65 research outputs found

    Redução de danos sob a perspectiva dos usuários de crack inseridos no Serviço de Estudos e Atenção a Usuários de Álcool e outras drogas (SEAD)

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, 2014.Esta monografia discute o consumo de Substâncias Psicoativas, especialmente o crack, e o tratamento disponibilizado para os usuários desta droga. Teve como objetivo analisar o Serviço de Atenção a Usuários de Álcool e outras drogas – SEAD a partir da perspectiva dos usuários de crack em tratamento no Serviço. Traçou também o perfil geral, baseado nas características comuns dos usuários de crack entrevistados, coletadas durante a pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa de caráter qualitativo adotou como procedimento metodológico a realização de cinco entrevistas semiestruturadas, sendo quatro com usuários de crack em tratamento, e uma com uma profissional da área de psicologia que trabalha com estes pacientes no SEAD. As entrevistas foram guiadas por um roteiro elaborado previamente. O projeto de pesquisa foi submetido e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética do Instituto de Ciências Humanas da UnB bem como pela Divisão Adjunta de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário de Brasília, seguindo as normas éticas de pesquisa com seres humanos. Como principais resultados, apontamos o fato de que a maioria dos usuários são homens, que reconhecem a influência da família como motivação para o tratamento. Os entrevistados destacaram a exposição a situações de violência nos contextos de compra/venda e consumo de crack, também relataram os resultados positivos do tratamento realizado no SEAD, e apesar de não conhecerem o conceito de Redução de Danos, reconhecem a estratégia a partir da ação dos profissionais.This monograph discusses the consumption of psychoactive substances, especially crack, and the treatment available to users of this drug. Aimed to analyze the Service Attention Users of Alcohol and other drugs - SEAD from the perspective of crack users in treatment in service. Also outlined the general profile, based on the common characteristics of crack users interviewed, collected during field research. A qualitative research study adopted as a methodological procedure to completion of five semi-structured interviews, four with crack users in treatment, and one with a professional area of psychology who works with these patients in SEAD. The interviews were guided by a script prepared in advance. The research project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Humanities UnB well as by the Assistant Division of Teaching and Research of the University Hospital of Brasilia, following the ethical guidelines for research with human subjects. As main results, we point out the fact that most users are men who recognize the influence of the family as motivation for treatment. Respondents highlighted the exposure to violence in the contexts of purchase / sale and use of crack cocaine, also reported positive results of the treatment in SEAD, and despite not knowing the concept of Harm Reduction, recognize the strategy from the action professionals

    Modulating factors of the abundance and distribution of Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) (Decapoda, Portunoidea), a fishery resource, in Southeastern Brazil

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    This is the first study to examine how different environmental factors may influence the distribution of swimming crab Achelous spinimanus across geographically distant and distinct habitats. We analyzed the influence of bottom water temperature and salinity, sediment texture and organic matter content on the spatiotemporal distribution of A. spinimanus. The crabs were collected from January 1998 until December 1999 by trawling with a shrimp fishing boat outfitted with double-rig nets. The sampling took place in Ubatumirim (UBM), Ubatuba (UBA) and Mar Virado (MV) bays, located in the northern coast of São Paulo State (Brazil). These three bays were chosen as they differed in many physiographic features. We captured 1,911 crabs (UBM = 351; UBA = 1,509; MV = 51), and there were significant differences in abundance between bays and between stations. The distribution of A. spinimanus was primarily associated with sediment features: abundance was higher in stations with sandy sediments classified as gravel, very coarse sand, and intermediate sand. Portunoidea usually burrow in the sediment for protection against predators and to facilitate the capture of fast prey. In addition, the station with the highest abundance of A. spinimanus was also naturally protected from fishing activities, and composed of heterogeneous sediment, in terms of grain size. Hence, the combination of a favorable sediment heterogeneity and protection from fishery activities seemed to be effective modulators of the abundance and distribution of A. spinimanus in these bays

    Revisão Sistemática De Publicações Brasileiras Associadas À Teoria Das Filas E Sistemas De Processos De Filas / Systematic Review Of Brazilian Publications Associated With Queue Theory And Queue Process Systems

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    O presente estudo busca evidenciar como a teoria das filas e simulação de sistemas de processos de filas vem sendo tratada dentro do contexto de produção acadêmica brasileira, para isso foi elaborada uma pesquisa bibliográfica utilizando a base scopus, que é uma importante base de dados de produções acadêmico-científicas. Primeiramente os dados foram trabalhados quantitativamente, em seguida os mesmos foram analisados conforme teor e correlação com o tema a ser desenvolvido. Em uma primeira análise obteve-se um total de 227 resultados e através da aplicação de alguns critérios foram selecionados um total de 227 artigos ciêntíficos brasileiros, Posteriormente foram adotados novos critérios resultando em um total de 71 artigos brasileiros com qualis a2 ou superior e fator de impacto maior ou igual a 1. Na análise quantitativa dos trabalhos publicados verificou-se as publicações feitas ao longo do tempo bem como os autores com mais artigos publicados e áreas de desenvolvimento da temática, seguidamente foram selecionados para compor a amostra de análise os artigos mais referenciados considerando o mínimo de 30 citações, os quais fora realizada a leitura completa e análise do conteúdo

    Efeito do silício no cultivo de grão-de-bico (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    A cultura de grão-de-bico (Cicer arietnum L.) destaca-se no cenário mundial por sua relevância econômica, social e versatilidade. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de silício em plantas de grão-de-bico. Os vasos foram dispostos em uma superfície elevada para não entrarem em contato com o solo. O cultivar utilizado de grão-de-bico foi o BRS Cícero. O experimento foi disposto em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (0, 100, 150, 200 e 250 kg ha-1 de silício) e oito repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: índice relativo de clorofila, altura de plantas, diâmetro do caule, número de vagens por planta, área foliar e biomassa. As doses de silício influenciaram positivamente no índice de área foliar e nos teores de silício nas hastes e folhas. Sendo a dose de 122 kg ha-1 a de melhor aproveitamento nas hastes e a dose de 139 kg ha-1 para as folhas

    Loss and Gain in Mangrove Surrounding the Lençóis Maranhense National Park: An Integrated Approach Using Remote Sensing and SIG Data

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    Brazil harbors the second largest expanse of mangroves in the world, trailing only behind Indonesia. In a regional context, the state of Maranhão stands out, encompassing approximately 36% of Brazil’s total mangrove area, including a portion located on the eastern coast in the Lençóis Maranhenses. This study played a crucial role in identifying the areas of gain, loss, and stability in the mangroves surrounding the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park over a historical period spanning from 1985 to 2019. The study provided detailed maps depicting spatial changes, such as migration and attenuation that occurred in the mangroves due to the influence of aeolian dunes and wind patterns in the region. This long-term analysis, the first of its kind to examine the annual expansion of forest loss in the remaining mangroves around the Lençóis Maranhenses in recent decades, revealed a reduction in the central mangrove areas between 1985 and 2019. This decline can be attributed not only to intense tourist activity and climate change but also to the movement and invasion of sand dunes in certain areas, as observed near the villages of Caburé and Paulino Neves (Pequenos Lençóis) in December2022. Wind plays a fundamental role as a transformative agent in the local landscape. Through the analysis of wind roses using ERA5 reanalysis data and meteorological stations from the Aeronautics (São Luís and Parnaíba), it was possible to identify and characterize the prevalence of northeast trade winds in the Lençóis Maranhenses region during the years 1985 to 2019, with average speeds ranging from 6 to 8 m/s. The advancement of dunes onto the mangroves surrounding the Lençóis Maranhenses results in burial, reduction, and even migration of mangrove patches. Additionally, over the years, population growth and increasing tourism pressure along the banks of the Preguiças River have drawn attention to the need to implement control and conservation measures in the mangroves to prevent further disturbances in this environment

    Funcionários da saúde com relatos de dor de cabeça em hospital de médio porte no interior de São Paulo e automedicação com analgésicos

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    The aim was to detect the level of headache prevalence and awareness of the nursing team regarding self-medication for headache, 50 nursing professionals answered the questionnaire applied at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Avaré, the data obtained were analyzed by the Epi-Info® software. Self-medication with analgesics is something very common among health professionals. Nursing has a pharmacological knowledge base and for this reason has greater self-confidence to self-medicate. It was evidenced that 100% of people are aware of self-medication and are fully aware of its risks, although this knowledge does not prevent 78.9% of people who participated in the research from self-medicating with analgesics, the ease of access to drugs makes it easier for the individual to self-medicate to feel pain relief, which may be camouflaging a more serious disease, causing chronic dependence or collateral damage in their body by the use of analgesics with certain types of active principles. A relative percentage sought medical attention for headache although this did not prevent them from self-medicating with other non-prescription drugs.Objetivou-se detectar qual o nível de prevalência de cefaleia e conscientização da equipe de enfermagem perante a automedicação para a dor de cabeça, 50 profissionais da área da enfermagem responderam ao questionário aplicado na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Avaré, os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo software Epi-Info®. A automedicação com analgésicos é algo muito comum no meio dos profissionais da área da saúde. A enfermagem tem uma base de conhecimento farmacológico e por esse motivo tem uma autoconfiança maior para se automedicar. Com a pesquisa realizada foi evidenciado que 100% das pessoas têm consciência sobre a automedicação e tem pleno conhecimento sobre seus riscos, embora esse conhecimento não impeça que 78,9% das pessoas que participaram da pesquisa se automediquem com analgésicos, a facilidade de acesso aos fármacos facilita para que o indivíduo se automedique para sentir um alivio da dor podendo estar camuflando uma doença mais séria, causando uma dependência crônica ou danos colaterais em seu organismo pelo uso de analgésicos com determinados tipos de princípios ativos. Uma porcentagem relativa procurou atendimento médico para cefaleia embora isso não os impediu de se automedicar com outros fármacos não prescritos

    Grau de resolutividade no atendimento secundário de um serviço de saúde do Município de Avaré, São Paulo

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    The aim of this study was to identify the resolution of the health problems of users who were referred for care in the Cardiology Specialty at the Health Center I of the Municipality of Avaré. This is an exploratory descriptive study, of a qualitative-qualitative nature, which used as an instrument for data collection, an open-ended questionnaire for patients who were treated at the Health Center I of Avaré in the Cardiology Specialty who underwent the post consultation. Fifty users were interviewed. The problem-solving capacity of health services is a way of evaluating health services based on the results obtained from the service provided to the user. Thus, the resoluteness of services in the model hierarchical by levels of care can be evaluated in two ways. The first, within the service itself, regarding the ability to meet their demand and refer cases that need more specialized care, and the second, within the health system, which extends from the initial consultation of the user to the service of primary health care to the solution of your problem at other levels of health care. Secondary care consists of actions and services that aim to address the main health problems and problems of the population, whose clinical practice demands the availability of specialized professionals and the use of technological resources for diagnostic and therapeutic support.O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a resolutividade dos problemas de saúde dos usuários que foram encaminhados para atendimento na Especialidade de Cardiologia no Centro de Saúde I do Município de Avaré. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório, de caráter quali-qualitativo, que utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados, questionário de perguntas do tipo aberta aos pacientes que foram atendidos no Centro de Saúde I de Avaré na Especialidade de Cardiologia que passaram pela pós-consulta. Foram entrevistados 55 usuários. A resolutividade dos serviços de saúde é uma forma de se avaliar os serviços de saúde a partir dos resultados obtidos do atendimento ao usuário. Assim, a resolutividade dos serviços no modelo hierarquizado por níveis de atenção pode ser avaliada por dois aspectos. O primeiro, dentro do próprio serviço, quanto à capacidade de atender à sua demanda e de encaminhar os casos que necessitam de atendimento mais especializados, e o segundo, dentro do sistema de saúde, que se amplia desde a consulta inicial do usuário no serviço de atenção primária à saúde até a solução de seu problema em outros níveis de atenção à saúde. O atendimento secundário compõe–se por ações e serviços que visam atender os principais problemas de saúde e agravos da população, cuja prática clínica demanda disponibilidade de profissionais especializados e o uso de recursos tecnológicos de apoio diagnóstico e terapêutico

    Hernioplastia umbilical em bovino: emprego de implante de cartilagem ...

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    Hérnia umbilical é a insinuação através do anel umbilical não involuído, de órgãos e estruturas da cavidade abdominal envolvidos pelo peritônio, interferindo no desenvolvimento dos animais diminuindo o valor comercial e, em alguns casos, ocasionando óbitos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo utilizar implante de cartilagem auricular homóloga na correção de hérnia umbilical recidivante, em dez fêmeas bovinas jovens, da raça Girolando. As cartilagens auriculares foram obtidas em um frigorífico de bovinos e conservadas por 30 dias em glutaraldeído a 4%. Para ocluir o anel herniário, fixou-se o implante na fáscia abdominal externa, empregando-se fio de nylon nº 0,60 em sutura padrão Donatti e sutura com categute cromado nº 1, em padrão contínua simples. No pós-operatório, avaliou-se a evolução clínica da ferida por um período de 30 dias. Em dois (20%) animais, observou-se edema moderado e deiscência parcial de ferida inferior a 50%. Em um (10%), não ocorreu a incorporação da cartilagem ao tecido receptor. Conclui-se que pelos resultados positivos obtidos, a cartilagem auricular homóloga conservada em glutaraldeído a 4%, pode ser recomendada na correção de hérnias umbilicais recidivantes em fêmeas bovinas jovens


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    Common beans crop is very demanding in nutrients, where nitrogen is the most required by the crop. The nitrogen fertilization recommendations for the Cerrado in Western Bahia are based on recommendations elaborated for the Cerrado conditions in the Brazilian Central-West region, and such recommendations may not be adequate, as the Cerrado in the state of Bahia is predominantly characterized by sandy soils and little rainfall than the others areas of this biome, showing peculiar characteristics regarding the behavior of nitrogen in the soil. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen doses on the morphological characteristics, yield and quality of beans in the common beans crop in the Cerrado in the State of Bahia. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Barreiras, State of Bahia (BA), in a randomized block design, consisting of five nitrogen doses (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg ha-1) and four replications. The morphological attributes, grain yield and dry biomass and the physical and chemical quality of the grains were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the test of Tukey at 5% and regression analysis was performed to assess the effects of N doses on the variables. Regarding morphology, the highest nitrogen doses had a positive influence on stem diameter and number of leaves. The maximum efficiency dose was 63 kg ha-1 with productivity of 2,889.6 kg ha-1 of grains, while the maximum dose of 240 kg ha-1 increased the protein content in grains by 46% in relation to the absence of nitrogen fertilization.Common beans crop is very demanding in nutrients, where nitrogen is the most required by the crop. The nitrogen fertilization recommendations for the Cerrado in Western Bahia are based on recommendations elaborated for the Cerrado conditions in the Brazilian Central-West region, and such recommendations may not be adequate, as the Cerrado in the state of Bahia is predominantly characterized by sandy soils and little rainfall than the other areas of this biome, showing peculiar characteristics regarding the behavior of nitrogen in the soil. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen doses on the morphological characteristics, yield and quality of beans in the common beans crop in the Cerrado in the State of Bahia. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Barreiras, State of Bahia (BA), in a randomized block design, consisting of five nitrogen doses (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg ha-1) and four replications. The morphological attributes, grain yield and dry biomass and the physical and chemical quality of the grains were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the test of Tukey at 5% and regression analysis was performed to assess the effects of N doses on the variables. Regarding morphology, the highest nitrogen doses had a positive influence on stem diameter and number of leaves. The maximum efficiency dose was 63 kg ha-1 with productivity of 2,889.6 kg ha-1 of grains, while the maximum dose of 240 kg ha-1 increased the protein content in grains by 46% in relation to the absence of nitrogen fertilization

    Enterovirus detection in stool samples from Mozambican children with acute gastroenteritis

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    Funding Information: Diocreciano Bero, Ph.D. was supported by Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (CNPq/TWAS, grant number 190,897/2015–5). The ViNaDia was sponsored by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , Atlanta and World Health Organization, Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, grant number JO369/5–1). Nilsa de Deus was fellowship of the European Foundation Initiative into African Research in Neglected Tropical Diseases (EFINTD, grant number 89,539). Publisher Copyright: © 2022Enteroviruses (EV) are predominantly enteric viruses, present in all parts of the world causing disease in humans with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations. The purpose of this study was to identify non-polio enteroviruses (NPEV) in stool samples collected from children with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms of unknown etiology in four provinces (Maputo, Nampula, Sofala and Zambézia) of Mozambique. From June 2014 to March 2018, 327 stool samples were collected from children hospitalized with AGE in health care units. NPEVs were detected in 52 samples (52/327; 15.9%) and were more frequent in children under 5 years of age. The age group from 12 to 23 months was the most affected and showed more severity of disease. We also identified 26 different EV-types with the following detection pattern EV-B>EV-C>EV-A. The major EV-types were EV-A119 (9/52; 17.3%) and EV-C99 (8/52; 15.4%), accounting for 32.7% of the total. In addition to EV-A119, other uncommon EV-types were also identified, such as EV-B75, EV-B97 and EV-C113. The current study shows a high heterogeneity of EV types circulating in children with AGE in Mozambique as well as the identification of rarely described enteroviruses.publishersversionpublishe