28 research outputs found

    Production and characterization of two medium-chain-length polydroxyalkanoates by engineered strains of Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Background: The oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is an organism of choice for the tailored production of various compounds such as biofuels or biopolymers. When properly engineered, it is capable of producing medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA), a biobased and biodegradable polymer that can be used as bioplastics or biopolymers for environmental and biomedical applications.Results: This study describes the bioproduction and the main properties of two different mcl-PHA polymers. We generated by metabolic engineering, strains of Y. lipolytica capable of accumulating more than 25% (g/g) of mcl-PHA polymers. Depending of the strain genetic background and the culture conditions, we produced (i) a mcl-PHA homopolymer of 3-hydroxydodecanoic acids, with a mass-average molar mass (M-w) of 316,000 g/mol, showing soft thermoplastic properties with potential applications in packaging and (ii) a mcl-PHA copolymer made of 3-hydroxyoctanoic (3HO), decanoic (3HD), dodecanoic (3HDD) and tetradecanoic (3TD) acids with a M-w of 128,000 g/mol, behaving like a thermoplastic elastomer with potential applications in biomedical material.Conclusion: The ability to engineer Y. lipolytica to produce tailored PHAs together with the range of possible applications regarding their biophysical and mechanical properties opens new perspectives in the field of PHA bioproduction

    Genome Sequence of the Saprophyte Leptospira biflexa Provides Insights into the Evolution of Leptospira and the Pathogenesis of Leptospirosis

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    Leptospira biflexa is a free-living saprophytic spirochete present in aquatic environments. We determined the genome sequence of L. biflexa, making it the first saprophytic Leptospira to be sequenced. The L. biflexa genome has 3,590 protein-coding genes distributed across three circular replicons: the major 3,604 chromosome, a smaller 278-kb replicon that also carries essential genes, and a third 74-kb replicon. Comparative sequence analysis provides evidence that L. biflexa is an excellent model for the study of Leptospira evolution; we conclude that 2052 genes (61%) represent a progenitor genome that existed before divergence of pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospira species. Comparisons of the L. biflexa genome with two pathogenic Leptospira species reveal several major findings. Nearly one-third of the L. biflexa genes are absent in pathogenic Leptospira. We suggest that once incorporated into the L. biflexa genome, laterally transferred DNA undergoes minimal rearrangement due to physical restrictions imposed by high gene density and limited presence of transposable elements. In contrast, the genomes of pathogenic Leptospira species undergo frequent rearrangements, often involving recombination between insertion sequences. Identification of genes common to the two pathogenic species, L. borgpetersenii and L. interrogans, but absent in L. biflexa, is consistent with a role for these genes in pathogenesis. Differences in environmental sensing capacities of L. biflexa, L. borgpetersenii, and L. interrogans suggest a model which postulates that loss of signal transduction functions in L. borgpetersenii has impaired its survival outside a mammalian host, whereas L. interrogans has retained environmental sensory functions that facilitate disease transmission through water

    From array-based hybridization of Helicobacter pylori isolates to the complete genome sequence of an isolate associated with MALT lymphoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>elicobacter pylori </it>infection is associated with several gastro-duodenal inflammatory diseases of various levels of severity. To determine whether certain combinations of genetic markers can be used to predict the clinical source of the infection, we analyzed well documented and geographically homogenous clinical isolates using a comparative genomics approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A set of 254 <it>H. pylori </it>genes was used to perform array-based comparative genomic hybridization among 120 French <it>H. pylori </it>strains associated with chronic gastritis (n = 33), duodenal ulcers (n = 27), intestinal metaplasia (n = 17) or gastric extra-nodal marginal zone B-cell MALT lymphoma (n = 43). Hierarchical cluster analyses of the DNA hybridization values allowed us to identify a homogeneous subpopulation of strains that clustered exclusively with <it>cag</it>PAI minus MALT lymphoma isolates. The genome sequence of B38, a representative of this MALT lymphoma strain-cluster, was completed, fully annotated, and compared with the six previously released <it>H. pylori </it>genomes (i.e. J99, 26695, HPAG1, P12, G27 and Shi470). B38 has the smallest <it>H. pylori </it>genome described thus far (1,576,758 base pairs containing 1,528 CDSs); it contains the <it>vacA</it>s2m2 allele and lacks the genes encoding the major virulence factors (absence of <it>cag</it>PAI, <it>bab</it>B, <it>bab</it>C, <it>sab</it>B, and <it>hom</it>B). Comparative genomics led to the identification of very few sequences that are unique to the B38 strain (9 intact CDSs and 7 pseudogenes). Pair-wise genomic synteny comparisons between B38 and the 6 <it>H. pylori </it>sequenced genomes revealed an almost complete co-linearity, never seen before between the genomes of strain Shi470 (a Peruvian isolate) and B38.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These isolates are deprived of the main <it>H. pylori </it>virulence factors characterized previously, but are nonetheless associated with gastric neoplasia.</p

    Ralstonia syzygii, the Blood Disease Bacterium and Some Asian R. solanacearum Strains Form a Single Genomic Species Despite Divergent Lifestyles

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    The Ralstonia solanacearum species complex includes R. solanacearum, R. syzygii, and the Blood Disease Bacterium (BDB). All colonize plant xylem vessels and cause wilt diseases, but with significant biological differences. R. solanacearum is a soilborne bacterium that infects the roots of a broad range of plants. R. syzygii causes Sumatra disease of clove trees and is actively transmitted by cercopoid insects. BDB is also pathogenic to a single host, banana, and is transmitted by pollinating insects. Sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridization studies indicated that despite their phenotypic differences, these three plant pathogens are actually very closely related, falling into the Phylotype IV subgroup of the R. solanacearum species complex. To better understand the relationships among these bacteria, we sequenced and annotated the genomes of R. syzygii strain R24 and BDB strain R229. These genomes were compared to strain PSI07, a closely related Phylotype IV tomato isolate of R. solanacearum, and to five additional R. solanacearum genomes. Whole-genome comparisons confirmed previous phylogenetic results: the three phylotype IV strains share more and larger syntenic regions with each other than with other R. solanacearum strains. Furthermore, the genetic distances between strains, assessed by an in-silico equivalent of DNA-DNA hybridization, unambiguously showed that phylotype IV strains of BDB, R. syzygii and R. solanacearum form one genomic species. Based on these comprehensive data we propose a revision of the taxonomy of the R. solanacearum species complex. The BDB and R. syzygii genomes encoded no obvious unique metabolic capacities and contained no evidence of horizontal gene transfer from bacteria occupying similar niches. Genes specific to R. syzygii and BDB were almost all of unknown function or extrachromosomal origin. Thus, the pathogenic life-styles of these organisms are more probably due to ecological adaptation and genomic convergence during vertical evolution than to the acquisition of DNA by horizontal transfer

    Methylobacterium Genome Sequences: A Reference Blueprint to Investigate Microbial Metabolism of C1 Compounds from Natural and Industrial Sources

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    Methylotrophy describes the ability of organisms to grow on reduced organic compounds without carbon-carbon bonds. The genomes of two pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacteria of the Alpha-proteobacterial genus Methylobacterium, the reference species Methylobacterium extorquens strain AM1 and the dichloromethane-degrading strain DM4, were compared. Methodology/Principal Findings The 6.88 Mb genome of strain AM1 comprises a 5.51 Mb chromosome, a 1.26 Mb megaplasmid and three plasmids, while the 6.12 Mb genome of strain DM4 features a 5.94 Mb chromosome and two plasmids. The chromosomes are highly syntenic and share a large majority of genes, while plasmids are mostly strain-specific, with the exception of a 130 kb region of the strain AM1 megaplasmid which is syntenic to a chromosomal region of strain DM4. Both genomes contain large sets of insertion elements, many of them strain-specific, suggesting an important potential for genomic plasticity. Most of the genomic determinants associated with methylotrophy are nearly identical, with two exceptions that illustrate the metabolic and genomic versatility of Methylobacterium. A 126 kb dichloromethane utilization (dcm) gene cluster is essential for the ability of strain DM4 to use DCM as the sole carbon and energy source for growth and is unique to strain DM4. The methylamine utilization (mau) gene cluster is only found in strain AM1, indicating that strain DM4 employs an alternative system for growth with methylamine. The dcm and mau clusters represent two of the chromosomal genomic islands (AM1: 28; DM4: 17) that were defined. The mau cluster is flanked by mobile elements, but the dcm cluster disrupts a gene annotated as chelatase and for which we propose the name “island integration determinant” (iid).Conclusion/Significance These two genome sequences provide a platform for intra- and interspecies genomic comparisons in the genus Methylobacterium, and for investigations of the adaptive mechanisms which allow bacterial lineages to acquire methylotrophic lifestyles.Organismic and Evolutionary Biolog

    Veuve Noire, expression et trafic de son récepteur (Latrophiline) et sécrétion de l'insuline

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    Les cellules b pancréatiques sécrètent l'insuline, régulateur principal de la glycémie. Les mécanismes et les protéines impliqués dans cette sécrétion ne sont pas tous connus. Afin de les étudier, nous avons employé l'a-latrotoxine (aLTX), toxine issue du venin de la Veuve Noire. Cette neurotoxine est capable d'induire une sécrétion massive de l'insuline. Son mode d'action n'est pas entièrement connu, mais un récepteur localisé dans la membrane plasmique est indispensable. L'aLTX s'insère dans la membrane où elle forme un pore perméable aux cations, conduisant à une stimulation de la sécrétion. Des études récentes suggèrent un rôle éventuel du récepteur. Nos travaux ont mis en évidence que dans les cellules b, la latrophiline (LPH) est le seul récepteur de l'aLTX fonctionnel de façon endogène. Nous avons montré que lorsqu'elle se lie au domaine extracellulaire de la LPH, l'aLTX agit en deux phases. Elle est responsable d'une inhibition de flux potassiques. Ceci conduit à une dépolarisation partielle de la membrane plasmique et un influx calcique. L'aLTX s'insère ensuite probablement dans la membrane et induit d'importants flux ioniques. Nous avons établi que la liaison de l'aLTX et la seule formation du pore ne suffissent pas à induire une sécrétion de l'insuline. L'action de l'aLTX dépend de l'activité mitochondriale, peut-être par l'intermédiaire de la production d'ATP ou de l'activité de kinases. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés au transport de la LPH dont l'expression à la surface cellulaire nécessite des protéines SNARE spécifiques, différentes de celles impliquées dans l'exocytose de l'insuline, et un chaperon moléculaire, la CSP. La partie intracellulaire de la LPH formée des 127 derniers acides aminés intervient au niveau de l'activité sécrétoire, en l'inhibant. L'aLTX induit donc une sécrétion en agissant sur plusieurs voies de signalisation et constitue un bon outil pour comprendre le rôle de la LPH et son implication dans la sécrétion de l'insuline.BORDEAUX1-BU Sciences-Talence (335222101) / SudocSudocFranceF