8,427 research outputs found

    Reassessing the role of climate change in the Tupi expansion (South America, 5000–500 BP)

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    The expansion of forest farmers across tropical lowland South America during the Late Holocene has long been connected to climate change. The more humid conditions established during the Late Holocene are assumed to have driven the expansion of forests, which would have facilitated the dispersal of cultures that practised agroforestry. The Tupi, a language family of widespread distribution in South America, occupies a central place in the debate. Not only are they one of the largest families in the continent, but their expansion from an Amazonian homeland has long been hypothesized to have followed forested environments wherever they settled. Here, we assess that hypothesis using a simulation approach. We employ equation-based and cellular automaton models, simulating demic-diffusion processes under two different scenarios: a null model in which all land cells can be equally settled, and an alternative model in which non-forested cells cannot be settled or delay the expansion. We show that including land cover as a constraint to movement results in a better approximation of the Tupi expansion as reconstructed by archaeology and linguistics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The gum Arabic obtained from the trunk and branches of the woody species Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal is a polysaccharide exudate with numerous biochemical properties, whose production can suffer impacts of several environmental factors. Thus, the objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of some environmental factors on the production of this exudate. For this study, we compared the production of the gum in the rainy season and the dry season through a meta-analysis, using for these purpose studies already published in several databases. To complement, a meta-regression was performed to evaluate the influence of environmental variables on the effect of rain on rubber production. We used 13 papers that met the criteria of the meta-analysis. It was possible to observe that the production of gum Arabic is higher in the rainy season when compared to the dry season. In addition, an effect of the minimum temperature and humidity of the air on the best production was noticed.

    The silent spring of Rio Doce: exploratory study of environmental disaster caused by mining Samarco / A primavera silenciosa do Rio Doce: estudo exploratório de desastres ambientais causados pela mineração Samarco

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    The biggest environmental tragedy in Brazil occurred in the spring of 2015. At this time of year, the Fundão dam was breached in Mariana, Minas Gerais, which is the reservoir of mining tailings by Samarco, a subsidiary of Vale do Rio Doce. The problem discussed in this paper was the lack of the usual method of forecasting environmental risks in conjunction with the environmental audit required by ISO 14001. As for the objectives it is a qualitative analysis and as for the procedures, it was an exploratory and documentary work. The results of this work suggest that the cause of the Samarco mining environmental disaster was the lack of use of usual methodologies in companies with activities that may generate environmental risks, such as Samarco. The appropriate methodology would be PDCA in conjunction with environmental auditing

    A reforma trabalhista : impactos da Lei n. 13.467/2017 sobre o princípio da proteção

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2017.O princípio da proteção declara que o Direito do Trabalho, frente a sua estrutura interior, deve proteger a parte hipossuficiente na relação empregatícia, o trabalhador. Além disso, ele objetiva reduzir a desigualdade socioeconômica e de poder entre os sujeitos que compõem a relação de emprego. É importante fixar que a relação de emprego é o método mais eficaz no que tange à vinculação de trabalhadores à economia, pois estabelece um sistema protetivo de garantias e direitos em torno do trabalhador, além de assegurar um patamar civilizatório mínimo como contraprestação. A partir dessa premissa, é possível afirmar que o princípio tutelar influencia todo o complexo de regras e institutos pertencentes àquela Justiça Especializada. Essa monografia possui a finalidade de realizar uma análise acerca dos impactos da Lei 13.467/2017 sobre a ideia protetivo-retificadora inerente ao Direito do Trabalho. Além do mais, possui o intento de compreender o conteúdo normativo do princípio da proteção e analisar a sua aplicação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.The principle of protection declares that labor law, in front of its internal structure, must protect the hyposufficient part in the employment relationship, the worker. In addition, it aims to reduce socioeconomic and power inequality among the subjects that make up the employment relationship. It is important to establish that the employment relationship is the most effective method in relation to the attachment of workers to the economy, because it establishes a protective system of guarantees and rights around the worker, in addition to ensuring a minimum level of civilization as a consideration. From this premise, it is possible to affirm that the tutelary principle influences all the complex of rules and institutes belonging to that Specialized Justice. This monograph aims at analyzing the impacts of Law 13467/2017 on the protection-rectifying idea inherent in Labor Law. Moreover, it intends to understand the normative content of the protection principle and to analyze its application in the Brazilian legal system

    Risks to the environment and to the health of family farmers through the inappropriate use of pesticides: the case of the Union of Associations of the Salitre Valley, Juazeiro/BA, Brazil

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    In Brazil, the access and development of technologies for application in agriculture is a fact, highlighting the use of pesticides in crops, including family farming. However, some factors aggravate the risks related to the use of pesticides in family farming, such as the low educational level, the lack of knowledge about the risks, and the failure to follow safety instructions. Thus, the present work aimed to identify the pesticides used by family farmers in the Union of Associations of the Salitre Valley (União das Associações do Vale do Salitre – UAVS), analyzing the method of use employed and the possible risks that pesticides offer to the health of farmers. The work was carried out with 31 family farmers from the district of Junco (Juazeiro-BA) who use pesticides in their crops. The information was obtained from the application of semi-structured questionnaires. As a result, it was observed that 100% of the farmers are male, with an average age between 34–41 years, and that, despite the low educational level, no illiterate farmers were identified among the participants. Most of the pesticides used are toxicologically classified as extremely toxic, and are used by 68% of the interviewees. Furthermore, the practice of mixing pesticides was identified. It was also found that a large part of the pesticides used were applied on plants not indicated on the package leaflets. The findings of this study serve as guidance for actions of the society and the government, in order to provide a safer and more productive activity for family farmers.No Brasil, o acesso e desenvolvimento de tecnologias para aplicação na agricultura é um fato, destacando-se o uso de agrotóxicos nas lavouras, mesmo na agricultura familiar. No entanto, alguns fatores agravam os riscos relativos ao uso de agrotóxicos nesta última, como baixo nível escolar, falta de conhecimento sobre os riscos e não seguimento de instruções de segurança. Assim, o presente trabalho visou identificar os agrotóxicos utilizados pelos agricultores familiares da União das Associações do Vale do Salitre (UAVS), analisando o método de uso empregado e os possíveis riscos que essas substâncias oferecem à saúde dos agricultores. O trabalho foi realizado com 31 agricultores familiares do distrito do Junco (Juazeiro/BA) que utilizam agrotóxicos em suas plantações. As informações foram obtidas com a aplicação de questionários semiestruturados. Como resultados, identificou-se que 100% dos agricultores são do sexo masculino, com média de idade entre 34 e 41 anos, e, que apesar da baixa escolaridade, não foram identificados agricultores analfabetos entre os participantes. A maior parte dos agrotóxicos (utilizados por 68% dos entrevistados) é classificada toxicologicamente como extremamente tóxica; além disso, foi identificada a prática da realização de misturas de agrotóxicos. Verificou-se também que grande parte dos agrotóxicos empregados era aplicada em plantas não indicadas nas bulas. Os achados deste estudo servem de orientação para ações da sociedade e do poder público, no sentido de prover uma atividade mais segura e produtiva para o agricultor familiar

    True and False Memories: Neuropsychological and Neuropharmacological Approaches

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    Some recent studies have explored the false memory and its mechanisms. True memories depend on draw in the past, retrieve of the information, remember past events plus recombine (reorganize) them with new information to finally re-encode these elements creating a new memory. But, sometimes failures in this system lead to memory errors collaborating to false memory formation. This chapter will address new neuropsychological tools to evaluate true and false memory performance. Some neuropharmacological aspects as possible mechanisms of agonist and antagonist modulation of false memory will be discussed

    Uso de psicotrópicos por cuidadores de pacientes idosos com demência : isso é um sinal de sobrecarga do cuidador?

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    This study evaluated the consumption of psychotropic medications by caregivers of elderly patients with or without dementia. This was a cross-sectional study conducted at all geriatric units in Brasília, Brazil, during a two-month period. Structured interviews were performed with 311 caregivers of people with or without dementia and they completed questionnaires. Among the caregivers, 196 (63%) were caregivers of patients with dementia and 115 (37%) were caregivers of patients without dementia. Forty-four caregivers (14.1%) were taking psychotropic drugs (benzodiazepines or antidepressants), and this usage was more frequent among caregivers of patients with dementia (p<0.01). Twenty-two caregivers of patients with dementia (11.4%) had used sleeping pills after beginning care, compared with only five (4.3%) caregivers of patients without dementia (p<0.01). In conclusion, this study found that caregivers of patients with dementia took psychotropic drugs (benzodiazepines and antidepressants) more frequently than the ones of patients without dementia. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOEste estudo avaliou o consumo de drogas psicotrópicas por cuidadores de idosos de pacientes com e sem demência. Este foi um estudo transversal conduzido em todas as unidades de atendimento geriátrico em Brasília, Brasil, durante dois meses. Foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas e um questionário preenchido por 311 cuidadores de idosos, com e sem demência. Entre os cuidadores, 196 (63%) eram cuidadores de pacientes com demência e 115 (37%) de pacientes sem demência. Quarenta e quatro cuidadores (14,1%) estavam utilizando drogas psicotrópicas (benzodiazepínicos ou antidepressivos). Esse uso foi mais frequente entre os cuidadores de pacientes com demência (p<0,01). Vinte e dois cuidadores de pacientes com demência (11,4%) usaram medicamentos para dormir após iniciar o trabalho de cuidador, comparado com somente 5 (4,3%) cuidadores de pacientes sem demência (p<0,01). Em conclusão, este estudo encontrou que cuidadores de pacientes com demência tomavam mais frequentemente drogas psicotrópicas (benzodiazepínicos ou antidepressivos) do que os de pacientes sem demência

    Meaningful curriculum: the process of teaching and learning based on the reality of a traditional coastal community in the Brazilian Amazon

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    The study took place at Maria Benedita Mota School, located in the coastal community of Perimirim, which is part of the Araí-Peroba Marine Extractive Reserve (RESEX-Mar) in the municipality of Augusto Corrêa-PA. The participants of the study are educational agents (principals, pedagogical coordinators, teachers and students) immersed in the context and who have knowledge related to local biodiversity, such as the sea, mangroves, small-scale fishery, crustaceans, and family farming. The aim of the study is to understand how the school develops the meaningful curriculum based on the local reality and to systematize the traditional knowledge through oral texts about the mangrove and preservation of the local ecosystem in order to reach students. The methodology is a participatory observation of qualitative nature, which allows the understanding of the object under study having as starting point its reality. The project developed at the school comprised a class trip to the mangrove, drawings, paintings, poetry, paper folding, research, paper cutting and collage, ending up with the presentation in the pedagogical projects exhibition of the school. The results show that the teaching and learning processes become pleasurable, relevant and meaningful for students when the curriculum is based on the reality of people, especially students


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