812 research outputs found

    Força dos músculos cérvico-escapulares e a severidade da disfunção temporomandibular em mulheres com cervicalgia mecânica

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    Introdução: modificações da função muscular cervical têm sido verificadas em pacientes com cervicalgia e DTM. Entretanto, ainda não é conhecida a relação entre a severidade da DTM e a força muscular cervical na presença/ausência de cervicalgia. Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de DTM em mulheres com e sem cervicalgia mecânica, avaliar a força dos músculos cérvico-escapulares e sua associação com a severidade da DTM. Métodos: participaram 15 voluntárias sem dor cervical (GC) e 14 mulheres com cervicalgia mecânica (GCM), selecionadas por meio do Índice de Disfunção Relacionada ao Pescoço. O diagnóstico e a gravidade da DTM foram determinados pelos Critérios diagnósticos para pesquisa em desordens temporomandibulares e Índice Temporomandibular (IT), respectivamente. A força dos músculos trapézio superior, flexores e extensores cervicais foi aferida por dinamometria digital manual. Resultados: 64,5% das mulheres com cervicalgia e 33,3% das sem dor cervical apresentaram diagnóstico de DTM (p = 0,095). O GCM apresentou menor força dos músculos flexores (p = 0,044) e extensores cervicais (p = 0,006) e maior IT (p = 0,038) que o GC. Também foi verificada correlação negativa moderada entre o IT e força dos músculos trapézio superior dominante (p = 0,046, r = -0,547), não dominante (p = 0,007, r = -0,695) e flexores cervicais (p = 0,023, r = -0,606) no GCM. Conclusão: não houve diferença na prevalência de DTM entre mulheres com e sem cervicalgia. Entretanto, mulheres com cervicalgia apresentaram menor força muscular cervical (comparadas às sem cervicalgia) que esteve associada a maior severidade da DTM. Assim, em mulheres com cervicalgia associada à DTM, é recomendável avaliar e abordar a severidade desta disfunção e o comprometimento dos músculos cérvico-escapulares.Introduction: changes in cervical muscle function have been observed in patients with neck pain (NP) and TMD. However, the relationship between TMD severity and neck muscle strength in the presence/absence of NP is unknown. Objective: to determine the prevalence of TMD in women with and without mechanical NP and assess the cervical-scapular muscle strength and its association with TMD severity. Methods: fifteen volunteers without neck pain (CG) and 14 women with mechanical neck pain (NPG) took part and were selected by the Neck Disability Index. The diagnosis and severity of TMD were determined by the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD and Temporomandibular Index (TI), respectively. The strength of the upper trapezius muscle, and cervical flexor and extensor muscles was measured by digital hand dynamometer. Results: 64.5% of women with NP and 33.3% without NP were diagnosed with TMD (p = 0.095). The NPG showed lower strength of the cervical flexor (p = 0.044) and extensor (p=0.006) muscles, and higher TI (p = 0.038) than in the CG. It was also verified moderate negative correlation between TI and the strength of dominant (p = 0.046, r = -0.547) and non-dominant (p = 0.007, r = -0.695) upper trapezius, and cervical flexors (p = 0.023, r = -0.606) in the NPG. Conclusion: there was no difference in the prevalence of TMD in women with and without NP. However, women with NP have lower cervical muscle strength - compared to those without NP - which was associated with greater severity of TMD. Thus, in women with NP associated with TMD, it is advisable to assess and address the severity of this dysfunction and identify the cervical-scapular muscles compromise

    Sensibilidade de parâmetros de um modelo de cálculo para a simulação do ambiente acústico urbano

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    The applicability of the French model NMPB Routes 2008 for the simulation of the urban environmental noise in a Brazilian city is brought up in this paper, considering an analysis of the model sensitivity to the input parameters. For this purpose the calculation model is applied in an urban zone of the city of São Carlos - SP, by means of the software Cadna-A. The analysis compared field data and simulated data. Additionally simulations were processed, changing some input data configuration. The parameters verified with the sensitivity analysis were the meteorological conditions, the duration of the period of vehicular flow collection, the percentage of motorcycles in fields of light vehicles and heavy vehicles, the vehicular speed, the pavement type, the road declivity and direction of vehicular flow, the heights of the buildings and of receptors, the sound source type, and the quantity of sound sources per road. But for the meteorological conditions, the results proved that the model is sensible to the most part of the analyzed parameters. There is, however, an indication that some input fields could be adjusted to precisely fit to real data.A aplicabilidade do modelo de cálculo francês NMPB Routes 2008 para simulação do ruído ambiental urbano em uma cidade brasileira é abordada nesse artigo, considerando-se uma análise da sua sensibilidade aos parâmetros de entrada. Para isso o modelo de cálculo é aplicado em uma fração urbana da cidade de São Carlos - SP, através do programa computacional Cadna-A. A análise comparou dados de campo e dados simulados, além de serem realizadas simulações promovendo-se alterações nas configurações dos dados de entrada. Os parâmetros verificados com a análise de sensibilidade foram as condições meteorológicas, a duração do tempo de amostra do fluxo de veículos, a porcentagem de motocicletas em campos destinados ao número de veículos leves ou de veículos pesados, a velocidade dos veículos, o tipo de pavimentação, a declividade da via e a direção de fluxo de veículos, as alturas dos edifícios e as alturas de receptores, o tipo de fonte sonora e a quantidade de fontes sonoras inseridas por vias. Com exceção das condições meteorológicas, os resultados apontaram que o modelo, de uma forma geral, é sensível à maioria dos parâmetros analisados. Observou-se, no entanto, que alguns campos podem ser ajustados para que a simulação seja mais fidedigna aos dados reais.Palavras-Chave: simulação acústica, mapeamento de ruído, parâmetros acústicos, conforto acústico

    Haptic Stabilization of Posture in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Using a Nonrigid Tool

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    This study assessed the effects of haptic information on the postural control systems of individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), through the use of a nonrigid tool that we call the ""anchor system"" (e.g., ropes attached to graduated weights that rest on the floor). Eleven participants with ID were asked to stand, blindfolded, on a balance beam placed at two heights (10 and 20 cm), for 30 s, while using the anchor system at two weights. The lighter anchor weight appeared to improve the individuals' balance in contrast to a control task condition; therefore, we concluded that haptic sensitivity was more significant in helping to orient the body than was the anchor's mechanical support alone.CNPqFAPESPPROEX/UNES

    Acerca de uma leitura geopolítica das relações entre Portugal e o Atlântico

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    O artigo pretende traçar uma breve perspectiva geopolítica da relação entre Portugal e o oceano Atlântico. Essa relação, embora sempre presente e importante, variou ao longo da nossa histó- ria. O autor, depois de tentar sumariamente caracterizar essas variações, analisa simplificadamente aquela relação no actual contexto do sistema global das relações internacionais. Dessa análise retira argumentos para afirmar que na ligação com o Atlântico poderão de novo ser encontradas as soluções mais adequadas para os nossos actuais problemas do desenvolvimento e da afirmação internacional, através da possível e desejável futura assumpção por Portugal de um papel de entreposto de importantes fluxos nas relações transatlânticas, em que as luso-brasileiras e as com a CPLP deverão desempenhar um papel centra

    Fish oil consumption prevents glucose intolerance and hypercorticosteronemy in footshock-stressed rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Environmental stress plays an important role in the development of glucose intolerance influencing lipid and glucose metabolism through sympathetic nervous system, cytokines and hormones such as glucocorticoids, catecholamines and glucagon. Otherwise, fish oil prevents glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Although the mechanisms involved are not fully understood, it is known that sympathetic and HPA responses are blunted and catecholamines and glucocorticoids concentrations can be modulated by fish consumption. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether fish oil, on a normal lipidic diet: 1) could prevent the effect of footshock-stress on the development of glucose intolerance; 2) modified adiponectin receptor and serum concentration; and 3) also modified TNF-α, IL-6 and interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels in adipose tissue and liver. The study was performed in thirty day-old male Wistar randomly assigned into four groups: no stressed (C) and stressed (CS) rats fed with control diet, and no stressed (F) and stressed (FS) rats fed with a fish oil rich diet. The stress was performed as a three daily footshock stress sessions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Body weight, carcass fat and protein content were not different among groups. FS presented a reduction on the relative weight of RET. Basal serum glucose levels were higher in CS and FS but 15 min after glucose load just CS remained with higher levels than other groups. Serum corticosterone concentration was increased in CS, this effect was inhibited in FS. However, 15 min after footshock-stress, corticosterone levels were similar among groups. IL-6 was increased in EPI of CS but fish oil consumption prevented IL-6 increase in FS. Similar levels of TNF-α and IL-10 in RET, EPI, and liver were observed among groups. Adipo R1 protein concentration was not different among groups. Footshock-stress did not modify AdipoR2 concentration, but fish oil diet increases AdipoR2 protein concentration.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Footshock-stress promotes glucose intolerance associated to corticosterone serum level and epididymal white adipose tissue IL-6 concentration increase. The fish oil consumption by stressed rats normalized the stress responses. These results suggested that fish oil intake could be useful to minimize or prevent the development of diseases associated to the stress.</p

    Os Açores e os impérios : séculos XV a XX

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    [...]. Os Açores não constituem simplesmente um elo da correspondência transatlântica. Aliás, possuem uma identidade bem complexa. Com efeito, se a História evidencia muito a mundividência, apresentando as ilhas como o centro do Mundo, já a literatura ressalta muito o isolamento, resultante do afastamento dos continentes e da descontinuidade territorial, apresentando as ilhas como o fim do Mundo. Curiosamente, a política e os políticos, talvez com maior sentido do pragmatismo e da oportunidade, agem em função das circunstâncias. De facto, proclamam a projecção da universalidade, quando reivindicam mais capacidade de auto-governo, mas insistem na pobreza da ultraperifericidade, quando exigem mais contrapartidas financeiras. Apesar da divergência das perspectivas, atentemos mais na universalidade dos Açores, que historicamente influi na definição das dinâmicas do Atlântico, conferindo maior projecção à Europa

    Synthesis of LaNiO3 perovskite by the modified proteic gel method and study of catalytic properties in the syngas production

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    Este trabalho descreve um estudo sobre a síntese da perovsquita LaNiO3 via método do gel proteico, variando quantidade de colágeno e sobre a atividade catalítica de LaNiO3 e LaNiO3/Al2O3 na produção de gás de síntese (CO + H2). Os padrões de difração de raios X revelaram a formação da estrutura perovsquita em todas as amostras preparadas pelo método de síntese do gel protéico, variando a quantidade de colágeno e após calcinações a 700 ºC por 2 h. O catalisador LaNiO3/Al2O3 preparado pelo método de impregnação mostrou picos de difração nos difratogramas atribuídos a LaNiO3 e ao suporte (Al2O3). Este catalisador apresentou: área superficial específica de 46,1 m2 g-1, dois picos de redução no perfil de redução à temperatura programada (RTP) e 46% de conversão do metano (através da oxidação parcial do metano utilizando oxigênio) depois de 18 h de reação. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: This work describes a study on the synthesis of LaNiO3 perovskites via the modified proteic gel method, varying collagen content and on the catalytic activity of LaNiO3 and LaNiO3/Al2O3 in the syngas (CO + H2) production. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of perovskite structure in all samples prepared by proteic gel synthesis method, varying collagen content and after calcinations at 700 ºC for 2 h. LaNiO3/Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the impregnation method showed diffraction peaks due to the perovskite structure and to the support (Al2O3). This catalyst presented: specific surface of 46.1 m2 g-1, two reduction peaks in the temperature programmed reduction (TPR) profile and 46% of methane conversion (by the partial oxidation of methane using oxygen) after 18 h of reaction

    Use of Hg-Electroplated-Pt Ultramicroelectrode for Determining Elemental Sulphur in Naphtha Samples

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    This paper describes the applicability of a Hg-electroplated-Pt ultramicroelectrode in the quantification of elemental sulphur in naphtha samples by square-wave voltammetry. A reproducible deposition methodology was studied and is reported in this paper. This methodology is innovative and relies on the quality of the mercury stock solution to obtain reproducible surfaces required for the analytical methodology. All analyses were performed using a Hg-electroplated-Pt ultramicroelectrode (Hg-Pt UME) due to the low sensibility of such devices to ohmic drops in resistive solutions. The responses of the peak areas in voltammetric experiments were linear in all of the range studied. The method developed here is accurate and reproducible, with a detection limit of 0.010 mg L-1 and a good recovery range for both standard solutions of elemental sulphur (85 to 99%) and real naphtha sample (79%). These results attest to the potential for the application of this electroanalytical methodology in determining elemental sulphur in naphtha samples containing mercaptans and disulphides.CNPqCNPqCenpes/PetrobrasCenpes/Petrobra

    Unbalanced chromosome 1 abnormalities leading to partial trisomy 1q in four infants with Down syndrome and acute megakaryocytic leukemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children with Down syndrome (DS) have an increased risk of childhood acute leukemia, especially acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) also called acute myeloid leukemia (AML) type M7. Here four yet unreported infants with such malignancies are reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An unbalanced translocation involving chromosome 1 was identified by GTG banding in all cases. These were characterized in more detail by molecular cytogenetic approaches. Additional molecular analysis revealed in three of the four cases mutations in exon 2 of the GATA binding protein 1 (globin transcription factor 1), located in Xp11.23.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results corroborate that abnormalities of chromosome 1 are common in DS-associated AMKL. Whether this chromosomal region contains gene(s) involved in hematopoietic malignant transformation remains to be determined.</p