247 research outputs found

    Subjektive Wahrscheinlichkeitseinschätzungen in einer Würfelspielsituation – ein Kreislaufmodell

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    Schätzen Kinder Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeiten eines Würfelergebnisses in einer Spielsituation ein, greifen sie auf ihre individuellen Erfahrungen und den daraus entwickelten subjektiven Vorstellungen zurück. In der unten aufgeführten Literatur wurden bereits einige subjektive Vorstellungen aufgezeigt, die durch Ergebnisse eines eigenen Forschungsprojekts erweitert werden konnten. Es zeigen sich unterschiedliche Verortungen dieser Vorstellungsvarianten in dem Prozess einer subjektiven Wahrscheinlichkeitseinschätzung: Vorstellungen, die dem Zufallsexperiment vorausgehen und Vorstellungen, die in Beeinflussungsversuchen während der Handlung resultieren können. Nach Durchführung des Zufallsexperiments werden die vorherige Wahrscheinlichkeitseinschätzung, die dahinterstehenden subjektiven Vorstellungen und die Erwartungshaltung des Kindes durch das nun vorliegende Würfelergebnis bestätigt oder widerlegt. Gleichzeitig wird das Würfelergebnis zu einer neuen Erfahrung, die das nächste Würfeln und die subjektiven Vorstellungen wiederum beeinflussen kann

    Evidence for a role of Arabidopsis CDT1 proteins in gametophyte development and maintenance of genome integrity

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    Meristems retain the ability to divide throughout the life cycle of plants, which can last for over 1000 years in some species. Furthermore, the germline is not laid down early during embryogenesis but originates from the meristematic cells relatively late during development. Thus, accurate cell cycle regulation is of utmost importance to avoid the accumulation of mutations during vegetative growth and reproduction. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes two homologs of the replication licensing factor CDC10 Target1 (CDT1), and overexpression of CDT1a stimulates DNA replication. Here, we have investigated the respective functions of Arabidopsis CDT1a and CDT1b. We show that CDT1 proteins have partially redundant functions during gametophyte development and are required for the maintenance of genome integrity. Furthermore, CDT1-RNAi plants show endogenous DNA stress, are more tolerant than the wild type to DNA-damaging agents, and show constitutive induction of genes involved in DNA repair. This DNA stress response may be a direct consequence of reduced CDT1 accumulation on DNA repair or may relate to the ability of CDT1 proteins to form complexes with DNA polymerase e, which functions in DNA replication and in DNA stress checkpoint activation. Taken together, our results provide evidence for a crucial role of Arabidopsis CDT1 proteins in genome stability

    Inteligencia emocional y autoeficacia en las estudiantes de noveno ciclo de educación inicial de una universidad privada de Trujillo, 2020.

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    Este trabajo de investigación tenía por objetivo determinar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la autoeficacia en las estudiantes de noveno ciclo de educación inicial de una Universidad Privada de Trujillo, 2020. Estudio de tipo descriptivo correlacional para el cual se contó con una población muestral de 15 estudiantes de noveno ciclo de educación inicial. Los instrumentos empleados fueron la Escala TMMS-24 de Salovey y Mayer, correspondiente a la variable Inteligencia emocional y la escala de Autoeficacia general de Baessler, que corresponde a la variable Autoeficacia. Los resultados demostraron que no existe una relación estadística significativa entre la inteligencia emocional y la autoeficacia en las estudiantes de noveno ciclo de educación inicial y que, según el coeficiente de Pearson, existe una correlación positiva baja. Además, los resultados mostraron que no existe relación estadística entre las dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional (atención emocional, claridad emocional y reparación de las emociones) y la autoeficacia.The current investigation had the objective to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy in ninth course pre-school education students of a private university in Trujillo, 2020. This has been correlative descriptive study, with a sample of 15 ninth course pre-school education students. The tools used were the TMMS-24 scale by Salovey and Mayer, related to emotional intelligence variable and the Self-Efficacy scale by Baessler, corresponding to Self- Efficacy variable. The results have showed that there is no significative statistical relation between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy in ninth course pre-school education students and that, according to Pearson coefficient it exists a low positive relation. Moreover, results have showed that there is no statistical between the dimensions of emotional intelligence (emotional attention, emotional clarity and emotions repair) and self-efficacy.Tesi

    Binding of human SLBP on the 3′-UTR of histone precursor H4-12 mRNA induces structural rearrangements that enable U7 snRNA anchoring

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    In metazoans, cell-cycle-dependent histones are produced from poly(A)-lacking mRNAs. The 3′ end of histone mRNAs is formed by an endonucleolytic cleavage of longer precursors between a conserved stem–loop structure and a purine-rich histone downstream element (HDE). The cleavage requires at least two trans-acting factors: the stem–loop binding protein (SLBP), which binds to the stem–loop and the U7 snRNP, which anchors to histone pre-mRNAs by annealing to the HDE. Using RNA structure-probing techniques, we determined the secondary structure of the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of mouse histone pre-mRNAs H4–12, H1t and H2a–614. Surprisingly, the HDE is embedded in hairpin structures and is therefore not easily accessible for U7 snRNP anchoring. Probing of the 3′-UTR in complex with SLBP revealed structural rearrangements leading to an overall opening of the structure especially at the level of the HDE. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that the SLBP-induced opening of HDE actually facilitates U7 snRNA anchoring on the histone H4–12 pre-mRNAs 3′ end. These results suggest that initial binding of the SLBP functions in making the HDE more accessible for U7 snRNA anchoring

    Percepción de los padres de familia sobre la educación a distancia que reciben sus hijos menores de cinco años, urbanización Covidunt, Trujillo, 2020

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    La presente investigación tenía como objetivo principal: Determinar si existen diferencias entre la percepción de los padres de familia sobre la educación a distancia que reciben sus hijos menores de cinco años de la I.E N°208 María Inmaculada y la I.E.P Crezco Jugando, de la urbanización Covidunt, Trujillo, 2020. Estudio de tipo comparativo. Se trabajó como una muestra de 40 padres de familia de niños menores de 5 años, los cuales 20 pertenecen a la I.E. N°208 – María Inmaculada y 20 pertenecen a la I.E.P. Crezco Jugando. El instrumento empleado fue una encuesta aplicada a los padres de familia de ambas instituciones. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que existen diferencias entre la percepción de los padres de familia, respecto a la educación a distancia de sus hijos menores de cinco años en las dos instituciones que fueron objeto del estudio.This investigation‟s main objective was to determine is it exists differences between Parents' perception of distance education received by their children under the age of five in the educational institution N°208 María Inmaculada and the educational institution Crezco Jugando, in Covidunt neighborhood, Trujillo, 2020. The design of the investigation is descriptive and comparative, with a sample of 40 parents, 20 of them from the 208 – María Inmaculada educational institution and 20 of them from the Crezco Jugando educational institution. The instrument used in the investigation was a survey and it has been applied to both institutions‟ parents. The results allowed to evidence that it exists differences between parents‟ perception, according to distance education of their children under the age of five in both institutions.Tesi

    At-sea movements of wedge-tailed shearwaters during and outside the breeding season from four colonies in New Caledonia

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    International audienceThe wedge-tailed shearwater (WTS) population of New Caledonia is one of the largest in the world, yet its biology and foraging ecology are poorly known. We studied WTS from 4 colonies in New Caledonia. We examined foraging behaviour and habitats using GPS receivers and light sensors during and outside the breeding season, respectively, and compared our findings with those from other WTS populations worldwide. During breeding, New Caledonian WTS alternated short foraging trips close to the colony over the lagoon, or off the reef edge, with longer trips over distant, deep waters. Whereas neighboring colonies overlapped at sea, especially during short trips, there was a clear separation of foraging zones between the pairs of colonies located in the southern versus northwestern parts of New Caledonia. Although WTS actively foraged and commuted to foraging zones during the day, they mainly returned to the colony or rested at night, indicating that they feed mainly during the day. Active foraging did not take place in more productive areas, suggesting that it may instead be related to the presence of sub-surface predators. Outside the breeding season, birds from 3 colonies had similar trans-equatorial migratory behaviour. All left New Caledonia at the same time of the year with a fast, northeasterly movement and wintered over deep waters in the same sector of the northwestern tropical Pacific Ocean. At overwintering sites, they spent most of their non-foraging time presumably sitting on the water, especially at night, making a slow westward movement before returning to New Caledonia. WTS from New Caledonia forage over warm, oligotrophic deep waters throughout their life cycle, and the species appears to have a flexible foraging strategy adapted to the various environmental conditions encountered across its wide tropical range

    Isotopic niche modelling of the Pondaung mammal fauna (middle Eocene, Myanmar) shows microhabitat differences. Insights into paleoecology and early anthropoid primate habitats

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    The late Middle Eocene Pondaung Fm. is a window to understand the environment and ecosystem dynamics of a past greenhouse world and the paleoenvironments where modern mammal clades such as anthropoid primates originated. Previous studies focused on the overall climate and vegetation of this Eocene habitat and provided first evidence for an early monsoon onset before the orogenesis of the Himalayan-Tibetan range. Here, we wanted to investigate how the mammal fauna used this habitat and which different ecological niches and microhabitats they occupied. We analyzed the carbonate fraction of dental enamel of a fossil mammal assemblage from various localities of the Pondaung Fm. in Myanmar. Bayesian niche modelling of the δ13C and δ18O values allowed us to quantify aspects of the ecological core niches occupied by these taxa, to calculate niche overlap and to use these data to infer directional competition potential in this mammal assemblage. Furthermore, comparison of different areas of the Pondaung Fm. revealed two different microhabitats whose distribution is consistent with existing vegetation models. Most primate taxa were found in both described environments, which gives a first indication about their ecological flexibility

    Dopaminergic Progenitors Derived From Epiblast Stem Cells Function Similarly to Primary VM-Derived Progenitors When Transplanted Into a Parkinson’s Disease Model

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    Neural transplantation in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) offers to replace cells lost during the progression of the disease process. Primary fetal ventral mesencephalon (VM), the origin of bona fide midbrain dopaminergic (DAergic) precursors, is currently the gold standard source of cells for transplantation in PD. However, the use of tissue from this source raises ethical and logistical constraints necessitating the need for alternative supplies of donor cells. The requirement of any alternative donor cell source is to have the capability to generate authentic mature DAergic neurons, which could be utilized in cell-replacement strategies. Mouse pluripotent stem cells can efficiently generate electrochemically mature midbrain DAergic precursors in vitro using a stepwise control of FGF signaling. Here, we have compared DAergic transplants derived from two progenitor cell sources in an allograft system: mouse epiblast stem cells (EpiSC) and primary fetal mouse VM tissue. Cells were transplanted into the striatum of 6-OHDA lesioned mice pre-treated with L-DOPA. Drug-induced rotations, a number of motor tests and drug-induced abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs) were assessed. Functional improvements were demonstrated post-transplantation in some behavioral tests, with no difference in graft volume or the number of TH immuno-positive cells in the grafts of the two transplant groups. L-DOPA-induced AIMs and amphetamine-induced AIMs were observed in both transplant groups, with no differences in rate or severity between the two groups. Collectively, in this mouse-to-mouse allograft system, we report no significant differences in the functional ability between the gold standard primary VM derived and pluripotent stem cell-derived DAergic transplants

    Role of Pelvic Lymph Node Resection in Vulvar Squamous Cell Cancer:A Subset Analysis of the AGO-CaRE-1 Study

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    Background: As the population at risk for pelvic nodal involvement remains poorly described, the role of pelvic lymphadenectomy (LAE) in vulvar squamous cell cancer (VSCC) has been a matter of discussion for decades. Methods: In the AGO-CaRE-1 study, 1618 patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage IB or higher primary VSCC treated at 29 centers in Germany between 1998 and 2008 were documented. In this analysis, only patients with pelvic LAE (n = 70) were analyzed with regard to prognosis and correlation between inguinal and pelvic lymph node involvement. Results: The majority of patients had T1b/T2 tumors (n = 47; 67.1%), with a median diameter of 40 mm (2–240 mm); 54/70 patients (77.1%) who received pelvic LAE had positive groin nodes. For 42 of these 54 patients, the number of affected groin nodes had been documented as a median of 3; 14/42 (33.3%) of these patients had histologically confirmed pelvic nodal metastases (median number of affected pelvic nodes 3 [1–12]). In these 14 patients, the median number of affected groin nodes was 7 (1–30), with a groin metastases median maximum diameter of 42.5 mm (12–50). Receiver operating characteristic analysis showed an area under the curve of 0.85, with 83.3% sensitivity and 92.6% specificity for the prediction of pelvic involvement in cases of six or more positive groin nodes. No cases of pelvic nodal involvement without groin metastases were observed. Prognosis in cases of pelvic metastasis was poor, with a median progression-free survival of only 12.5 months. Conclusion: For the majority of node-positive patients with VSCC, pelvic nodal staging appears unnecessary since a relevant risk for pelvic nodal involvement only seems to be present in highly node-positive disease