81 research outputs found

    An Unsupervised Channel Selection Method for SSVEP-based Brain Computer Interfaces

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide an alternative communication channel for people with motor deficits that prevent normal communication. The underlying premise of a BCI is that a neuroimaging process such as electroencephalography (EEG) can be used to measure the user’s brain activity as signals. The obtained signals are analyzed to determine the user’s intended actions and a computer system can be used to replace voluntary muscle activity as a means of communication. The information transfer rate (ITR) of an algorithm used for determining the user’s intentions greatly affects the perceived practicality of the BCI system. Such algorithms are divided into two main categories, supervised and unsupervised. While the former achieves higher ITR, the latter is most useful when the user is unable to be involved in the calibration process of the BCI system. In our paper, we introduce an unsupervised algorithm for steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based BCIs. Our algorithm works in three steps: (i) it selects multiple sets of electroencephalogram channels, then (ii) applies a feature extraction method to each one of these channel sets. As its final step, (iii) it combines the extracted features from these channel sets by performing a majority vote, yielding a classification. We evaluate the ITR attained using our proposed method on a dataset of 35 subjects using three different feature extraction methods. We then compare these results to existing methods in the literature that use a single channel set without a majority vote. The proposed method indicates an improvement for at least 7 subjects


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    Medication Error merupakan kejadian yang menyebabkan atau berakibat pada pelayanan kesehatan yang tidak tepat atau membahayakan pasien yang sebenarnya dapat dihindari. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pengamatan terhadap evaluasi kelengkapan administrasi yang meiputi nama pasien, nomor rekam medis pasien, umur pasien, jenis kelamin pasien, berat badan pasien, tinggi badan pasien, nama dokter, No.SIP dkter, alamat dokter, paraf dokter dan tanggal resep. Sedangkan pada evaluasi kelengkapan farmasetik meliputi nama obat, bentuk obat, kekuatan sediaan, jumlah obat dan aturan pakai (signa). Tujuan untuk mengetahui kelengkapan resep di Puskesmas rawat Inap Kampung Laut Tanjung Jabung Timur Tahun 2020 sesuai dengan Petunjuk Teknis Standar Kefarmasian di Puskesmas Tahun 2019. Metode penelitian observasi dengan menggunakan pengumpulan data secara deskriptif retrospektif dengan jumlah resep yang diamati sebanyak 362 resep rawat jalan di puskesmas kampung rawat inap kampung laut tanjung jabung timur. Hasil  dari hasil penelitian yang di dapat  masih terdapat  beberapa resep yang belum sesuai dengan literatur dan beberapa resep yang sudah sesuai dengan Petunjuk Teknis Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas Tahun 2019 diantaranya aspek administrasi meliputi nama pasien 100%, Paraf 100%, dan tanggal resep 100%. Aspek farmasetik meliputi nama obat 100%, jumlah obat 100% dan aturan pakai 100%. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian kelengkapan resep di Puskesmas Kampung Laut Tanjung Jabung Timur masih ditemukan ketidak lengkapan dalam penulisan resep dalam aspek Administrasi hanya 39,09% dan Farmasetik 68,8% pada bulan Januari-Desember 2020 berdasarkan Petunjuk Teknis Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesma

    Anchor-Assisted and Vote-Based Trustworthiness Assurance in Smart City Crowdsensing

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    Smart city sensing calls for crowdsensing via mobile devices that are equipped with various built-in sensors. As incentivizing users to participate in distributed sensing is still an open research issue, the trustworthiness of crowdsensed data is expected to be a grand challenge if this cloud-inspired recruitment of sensing services is to be adopted. Recent research proposes reputation-based user recruitment models for crowdsensing; however, there is no standard way of identifying adversaries in smart city crowdsensing. This paper adopts previously proposed vote-based approaches, and presents a thorough performance study of vote-based trustworthiness with trusted entities that are basically a subset of the participating smartphone users. Those entities are called trustworthy anchors of the crowdsensing system. Thus, an anchor user is fully trustworthy and is fully capable of voting for the trustworthiness of other users, who participate in sensing of the same set of phenomena. Besides the anchors, the reputations of regular users are determined based on vote-based (distributed) reputation. We present a detailed performance study of the anchor-based trustworthiness assurance in smart city crowdsensing through simulations, and compare it with the purely vote-based trustworthiness approach without anchors, and a reputation-unaware crowdsensing approach, where user reputations are discarded. Through simulation findings, we aim at providing specifications regarding the impact of anchor and adversary populations on crowdsensing and user utilities under various environmental settings. We show that significant improvement can be achieved in terms of usefulness and trustworthiness of the crowdsensed data if the size of the anchor population is set properl

    Quantifying User Reputation Scores, Data Trustworthiness, and User Incentives in Mobile Crowd-Sensing

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    Ubiquity of mobile devices with rich sensory capabilities has given rise to the mobile crowd-sensing (MCS) concept, in which a central authority (the platform) and its participants (mobile users) work collaboratively to acquire sensory data over a wide geographic area. Recent research in MCS highlights the following facts: 1) a utility metric can be defined for both the platform and the users, quantifying the value received by either side; 2) incentivizing the users to participate is a non-trivial challenge; 3) correctness and truthfulness of the acquired data must be verified, because the users might provide incorrect or inaccurate data, whether due to malicious intent or malfunctioning devices; and 4) an intricate relationship exists among platform utility, user utility, user reputation, and data trustworthiness, suggesting a co-quantification of these inter-related metrics. In this paper, we study two existing approaches that quantify crowd-sensed data trustworthiness, based on statistical and vote-based user reputation scores. We introduce a new metric - collaborative reputation scores - to expand this definition. Our simulation results show that collaborative reputation scores can provide an effective alternative to the previously proposed metrics and are able to extend crowd sensing to applications that are driven by a centralized as well as decentralized control

    Sintesis dan Uji Aktivitas Senyawa Dibutil Timah (IV) Bis-Metil Ditiokarbamat Pada Bakteri Salmonella Typhi dan Escherichia Coli

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    The majority of bacterial infection therapy uses antibiotics which result in resistance and dangerous side effects. If the wrong method is used, it is necessary to develop antibiotics from new compounds that are effective against bacteria and are able to avoid the occurrence of antibiotic resistance by using organotin and dithiocarbamate compounds. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of dibutyl tin (IV) bis-methyl dithiocarbamate on Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli bacteria. This compound was synthesized by an in situ technique by adding methanol to methyl amine + carbon disulfide + metal dibutyl tin (IV) dichloride which was identified using 13C NMR, FTIR and 1H NMR. Then, the antibacterial activity was tested using the paper disc diffusion technique with concentrations of 50 ppm, 70 ppm and 90 ppm using NA (Nutrient Agar) media. The results of this study obtained results in the form of a synthetic powder of 1.28 g with a compound percentage of 25%. The results of the antibacterial activity test with a concentration of 90 ppm resulted in the largest inhibition zone with a very strong category at 27.33 mm Salmonella typhi and 26.48 mm Escherichia coli. The compounds in this research have been successfully synthesized and form an overview of the structure of complex compounds and have very strong antibacterial agent activity.Terapi infeksi bakteri mayoritas menggunakan antibiotik yang mengakibatkan resistensi dan efek samping yang berbahaya. Jika salah dalam cara penggunaannya, maka diperlukan pengembangan antibiotik dari senyawa baru yang efektif melawan bakteri serta mampu menghindari terjadinya resistensi antibiotik dengan menggunakan senyawa organotimah dan ditiokarbamat. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri senyawa dibutil timah (IV) bis-metil ditiokarbamat pada bakteri Salmonella typhi dan Escherichia coli. Senyawa ini disintesis dengan teknik in situ yaitu menambahkan metanol ke dalam metil amina + karbon disulfida + logam dibutil timah (IV) diklorida yang diidentifikasi menggunakan 13C NMR, FTIR dan 1H NMR. Kemudian, dilakukan uji aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan teknik difusi kertas cakram yang konsentrasinya sebesar 50 ppm, 70 ppm dan 90 ppm dengan menggunakan media NA (Nutrient Agar). Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil berupa serbuk sintesis sebesar 1,28 g dengan persentase senyawa sebesar 25%. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antibakteri dengan konsentrasi 90 ppm menghasilkan zona hambat paling besar dengan kategori sangat kuat pada Salmonella typhi 27,33 mm dan Escherichia coli 26,48 mm. Senyawa dalam peneliti ini berhasil  disintesis dan membentuk gambaran struktur senyawa kompleks serta memiliki aktivitas agen antibakteri yang kategorinya sangat kuat

    Formulasi Lotion Dari Ekstrak Buah Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa)

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    Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa) adalah salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang dapat diolah  sebagai makanan, bisa juga dimakan secara langsung, dibuat menjadi selai, dibuat menjadi minuman juga bisa. Stroberi merupakan buah yang berpontensi dengan kandungan fitokimia yang tinggi, seperti asam ellagik, katekin, kuarsetin, kaempferol, dan antosianin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara formulasi ekstrak stroberi menjadi lotion dan apakah perbedaan konsentrasi mempengaruhi. Buah stroberi diekstraksikan dengan cara buah segar diblender dan dimaserasi menggunakan etanol 96% hasil ekstrak kemudian dikentalkan menggunakan rotary vaccum evaporator. Konsentrasi yang digunakan adalah 1% 2% 3%. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu ekstrak buah stroberi dapat diformulasikan kedalam sediaan lotion.   Kata kunci: Buah Stroberi (Fragaria x annanassa), Lotion

    Game-Theoretic Recruitment of Sensing Service Providers for Trustworthy Cloud-Centric Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications

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    Widespread use of connected smart devices that are equipped with various built-in sensors has introduced the mobile crowdsensing concept to the IoT-driven information and communication applications. Mobile crowdsensing requires implicit collaboration between the crowdsourcer/recruiter platforms and users. Additionally, users need to be incentivized by the crowdsensing platform because each party aims to maximize their utility. Due to the participatory nature of data collection, trustworthiness and truthfulness pose a grand challenge in crowdsensing systems in the presence of malicious users, who either aim to manipulate sensed data or collaborate unfaithfully with the motivation of maximizing their income. In this paper, we propose a game-theoretic approach for trustworthiness-driven user recruitment in mobile crowdsensing systems that consists of three phases: i) user recruitment, ii) collaborative decision making on trust scores, and iii) badge rewarding. Our proposed framework incentivizes the users through a sub-game perfect equilibrium (SPE) and gamification techniques. Through simulations, we show that the platform utility can be improved by up to the order of 50\% while the average user utility can be increased by at least 15\% when compared to fully-distributed and user-centric trustworthy crowdsensing

    Medications and addictive substances potentially inducing or attenuating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism

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    Bruxism is a repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterised by clenching or grinding of the teeth and/or by bracing or thrusting of the mandible. It can occur during sleep, indicated as sleep bruxism, or during wakefulness, indicated as awake bruxism. Exogenous risk indicators of sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism are, among others, medications and addictive substances, whereas also several medications seem to have the potential to attenuate sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism. The objective of this study was to present a narrative literature on medications and addictive substances potentially inducing or aggravating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism and on medications potentially attenuating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism. Literature reviews reporting evidence or indications for sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism as an adverse effect of several (classes of) medications as well as some addictive substances and literature reviews on medications potentially attenuating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism were used as starting point and guidelines to describe the topics mentioned. Additionally, two literature searches were established on PubMed. Three types of bruxism were distinguished: sleep bruxism, awake bruxism and non-specified bruxism. Generally, there are insufficient evidence-based data to draw definite conclusions concerning medications and addictive substances inducing or aggravating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism as well as concerning medications attenuating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism. There are insufficient evidence-based data to draw definite conclusions concerning medications and addictive substances inducing or aggravating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism as well as concerning medications attenuating sleep bruxism and/or awake bruxism.Peer reviewe
