977 research outputs found

    Normalizing or not normalizing? An open question for floating-point arithmetic in embedded systems

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    Emerging embedded applications lack of a specific standard when they require floating-point arithmetic. In this situation they use the IEEE-754 standard or ad hoc variations of it. However, this standard was not designed for this purpose. This paper aims to open a debate to define a new extension of the standard to cover embedded applications. In this work, we only focus on the impact of not performing normalization. We show how eliminating the condition of normalized numbers, implementation costs can be dramatically reduced, at the expense of a moderate loss of accuracy. Several architectures to implement addition and multiplication for non-normalized numbers are proposed and analyzed. We show that a combined architecture (adder-multiplier) can halve the area and power consumption of its counterpart IEEE-754 architecture. This saving comes at the cost of reducing an average of about 10 dBs the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for the tested algorithms. We think these results should encourage researchers to perform further investigation in this issue.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis del papel de la mujer en la ciencia y su transmisión durante la Educación Primaria.

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    Cuando se habla de mujeres y ciencia, la reacción inmediata es la de indicar la poca presencia de éstas en el desarrollo de la ciencia. No obstante, diversos trabajos científicos han puesto de manifiesto que, si bien a lo largo de la historia la presencia de mujeres en las disciplinas científicas y en la tecnología ha sido inferior a la de los varones, su número no es tan pequeño como se suele afirmar. Uno de los objetivos principales de este trabajo es mostrar las importantes contribuciones que las mujeres han hecho a la ciencia, así como los problemas que han tenido para ser reconocidas. Por último, se ha elaborado una propuesta didáctica con la que se pretende introducir a las mujeres científicas en el aula.Grado en Educación Primari

    Unbiased Rounding for HUB Floating-point Addition

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    Copyright (c) 2018 IEEE doi:10.1109/TC.2018.2807429Half-Unit-Biased (HUB) is an emerging format based on shifting the represented numbers by half Unit in the Last Place. This format simplifies two’s complement and roundto- nearest operations by preventing any carry propagation. This saves power consumption, time and area. Taking into account that the IEEE floating-point standard uses an unbiased rounding as the default mode, this feature is also desirable for HUB approaches. In this paper, we study the unbiased rounding for HUB floating-point addition in both as standalone operation and within FMA. We show two different alternatives to eliminate the bias when rounding the sum results, either partially or totally. We also present an error analysis and the implementation results of the proposed architectures to help the designers to decide what their best option are.TIN2013-42253-P, TIN2016-80920-R, JA2012P12-TIC-169

    Fast HUB Floating-point Adder for FPGA

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    Several previous publications have shown the area and delay reduction when implementing real number computation using HUB formats for both floating-point and fixed-point. In this paper, we present a HUB floating-point adder for FPGA which greatly improves the speed of previous proposed HUB designs for these devices. Our architecture is based on the double path technique which reduces the execution time since each path works in parallel. We also deal with the implementation of unbiased rounding in the proposed adder. Experimental results are presented showing the goodness of the new HUB adder for FPGA.TIN2016- 80920-R, JA2012 P12-TIC-1692, JA2012 P12-TIC-147

    Violencia intergrupal vs interpersonal: Evidencias de lesiones traumáticas en el occidente europeo del VI al III milenio a.C

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    [ES] La violencia ha sido considerada uno de los grandes ejes que explican el devenir de la humanidad desde los comienzos de la ciencia historiográfica. Nos repele y nos atrae, deseamos olvidarla pero no debemos dejar que caiga en el olvido, aparenta estar ligada a momentos históricos concretos pero atraviesa nuestro día a día… Quizás por estas razones la violencia, en todas sus posibles manifestaciones, lejos de ser un tema obsoleto, continúa teniendo un gran potencial como cuestión historiográfica, tal y como muestran las investigaciones que conforman este libro. De la mano de diferentes especialistas, y en un recorrido que va desde la Prehistoria hasta la Edad Contemporánea, este volumen colectivo analiza las violencias históricas desde la antropología física, la historia militar, la iconografía, o la historia de la infancia entre otros puntos de vista. Guerras, conflictos políticos y religiosos y sus significados simbólicos, o la violencia como espectáculo son algunas de las cuestiones que abordan sus páginas. Si bien existen pocos temas que hayan sido más estudiados por la historiografía que la violencia, este libro, fruto del Congreso Internacional La Violencia en la Historia, celebrado en la Universidad de Salamanca en octubre de 2019, es una muestra de que las preguntas históricas nunca se agotan y de que las violencias pasadas deben seguir siendo revisitadas desde nuevos enfoques

    New Results on Non-normalized Floating-point Formats

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    Compulsory normalization of the represented numbers is a key requirement of the floating-point standard. This requirement contributes to fundamental characteristics of the standard, such as taking the most of the precision available, reproducibility and facilitation of comparison and other operations. However, it also imposes a high restriction in effectiveness of basic arithmetic operation implementation. In many embedded applications may be worth to sacrifice the benefits of normalization for gaining in implementation metrics. This paper analyzes and measures the effect of removing the normalization requirement in terms of precision and implementation savings for embedded applications. We propose several adder and multiplier architectures to deal with non-normalized floating-point numbers, and quantify the accuracy loss and the improvements in hardware implementation. Our experiments show that it is possible to reduce the area and power consumption up to 78% in ASIC and 50% in FPGA implementations with a reasonable accuracy loss.TIN2016-80920-R, JA2012 P12-TIC-1692, JA2012 P12-TIC-147

    Spirituality in Patients at the End of Life—Is It Necessary? A Qualitative Approach to the Protagonists

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    Spirituality is the most unknown aspect of palliative care despite being the need that is most altered in the last moments of life. Objective. To identify on the one hand the spiritual needs of patients who are at the end of life and on the other hand, the way in which nursing professionals can work to provide effective accompaniment in this process. Method. A qualitative study was conducted which applied different data collection techniques. This was done to describe the phenomenon from a holistic perspective in relation to experts’ perceptions of the competencies required by health professionals and palliative patients’ spiritual needs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted within both populations. In order to analyze the qualitative data collected through interviews, discourse was analyzed according to the Taylor–Bodgan model and processed using Atlas.ti software. Results. Three well-differentiated lines of argument are extracted from the discourse in each of the groups, on the one hand in the group of patients they define the concept of spirituality, system of values and beliefs, and the Factors that influence the spirituality of patients at the end of life (differentiating palliative care areas/other areas) and on the other, the professionals agree with the patients in the line of argument of concept of spirituality although they define more metaphysical categories and the other two lines of argument that result are the spiritual attention in this process and the need for formation in spirituality. Conclusions. The provision of spiritual care gives meaning to the actions of nursing professionals when it comes to providing end-of-life care, achieving holistic care, humanizing death, and promoting a dignified en

    Quality of life of a person with Parkinson's disease and the relationship between the time of evolution and the severity of the disease

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    A doença de Parkinson pode ser incapacitante e prejudicar a qualidade de vida de seus portadores. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com Parkinson e identificar relações com o tempo de evolução e gravidade da doença. Os dados foram coletados na cidade de Maringá, PR, Brasil, com 40 indivíduos cadastrados na Associação Maringaense de Parkinson, por meio da aplicação de três instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico, escala de Hoenh e Yahr e PDQ-39. De acordo com o PDQ-39, os homens referiram pior qualidade de vida, embora sem diferenças estatísticas entre os sexos. Diferenças foram observadas apenas na dimensão "atividades de vida diária" e "apoio social", com os homens apresentando maior acometimento e "bem-estar emocional" e "desconforto corporal", com maior comprometimento entre as mulheres. Por outro lado, a gravidade da doença apresentou tendência a pior percepção na qualidade de vida nas dimensões atividades de vida diária e cognição, pontos relevantes para melhor orientação clínica e intervenção.La enfermedad de Parkinson puede llegar a ser incapacitante y afectar a la calidad de vida de los pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad de vida de las personas con Parkinson e identificar las relaciones con el transcurso del tiempo y la gravedad de la enfermedad. Los datos fueron recogidos en la ciudad de Maringá-PR-Brasil, con 40 personas indexadas en la "Associação Maringaense de Parkinson", a través de la aplicación de tres instrumentos: cuestionario sociodemográfico, escala de Hoenh e Yahr y PDQ-39. De acuerdo con el PDQ-39, los hombres reportaron peor calidad de vida, aunque no hubo diferencias estadísticas entre los sexos. Las diferencias apenas se observaron en la dimensión "actividades de vida diaria" y "apoyo social", con los hombres presentando una mayor participación y "bienestar emocional" e "incomodidad física" con una más grave entre las mujeres. Por otra parte, la gravedad de la enfermedad mostró una tendencia a empeorar la percepción en la calidad de vida en las dimensiones de las actividades de la vida diaria y cognición, puntos importantes para una mejor orientación e intervención clínica.Parkinson's disease can cause disability and decrease the quality of life in its sufferers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of a group of people with Parkinson's disease and whether a relationship exists between time of evolution and severity of the disease. Secondary analysis was carried out on transversal data collected from 40 individuals with Parkinson's disease registered in the Parkinson's Association of Maringá, in Maringá-PR-Brazil. Measures: three instruments were applied: a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Hoenh and Yahr Scale and the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39). According to PDQ-39, men referred to a lower quality of life, although, statistically, there was no significant difference between the two genders. Differences were only observed in the dimensions of "activities of daily living" and "social support", in which men presented higher impairment, and "emotions" and "bodily discomfort", where women showed higher impairment. Furthermore, severity of disease tended to lead to a perception of lower quality of life regarding the dimensions of "activities of daily living" and "cognition", which is relevant to improve clinical guidance and intervention

    Boosting Backward Search Throughput for FM-Index Using a Compressed Encoding

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    The rapid development of DNA sequencing technologies has demanded for com- pressed data structures supporting fast pattern matching queries. FM-index is a widely-used compressed data structure that also supports fast pattern matching queries. It is common for the exact matching algorithm to be memory bound, resulting in poor performance. Searching several symbols in a single step improves data locality, although the memory bandwidth requirements remains the same. We propose a new data-layout of FM-index, called Split bit-vector, that compacts all data needed to search k symbols in a single step (k-step), reducing both memory movement and computing requirements at the cost of increasing memory footprint.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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