227 research outputs found

    Sarcoma primário do coração, numa mulher com cancro da mama metastizado.

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    Mestrado Integrado em MedicinaMaster Degree in Medicin

    Os factores financeiros e os efeitos no investimento

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Empresariais, Unidade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Universidade do Algarve, 1996O investimento é o motor de desenvolvimento de uma empresa, de um sector, de um país. Conhecer o tecido empresarial de uma economia passa por saber dos factores e do modo como os mesmos influenciam a performance e o crescimento das suas empresas.The investment is a motive force for the development of a firm, a sector, a country. To get the acknowledgement of one Economy s enterprises we have to know about the factors and the way as they influence their performance and development


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    O artigo discute o panorama da pesquisa no campo da História da Educação no Brasil, nas últimas décadas, tomando como foco de investigação as políticas educacionais e a necessidade de se intensificarem os esforços no sentido da produção de estudos comparativos sobre o alcance dessas políticas nos países latino-americanos, oferecendo subsídios para os movimentos organizados da sociedade civil na luta em defesa da educação pública, gratuita, democrática e de qualidade. Para tanto aponta a necessidade da formação de professores pesquisadores em todos os níveis de ensino. Como contribuição para o aprofundamento da temática, apresenta resultados preliminares de investigação acerca da definição e implementação de políticas educacionais em países da América Latina, onde se destaca a gênese e desenvolvimento da estratégia de descentralização, sob a direção Ideológica dos órgãos multilaterais que atuam na região, como a ONU, Unesco, BM, OEA e USAID e os principais impactos que vêm sendo produzidos sobre o sistema educacional brasileiro

    Highly active ozonides selected against drug resistant malaria

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    Ever increasing multi-drug resistance by Plasmodium falciparum is creating new challenges in malaria chemotherapy. In the absence of licensed vaccines, treatment and prevention of malaria is heavily dependent on drugs. Potency, range of activity, safety, low cost and ease of administration are crucial issues in the design and formulation of antimalarials. We have tested three synthetic ozonides NAC89, LC50 and LCD67 in vitro and in vivo against multidrug resistant Plasmodium. In vitro, LC50 was at least 10 times more efficient inhibiting P. falciparum multidrug resistant Dd2 strain than chloroquine and mefloquine and as efficient as artemisinin (ART), artesunate and dihydroartemisinin. All three ozonides showed high efficacy in clearing parasitaemia in mice, caused by multi-drug resistant Plasmodium chabaudi strains, by subcutaneous administration, demonstrating high efficacy in vivo against ART and artesunate resistant parasites

    Increase in the number of nutritionists in the primary health care in Brazil : Contributions of the Support Centers for Family Health and Family Health Strategy from 2007 to 2013

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    Objetivo: identificar a evolução do quantitativo de nutricionistas atuantes na Atenção Básica nos municípios brasileiros, com ênfase nas Equipes de Saúde da Família e nos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família. Métodos: estudo descritivo utilizando dados secundários do número de nutricionistas, tempo no serviço, tipo de equipe, estabelecimentos onde são cadastrados e perfil dos municípios brasileiros, solicitados pela equipe da pesquisa e fornecidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, com base no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde no período de 2007 a 2013. Foi utilizada a estatística descritiva. Resultados: o número de nutricionistas aumentou ao longo dos anos porque mais municípios brasileiros contrataram estes profissionais. O incremento foi mais acentuado (cerca de 700% entre 2008 e 2013) para os Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família, nos quais o profissional é o terceiro mais presente, após psicólogos e fisioterapeutas. Pequena parcela dos nutricionistas (6-15%) permaneceu no cargo por mais de cinco anos; o percentual variou de acordo com o ano e com o tipo de equipe. Os municípios de pequeno porte, pertencentes à região Nordeste e com Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal médio, foram os que mais contrataram profissionais nutricionistas. Por outro lado, houve um menor aumento, de 75%, no número de nutricionistas contratados para as Unidades Básicas/Centros de Saúde (excluindo os profissionais dos Núcleos e da Estratégia Saúde da Família). Conclusão: foi constatado o aumento do número de nutricionistas na Atenção Básica, bem como o aumento no número de municípios que contrataram este profissional, principalmente para os Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família. A manutenção dessa taxa de aumento poderá influenciar na inversão da proporção de nutricionistas da Atenção Básica, em relação aos outros níveis de atenção à saúde, como a média e alta complexidade.Objective: identify the increase in the number of nutritionists in the Primary Health Care in Brazilian municipalities focusing on Family Health Teams and Support Centers for Family Health. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using secondary data for the number of nutritionists, their length of employment, type of teams established, their workplace, and the profile of Brazilian municipalities. The data were provided upon request by the Ministry of Health, based on the National Cadastre of Health Establishments in the period of 2007-2013. Descriptive statistics was used. Results: the number of nutritionists increased over the years since more Brazilian municipalities hired these professionals. This increase was greater (around 700% between 2008 and 2013) in the Support Centers for Family Health, in which nutritionists are the third most common professionals, after psychologists and physiotherapists. A small proportion of nutritionists (6-15%) remained on their job for more than five years; this number varied according to the year and the type of team. The small-sized cities, located in the Northeastern region, with intermediate levels of Municipal Human Development Index, were the ones that hired more nutritionists. On the other hand, there was a smaller rate increase (75%) in the number of nutritionists hired to work in Basic Health Care Units/Health Centers (excluding those professionals for Family Health Strategy and Centers). Conclusion: it was observed an increase in the number of nutritionists in the Primary Health Care and in the number of municipalities that hired these professionals, especially in the case of the Support Centers for Family Health. Maintaining this growth rate may change the proportion of nutritionists in Primary Health Care in relation to those working in other health care levels, such as secondary and tertiary health care

    Expansão urbana e impactos na paisagem em Buriti dos Lopes, Piauí, Brasil

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    Quality of life of elderly people attended by the Family Health Strategy

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    Objective: To assess the quality of life of elderly people assisted by the Family Health Strategy. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive-exploratory and quantitative study conducted at the homes of elderly people in the urban area of Floriano - PI. The sample was composed of 671 elderly people. Data were collected by using WHOQOL-Bref and a questionnaire for social-demographic information. The data were processed with the Chi-square test and analysis of hierarchy grouping. Results: The majority of the study was composed of females (65,3%). Most of the elderly people surveyed lived without a spouse, with monthly income ranging between 1 and 3 minimum salaries and had very good quality of life (66,2%). Most of the latter were males (69,5%), with significant difference between genres (p=0.021). Conclusion: The majority of the elderly people surveyed had good quality of life according to scores from the dominions evaluated by WHOQOL-Bref, showing higher scores in the dominion of social relationships and lower scores in the dominion of environment

    Maconha e Representações Sociais em Matérias de Jornal

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    Marijuana is a controversial and polysemic social object in Brazil, which is constantly discussed in the media. This study aimed to analyze the construction of social representations of marijuana from 489 articles of the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo (2010-2012). The data were treated with the software ALCESTE and analyzed based on six lexical fields organized in two thematic axes: police repression to drug trafficking and normative tensions of the medicinal and recreational use. The discourses raise individual and collective dimensions related to the legal status of the object, its uses and forms of social control - coercive and normative - that symbolically inscribe marijuana in social disputes of identities, practices and institutions.A maconha é um objeto social polêmico e polissêmico no contexto brasileiro, sendo constantemente debatida em produções midiáticas. A pesquisa objetivou analisar a construção de representações sociais da maconha a partir de 489 matérias do jornal Folha de S. Paulo (2010-2012). Os dados foram tratados com o software ALCESTE e analisados a partir de seis campos léxicos organizados em dois eixos temáticos: repressão policial ao tráfico de drogas e tensões normativas do uso medicinal e recreativo. Os discursos suscitam dimensões individuais e coletivas relacionadas ao status legal do objeto, seus usos e formas de controle social - coercivas e normativas -, que inscrevem simbolicamente a maconha em disputas sociais de identidades, práticas e instituições

    Prevention of falls in the elderly in the home: promoting active ageing

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    To determine the frequency of falls and identify risk factors in the homes of the elderly under the Home Care Service of a village in Alentejo (Portugal). Method: Exploratory, descriptive study. The target group were elderly persons under the Home Care Service (23). The questionnaire consists of open and closed questions, and was based on the Jefferson Area Board for Aging Safety in the Home Assessment; Instrument to Assess the Risk of Falls and Adaptations to Prevent Falls at Home. Results: Of the 23 seniors, 13 were men; the mean age was 85; 10 widowers; 11 live alone; 12 cannot read or write; 17 have experienced falls, loss of balance being the main cause. They report changes in vision (21), hearing (14) and rheumatic diseases (14); hypertension (19); they use 4 or more drugs on a daily basis (16). Conclusion: The physiological changes associated with ageing may increase the risk of falls. Due to the consequences, it is a priority field in community intervention