213 research outputs found

    La cultura de la experiencia. La influencia de internet en la divulgación cultural: Balance de aspectos positivos y negativos

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    La cultura de la experiencia toma la historia de José María Castro Velasco, un habitual consumidor de cultura, para tratar un hito que marcaría el punto de inflexión en nuestra historia reciente: la aparición de internet y las consecuencias que ha traído en el mundo de la cultura. De su mano trataremos la democratización cultural, los nuevos espacios y vías de acceso. A su vez, la posible banalización del concepto y el perfil de los nuevos consumidores. Se trata de un relato profundamente humano en el que conoceremos la repercusión que ha tenido este cambio en nuestra rutina. En el transcurso del documental distintos profesionales del sector nos proporcionaran un punto de vista y una reflexión propia. De esta forma, estamos ante un trabajo transversal en que conoceremos como ha transformado este mundo, tanto desde el punto de vista del artista como del consumidor.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Mission specification in underwater robotics

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    This paper describes the utilization of software design patterns and plan-based mission specification in the definition of AUVs missions. Within this approach, a mission is described in terms of a set of task-oriented plans in order to simplify mission definition and favor reutilization of some aspects of a mission. Each plan organizes how and when basic tasks like measurement sampling, navigation or communication are to be carried out. The usage of design patterns for AUVs has been considered in order to ease system architecture design.This work has been partially supported by the following research projects: Project PI2007/039 funded by the Autonomous Government of Canary Islands (Gobierno de Canarias — Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Spain) with FEDER funding; and Project TIN2008-06068 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación, Gobierno de España

    Alternative surgical treatment in a case of voluntary ingestion of foreign bodies

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    Introduction: Intentional ingestion of foreign bodies in adults is a rare event that occurs mainly in psychiatric patients or inmates, and can cause a serious problem, compromising the life of the patient. Objective: To present the clinical case of an adult patient with ingestion of several pinpoint foreign bodies of different sizes, and to show a variant to extract them with the least possible damage. Clinical case: The case is a 25-year-old male incarcerate patient who ingested several pieces of copper wire of different lengths, and due to the high risk of causing perforation, it was decided to perform an exploratory laparotomy and extraction of foreign bodies through a gastrotomy, and through the appendicular orifice without the need to open an intestinal loop. Conclusions: A possible method to extract the fine foreign bodies that manage to pass through the Trietz angle is to advance the foreign body through the appendicular orifice and perform a complementary appendectomy, thus achieving its extraction without performing an enterotomy


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    Una de las características de los procesos productivos e industriales es su constante actualización promoviendo importantes cambios, entre ellos: la elevación del nivel de complejidad de las actividades, las nuevas formas de organización del trabajo, la flexibilización laboral, la continua diversificación de los empleos, el proceso de descentralización y la rápida obsolescencia de las tecnologías. Los estudios de seguimiento de graduados son una alternativa para comprender la relación que existe entre la formación profesional y el mundo del trabajo, así como la satisfacción de demandas externas e internas, entendiendo que ellas abarcan las necesidades: individuales, colectivas, institucionales y sociales. Sin embargo, para lograr cumplir con este cometido en la actualidad, el enfoque tradicional que han tenido los estudios de seguimiento de graduados, centrados en el éxito laboral y las condiciones del puesto de trabajo, debe ser sustituido por uno que contemple las características del mundo del trabajo, donde tienen un lugar todos los elementos que contribuyen la construcción de ciudadanía y el aporte del individuo como parte de una sociedad. Por otra parte, en la medida de que la formación profesional obtenida en las Universidades no es suficiente para toda la vida, dada la pérdida de vigencia de los conocimientos en la Educación Superior, se hace necesario que los profesionales estén preparados para aprender durante toda la vida y los seguimientos de graduados se constituyen en una valiosa herramienta para orientar la actualización de las competencias genéricas y específicas.Uma das características dos processos produtivos e industriais é a sua atualização constante promovendo mudanças importantes, entre elas: a elevação do nível de complexidade das atividades, as novas formas de organização do trabalho, a diversificação continua dos empregos, o processo de descentralização e a rápida obsolescência das tecnologias. A pós-graduação é uma alternativa para compreender a relação entre a formação profissional e o mundo do trabalho, bem como a satisfação das demandas externas e internas, entendendo que abrangem as necessidades individuais, coletivas, institucionais e sociais. No entanto, para cumprir esta tarefa hoje, a abordagem tradicional que os estudos de pós-graduação têm tido, focada no sucesso no trabalho e nas condições de trabalho, deve ser substituída por uma que leve em consideração as características do mundo do trabalho, onde todos os elementos que contribuam para a construção da cidadania e para a contribuição do indivíduo como parte de uma sociedade têm seu lugar. Por outro lado, na medida em que a formação profissional obtida nas Universidades não é suficiente para a vida, dada a perda de validade dos conhecimentos no Ensino Superior, é necessário que os profissionais estejam preparados para aprender ao longo da vida o acompanhamento da pós-graduação é uma ferramenta valiosa para orientar a atualização de competências genéricas e específicas.One of the characteristics of the productive and industrial processes is its constant updating that promotes significant changes including: raising the level of complexity of activities, new forms of work organization, labor flexibility, continuous diversification of jobs, the decentralization process and the rapid obsolescence of technologies. Follow-up studies of graduate are an alternative to understand the relationship between vocational training and the world of work, as well as the satisfaction of internal and external demands, meaning that they cover the individual, collective, institutional and social needs. However, in order to fulfill this task at present, the traditional approach follow-up studies of graduates have had, focusing on work success and job conditions, must be replaced by one that considers the characteristics of the world of work, where all the elements that help to develop citizenship and the contribution of the individual as part of society have a place. Moreover, to the extent that vocational training obtained at universities is not enough for a lifetime, due to the loss of validity of knowledge in higher education, it is necessary that professionals get ready to learn throughout life and follow-up studies of graduates is a valuable tool for guiding the updating of generic and specific skills

    Molecular tracers of PDR-dominated galaxies

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    Photon-dominated regions (PDRs) are powerful molecular line emitters in external galaxies. They are expected in galaxies with high rates of massive star formation due to either starburst (SB) events or starburst coupled with active galactic nuclei (AGN) events. We have explored the PDR chemistry for a range of physical conditions representing a variety of galaxy types. Our main result is a demonstration of the sensitivity of the chemistry to changes in the physical conditions. We adopt crude estimates of relevant physical parameters for several galaxy types and use our models to predict suitable molecular tracers of those conditions. The set of recommended molecular tracers differs from that which we recommended for use in galaxies with embedded massive stars. Thus, molecular observations can in principle be used to distinguish between excitation by starburst and by SB+AGN in distant galaxies. Our recommendations are intended to be useful in preparing Herschel and ALMA proposals to identify sources of excitation in galaxies.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Accepted in Ap

    Biodiversidad de los LIC Banco de La Concepción y Espacil marino del oriente y sur de Lanzarote-Fuerteventura. Especies protegidas y formadoras de hábitats

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    Two large areas belonging to the Canary Islands marine demarcation are part of the Natura 2000 network as Sites of Community Importance (SCI): “ESZZ15001-Banco de la Concepción” (total area 609,721.92 ha; depth range 158-2,687 m) and “ESZZ15002-Espacio marino del oriente y sur de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura” (total area 1,433,248.92 ha; depth range 0-3,300 m). Within the framework of the LIFE INTEMARES IP project, Action A.2.1, and before the designation of these two SCIs as Special Areas of Conservation, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) is responsible for completing information necessary for the development of management plans. In the present study, a general analysis of the biodiversity of the two SCIs is carried out, starting from the updated catalogs, based mainly on previous IEO research and on information from the Canary Islands Biodiversity Data Bank, a comprehensive database of the Regional Government that draws on all current and historical information, backed by documents supervised by specialists. Special emphasis is placed on protected species and habitat forming species, which are considered key elements for management.Dos grandes zonas de la demarcación marina de las islas Canarias forman parte de la Red Natura 2000 como Lugares de Importancia Comunitaria (LIC): “ESZZ15001-Banco de la Concepción” (área total 609.721,92 ha; rango de profundidad 158-2.687 m) y “ESZZ15002-Espacio marino del oriente y sur de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura” (área total 1.433.248,92 ha; rango de profundidad 0-3.300 m). El Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) ha sido encargado de completar la información necesaria para el desarrollo de los planes de gestión, como paso previo a la declaración de estos LIC como Zonas de Especial Conservación, en el marco del proyecto LIFE IP INTEMARES, Acción A.2.1. En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis general de la biodiversidad de los dos LIC, partiendo de los catálogos actualizados, basados principalmente en investigaciones previas del IEO y en la información del Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de Canarias, una completa base de datos que recopila toda la información actual e histórica, respaldada por documentos supervisados por especialistas. Se presta una especial atención a las especies protegidas y a las formadoras de hábitats, que son consideradas elementos claves para la gestiónTwo large areas belonging to the Canary Islands marine demarcation are part of the Natura 2000 network as Sites of Community Importance (SCI): “ESZZ15001-Banco de la Concepción” (total area 609,721.92 ha; depth range 158-2,687 m) and “ESZZ15002-Espacio marino del oriente y sur de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura” (total area 1,433,248.92 ha; depth range 0-3,300 m). Within the framework of the LIFE INTEMARES IP project, Action A.2.1, and before the designation of these two SCIs as Special Areas of Conservation, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) is responsible for completing information necessary for the development of management plans. In the present study, a general analysis of the biodiversity of the two SCIs is carried out, starting from the updated catalogs, based mainly on previous IEO research and on information from the Canary Islands Biodiversity Data Bank, a comprehensive database of the Regional Government that draws on all current and historical information, backed by documents supervised by specialists. Special emphasis is placed on protected species and habitat forming species, which are considered key elements for management.En prens

    6.7 GHz methanol absorption toward the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3079

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    The detection of the 6.7 GHz line of methanol (CH3OH) is reported for the first time toward an object beyond the Magellanic Clouds. Using the Effelsberg 100 m telescope, two absorption features were identified toward the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3079. Both components probably originated on lines-of-sight toward the central region, presumably absorbing the radio continuum of the nuclear sources A, B, and E of NGC 3079. One absorption feature, at the systemic velocity, is narrow and may arise from gas not related to the nuclear environment of the galaxy. The weaker blue-shifted component is wider and may trace outflowing gas. Total A-type CH3OH column densities are estimated to be between a few times 10^13 and a few times 10^15 cm^-2. Because of a highly frequency-dependent continuum background, the overall similarity of HI, OH, and CH3OH absorption profiles hints at molecular clouds that cover the entire area occupied by the nuclear radio continuum sources ~ 4 pc.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in A&A Letter