78 research outputs found

    Bioavailability and cellular effects of metals on Lumbricus terrestris inhabiting volcanic soils

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    Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Whether the radial thickness (RT) of the chloragogenous tissue and intestinal epithelium of earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) reflects the bioavailability of metals in soils was investigated in two areas, one with active volcanism (Furnas) and another with no volcanic activity since 3 million years ago (Santa Maria), in the Azores. Metal contents in soil samples and earthworms from the two areas were analyzed. Autometallography and measurements of the RT were performed in the chloragogenous tissue and intestinal epithelium. Earthworms from the active volcanic area demonstrated lower RT of chloragogenous tissue and intestinal epithelium as well as higher levels of bioavailable metals, especially Zn and Cd. Comparison of bioavailable metal contents between both areas suggests a higher risk for uptake of potentially toxic metals in the active volcanic area than in the non-active volcanic area, which is reflected by the lower RT of the chloragogenous tissue and intestinal epithelium in the former.Centro de Investigação de Recursos Naturais (CIRN, University of the Azores), Direcção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia (Government of the Azores), and the ETORTEK program from the Basque Government, through the BERRILUR project (IE03-110). André Amaral was supported by a PhD grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/8186/2002)

    Freshwater molluscs from volcanic areas as model organisms to assess adaptation to metal chronic pollution

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    Copyright © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Cellular biomarkers of exposure and biological effects were measured in digestive gland of snails (Physa acuta) sampled in sites with 12 andwithout active volcanismin SãoMiguel Island (Azores).Metal content in digestive cell lysosomeswas determined by image analysis 13 after autometallography (AMG) as volume density of autometallographed black silver deposits (VvBSD). Lysosomal structural changes 14 (lysosomal volume, surface and numerical densities – VvLYS, SvLYS and NvLYS−, and surface-to-volume ratio – S/VLYS−) were 15 quantified by image analysis, after demonstration of β-glucuronidase activity, on digestive gland cryotome sections. Additional chemical 16 analyses (atomic absorption spectrophotometry) were done in the digestive gland of snails. The highestmetal concentrations were found 17 in snails from the active volcanic site, which agreed with high intralysomal VvBSD. Digestive cell lysosomes in snails inhabiting sites 18 with active volcanismresembled a typical stress situation (enlarged and less numerous lysosomes). In conclusion, the biomarkers used in 19 this work can be applied to detect changes in metal bioavailability due to chronic exposure to metals (volcanism), in combination with 20 chemical analyses.Centro de Investigação de Re- 430 cursos Naturais (CIRN, University of the Azores) and 431 Direcção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia (Government 432 of the Azores) and by the Basque Government (ETOR- 433 TEK

    Itsas ingurumen iraunkorraren bidean:: ia emisiorik gabeko ikerketa ontzi hibridoak

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    In recent times, marine environment knowledge is taking further concern, focusing all the efforts in guaranteeing its sustainability. The Basque Country has prestigious entities which are involved in elemental and sophisticated applied marine environment research works. The sea is the main source of datum and knowledge for these research teams. For example, all kind of biotic and abiotic sampling are usually extracted by using fishing vessels and oceanographic research vessels, becoming their frequent working platforms. Therefore, research vessels are nearly essential for those works, needed to be at least well dimensioned and prepared for their purposes. In that sense, this article addresses principally the retrofit of a coastal vessel engine propulsion system for high value coastal and near-shore marine research, training and education in the Basque Country. Thus, Ingeteam Power Technology company leads a private and public entities consortium which aims the retrofit, which will improve the vessel’s energy efficiency, the manoeuvrability, security and emissions and noise reduction. The vessel, named ORTZE, belongs to the Basque Government, being one of the facilities of the Blas de Lezo, Marine and Fishing School of Pasaia. The retrofit consists of the replacement of the recent diesel mechanic propulsion system for an electric-hybrid propulsion system. The project is placed in a zero-emission, blue economy and sustainability development context. Some purposes are expected in a medium - short term, such as, coastal non-noise and zero-emission research studies, marine and fishing technologies lectures and developments, basic research and master studies and PhD careers on electric propulsion systems, international networking, etc.; Itsas ingurunearen ezagutzak garrantzi handia hartu du azken urteotan, izan ere, bere iraunkortasuna bermatzea jakintza honen konpromezu nagusiena bilakatu da. Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoan itsas ingurunearen oinarrizko ikerketa eta ikerketa aplikatua egiten duten zenbait erakunde daude. Ikerketa taldeek itsasoan dituzte euren ikerkuntza iturri nagusiak. Mota desberdinetako lagin biotiko eta abiotikoak lortzeko, arrantza ontzietan edota ikerketa ontzi ozeanografikoetan itsasoratzea ezinbestekoa izaten dute askotan. Ikerketa egiten duten ontziek garrantzi handiko eginkizuna izaten dute beti, eta egin behar den azterketaren neurrikoa izan behar du behintzat, lanen beharrizanak asetzeko. Ideia honi helduz, Euskal Herriko kostaldean jarduteko balio anitzeko ontzi baten transformazioa izango da artikulu honen lerro nagusia; goi mailako ikerkuntza eta irakaskuntza jasoko dituena. Horretarako, Ingeteam Power Technology enpresak lidertzen duen partzuergo mistoa eratu zen, erakunde pribatu zein publikoekin batera. Helburua, efizientzia energetiko altu eta emisio murritzak bermatuko dituen ikerketa eta irakaskuntza ontzi baten transformazioa da. Pasaiako Blas de Lezo Itsas Arrantza eskolako Ortze ontzia eraldatuko da, hain zuzen, propultsio sistema diesel mekaniko konbentzionaletik propultsio sistema diesel -elektrikora (hibridoa) pasatuz. Proiektua zero-emisio, ekonomia urdin eta garapen iraunkorra jasotzen duen esparruan gauzatzen da. Garapen teknologiko berritzaile honen aurrean, hainbat erabilpen aurreikusten dira: kostaldetik gertu eta ingurune babestuetan zero emisio eta baldintza akustiko baxuetan ikerketa lanak, arrantza alorreko lanbide hezkuntza, propultsio sistema berritzaileaz baliatuz goi mailako graduondoko zein doktorego ikasketak, edota nazioarteko ikerketa taldeen saretzea, besteak beste

    Environmental risk assessment of PPP application in European soils and potential ecosystem service losses considering impacts on non-target organisms

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    The use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) is leading to high exposure scenarios with potential risk to soil organisms, including non-target species. Assessment of the effects of PPPs on non-target organisms is one of the most important components of environmental risk assessment (ERA) since they play crucial functions in ecosystems, being main driving forces in different soil processes. As part of the framework, EFSA is proposing the use of the ecosystem services approach for setting specific protection goals. In fact, the services provided by soil organisms can be impacted by the misuse of PPPs in agroecosystems. The aim of this work was to assess PPPs potential risk upon ecosystem services along European soils, considering impacts on earthworms and collembola. Four well-known (2 insecticides-esfenvalerate and cyclaniliprole- and 2 fungicides - picoxystrobin and fenamidone-) worst case application (highest recommended application) were studied; exploring approaches for linked observed effects with impacts on ecosystem services, accounting for their mode of action (MoA), predicted exposure, time-course effects in Eisenia fetida and Folsomia sp. and landscape variability. The selected fungicides exerted more effects than insecticides on E. fetida, whereas few effects were reported for both pesticides regarding Folsomia sp. The most impacted ecosystem services after PPP application to crops appeared to be habitat provision, soil formation and retention, nutrient cycling, biodiversity, erosion regulation, soil remediation/waste treatment and pest and disease regulation. The main factors to be taken into account for a correct PPP use management in crops are discussed.This work has been partially funded by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) through the grant NP/EFSA/AFSCO/2016/03. The author Miguel J.G. Santos is employed with the EFSA in the PREV Unit. The author Jose V Tarazona was employed by EFSA until October 2022. The present article is published under the sole responsibility of the au thors and may not be considered as an EFSA scientific output. The po sitions and opinions presented in this article are those of the authors alone and do not represent the views of EFSA.S

    The need for interdisciplinary research in marine sciences – A MERry outlook

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    Author contributions RV: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Methodology, Investigation, Conceptualization. AS: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Methodology. SS: Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Validation, Investigation. PO: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Resources, Investigation. KP: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Investigation. AG: Writing – review & editing, Validation. CB: Writing – review & editing. IM: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Data curation, Resources, Funding acquisition. MS: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Validation, Resources, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization.Peer reviewe

    Molecular confirmation of pearl formation in arctic mussels (Mytilus edulis) caused by Gymnophallus bursicola (Odhner 1900) metacercariae

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    Abstract In recent field studies, suspected gymnophallid metacercariae were histologically located in the mantle of mussels from the Norwegian Sea. Mussels from the sites in which that infection was detected also presented abnormally high pearl numbers. It has been previously described that gymnophallid metacercariae could cause pearl formation processes in mussels, as a host reaction to encapsulate these metacercariae. Given the pathological host reaction these parasites elicit, a study was performed to identify gymnophallid metacercariae found in mussels collected from Tromsø at morphological and molecular level and to assess, by the use of molecular tools, the relationship between the parasite and the biological material inside the pearls. As a result, Gymnophallus bursicola metacercariae infecting Norwegian Mytilus edulis were identified according to morphological characters, along with the first 18S rDNA and COI sequences for this trematode species. In addition, parasite DNA from the core of the pearls was extracted and amplified for the first time, confirming the parasitological origin of these pearls. This procedure could allow identifying different parasitic organisms responsible for the generation of pearls in bivalves

    Molecular confirmation of pearl formation in arctic mussels (Mytilus edulis) caused by Gymnophallus bursicola (Odhner 1900) metacercariae

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    Abstract In recent field studies, suspected gymnophallid metacercariae were histologically located in the mantle of mussels from the Norwegian Sea. Mussels from the sites in which that infection was detected also presented abnormally high pearl numbers. It has been previously described that gymnophallid metacercariae could cause pearl formation processes in mussels, as a host reaction to encapsulate these metacercariae. Given the pathological host reaction these parasites elicit, a study was performed to identify gymnophallid metacercariae found in mussels collected from Tromsø at morphological and molecular level and to assess, by the use of molecular tools, the relationship between the parasite and the biological material inside the pearls. As a result, Gymnophallus bursicola metacercariae infecting Norwegian Mytilus edulis were identified according to morphological characters, along with the first 18S rDNA and COI sequences for this trematode species. In addition, parasite DNA from the core of the pearls was extracted and amplified for the first time, confirming the parasitological origin of these pearls. This procedure could allow identifying different parasitic organisms responsible for the generation of pearls in bivalves

    Influence of season-depending ecological variables on biomarker baseline levels in mussels (Mytilus trossulus) from two Baltic Sea subregions

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    Highlights • Baltic Sea presents regional and seasonal changes that condition responses in mussels. • Food supply dictated reproductive cycle and consequently biomarker response. • Seasonal variability unequally reflected at different biological organization levels. • Combination of biological and ecological data necessary for biomarker approach.For reliable mussel monitoring programmes based on biomarkers, regionally relevant reference values and their natural variability need to be known. The Baltic Sea exhibits high inter-regional and seasonal variability in physical factors such as salinity, temperature and primary production. The aim of this pilot study is to depict the effects of season-related environmental factors in a selected battery of biomarkers in two environmentally different subregions of the Baltic Sea to help establishing reference data for biochemical, cellular and tissue-level biomarkers. In order to achieve that, mussels were collected from reference sites in Kiel (Germany) and Tvärminne (Finland) during three seasons: summer and autumn 2016, and spring 2017. Finally, in order to characterize the ecological situation, analysis of the chemical tissue burden was performed and chlorophyll‑a and particulate organic carbon concentration and temperature changes were analyzed at each sampling locality using satellite remote sensing images. An integrated biomarker response index was performed to summarize the biomarker responses of each locality and season. The biochemical endpoints showed seasonal variability regulated by temperature, food supply and reproductive cycle, while among the cellular endpoints only lipofuscin accumulation and lysosomal structural changes showed slight seasonal variation. Seasonal changes in tissue level biomarkers were observed only at the northern Baltic Sea site Tvärminne, dictated by the demanding energetic trade-off caused by reproduction. In conclusion, the characterization of the ecological variables and physico-chemical conditions at each site, is crucial to perform a reliable assessment of the effects of a hypothetical pollution scenario in the Baltic Sea. Moreover, reference levels of biomarkers and their responses to natural environmental conditions must be established

    Estandarización espacio-temporal de índices CPUE para evaluar la incertidumbre en especies demersales de interés pesquero

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    Poster.-- Iberian Symposium on Modeling and Assessment of Fishery Resources, 19-22 October, Vigo, SpainLos índices de captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE) son una de las principales fuentes de información empleadas en los modelos de evaluación de los stocks pesqueros (Zhou et al., 2019). Existen múltiples técnicas para la estandarización de dichos índices, desde modelos lineales generalizados (GLMs) o modelos aditivos generalizados (GAMs) hasta la inclusión de modelos más complejos como los geoestadísticos (Zhou et al., 2019). El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la precisión e incertidumbre asociada a los índices CPUE derivados de fuentes de datos con distinta información espacial. Para ello, se realiza una estandarización de los índices CPUE utilizando modelos geoestadísticos en diferentes escenarios espaciales, comparándolos con modelos GLMs y GAMs. Respecto a la simulación, las capturas (por año) se simulan dentro de un área en base a los siguientes escenarios espaciales: (1) datos de campañas georreferenciadas, (2) datos georreferenciados provenientes de pesquerías, y (3) datos obtenidos de la pesca con referencia espacial lattice/areal data. En el caso del escenario (1) el muestreo es aleatorio, mientras que, para los escenarios (2) y (3) el muestreo es preferencial. Una vez simulados los datos, se ajustan los modelos empleando la técnica Bayesiana Integrated Nested Laplace Aproximation (INLA) mediante el software estadístico R. Finalmente, los índices CPUE obtenidos para cada escenario se introducirán en un modelo de evaluación, con el fin de valorar la precisión en la evaluaciónN

    The EU Horizon 2020 project GRACE : integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects

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    This article introduces the EU Horizon 2020 research project GRACE (Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects), which focuses on a holistic approach towards investigating and understanding the hazardous impact of oil spills and the environmental impacts and benefits of a suite of marine oil spill response technologies in the cold climate and ice-infested areas of the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea. The response methods considered include mechanical collection in water and below ice, in situ burning, use of chemical dispersants, natural biodegradation, and combinations of these. The impacts of naturally and chemically dispersed oil, residues resulting from in situ burning, and non-collected oil on fish, invertebrates (e.g. mussels, crustaceans) and macro-algae are assessed by using highly sensitive biomarker methods, and specific methods for the rapid detection of the effects of oil pollution on biota are developed. By observing, monitoring and predicting oil movements in the sea through the use of novel online sensors on vessels, fixed platforms including gliders and the so-called SmartBuoys together with real-time data transfer into operational systems that help to improve the information on the location of the oil spill, situational awareness of oil spill response can be improved. Methods and findings of the project are integrated into a strategic net environmental benefit analysis tool (environment and oil spill response, EOS) for oil spill response strategy decision making in cold climates and ice-infested areas