reduction of the pathology. An early diagnosis of the pathology in the offspring enables an early approach, which results in a better prognosis

    Stand structure and anatomical, physical and mechanical characterisation of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) wood from central Italy aged coppices.

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    The present paper aims to implement the knowledge on sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) in Mediterranean area where, although present, for natural or anthropogenic causes, the species is rare. The focus is on two sessile oak stands in Tuscany (central Italy), classified as worthy of protection for their importance both in a local-national and European context. In addition to the environmental and stand structural characteristics, some technological properties of sessile oak wood grown there, comparing the obtained results to the bibliographic data were provided. The examined wood characteristics are anatomical parameters (growth ring thickness, earlywood and latewood thickness, fiber length, earlywood and latewood vessel diameter, amount of earlywood and latewood vessel) and the physical and mechanical parameters (density, modulus of elasticity, strength, hardness). No appreciable technological differences issued between the examined wood in the two stands and the wood from the same species, but from other Italian and French provenances, obtained from literature. Results highlighted, although managed as coppice in the past, the material is suitable for the reforestation of this endangered species in suitable areas, always taking into account that the quality of the wood is determined not only by the basic technological properties of a certain wood, but also, and mostly, by the growing conditions of the trees and particularly by the sylvicultural management of the stand

    Genetic alterations and in vivo tumorigenicity of neurospheres derived from an adult glioblastoma

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    Pediatric brain tumors may originate from cells endowed with neural stem/precursor cell properties, growing in vitro as neurospheres. We have found that these cells can also be present in adult brain tumors and form highly infiltrating gliomas in the brain of immunodeficient mice. Neurospheres were grown from three adult brain tumors and two pediatric gliomas. Differentiation of the neurospheres from one adult glioblastoma decreased nestin expression and increased that of glial and neuronal markers. Loss of heterozygosity of 10q and 9p was present in the original glioblastoma, in the neurospheres and in tumors grown into mice, suggesting that PTEN and CDKN2A alterations are key genetic events in tumor initiating cells with neural precursor properties

    A peculiar Spanish Timber Floor, the "Revoltón": a Diagnostic Example at the "Palacio del Marqués de Benicarló"

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    The paper deals with the application of the Italian method for assessing on-site and diagnosing timber elements to a distinctive Spanish type of horizontal structure called "revolton" i.e. jack arch floor. As in Spain does not exist a specific regulation for the on-site diagnosis of timber elements, this analysis was performed according to the Italian standard UNI 11119. Due to the peculiar features of the jack arch floor some modifications were applied to the method. During spring 2012 the authors had the opportunity to carry out a pilot project by making a diagnostic analysis on a whole three stories building. The building, Marquees of Benicarlo's Palace, located in Spain in the town of Benicarlo, between Barcelona and Valencia, was erected during the second half of the XVIII century. It maintains the original internal distribution and structure, and it is characterized by precious ceramic decorations on walls and floors. All the horizontal structures studied inside the palace were jack arch floor except the roof structure that was also made of timber. The results of the project described in the paper clarify the specific problems of the horizontal structures and the roof surveyed during the fieldwork. These results are accompanied by several plans that represent the information recovered on-site and lead to a complete assessment of the structures. The plans include the grading based on wood defects, the local moisture content of wood, the superficial and inner decay due to insects and rot and the deformation of the joists. In this way it was possible to locate the areas of the palace where more problems were concentrated, and better understand the causes and origin of the damages.Diodato, M.; Macchioni, N.; Brunetti, M.; Pizzo, B.; Nocetti, M.; Burato, P.; Sozzi, L.... (2013). A peculiar Spanish Timber Floor, the "Revoltón": a Diagnostic Example at the "Palacio del Marqués de Benicarló". Advanced Materials Research. 778:1064-1071. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.778.1064S10641071778E. Cubero, El lujo señorial de lo sencillo (The noble luxury of simplicity), Revistart: Revista de las artes, 125 (2007) pp.8-10.C. Colón de Carvajal y Fibla, La casa-palacio de los Marqueses de Benicarló (The Marquees of Benicarló's Palace), Numen. Revista de excelencia, (2011) on-line.La casa de los Marqueses de Benicarló nos abre sus puertas (The Marquees of Benicarló's House opens its doors), MasQrural, 21 (2008) pp.85-94.M. Diodato, Variaciones constructivas y formales en forjados y cubiertas (Constructive and formal variations in floors and roofs), in: F. Vegas, C. Mileto, Valencia. Centro histórico. Ocho siglos de arquitectura residencial (Historic centre. Eight Centuries of residential architecture), Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, (2013).N. Macchioni, Inspection techniques for ancient wooden structures, in: P. Roca, J.L. Gonzalez, E. Onate, P.B. Lourenco (Eds. ), Structural analysis of historical constructions II: possibilities of numerical and experimental techniques, CIMNE, Barcelona, 1998, pp.149-162.N. Macchioni, M. Piazza, Italian standardization activity in the field of diagnosis and restoration of ancient timber structures, in: F.M. Mazzolani (Ed. ), Protection of historical buildings - PROHITECH 09, vol. 1-2, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2009, pp.349-353.G. Lear, B. Kasal, R. Anthony, Resistance drilling, in: B. Kasal, T. Tannert (Eds. ), In situ assessment of structural timber, State of the art report of the RILEM TC 215-AST, Springer.N. Macchioni, M. Brunetti, B. Pizzo, P. Burato, M. Nocetti, S. Palanti, The timber structures in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: Typologies and diagnosis, Journal of cultural heritage, Vol. 13 Issue 4 Supplement S (2012) pp. E42-E53

    Understanding Spanish Timber Jack Arch Floors: Examples of Assessment and Conservation Issues

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    [EN] Jack arch floors are structures made of timber joists, with round or squared section, and segmental vaults either made of flat tiles or poured plaster conglomerate. They are especially diffused along the Mediterranean coast of Spain and can be considered as a main feature of the historical and vernacular architecture of the area. In order to assess and grade these structures several Spanish standards have been considered; however, even if the information contained is useful the Italian standard for the on-site diagnosis UNI 11119 of 2004 has been preferred. The method described in this standard leads the assessment through the grading of each and every timber element and the assignation of bearing properties that are essential for the consolidation project. This article will expose three examples of jack arch floors of the Valencian Community graded using the Italian standard and the conservation issues that arise from the results.Diodato, M.; Macchioni, N.; Brunetti, M.; Pizzo, B.; Nocetti, M.; Burato, P.; Sozzi, L.... (2015). Understanding Spanish Timber Jack Arch Floors: Examples of Assessment and Conservation Issues. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 9(6):641-654. https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2015.104119364165496Diodato, M., Macchioni, N., Brunetti, M., Pizzo, B., Nocetti, M., Burato, P., … Mileto, C. (2013). A Peculiar Spanish Timber Floor, the «Revoltón»: A Diagnostic Example at the «Palacio del Marqués de Benicarló». Advanced Materials Research, 778, 1064-1071. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.778.1064Lear, G., Kasal, B., & Anthony, R. (2010). Resistance Drilling. RILEM State of the Art Reports, 51-57. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0560-9_5Macchioni, N., Brunetti, M., Pizzo, B., Burato, P., Nocetti, M., & Palanti, S. (2012). The timber structures in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: Typologies and diagnosis. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 13(4), e42-e53. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2012.10.004Riggio, M., Anthony, R. W., Augelli, F., Kasal, B., Lechner, T., Muller, W., & Tannert, T. (2013). In situ assessment of structural timber using non-destructive techniques. Materials and Structures, 47(5), 749-766. doi:10.1617/s11527-013-0093-6Tannert, T., Anthony, R. W., Kasal, B., Kloiber, M., Piazza, M., Riggio, M., … Yamaguchi, N. (2013). In situ assessment of structural timber using semi-destructive techniques. Materials and Structures, 47(5), 767-785. doi:10.1617/s11527-013-0094-5Vegas, F. (2013). Parameterisation of Gypsum Mortar for Alternative Structural Consolidation of Traditional Floors. Advances in Materials, 2(4), 48. doi:10.11648/j.am.20130204.1

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Estudio psicopatológico de los hijos de pacientes con Trastorno Mental Severo

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    Els fills de pacients amb malalties psiquiàtriques greus constitueixen un grup d'alt risc de patir algun trastorn psicopatològic. Aquest risc es veu incrementat per la demora en la realització d'un diagnòstic precoç. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és estudiar l'estat actual i el possible risc de patir psicopatologia per part dels fills menors d'edat que conviuen amb un pare o una mare diagnosticat de TMS (Trastorn Mental Sever), pel qual es visita al Centre de Salut Mental de Adults de la Fundació Hospitalària Sant Pere Claver. En aquest estudi s'utilitza l'observació indirecta des de la perspectiva dels mixed methods, amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en l'avaluació de l'estat de salut dels menors, i identificar factors de risc i de protecció en la població estudiada. Partint dels resultats obtinguts es discuteixen les característiques i els efectes de la malaltia parental en la descendència. Els resultats mostren que conviure amb un progenitor amb TMS té conseqüències negatives, però també comporta aspectes positius vinculats a la resiliència. L'equilibri entre aquests factors positius i negatius és fonamental en el desenvolupament dels fills o en que a aquests se'ls manifesti la patologia. Per al progrés en una d'aquestes dues direccions, adquireixen un paper fonamental el context psicosocial, el potencial biològic del menor, i una intervenció ràpida i eficaç en la família. A partir de les dades obtingudes s'observa el valor de la detecció precoç per a l'orientació, el diagnòstic i el tractament i el seguiment d'aquests joves. Aquests descobriments poden representar les bases per al desenvolupament d'un programa d'intervenció que ajudi a prevenir o a evitar la cronificació de les possibles alteracions emocionals en nens i adolescents. Aquest programa tendria com a objectiu facilitar una intervenció terapèutica primerenca per promoure l'enfortiment dels aspectes sans de la personalitat i una reducció de la patologia. Un diagnòstic precoç de la patologia en la descendència permet un abordatge en fases inicials, el que suposa un millor pronòstic.Los hijos de pacientes con enfermedades psiquiátricas graves constituyen un grupo de alto riesgo de padecer algún trastorno psicopatológico. Este riesgo se ve incrementado por la demora en la realización de un diagnóstico precoz. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar el estado actual y el posible riesgo de sufrir psicopatología de los hijos menores de edad que conviven con un padre o una madre diagnosticados de TMS (Trastorno Mental Severo), por el cual se visita en el Centre de Salut Mental de Adults de la Fundació Hospitalaria Sant Pere Claver. En este estudio se utiliza la observación indirecta desde la perspectiva de los mixed methods, con el objetivo de profundizar en la evaluación del estado de salud de los menores, e identificar factores de riesgo y de protección en la población estudiada. Partiendo de los resultados obtenidos se discuten las características y los efectos de la enfermedad parental en la descendencia. Los resultados muestran que convivir con un progenitor con TMS tiene consecuencias negativas, pero también conlleva aspectos positivos vinculados a la resiliencia. El equilibrio entre estos factores positivos y negativos es fundamental en el desarrollo sano de los hijos o en que a éstos se les manifieste patología. Para el progreso en una de estas dos direcciones, adquieren un rol fundamental el contexto psicosocial, el potencial biológico del menor, y una intervención rápida y eficaz en la familia. A partir de los datos obtenidos se observa el valor de la detección precoz para la orientación, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento y el seguimiento de estos jóvenes. Estos hallazgos pueden representar las bases para el desarrollo de un programa de intervención que ayude a prevenir o a evitar la cronificación de las posibles alteraciones emocionales en niños y adolescentes. Este programa tendría el fin de facilitar una intervención terapéutica temprana para promover el fortalecimiento de los aspectos sanos de la personalidad y una reducción de la patología. Un diagnóstico precoz de la patología en la descendencia permite un abordaje en fases iniciales, lo que supone un mejor pronóstico.The children of patients with severe mental illness constitute a group at high risk of suffering from psychopathological disorders. This risk is increased by the delay of an early diagnosis. The main objective of this thesis is to study the current state and the possible risk of psychopathology in children living with a father or mother diagnosed with SMD (Severe Mental Disorder), whom is being treated at the Centre de Salut Mental de Adults of the Fundació Hospitalaria Sant Pere Claver. In this study, indirect observation is used from the perspective of mixed methods, with the aim of deepening the assessment of the health status of minors, and identifying risks and protection factors in the studied population. Based on the obtained results, the characteristics and effects of the parental disease in offspring are discussed. The results show that living with a parent with SMD has negative consequences, but it also has positive aspects linked to resilience. The balance between these positive and negative factors is fundamental in determining the healthy development of the children or the occurrence of a pathology. The psychosocial context, the biological potential of the minor, and a rapid and effective intervention in the family acquire a fundamental role in progressing in one of these two directions. Based on the data obtained, the value of early detection for orientation, diagnosis and treatment and follow-up of these young people is observed. These findings may represent the basis for the development of an intervention program that helps prevent or avoid the chronification of possible emotional disturbances in children and adolescents. This program is aimed at facilitating an early therapeutic intervention in order to promote the consolidation of the healthy aspects of the personality and a reduction of the pathology. An early diagnosis of the pathology in the offspring enables an early approach, which results in a better prognosis

    The Relationship between Carving Work and Timber Features: a Database for the Italian Wooden Statuary

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    Abstract: Wood has a wide range of applications in the artistic field, most of the time used as a support for works of art, for example, in panel paintings. Compared with stones and metals, wood is by far the material most utilised for sculptures. Through the identification of wood species, a study of timbers used in statuary in Europe, with a deeper exploration of the works of art preserved in Italy, can provide further insights for historical–artistic studies. Indeed, in reality, generic wood does not exist, but there are different timbers. This is a notion that the wood fine carving artists/craftsmen knew well. The initial idea of this study was to verify whether timber features could influence the formal results in figurative carving; therefore, a specific database that had been developed to catalogue the carving works was used for which the identification of wood species was carried out through reliable methodologies. The aim of this research was to analyse the relationship between the timber species used in statuary, the formal results of carving, and the thickness of the preparatory layer, through the data stored in a specific database, called ArISStArt. It contains a sort of registry of artistic carving and inlay works: For each artefact, a record was compiled consisting of different fields, which contains the historical–artistic information available, including the images of the artefact and also types of timber/s used for its creation, with a link to the relative field. The number of the recorded artefacts is, at present, 480. On most of the artefacts, more than one sample was taken; therefore, the total number of identifications carried out corresponds to 691. Based on the results, the vast majority of wooden statuary is carved from hardwoods, more specifically hardwoods, with diffuse porosity and small variations in density within the growth ring. The timber most present is poplar, followed by lime and walnut. With the listed three timbers, almost 80% of the artefacts recorded in ArISStArt were created

    The Relationship between Carving Work and Timber Features: A Database for the Italian Wooden Statuary

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    Wood has a wide range of applications in the artistic field, most of the time used as a support for works of art, for example, in panel paintings. Compared with stones and metals, wood is by far the material most utilised for sculptures. Through the identification of wood species, a study of timbers used in statuary in Europe, with a deeper exploration of the works of art preserved in Italy, can provide further insights for historical–artistic studies. Indeed, in reality, generic wood does not exist, but there are different timbers. This is a notion that the wood fine carving artists/craftsmen knew well. The initial idea of this study was to verify whether timber features could influence the formal results in figurative carving; therefore, a specific database that had been developed to catalogue the carving works was used for which the identification of wood species was carried out through reliable methodologies. The aim of this research was to analyse the relationship between the timber species used in statuary, the formal results of carving, and the thickness of the preparatory layer, through the data stored in a specific database, called ArISStArt. It contains a sort of registry of artistic carving and inlay works: For each artefact, a record was compiled consisting of different fields, which contains the historical–artistic information available, including the images of the artefact and also types of timber/s used for its creation, with a link to the relative field. The number of the recorded artefacts is, at present, 480. On most of the artefacts, more than one sample was taken; therefore, the total number of identifications carried out corresponds to 691. Based on the results, the vast majority of wooden statuary is carved from hardwoods, more specifically hardwoods, with diffuse porosity and small variations in density within the growth ring. The timber most present is poplar, followed by lime and walnut. With the listed three timbers, almost 80% of the artefacts recorded in ArISStArt were created

    Colorant and antioxidant properties of freeze-dried extracts from wild berries: use of ultrasound-assisted extraction method and drivers of liking of colored yogurts

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    This work aimed at developing powders rich in antioxidants and pigments from two wild berries: maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) and murra (Rubus ulmifolius). Fruits were subjected to successive ultrasound-assisted extractions (UAE) and then freeze-dried. Physical properties, anthocyanin stability of powders, and their performance as natural colorants in yogurts were evaluated. The optimum extraction methods were: UAE for 10 min in murra, and without UAE (control) in maqui, with juice extraction yields ranging between 80 and 82%. Maqui powder exhibited ≈ 2.8 times more polyphenol and anthocyanin content than murra. However, murra powder showed better stability characteristics as powder colorant since it exhibited greater protection of anthocyanins by means of copigmentation phenomena. Regarding consumer's perception of colored yogurt, samples with 4% and 8% maqui powder could be considered as future prototypes to be launched into the market. The obtained powders may be used in different industrial food applications.Fil: Gomez Mattson, Milagros Lucia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Sozzi, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Corfield, Rocío. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Industrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos y Procesos Químicos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos y Procesos Químicos; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Industrias; ArgentinaFil: Gagneten, Maite. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Industrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos y Procesos Químicos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos y Procesos Químicos; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Industrias; ArgentinaFil: Franceschinis, Lorena Edith. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Schebor, Carolina Claudia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Industrias. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos y Procesos Químicos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos y Procesos Químicos; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Industrias; ArgentinaFil: Salvatori, Daniela Marisol. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Ingeniería Química; Argentin