1,027 research outputs found

    Fortalecimiento de la coordinación de niveles educativos desde la gestión escolar en una institución privada

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    Documento que presenta una propuesta de intervención para una institución educativa que cuenta con los niveles de preescolar, primaria, secundaria y bachillerato. El objetivo de la intervención fue integrar a la institución a través de la revisión, actualización y apropiación del proyecto escolar, mejorar los procesos administrativos relacionados con la toma de decisiones en cada nivel y entre niveles, y desarrollar herramientas organizativas para que los coordinadores de cada nivel fortalezcan sus prácticas de gestión escolar

    El ciclo del conocimiento en la producción de maíz (Zea mays L.)

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    El estudio tuvo por objeto caracterizar el ciclo del conocimiento en la producción de maíz (Zea mays L.). Venezuela tiene una importante producción de este rubro que forma parte de su dieta diaria. El conocimiento se crea, se almacena, se transfiere, se aplica y se preserva, en un ciclo que tiene la finalidad de incrementar la competitividad y sustentabilidad de las organizaciones. Se dise- ñó y aplicó una encuesta de 36 ítems a una muestra de 234 productores. El índice de conocimiento fue de 69,78% y el índice de percepción de resultados fue de 76,06%, encontrándose una relación positiva entre ambas variables. Se evidenció la ocurrencia del ciclo del conocimiento en cuatro etapas en las que interactuaron medios explícitos y tácito

    De la mitigación de desastres a la interrupción de trampas de riesgo: la experiencia de aprendizajeacción de clima sin riesgo

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    RESUMEN: En las últimas décadas hemos asistido a una profunda reformulación de cómo entender las condiciones de riesgo en el contexto urbano. Sin embargo, aún enfrentamos significativos desafíos para capturar conceptual, metodológica y empíricamente los círculos viciosos de reproducción de riesgos que configuran ‘trampas de riesgo urbano’ frecuentemente invisibilizadas. Entendemos a las trampas de riesgo como el resultado de la reproducción de riesgos cotidianos y de desastres repetitivos y frecuentes de pequeña escala, que afectan en forma desproporcional a los sectores empobrecidos en forma altamente localizada. A partir de cLIMA sin Riesgo - un proyecto de investigación-acción desarrollado por los autores en el contexto de Lima - este artículo explora las condiciones que producen y reproducen estas trampas, cómo y dónde se materializan, quié- nes son afectados y con qué consecuencias para aquellos que viven en barrios tugurizados y/o asentamientos informales y marginalizados. La discusión examina cómo el conocimiento espacial de la urbanización en riesgo y la evaluación critica de las inversiones y los esfuerzos de mitigación realizados por parte de pobladores y agencias estatales permiten avanzar hacia una apreciación más precisa del impacto de dichas trampas a lo largo del tiempo, así como hacia estrategias de acción para su interrupción. ABSTRACT: The last decades have witnessed a profound change in our understanding of the conditions of risk in urban contexts. However, we still face significant conceptual, methodological and empirical challenges in capturing the vicious cycles of risk accumulation that often render so-called ‘urban risk traps’ invisible. We define risk traps as the result of the reproduction of everyday risks and frequent small-scale disasters, which have highly localized impacts and disproportionately affect impoverished inhabitants. Based on the action-research project cLIMA without Risk (cLIMA sin riesgo), which was conducted by the authors in the context of two marginalized areas in the centre and periphery of Lima, Peru, this article explores the conditions that produce and reproduce these risk traps and it analyses how and where they materialize, who they affect and with what consequences. The discussion examines how spatial knowledge of urbanization at risk together with a critical evaluation of inhabitants’ and state agencies’ investments in mitigation efforts allows us to move towards a more accurate assessment of the impact of these risk traps over time, which is required for developing transformative strategies to disrupt them

    A novel combined scientific and artistic approach for the advanced characterization of interactomes: The akirin/subolesin model

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    The main objective of this study was to propose a novel methodology to approach challenges in molecular biology. Akirin/Subolesin (AKR/SUB) are vaccine protective antigens and are a model for the study of the interactome due to its conserved function in the regulation of different biological processes such as immunity and development throughout the metazoan. Herein, three visual artists and a music professor collaborated with scientists for the functional characterization of the AKR2 interactome in the regulation of the NF-¿B pathway in human placenta cells. The results served as a methodological proof-of-concept to advance this research area. The results showed new perspectives on unexplored characteristics of AKR2 with functional implications. These results included protein dimerization, the physical interactions with different proteins simultaneously to regulate various biological processes defined by cell type-specific AKR– protein interactions, and how these interactions positively or negatively regulate the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-¿B) signaling pathway in a biological context-dependent manner. These results suggested that AKR2-interacting proteins might constitute suitable secondary transcription factors for cell-and stimulus-specific regulation of NF-¿B. Musical perspective supported AKR/SUB evolutionary conservation in different species and provided new mechanistic insights into the AKR2 interactome. The combined scientific and artistic perspectives resulted in a multidisciplinary approach, advancing our knowledge on AKR/SUB interactome, and provided new insights into the function of AKR2–protein interactions in the regulation of the NF-¿B pathway. Additionally, herein we proposed an algorithm for quantum vaccinomics by focusing on the model proteins AKR/SUB. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Genetic variability and geographic distribution of peanut Arachis hypogaea L. in Ucayali, Peru

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    El Perú ha sido reconocido como uno de los más importantes centros de diversidad del cultivo de maní y de acuerdo a la evidencia arqueológica, pudo haber sido el centro de origen para dicho cultivo. Para incrementar el conocimiento de la diversidad genética del maní en el Perú, se evaluaron 65 accesiones de maní, correspon-dientes a 21 variedades locales, de las cuencas de los ríos San Alejandro, Ucayali y Aguaytía, de la Región Ucayali. Las accesiones fueron proporcionadas por el proyecto “Modelos de diversidad y de erosión genética en cultivos tradicionales: Asesoría rápida y detección temprana de riesgos usando herramientas SIG”, ejecutado en el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria. Se utilizó la técnica AFLP para estimar la variabilidad genética del cultivo, así como para identificar áreas con la mayor riqueza genética. Se obtuvo un total de 157 bandas polimórficas (45,6%), a partir de 10 combinaciones de iniciadores AFLP en nuestras 65 entradas de maní. Se consideraron sólo 135 bandas polimórficas, en base a su contenido de información polimórfica (0,1Peru has been recognized as one of the most important centers of diversity of the peanut crop and according to archaeological evidence, may have been the center of origin for it. Due to poor knowledge of the current levels of genetic diversity of peanut in Peru, they were evaluated 65 peanut accessions, corresponding to 21 local varieties from the basins of the rivers San Alejandro, Ucayali and Aguaytia, in the Ucayali region; kindly provided by the project "Models of diversity and genetic erosion of traditional crops: Rapid advice and early detection of risks using GIS tools", performed at the “Instituto Nacional de Innovacion Agraria”. AFLP technique was used to estimate the genetic variability of the crop in the region and to identify areas with the greatest genetic wealth. There were a total of 157 polymorphic bands (45.6%), from 10 AFLP primer combinations in our 65 entries of peanuts. We considered only 135 polymorphic bands, based on their polymorphic information content (0.

    Primeras citas fidedignas del género Aceria Asociado a Quercus ilex L. y Q. coccifera L. para el nordeste de la Península Ibérica.

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    Se realizó la determinación taxonómica de ejemplares adultos de ácaros eriófidos obtenidos de dos erineos de hojas de Quercus ilex y Q. coccifera. Se cita Aceria ilicis (Canestrini, 1890) en Quercus ilex y Q. coccifera, y Aceria trichophila Keifer, 1955 en Q. ilex. Ambas especies fueron colectadas en el Parque Natural de Collserola (Barcelona, Cataluña). Se reporta a A. trichophila por primera vez en el Paleártico y por primera vez sobre Q. ilex. Se confirma la presencia de A. ilicis en el noreste ibérico, especie ampliamente citada con presencia en la Península Ibérica a partir únicamente de los erineos colectados

    Alternative Post-Processing on a CMOS Chip to Fabricate a Planar Microelectrode Array

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    We present an alternative post-processing on a CMOS chip to release a planar microelectrode array (pMEA) integrated with its signal readout circuit, which can be used for monitoring the neuronal activity of vestibular ganglion neurons in newborn Wistar strain rats. This chip is fabricated through a 0.6 μm CMOS standard process and it has 12 pMEA through a 4 × 3 electrodes matrix. The alternative CMOS post-process includes the development of masks to protect the readout circuit and the power supply pads. A wet etching process eliminates the aluminum located on the surface of the p+-type silicon. This silicon is used as transducer for recording the neuronal activity and as interface between the readout circuit and neurons. The readout circuit is composed of an amplifier and tunable bandpass filter, which is placed on a 0.015 mm2 silicon area. The tunable bandpass filter has a bandwidth of 98 kHz and a common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of 87 dB. These characteristics of the readout circuit are appropriate for neuronal recording applications

    Eating strategies in university students, quality of breakfast, and socioeconomic conditions

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze food strategies, the quality of breakfast and the practice of physical activity in medical students, related to their socioeconomic conditions, and body mass index. Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional comparative study in 2nd-year students sitting a course in medicine at the University of Mexico. An instrument was developed and validated to collect the variables indicated, which was applied online using the Formstack platform. We used X2 or Fisher’s exact and t-test for independent samples or the Mann–Whitney U-test and performed logistic regression. Results: The logistic regression model indicated that being over 20 years of age, male, obese, and with a low physical activity index were risk factors associated with unhealthy food strategies, with no statistically significant difference. The risk was 41.2-fold in individuals reporting a poor-breakfast quality and six-fold in those who did not eat breakfast. The odds ratio values for insufficient and satisfactory quality of breakfast were at risk, with no statistically significant difference. Not having enough food was a 7.9-fold predictor of risk. Unhealthy food strategies were observed in more than 70% of students with intermediate and inadequate economic resources and in which the average expenditure on food was low. Conclusion: Healthy eating habits need to be promoted at the Faculty of Medicine, in addition to stressing the importance of a good quality breakfast and engagement in physical activity among students