6,498 research outputs found

    Regional and demographic determinants of poverty in Brazil

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    The paper identifies the role of regional and demographic determinants of poverty in Brazil. We first estimate the probability of a household being classified as poor or indigent. We then apply decomposition techniques to identify the role of demographic variables (family size, parent’s education, etc.) and of regional variables in explaining those probabilities. We found out that parent’s education is the most important determinant, but regional aspects also play a role in determining poverty across states in Brazil.

    Newborn skin reflection: Proof of concept for a new approach for predicting gestational age at birth. A cross-sectional study

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    Current methods to assess the gestational age during prenatal care or at birth are a global challenge. Disadvantages, such as low accessibility, high costs, and imprecision of clinical tests and ultrasonography measurements, may compromise health decisions at birth, based on the gestational age. Newborns organs and tissues can indirectly indicate their physical maturity, and we hypothesized that evolutionary changes in their skin, detected using an optoelectronic device meter, may aid in estimating the gestational age. This study analyzed the feasibility of using newborn skin reflectance to estimate the gestational age at birth noninvasively. A cross-sectional study evaluated the skin reflectance of selected infants, preferably premature, at birth. The first-trimester ultrasound was the reference for gestational age. A prototype of a new noninvasive optoelectronic device measured the backscattering of light from the skin, using a light emitting diode at wavelengths of 470 nm, 575 nm, and 630 nm. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis models were employed to predict gestational age, combining skin reflectance with clinical variables for gestational age estimation. The gestational age at birth of 115 newborns from 24.1 to 41.8 weeks of gestation correlated with the light at 630 nm wavelength reflectance 3.3 mm/6.5 mm ratio distant of the sensor, at the forearm and sole . The best-combined variables to predict the gold standard gestational age at birth was the skin reflectance at wavelengths of 630 nm and 470 nm in combination with birth weight, phototherapy, and adjusted to include incubator stay, and sex. The main limitation of the study is that it was very specific to the premature population we studied and needs to be studied in a broader spectrum of newborns

    Three essays on the economics of energy efficiency and conservation

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    In this dissertation, I analyze investment decisions and consumer behavior related to energy efficiency and conservation. This research is motivated by evidence that the benefits from energy savings can extend well beyond private monetary gains to consumers. By providing insight on these topics, I contribute to a broad literature on environmental economics. This dissertation is constituted of three chapters as follows. For the first chapter, I introduce a methodological contribution for statistical evaluation of the impact of policy changes, interventions, or general "treatments." Specifically, I focus on estimating treatment effect heterogeneity in event studies with staggered adoption: panel data settings where observational units experience treatment at different points in time. I propose using highly flexible machine learning algorithms to predict counterfactuals (unobserved outcomes in absence of treatment) in those settings. With simulations, I show that my proposed method can recover nuanced effects with more accuracy and with better statistical efficiency than traditional econometric models (such as fixed effects regressions). I conclude that chapter with an application of the ML approach to real data from the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), which is one of the largest residential energy efficiency programs in the US. I identify how energy savings differ substantially depending on housing structure and on which types of upgrades were performed. For example, I document how complete furnace replacements are associated with significantly higher savings than furnace repairs. Also, I show that measures related to wall, attic, and foundation insulation are among the strongest contributors to energy savings. Finally, I assess measure-specific cost-effectiveness. Those results are informative for efforts to improve the allocation of program funds. The second chapter of this dissertation consists of a randomized control trial (RCT) to assess if behavioral nudges can promote energy conservation in absence of direct monetary incentives. The RCT was conducted in a campus residence hall with students that payed a fixed fee for energy at the beginning of each term. In that setting, behavioral factors such as social norms and moral suasion are the main incentives for conservation, since the marginal monetary costs/savings for energy are zero. The RCT consisted of sending "home energy reports" to randomly selected students, revealing their heating/cooling energy consumption. The energy usage of their neighbors was also displayed. Results from analyzing high-frequency thermostat data suggest that those reports were not effective for changing students’ consumption patterns during the regular semester. On the other hand, nudges sent prior to school breaks resulted in significantly lower thermostats (thus lower energy consumption). That second finding suggests that the null effects during the regular semester are unlikely to be driven by students’ inattention or by lack of understanding on how to operate thermostats. Rather, students were more willing to lower setpoints before leaving for breaks, given that they would not be facing associated thermal discomfort in that case. Collectively, those results suggest that behavioral nudges alone may not be sufficient to promote energy conservation in settings were monetary incentives are lacking. For the last chapter of this dissertation, I investigate how and why rented dwellings are less likely to have energy efficient appliances. I use data from a representative sample of residences across the continental US. I document that, on average, dwellings are more efficient when landlords are responsible for paying energy bills, and in states with high energy prices. Those results are consistent with a well-documented problem of split incentives in residential markets: the "landlord-tenant problem." When tenants pay utility bills, landlords may have little incentive to invest in efficiency, especially if those investments do not translate into higher rents. That could happen due to information asymmetries that limit prospective tenants' abilities to fully compare rental units across the market. By analyzing the effects of tenancy duration on the adoption of efficient technologies, I find evidence that investments in owner-occupied homes are more likely to occur closer to move-in dates. On the other hand, investments in rented homes are more likely to occur at later periods of tenancy, when relations between landlords and tenants might be better established. Those results are suggestive of a sorting process in residential markets, where homeowners have a stronger preference for energy-efficient dwellings and may have smaller discount rates. Findings from this chapter reinforce that energy efficiency policies in rental markets should differ from those targeted at homeowners


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    A identificação de competências relevantes para a realização do diagnóstico de necessidades de capacitação de servidores públicos é fundamental para melhoria dos serviços prestados ao cidadão. O governo brasileiro estabeleceu políticas e legislações para o estabelecimento de formas de desenvolvimento do servidor por meio de ações de capacitação. Este trabalho mostra resultados de uma pesquisa que identificou competências profissionais relevantes para os servidores técnico-administrativos e gestores que atuam nas unidades das Diretorias de Administração e Planejamento do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará (IFPA). A pesquisa realizada caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa aplicada, descritiva e exploratória. Com a realização desta pesquisa buscou-se mensurar o grau de necessidade de capacitação por meio da aplicação de questionários estruturados a 91 servidores técnico-administrativos de 12 campi e Reitoria do IFPA. Foram destacadas as competências mais relevantes para a área administrativa. Conclui-se que existem competências relevantes para a área administrativa da instituição e os resultados mostraram quais as maiores necessidades de capacitação na percepção dos servidores pesquisados

    Why extended visits in an adult ICU receive a more positive evaluation from patient relatives than from the health care team?

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    Intensive care units (ICUs) have adopted flexible visitation models as a way to favor care focused on the needs of patients and their families. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate an extended visitation model in an adult ICU from the perspective of family members and the health care team. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. This study was carried out with relatives of patients and with the health care team in a general ICU with an extended visitation model, in a hospital in the south of Brazil. The evaluation of the extended visitation policy was carried out using a 22-question survey. RESULTS: The answers of 95 accompanying family members and 95 members of the ICU care team were analyzed. Members of the nursing staff evaluated the changes in attitudes at work as negative (77.9%) , believe that the work gests interrupted (46.3%), and consider that it contributes little to decreasing anxiety and stress in the family. The accompanying family members evaluated the following elements more positively: decreased anxiety and stress in the family (91.6% versus 58.9%;p <0.01); family members get more information (86.3% versus 64.2%; p <0.01). CONCLUSION: Both groups evaluated as positive the majority of the aspects of the extended visitation model. However, the aspects that presented the greatest divergence in the evaluations, with a more negative perception from ICU health care team members, were the interference in their work, changes in attitudes at work, a lower perception of the reduction in anxiety and stress in the family and patients, and discomfort caused by the presence of a relative

    Desenvolvimento socioeconômico nos municípios catarinenses: o que mostram os indicadores?

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    This article analyzes the evolution of socioeconomic development in the municipalities of the state of Santa Catarina between the years 2005 and 2016. For the study of 295 municipalities, the Firjan Municipal Development Index (IFDM) was adopted and as a methodological parameter the “Report on Desarrollo Humano”, published in Mexico in 2002 that classifies municipalities as: i) tending to growth; ii) tending to development; iii) vicious circle; and iv) virtuous circle. For this, two approaches were used: i) Intrastate: IFDM of the municipalities of Santa Catarina in relation to the state average; and ii) Interstate: IFDM of Santa Catarina's municipalities in relation to the Brazilian average. The results show a better condition for the development of Santa Catarina's municipalities when analyzed from the perspective of the national average, as opposed to when compared to the state average, where inequalities are more evident, with a larger contingent of municipalities in the condition of underdevelopment.Este artículo analiza la evolución del desarrollo socioeconómico de los municipios del estado de Santa Catarina entre 2005 y 2016. Para el estudio de los 295 municipios, se adoptó el Índice de Desarrollo Municipal de Firjan (IFDM) y como parámetro metodológico el “Informe de Desarrollo Humano”, publicado en México en 2002, que clasifica a los municipios en: i) tendencia al crecimiento; ii) tender al desarrollo; iii) círculo vicioso; y iv) círculo virtuoso. Para ello, se utilizaron dos enfoques: i) Intraestatal: IFDM de los municipios de Santa Catarina en relación a la media estadual; y ii) Interestatal: IFDM de los municipios de Santa Catarina en relación al promedio brasileño. Los resultados muestran una mejor condición de desarrollo de los municipios de Santa Catarina cuando se analizan desde la perspectiva de la media nacional, a diferencia de la comparación con la media estatal, en la que las desigualdades son más evidentes, con un mayor contingente de municipios en condición de subdesarrollo.Este artigo analisa a evolução do desenvolvimento socioeconômico dos municípios do estado de Santa Catarina entre os anos de 2005 e 2016. Para o estudo dos 295 municípios, adotou-se o Índice Firjan de Desenvolvimento Municipal (IFDM) e como parâmetro metodológico o “Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano”, publicado no México em 2002 que classifica os municípios em: i) tendendo ao crescimento; ii) tendendo ao desenvolvimento; iii) círculo vicioso; e iv) círculo virtuoso. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas abordagens: i) Intraestadual: IFDM dos municípios de Santa Catarina em relação à média do estado; e ii) Interestadual: IFDM dos municípios catarinenses em relação à média brasileira. Os resultados mostram uma condição melhor de desenvolvimento dos municípios catarinenses quando analisados pela ótica da média nacional, ao contrário de quando comparados com a média estadual, em que as desigualdades são mais evidentes, com um contingente maior de municípios na condição de subdesenvolvimento

    La tercerización y el "desmonte" del empleo estable en hospitales

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    OBJECTIVE To relate hospitals' organizational structure as the core of a web of outsourced services and flexible employment bonds among healthcare professionals in the context of finance capitalism, analyzing work arrangements based mainly on the type of employment bond. METHOD Qualitative research through ethnography, interviews, data analysis, and case studies. The case studies were concentrated in 3 hospitals located in the São Paulo metropolitan region under different management types: public administration; outsourced administration via a healthcare social organization (HSO); and private administration. RESULTS This study highlights a trend in outsourcing, dismantling of steady jobs, and shaping working relations asymmetrically in terms of healthcare professions. CONCLUSION These aspects are characteristic of contemporary capitalism and post-Fordist work organization. In this context, the state under sponsorship cripples the very existence of an effective human resources policy, creating a favorable environment for outsourcing and flexibility of employment bonds among healthcare workers.OBJETIVO Relacionar la estructura organizativa de los hospitales como núcleo de una red de servicios subcontratados y la flexibilización de vínculos contractuales de los profesionales sanitarios en el marco del capitalismo financierizado, analizando los regímenes laborales condicionados centralmente por el vínculo de empleo. MÉTODO Investigación cualitativa mediante etnografía, realización de entrevistas, análisis de datos y utilización de estudio de caso. Los estudios de caso se concentran en tres hospitales ubicados en la Región Metropolitana de São Paulo con gestiones distintas: administración pública; administración tercerizada para Organización Social de Salud (OSS); y administración privada. RESULTADOS Destacamos la tendencia de la tercerización, del desmonte del empleo estable y la conformación de relaciones laborales asimétricas para las profesiones sanitarias. CONCLUSIÓN Dichos aspectos son característicos del período del capitalismo contemporáneo y la organización post-fordista del trabajo. En ese marco, la subfinanciación del Estado inviabiliza una política de recursos humanos efectiva, configurando el ambiente propicio para las tercerizaciones y la flexibilidad del vínculo de empleo para los trabajadores de la salud.OBJETIVO Relacionar a estrutura organizativa dos hospitais como núcleo de uma rede de serviços subcontratados e a flexibilização dos vínculos contratuais dos profissionais de saúde no contexto de capitalismo financeirizado, analisando os regimes de trabalho condicionados centralmente pelo vínculo empregatício. MÉTODO Pesquisa qualitativa através de etnografia, realização de entrevistas, análise de dados e utilização de estudo de caso. Os estudos de caso concentram-se em três hospitais localizados Região Metropolitana de São Paulo com gestões distintas: administração pública; administração terceirizada para Organização Social de Saúde (OSS); e administração privada. RESULTADOS Destacamos a tendência da terceirização, do desmonte do emprego estável e a conformação de relações trabalhistas assimétricas para as profissões em saúde. CONCLUSÃO Esses aspectos são característicos do período do capitalismo contemporâneo e da organização pós-fordista do trabalho. Nesse contexto, o subfinanciamento do Estado inviabiliza uma política de recursos humanos efetiva, configurando o ambiente propício para as terceirizações e flexibilidade do vínculo empregatício para os trabalhadores de saúde